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SMS for Tuesday 07 JULY 2009

SMS for Tuesday 07 JULY 2009

* I JUST want to talk about this drug trade in Namibia. It’s uncontrollable and we the nation must work together so that these people can be caught. How many Angolans have been arrested in a short time at our airports and borders and how long has that been going on? I want the Police also to try and control the cars they are importing here from other countries. There might also be cocaine there. Port of Walvis Bay be aware. Walvis Bay is a drug capital. And Walvis Bay Police please apprehend these drug lords at the coast. We are sick and tired of them!
– Die Skim, Walvis Bay

Food For Thought
* OFTENTIMES we forget to count our blessings. As young people we have many challenges, but we have also many opportunities. I want to say thank you for the opportunity to live a free and independent Namibia; thank you to NamPol and NDF for recruiting thousands of young people; thank you NWR, NamWater, NamPower, MTC, Cell One and other companies for being youth friendly and recruiting young people. Above all, thank you to the Swapo Party and its Government for having created a conducive environment for peace, stability and national reconciliation to prevail. It helps for us all to say thank you even for the freedom to send an SMS to The Namibian newspaper. Thank you very much. – Elijah Ngurare, Oshikuku* YOUR article on the Windhoek Municipality refers. At Independence, my municipality bill was N$190 and we were two adults and two kids in the house. Today the bill is N$2 280 with only two people in the house. In other words the account increased 13 fold in 19 years. Nothing else has increased that much.Bouquets And Brickbats
* PLEASE publish the names of the idiots who cut off dogs’ ears! We will do the same to them!* I WENT on the Desert Express this weekend and the service there is out of the ordinary. The staff are so friendly and the manager makes you feel like you are at home. Keep up the good work.* THANKS to Minister Jerry Ekandjo for the idea you motivated in Parliament, by saying that the State will service the land in order to help the poor to acquire the land. You heard the voice of the voiceless.- Michael, Wanaheda* I HAVE been watching this new high rise building next to the Sanlam building. Safety is a high priority as all workers are dressed in the correct protective clothing and fitted with fall arrest harnesses. The scaffold is the best I have seen in a long time. I salute the construction company management for making safety such a high priority. The Chinese can learn a lot there.* THE delivery service of Cymot Tal Street is brilliant. Thank you for your prompt service. – Northern Industrial client* THANK you T Hengari (Friday July 3) on your opinion writing on the next Albert Einstein of Africa. It’s not impossible if only our leaders start to listen to the ideals of its citizens.* TOBIE Aupindi has been a blessing to private lodges around Etosha. With ridiculous prices and bad service within Etosha more and more tourists stay outside the park. The financial situation presently of NWR, as reported in your newspaper, was already predicted by many the same day as prices for accommodation in Etosha went through the roof! What a turnaround!* TO the stupid idiot who fired four shots into the sky in the Academia area on Friday night, just to inform you that one of those bullets pierced through our roof at the Golf Estate entering my son’s bedroom, which could have killed him! Please be more responsible with your firearm! – Angry mother* I DON’T understand why we have to buy a DVD showing the late King of Pop ( Michael Jackson) at N$170. Can’t the NBC be generous enough to televise this for free? * I WANT NBC-TV to explain to me what message they want to achieve by showing such a sad film on Sunday (July 5) after 20h30.- Katamile* MTC please avoid the wolf in a sheep’s skin strategies. You entice us with offers only to realise the normal calling hours’ rates are extremely inflated. We are learning anyway. In future I will not rush for your ads.* I FAIL to understand why some articles in The Namibian newspaper are being published in Oshiwambo. Is it because it is the president’s language or what? We are also Namibians so we would also love to see articles being published in our languages otherwise just publish the whole paper in English which is an official language please!- M TopnaarDam For Sale
* NWR vs Von Bach. To the accountant concerned about Tobie`s answer on owning assets. The guy need to raise money for the enterprise he is running. Do you know what the bank’s definition of collateral is? You are the accountant. – Lesley GarisebSeal Culling
* IT is not necessary to club seals nor is it humane. Some are even alive when skinned! Humane!* EXCUSE me, but it’s not seals reducing the fish population! It’s humans! It’s about time people took population control more seriously.* YES, I fully support seal hunting. If seals numbers increase uncontrollably they will deplete fish stocks and themselves starve to death.Off The Rails
