SMSes of the Day : Wednesday

SMSes of the Day : Wednesday

* KREEF free for all so what! They are dying and will be eaten by birds if people don’t take them or would the Ministry of Fisheries prefer to have the coastline stinking of rotting marine life? Let’s see some common sense here. This is nature at work – it’s happened many times before and it will happen again. Ask any Swakopmunder.

* JERRY Ekandjo and Mr Riruako, I am a German-speaking, 26-year-old Namibian lady. Clearly and sadly you guys are of old stock and I see and feel your hatred towards the whites. I also see you are making up the past now, so it could benefit your pockets or so you hope. Genocide you must look up in the dictionary; it might help you if there is help for the likes of you. * WATCHING Members of Parliament on television is like watching drunk people arguing at a local shebeen. Even school children are better disciplined during debates. Please honourable leaders grow up, especially the CoD lady. NBC should stop broadcasting these embarrassing debates. Remember there are foreigners watching!!Food for thought* CAN one of the writers on the Ramatex closure please make it clear to the nation that people who should be punished are not the foreigner investors, but those greedy and blind top Namibian officials, who sell our resources to foreigners. – Makoma Shiningombwa* TIME has come for Government, in particular the ministries, to have open-door policies: they must start listening and take advice from the nation, the opposition parties and civil society. What happened to Ramatex could hardly have come as a shock, considering that the authorities had for years ignored warnings from civil society and others.Thank you* THE International Women’s Day Celebration at the Country Club on 8th March 2008 was indeed a memorable occasion for all Women and Men of Substance! Well done Ms !Hurihes. You did us all proud. You have laid a solid foundation for Namibia to feature prominently on the International Women’s Forum. Let the sky be the limit. – Daes, Omaheke* THUMBS up to the Ministry of Education, which is at least worried about their image. It seems all other ministries are either not reading this newspaper or are ignoring the nation’s pleas. They should take note that the electorate is reading The Namibian.NSHR and its mandate* THE Swapo Government does not want the truth to be spoken. All those who called in to Monday night’s Talk of the Nation (NBC) show were against the NSHR, which is very wrong. NSHR, keep up the good work, no matter what they say. – Aziz* HI Phil (ya Nangoloh), you should be proud to be attacked like this. Fabricating such a biased show clearly indicates how scared they are of the NSHR.* PLEASE, this nation needs someone who is neutral to lead the human rights organisation, because the objectives of this body are good, but are not advocated fully.* MR Phil ya Nangoloh really knows his position; it is the interest of those who are sidelined by Swapo. I know that you will not like him because he reveals your bad activities.* MR ya Nangoloh, you have disappointed me on Talk of the Nation. The way you normally write and talk, I thought you are sharp and clever enough to defend yourself. Instead of explaining your position you were just interrupting others. – MeKuye* WHY did the presenter of Talk of the Nation not allow Mr ya Nangoloh to respond to questions posed to him? Also why didn’t he ask Kazenambo Kazenambo and Pendukeni Ithana to give us details of Mr ya Nangoloh insulting people as some of them were doing.* NSHR, please keep up the good work you are doing, no matter what they say. We are behind you. Do what you have to do, you are doing a good job. – Abdul* WHY were lines only opened to people who attacked Mr Ya Nangoloh? Was the NBC bribed? * IT was disappointing to observe how clearly prejudiced the presenter of Talk of the Nation show was on Monday evening. It was all too evident that he had his own fight on with Mr ya Nangoloh. Shame on you.* LISTENING to and watching Talk of the Nation, one could not help but advised Mr ya Nangoloh to quit or dissolve his human rights body. He has totally lost it.* THANK you Mr Kazenambo for at least admitting as a Swapo MP that there are economic injustices committed against the Namibian people, which the NSHR is not publicising.* A HUMAN rights organisation that dances to the tune of Government is a mockery. A human rights organisation that keeps Government on its toes is worthy of the name. Thank God in Namibia the NSHR is such an organisation.