* IT is a jungle out there. It is survival of the fittest. Those who dare to rise above mediocrity and beyond the use of racism as an excuse for failures are those who will survive in this world.
* SAVE the nation. Can anyone tell me, what are the duties of supervisors in the GRN? Although I’m one of them seriously I don’t know my job. Why? I often find leave forms on my table, staff already gone without approval, made remarks end up in donkey ears. Attendance register only for on/off duty, what about in between? Overall what power especially with civilians do we have to enforce our work? Food For Thought* LET’S help our City Council to keep our Windhoek city clean. Let’s stop throwing papers in the streets. Thanks to the City Council for keeping our city clean. – Baloyi* MINISTER of Finance, does Namibia have foreign reserves? If yes, then why don’t you normally report on how well or bad it is doing when you table your budget? This info is for public consumption and I wonder why it’s wrapped under the blanket! – Concerned Citizen* IT is not only the beaches, have a look at our desert. I am a tour guide, I know. The uranium mines will destroy the desert, nuclear power will save the world. Save the planet.Politics* DEAR comrades and non-comrades! Colleagues, as a nation, let’s avoid civil war in our country, those of you elected in public office are there to lead the Namibian nation for development and not for enrichment. The political infighting happening in our country is egocentric and shows a lack of interest in the nation that elected you. Colleagues let’s not drag our nation into another Burundi or Kenya or Zimbabwe. As for (RDP’s Jesaya) Nyamu and colleagues, it’s a big shame that you are being used by your previous enemies to destroy the peace and stability that that you once fought and liberated for. You have lost your values in the society, and you are causing pain and agony to your families and friends.* [TRADE MINISTER] Mr Hage [Geingob]! Dying in Swapo must be your personal choice and don’t use it to persuade others. There is absolutely nothing wrong with somebody changing her/his political mind. Let us talk sense please.* THE tribal politics that are being talked about, is it only good if it is practised by the Omusati clique targeting the Ovandonga and Ovakwanyama or what is it all about?* PLEASE Swapo give us jobs. All you do is criticise other parties for nothing and keep on telling us to vote for you. But if you win, you end up ignoring us. All we need is jobs. I’m tired of living in this mess.* PLEASE Veikko Nekundi kick out yourself out of Swapo, don’t let somebody push you out! What a shame for insulting your own leaders! – NNSH, (Ontananga)Omuthiya* I JUST would like to hear from my ex-comrades from RDP as to how they feel about the Omuthiya election process. Were they fair? We in Swapo are happy? If they are not satisfied, they must make their voice heard. We in Swapo are prepared to improve, if they think there is a need, so that we can take all seven seats in all future elections. Viva Swapo. Viva tatekulu Pohamba. Viva tatekulu Nuyoma. Viva all peace-loving Namibians.* IS the Titanic on the way to sink or still sailing as usual? Is the wounded lion still strong or dying? The residents of Omuthiya have spoken.Congratulation! – Efraim Luaanda Omaalala* DEAR Editors! Let me pass through my happiness and thanks to the Omuthiya residents as they have shown that Swapo is here permanently to rule. – E Shuundeni, Walvis Bay* I CONGRATULATE my Swapo Party for the big margin victory in Omuthiya. Again this is a repeat that Swapo is a party for the nation.* CONGRATULATIONS to the people of the Oshikoto Region, those who are at Omuthiya. I thank you very much. You did well on September 26. Keep it up. I salute you, viva! Aluta continua.* CONGRATULATIONS RDP, a long journey starts with one step* THANK you RDP supporters for getting one seat at Omuthiya. Namibia is a democratic country. Swapo wasn’t willing for RDP to get any seats. – Shihepo, RDP BoneGeneral* SHIGWANA Penduka about your SMS on the September 29, we don’t need a Chinese Shop in Okahao, we have our own Kashanu, Chicco, Kambwa, Nuuyoma and many others. Leave us alone.* TAINTED milk, yeu! Maybe the bread in Oshakati is also tainted. Health inspectors please investigate. – Elias Konibertus* ACC is useless, failing the poor and only targeting small fishes, scared of so-called big fishes! Please close your doors.* AT the SAIMG that were held in Kimberley from 22 September 2008 we were so happy that we were going to witness history in the making by observing the unveiling of the statue of Sol Plaatjie only to discover that the family was against the whole issue and no unveiling was going to take place. Please Ms Editor is it possible to bring us this story and find out the story behind Sol Plaatjie. Please note that Kimberley is named Sol Plaatjie. I think he is a great historic figure. We just want to know. Hope to here something soon. – J Shitaleni, Okahandja MunicipalityYT* WHY is everybody against YT? People what happened was because of anger, which is not desired. Okay I understand YT is guilty because he killed. Apart from that nobody knows what caused YT to commit crime and suicide So let’s look at both sides. – NoxyEducation* MR Udjombala of Ministry of Ohangwena Region, we do not get good customer service from finances. Just imagine having to work out a salary increment for the 10th month and it is still pending.