* THE CEO of TransNamib who bought those white elephants must pay. Investigate and let us know who wasted N$36 million or is it okay? From The House
* I WAS shocked, to hear parliamentarians discussing rapists being castrated. In fact, point 1. It’s inhuman. 2. It`s not logic as a solution to rape. Castration means the removal of testes or ovaries. Sexual desire is not removed meaning you can erect and have sex and release secretion from the accessory sex glands ( namely: seminal vesicles, prostate, urethral, and bulbo urethral glands) without spermatozoa, which means you can’t have a baby. Point of information; even if you castrate a man, he can still have sex by agreement or force. – Alfeus Iipinge* IF you decided to castrate men who raped women what punishment are you going to impose on women who are doing prostitution and dressing half-naked every day in this country. They are killing our people as well as our investors. They are giving a bad image to our country and are a negative influence on our kids.- UwesRunning The Show
* PLEASE Ministry of Justice, we are tired of working as contract workers. It has been two years but nothing happens. We also want to be permanent like all the others. Please do something. * I WANT the Ministry of Education to give clarity on the following question. Can a school principal or for that matter a school management do alterations on a Government building without an approved municipal building plan or ministerial approval? – Just Asking* COULD the Ministry of Information tell the nation about what happened with the Government Information Bulletin. I know for sure that that newsletter has now become a white elephant – that’s a clear testimony of how most Government programmes of that nature die. In And From The Regions
* PLEASE Municipality of Walvis Bay, could you please renovate and paint your houses. If not, sell them at affordable prices.* [NAME supplied] employees at Oshikango are encouraging cellphone theft in the town. They re-connect the stolen cell phones that have been cut off air by MTC. Is that legal?* MINISTRY of Education Oshana, when are we going to get the reduction on our house instalment? The Bank of Namibia announced last December a reduction and consequently thereafter! We submitted the relevant documents but nothing.* PLEASE Edgars and Identity, consider opening up your stores in Oshakati. We are tired of travelling to Windhoek every three months for shopping.- Your Customer* WE want answers from our council, so ACC help us. We want to know why the road from Okankolo to Onkumbula was changed to Onyuulaye? We don’t have a clinic. Our grandparents walk 30 km to be assisted with medical help. Why are villages not counted when we talk about development in our country?
City Fathers Please
* PLEASE The Namibian, let’s stop this behaviour of the Windhoek Municipality selling plots on auction. That’s uncalled for because the rich exploit this chance while the poor get nothing and become poorer. Together we can make it stopping this injustice of capitalism. – Mwanyekange* HOW can City Council members appr
ove a budget to entertain and cloth themselves, while our elders die of hunger in Katutura. Shame on you Matheus Shikongo as leader of the council. * I AM shocked, stunned, amazed and totally horrified to read about the Windhoek Municipality budget. Is it possible that they can actually get away with such a self-centred budget. I hope that something is done about it and they are taken to task. * HOW on earth can the City of Windhoek spend N$1,4 million on festivities and entertainment while they repossess poor people’s houses for not paying rates?- Brian * WHO is the Municipality? Why can’t we put solar energy in our houses than pay for expensive electricity?* PLEASE help us residents of Havana. We have problems. Every time in Havana you hear gunshots even during the day. What about the Namibian Police and City Police? There are a lot of Policemen and NDF who are also staying there. Please I would like to ask Tate Shikongo and councillors to help us. We are sick and tired of losing our relatives, neighbours and our nation who have been killed.Politics * THE SPYL announcement to put a list of people to occupy top Government positions is a direct challenge to the Office of the Ombudsman. Can the Ombudsman please pronounce itself on this issue.* ELIJAH Ngurare of SPYL, stop insulting the intelligence of the Namibian people (cadres to pay for slander cases). Just stop it!* IT is indeed shameful that the SPYL is trying to solicit funds to bail out a member sued by another member. It is evident that there is a leadership crisis.- Jack* I SUGGEST Dr Ngurare should revisit his campaign to raise money for someone who knew what he said and he earns money every month. Instead, there are unemployed youth and sick Namibians out there who need capital to start a business and for medical assistance.- Alex* SO Gwen Lister is listed by SPYL as an approved (by them) ‘possible minister candidate’ because of her ‘loyalty to the Swapo Party manifesto’! Will she see that as an honour or an insult? This was the funniest SPYL declaration this year!