* ANY civil society that respects itself should be autonomous and not open to manipulation to advance certain agendas, have democratic structures, be accountable, transparent, durable and concerned with victims. The Legal Assistance Centre (LAC) can be credited as a genuine NGO but not the NSHR. Its foundations are revengeful and its tactics are based on the notion of striking the shepherd to scatter the herd. Mr ya Nangoloh should resign.Kanime’s suspension* SO, the purge is on and if the election head and his deputies are suspended, will elections ever be free? An intervention is needed from the Government or are election officials suspended because they cannot follow the party line – just asking?* DIRECTOR of Elections Philemon Kanime should have been replaced a long time ago. Now that Swapo sees that danger lights flickering, they are covering their backs. – LG* YES, it was a big blunder that warranted a suspension, but to many this will go down as victimisation for not satisfying or obeying your masters. How many blunders have we witnessed under Mr Kanime, yet no questions were raised eg. voters cards dumped in a riverbed, results being announced before the final count, etc.* THE dismissal of Kanime means one thing: Swapo wants to rig the elections. Shame on (Victor) Tonchi and Swapo.* KANIME must be reinstated immediately. His suspension is part of Swapo’s intimidation campaign countrywide against all Government employees who are seen to be acting out of line.From the regions* WHEN drought was an issue, no one seemed too concerned because it did not affect certain regions. At least God tested the fairness of our Government and brought the floods to the North. Suddenly the Government responded swiftly by requesting donations and with offers of help. So our leaders: be fair in all situations and not only when the North seems to be in trouble. Let’s be fair and God will be fair to all.* MINISTER Richard Kamwi advises the people in remote areas not to use bushes when relieving themselves. Mr Kamwi, despite Independence not all of us have access to modern facilities like you.* TEACHERS at Okolongo Senior Secondary School in the Omusati Region are [allegedly] involved in love affairs with learners. Both female and male teachers are involved. Also teachers are subjecting learners to extreme forms corporal punishment. Authorities are aware of these practices but nothing is done.* THE Police at Tses: can you please stop telling us that you can’t waste Government petrol by going out to nearby farms to take statements and arrest suspects. Is this how we are fighting crime in Namibia?* ALL the best to Young Beauties FC. You guys really played well against Black Africa, which is a premier league team. You just wasted your chances. – MK, Windhoek* PRESIDENT Hifikepunye Pohamba, we (southerners) certainly deserve nothing but the best. You do not mention facts such as the huge contribution the Karas Region makes towards the GDP. We have showed our continuous support towards you and your Government.* ABOUT Omuthiya becoming the capital of Oshikoto. Yes, this is because many ministers do have houses at Omuthiya and don’t forget that those are the people who will never be satisfied in life.* THE Ministry of Health in the Erongo Regional Office has done us, the recently qualified nurses, a great injustice. We are still unemployed after three months. This is while nurses in other regions have started work in their regions. What’s wrong with Erongo Region?* THE Mariental Municipality has stopped their frequent updates regarding dam levels, inflow and outflow of water from the Hardap Dam. Now Marientallers have to rely on the obvious manipulated information on the notice board at the Municipality and the extremely sporadic SMS messages that contain the same manipulated information. What are you hiding? Marientallers do not trust your abilities to make decisions for us and your decision to deny us access to information, which directly affects us, exacerbates our opinions about your incompetence.Education* CAN the Ministry of Education tell us if those teachers appointed recently in the Ohakafia Circuit are volunteers or Government paid teachers. I am asking this because some teachers were appointed way back in September last year but have so far not received their salaries. Can we please alleviate the suffering of these working teachers by remunerating them.* EDUCATION, what’s going on? The results of the remarked Grade 10 are still not known and time is running out for us to get placements at schools.* PLEASE, IOL should learn how to handle its customers, because they persistently fail to attend to our problems. You call them and you will be transferred several times from one person to the other until your credit runs out without any help. This shows me that they do not know who is dealing with what. Be serious.General* THE Police must also take in to consideration the circumstances of unmarried Police officials when transferring them. You cannot transfer a member who had a house full of furniture and then accommodate him in a single room. What will happen to their property?