* IN the Oshana Region, some teachers who graduated in 2005 are earning salaries of N$9 952 per month, while those who completed in 2004 are earning N$8 600.Is that fair? Why are all the teachers in category T3B not just paid the same salaries if they have the minimum of five years’ teaching experience?* OSHANA Education Region! We need our S and Ts for the post Entrepreneurship (Grade 8 & 9) workshops that were conducted late in January & June.Bring our coins.* IS the Minister of Education aware that there are many Grade 10 part-time learners not writing the final exams because their admission for exams is printed incorrectly and the exams division does not want to change it? These learners are suffering due to the negligence and incompetence of staff who register them incorrectly. They been attending classes for the whole year which is wasted, please Minister intervene and fulfil your promises of education for all.Bouquets And Brickbats* THE Minister of Environment and Tourism must be congratulated on her progressive foresight into discouraging excessive development of our coast.* CONGRATULATIONS to China on the success of Shenzhou 7 manned space mission. On Sunday, September 28, at exactly 11h38 (Nam time), CCTV 9 beamed the landing of Shenzhou 7 back on mother earth. This happens five Sundays after the successful conclusion of the 29th summer Olympics in Beijing. China has now become the 3rd nation to conduct EVA! Premier Wen Jiabao on Sunday described the mission as a “giant leap in China’s space exploration programme”. This milestone, coming as it does, two days before the 59th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, projects a powerful reality that once China has come into your view, it is hard not to notice it everywhere. And so, we salute this great nation and say: welcome home, space heroes! Welcome home home, Shenzhou 7 – Harold E \\GuiobIn And From The Regions* I AM a concerned resident of Tses Village. Our council is currently been run by only two men, the chairman and the CEO, the others are left out. Is it how it is supposed to be? Can someone help please?* THE Tses Village Council is overcharging 70 per cent of the rent payers. We need the PS or the ACC to intervene. – Overcharged Resident.* I’M a member of the Anglican Church living at Okahandja, but here we haven’t had a church since those years. Please I appeal to the authorities of the Anglican Church to do something for us in Okahandja, because we used to gather under the tree, sitting on top of the stones. Please help us Bishop Tate Nakwatumba.* OTJIWARONGO Hospital: Are the security guards and cleaners at the State hospital allowed t
o go beyond the reception counter? Generally the state of the hospital is pathetic, needs a revamp and cleaners have to pull up their socks and work hard. – Concerned Citizen.* PLEASE bring a radio station and TV to Werda Gate. We want to enjoy them like others.Labour Issues* NAMIBIAN Airports Company in same mess as TransNamib, where is the GRN to intervene before a strike? Please hurry GRN before millions lost again.* NUNW shame on you. What kind of leadership do you have? You are embarrassing us with all your unfounded allegations. You are making yourselves fools. What do you want to achieve out of this? This is not comradeship but rather power hungry tactics practised by some individuals. Stop that now and stick to your basics. TransNamib, Ramatex, Diamond Polishing Co, NHE, just to mention a few workers, are roaming the streets. Some could not take full salaries home this month. What happened to your aims and objectives as a labour movement?* THE NUNW leadership must demonstrate maturity in addressing issues of national interest by dealing with one issue at a time. Their actions regarding the TransNamib strike cost the country millions, if there is mismanagement at TransNamib why don’t they hand over their evidence to the ACC, it’s their job. – Moyo* JA! If Air Namibia and TransNamib employees demand such high wages, what payment should the Nampol and NDF new recruits expect? They nearly want the whole budget of the country…* MY question to the Minister of Works and Transport is if TransNamib makes N$5 million a day, why can they not pay their salaries to workers? Why is Government bailing them out when they make a huge profit? Something is wrong, where is all the money? – Concerned Worker at TransNamibPlease Help* TO the person who stole my puppy at Hoogenhout Street, Walvis Bay on Saturday afternoon, can you please come and collect the following items belong to that puppy: a) dog shampoo b) Karbadust c) house for the dog or call me (former owner) at 081-285-4231 and I will bring it to you. I plead with you to keep the puppy clean and healthy.Sporting* SINCE the departure of Mr Haraseb, ‘Mr Discipline’, the development of football is dying. We don’t even get visitors like BA, Orlando Pirates, Civics and other big teams for off-season games. A job well done, Mr Haraseb, you and Mr Freyer almost brought our Great Karas to the football family. Wherever you are now, help that region. They will learn a lot from you. Take care and good luck.