* TO Mr Ngurare and the SPYL, taking a swipe at the judge and criticising the judiciary shows your disregard for the independence of the judiciary as enshrined in the supreme law of the Republic. A summons was served personally on Veikko Nekundi, but due to motives only known to himself (and possibly the SPYL) he opted not to defend the lawsuit. So you had this coming your way. Stop crying those crocodile tears now. Your constitutional rights to freedom of speech and expression ends where the next citizen`s begins, that’s why we have these terms ‘slander & libel’. Don’t expect to be making irresponsible, uncalled for and unsubstantiated utterings and statements scot free.Health Matters
*CENTRAL Hospital management please investigate the cause of sickness of mostly female cleaners. Most are suffering from asthma-related illnesses. * THE only mental hospital in Namibia is in a sorry state. There has been no warm water for patients for five years now, safety rooms for patients have been broken for seven years now, sleeping rooms for patients’ windows have been out for two years now, windows at nurses’ posts have been broken for two years now. And if the poor staff raise these concerns they are told there are no funds. However funds are available to surround WCH with steel. Please Minister Kamwi revisit your priorities, because you have them wrong. We don`t want what happened in Oshakati to repeat itself. May the soul of Mr Njundo rest in peace. Rest In Peace MJ * THE person who advertised the Michael Jackson DVD on NBC Television is not well informed. ‘Wacko Jacko’ is offensive and used by those who disrespected him. No!General
*THE ICC represents hope for victims of atrocities and sends a message that no one is above the law.* GOVERNOR of the Bank of Namibia, if banks don’t reduce rates by year end simply withdraw their banking licenses. They are milking us dry to the bone.
* WHY is it that so many trucks and buses are collecting and dropping tourists off at the Chief Hosea Kutako Airport. Is the Ministry of Finance getting the revenue for these tours that are conducted in Namibia by these foreign companies and non-Namibian tour guides and drivers? It is also noteworthy to notice how many foreign registered vehicles is parked for rental at the car rental yards at the airports.* WHAT is the offering money that church members give on Sundays at Elcin churches being used for if small community congregations are left to struggle looking for donations to construct their own church buildings? Elcin head office must provide an answer. * THERE are three to four guys going around in a grey Corolla taxi (registration number supplied). They are targeting ATMs, telling you to press something. Be careful.* MOST of the food prices have been dropped but the price of rice and mielie meal, especially Top Score, are still rocketing. When will they be dropped like other staple foods?Road Hogs * TO the people in the Maroon Rav4, early 1990s model, who drove through Kuiseb Avenue, Langstrand, on Sunday night after 19h00 and threw a bottle out of their window, splattering glass everywhere, our children and animals, who we love, walk there! If you can’t respect other people’s property stay away! Service Please
* MTC Swakop we can all read. Please put a note on the door that reads ‘MMS settings only from next week’. It’s so useless to stand in the queue for 30 minutes and be told, ‘sorry no settings this week please come back next week’. * NAMPOST at Opuwo, improve your service, only one teller working. Imagine elders standing in the queue for the whole day. Postmaster give us feedback please.- Concerned citizen* KWASA Kwasa Bar, please keep your toilet rooms clean at all time. It shows no respect for your customers. We still like your bar anyhow. – Mr Hygiene* JUST to support the frustrated client of Standard Bank credit, it took me from October 2008 until April 2009 to get a replacement card.Education* ARTICLE 20(4) of the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia provides that all persons shall have the right, at their own expense, to establish and maintain private schools, or colleges or other institutions of tertiary education provided that : …(b) the standards maintained by such schools, colleges or institutions of tertiary education are not inferior to the standards maintained in schools, colleges or institutions of tertiary education funded by the State. With a provision such as this, one would reasonably expect that the GRN and in particular the Ministry of Education would have a mechanism in place through which the adherence to this very important constitutional provision is enforced. However, this is not the case. I was shocked to hear an official at the Ministry of Education say that they do not have inspectors for private schools to ensure adherence to the law. This followed an inquiry after finding that at Constantia Private School in Windhoek, children are taught in social studies that before a law comes into existence in is signed by the Administrator General. They are also taught that the Cabinet only consists of two ministries. These are only two of many glaring inaccuracies. I personally find that to teach or rather to mislead children in this way undermines the Independence of this country, especially given that the concept of an Administrator General is a colonial one and does not exist any more. We now have a president of the Republic of Namibia. Surely I am not wrong to find that the Ministry of Education and the GRN has failed the nation in failing to enforce the law regarding private schools?Lost And Found
* I LOST my car keys in the vicinity of the Namdeb building. Key is attached to a light reddish leather bag with the VW (Volks Wagen) sign on it. If anyone picked it up, kindly contact me on 2043444. Much appreciated.* MR Ruben Gaingob, please contact me on 081-249-5715 for your found drivers licence.

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