* THE research vessel Welwitschia is now at sea and conducting pilchard research. With whom? Perhaps with happy-faced scientists with all the benefits and sad-faced crew members with absolutely zero benefits. We have worked between seven to 14 years on board these vessels. Is the injustice we are subjected to allowed in Namibia?* EFFECTIVE and industrious is what is expected of a Police officer. Speaking English produces little. What is English anyway? We have too many civil servants who are very conversant in English but are mediocre, good-for-nothing salary seekers.* MINISTER Kamwi, I recently visited Walvis Bay Hospital over a weekend. When I arrived at the casualty ward, I found more than 20 people waiting for service. I tell you those two nurses on duty were really working under tremendous pressure, because they had to attend to everyone, the phone calls, they have to receive money and give receipts, do dressings, dispense medication, assist doctors, calling security to escort patients, etc. Really, give praise where it’s due. These angels of light really mean a lot to us! Not all nurses are rude! Without nurses, no hospital will function! Minister Kamwi increase the nurses salaries maybe then some attitudes will change. I left the hospital smiling. Keep up the good job. You guys were excellent, calm and efficient. There was no shouting, very calm atmosphere, thank you nurses.* PEOPLE complain about nurses’ attitude at State hospitals. Try a privately owned maternity ward in Windhoek and you will see that the only difference is hygiene and the state of the art equipment. I experienced the same service twice. I believe this problem should be addressed during training otherwise the profession will keep making headlines, for the wrong reasons of course!* NAMIBIA is rich in minerals, but all the mines are run by foreign-owned companies, who are exploiting the workers and enriching themselves before they run away. Government should stop granting mining licences to the foreign companies and start taking ownership of all the new mines in the country. Or is it illegal for a Government to run a mine? I hope that workers would be taken care of in Government mines. – J Peter* I WONDER how long it will really take for the Government to take a look at our salaries. Certain professions like artisans are being paid peanuts in comparison with the private companies. I suggest you take a look at your salary structures and adjust them accordingly. We even feel embarrassed to apply for a loan because they ask you how it is possible that you are earning this kind of money if you are a qualified artisan.* PLEASE Government, do something about poverty before it is too late and people take the law into their own hands.* WATCHING Members of Parliament on television is like watching drunk people arguing at a local shebeen. Even school children are better disciplined during debates. Please honourable leaders grow up, especially the CoD lady. NBC should stop broadcasting these embarrassing debates. Remember there are foreigners watching!! Food for thought * CAN one of the writers on the Ramatex closure please make it clear to the nation that people who should be punished are not the foreigner investors, but those greedy and blind top Namibian officials, who sell our resources to foreigners. – Makoma Shiningombwa * TIME has come for Government, in particular the ministries, to have open-door policies: they must start listening and take advice from the nation, the opposition parties and civil society. What happened to Ramatex could hardly have come as a shock, considering that the authorities had for years ignored warnings from civil society and others.Thank you * THE International Women’s Day Celebration at the Country Club on 8th March 2008 was indeed a memorable occasion for all Women and Men of Substance! Well done Ms !Hurihes. You did us all proud. You have laid a solid foundation for Namibia to feature prominently on the International Women’s Forum. Let the sky be the limit. – Daes, Omaheke * THUMBS up to the Ministry of Education, which is at least worried about their image. It seems all other ministries are either not reading this newspaper or are ignoring the nation’s pleas. They should take note that the electorate is reading The Namibian.NSHR and its mandate * THE Swapo Government does not want the truth to be spoken. All those who called in to Monday night’s Talk of the Nation (NBC) show were against the NSHR, which is very wrong. NSHR, keep up the good work, no matter what they say. – Aziz * HI Phil (ya Nangoloh), you should be proud to be attacked like this. Fabricating such a biased show clearly indicates how scared they are of the NSHR.* PLEASE, this nation needs someone who is neutral to lead the human rights organisation, because the objectives of this body are good, but are not advocated fully.* MR Phil ya Nangoloh really knows his position; it is the interest of those who are sidelined by Swapo. I know that you will not like him because he reveals your bad activities.* MR ya Nangoloh, you have disappointed me on Talk of the Nation. The way you normally write and talk, I thought you are sharp and clever enough to defend yourself. Instead of explaining your position you were just interrupting others. – MeKuye * WHY did the presenter of Talk of the Nation not allow Mr ya Nangoloh to respond to questions posed to him? Also why didn’t he ask Kazenambo Kazenambo and Pendukeni Ithana to give us details of Mr ya Nangoloh insulting people as some of them were doing.* NSHR, please keep up the good work you are doing, no matter what they say. We are behind you. Do what you have to do, you are doing a good job. – Abdul * WHY were lines only opened to people who attacked Mr Ya Nangoloh? Was the NBC bribed? * IT was disappointing to observe how clearly prejudiced the presenter of Talk of the Nation show was on Monday evening. It was all too evident that he had his own fight on with Mr ya Nangoloh. Shame on you.* LISTENING to and watching Talk of the Nation, one could not help but advised Mr ya Nangoloh to quit or dissolve his human rights body. He has totally lost it.* THANK you Mr Kazenambo for at least admitting as a Swapo MP that there are economic injustices committed against the Namibian people, which the NSHR is not publicising.* A HUMAN rights organisation that dances to the tune of Government is a mockery. A human rights organisation that keeps Government on its toes is worthy of the name. Thank God in Namibia the NSHR is such an organisation.* ANY civil society that respects itself should be autonomous and not open to manipulation to advance certain agendas, have democratic structures, be accountable, transparent, durable and concerned with victims. The Legal Assistance Centre (LAC) can be credited as a genuine NGO but not the NSHR. Its foundations are revengeful and its tactics are based on the notion of striking the shepherd to scatter the herd. Mr ya Nangoloh should resign.Kanime’s suspension * SO, the purge is on and if the election head and his deputies are suspended, will elections ever be free? An intervention is needed from the Government or are election officials suspended because they cannot follow the party line – just asking? * DIRECTOR of Elections Philemon Kanime should have been replaced a long time ago. Now that Swapo sees that danger lights flickering, they are covering their backs. – LG * YES, it was a big blunder that warranted a suspension, but to many this will go down as victimisation for not satisfying or obeying your masters. How many blunders have we witnessed under Mr Kanime, yet no questions were raised eg. voters cards dumped in a riverbed, results being announced before the final count, etc.* THE dismissal of Kanime means one thing: Swapo wants to rig the elections. Shame on (Victor) Tonchi and Swapo.* KANIME must be reinstated immediately. His suspension is part of Swapo’s intimidation campaign countrywide against all Government employees who are seen to be acting out of line.From the regions * WHEN drought was an issue, no one seemed too concerned because it did not affect certain regions. At least God tested the fairness of our Government and brought the floods to the North. Suddenly the Government responded swiftly by requesting donations and with offers of help. So our leaders: be fair in all situations and not only when the North seems to be in trouble. Let’s be fair and God will be fair to all.* MINISTER Richard Kamwi advises the people in remote areas not to use bushes when relieving themselves. Mr Kamwi, despite Independence not all of us have access to modern facilities like you.* TEACHERS at Okolongo Senior Secondary School in the Omusati Region are [allegedly] involved in love affairs with learners. Both female and male teachers are involved. Also teachers are subjecting learners to extreme forms corporal punishment. Authorities are aware of these practices but nothing is done.* THE Police at Tses: can you please stop telling us that you can’t waste Government petrol by going out to nearby farms to take statements and arrest suspects. Is this how we are fighting crime in Namibia? * ALL the best to Young Beauties FC. You guys really played well against Black Africa, which is a premier league team. You just wasted your chances. – MK, Windhoek * PRESIDENT Hifikepunye Pohamba, we (southerners) certainly deserve nothing but the best. You do not mention facts such as the huge contribution the Karas Region makes towards the GDP. We have showed our continuous support towards you and your Government.* ABOUT Omuthiya becoming the capital of Oshikoto. Yes, this is because many ministers do have houses at Omuthiya and don’t forget that those are the people who will never be satisfied in life.* THE Ministry of Health in the Erongo Regional Office has done us, the recently qualified nurses, a great injustice. We are still unemployed after three months. This is while nurses in other regions have started work in their regions. What’s wrong with Erongo Region? * THE Mariental Municipality has stopped their frequent updates regarding dam levels, inflow and outflow of water from the Hardap Dam. Now Marientallers have to rely on the obvious manipulated information on the notice board at the Municipality and the extremely sporadic SMS messages that contain the same manipulated information. What are you hiding? Marientallers do not trust your abilities to make decisions for us and your decision to deny us access to information, which directly affects us, exacerbates our opinions about your incompetence.Education * CAN the Ministry of Education tell us if those teachers appointed recently in the Ohakafia Circuit are volunteers or Government paid teachers. I am asking this because some teachers were appointed way back in September last year but have so far not received their salaries. Can we please alleviate the suffering of these working teachers by remunerating them.* EDUCATION, what’s going on? The results of the remarked Grade 10 are still not known and time is running out for us to get placements at schools.* PLEASE, IOL should learn how to handle its customers, because they persistently fail to attend to our problems. You call them and you will be transferred several times from one person to the other until your credit runs out without any help. This shows me that they do not know who is dealing with what. Be serious.General * THE Police must also take in to consideration the circumstances of unmarried Police officials when transferring them. You cannot transfer a member who had a house full of furniture and then accommodate him in a single room. What will happen to their property? * THE research vessel Welwitschia is now at sea and conducting pilchard research. With whom? Perhaps with happy-faced scientists with all the benefits and sad-faced crew members with absolutely zero benefits. We have worked between seven to 14 years on board these vessels. Is the injustice we are subjected to allowed in Namibia? * EFFECTIVE and industrious is what is expected of a Police officer. Speaking English produces little. What is English anyway? We have too many civil servants who are very conversant in English but are mediocre, good-for-nothing salary seekers.* MINISTER Kamwi, I recently visited Walvis Bay Hospital over a weekend. When I arrived at the casualty ward, I found more than 20 people waiting for service. I tell you those two nurses on duty were really working under tremendous pressure, because they had to attend to everyone, the phone calls, they have to receive money and give receipts, do dressings, dispense medication, assist doctors, calling security to escort patients, etc. Really, give praise where it’s due. These angels of light really mean a lot to us! Not all nurses are rude! Without nurses, no hospital will function! Minister Kamwi increase the nurses salaries maybe then some attitudes will change. I left the hospital smiling. Keep up the good job. You guys were excellent, calm and efficient. There was no shouting, very calm atmosphere, thank you nurses.* PEOPLE complain about nurses’ attitude at State hospitals. Try a privately owned maternity ward in Windhoek and you will see that the only difference is hygiene and the state of the art equipment. I experienced the same service twice. I believe this problem should be addressed during training otherwise the profession will keep making headlines, for the wrong reasons of course! * NAMIBIA is rich in minerals, but all the mines are run by foreign-owned companies, who are exploiting the workers and enriching themselves before they run away. Government should stop granting mining licences to the foreign companies and start taking ownership of all the new mines in the country. Or is it illegal for a Government to run a mine? I hope that workers would be taken care of in Government mines. – J Peter * I WONDER how long it will really take for the Government to take a look at our salaries. Certain professions like artisans are being paid peanuts in comparison with the private companies. I suggest you take a look at your salary structures and adjust them accordingly. We even feel embarrassed to apply for a loan because they ask you how it is possible that you are earning this kind of money if you are a qualified artisan.* PLEASE Government, do something about poverty before it is too late and people take the law into their own hands.

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