* MR Hendrik Davids, when will this fuss about the NFA, NPL and the Consortium be over? When is the league starting? We are hungry for Namibian soccer!Service Please* DEAR KFC manager, please why can’t you bring KFC closer to the people here at Ondangwa instead of having it at Olunkono complex. Onguta complex would be much better. More people are shopping at the CBD. – JacksonFood For Thought * LET’S help our City Council to keep our Windhoek city clean. Let’s stop throwing papers in the streets. Thanks to the City Council for keeping our city clean. – Baloyi * MINISTER of Finance, does Namibia have foreign reserves? If yes, then why don’t you normally report on how well or bad it is doing when you table your budget? This info is for public consumption and I wonder why it’s wrapped under the blanket! – Concerned Citizen * IT is not only the beaches, have a look at our desert. I am a tour guide, I know. The uranium mines will destroy the desert, nuclear power will save the world. Save the planet.Politics * DEAR comrades and non-comrades! Colleagues, as a nation, let’s avoid civil war in our country, those of you elected in public office are there to lead the Namibian nation for development and not for enrichment. The political infighting happening in our country is egocentric and shows a lack of interest in the nation that elected you. Colleagues let’s not drag our nation into another Burundi or Kenya or Zimbabwe. As for (RDP’s Jesaya) Nyamu and colleagues, it’s a big shame that you are being used by your previous enemies to destroy the peace and stability that that you once fought and liberated for. You have lost your values in the society, and you are causing pain and agony to your families and friends.* [TRADE MINISTER] Mr Hage [Geingob]! Dying in Swapo must be your personal choice and don’t use it to persuade others. There is absolutely nothing wrong with somebody changing her/his political mind. Let us talk sense please.* THE tribal politics that are being talked about, is it only good if it is practised by the Omusati clique targeting the Ovandonga and Ovakwanyama or what is it all about? * PLEASE Swapo give us jobs. All you do is criticise other parties for nothing and keep on telling us to vote for you. But if you win, you end up ignoring us. All we need is jobs. I’m tired of living in this mess.* PLEASE Veikko Nekundi kick out yourself out of Swapo, don’t let somebody push you out! What a shame for insulting your own leaders! – NNSH, (Ontananga) Omuthiya * I JUST would like to hear from my ex-comrades from RDP as to how they feel about the Omuthiya election process. Were they fair? We in Swapo are happy? If they are not satisfied, they must make their voice heard. We in Swapo are prepared to improve, if they think there is a need, so that we can take all seven seats in all future elections. Viva Swapo. Viva tatekulu Pohamba. Viva tatekulu Nuyoma. Viva all peace-loving Namibians.* IS the Titanic on the way to sink or still sailing as usual? Is the wounded lion still strong or dying? The residents of Omuthiya have spoken.Congratulation! – Efraim Luaanda Omaalala * DEAR Editors! Let me pass through my happiness and thanks to the Omuthiya residents as they have shown that Swapo is here permanently to rule. – E Shuundeni, Walvis Bay * I CONGRATULATE my Swapo Party for the big margin victory in Omuthiya. Again this is a repeat that Swapo is a party for the nation.* CONGRATULATIONS to the people of the Oshikoto Region, those who are at Omuthiya. I thank you very much. You did well on September 26. Keep it up. I salute you, viva! Aluta continua. * CONGRATULATIONS RDP, a long journey starts with one step * THANK you RDP supporters for getting one seat at Omuthiya. Namibia is a democratic country. Swapo wasn’t willing for RDP to get any seats. – Shihepo, RDP Bone General * SHIGWANA Penduka about your SMS on the September 29, we don’t need a Chinese Shop in Okahao, we have our own Kashanu, Chicco, Kambwa, Nuuyoma and many others. Leave us alone.* TAINTED milk, yeu! Maybe the bread in Oshakati is also tainted. Health inspectors please investigate. – Elias Konibertus * ACC is useless, failing the poor and only targeting small fishes, scared of so-called big fishes! Please close your doors.* AT the SAIMG that were held in Kimberley from 22 September 2008 we were so happy that we were going to witness history in the making by observing the unveiling of the statue of Sol Plaatjie only to discover that the family was against the whole issue and no unveiling was going to take place. Please Ms Editor is it possible to bring us this story and find out the story behind Sol Plaatjie. Please note that Kimberley is named Sol Plaatjie. I think he is a great historic figure. We just want to know. Hope to here something soon. – J Shitaleni, Okahandja Municipality YT * WHY is everybody against YT? People what happened was because of anger, which is not desired. Okay I understand YT is guilty because he killed. Apart from that nobody knows what caused YT to commit crime and suicide So let’s look at both sides. – Noxy Education * MR Udjombala of Ministry of Ohangwena Region, we do not get good customer service from finances. Just imagine having to work out a salary increment for the 10th month and it is still pending.* IN the Oshana Region, some teachers who graduated in 2005 are earning salaries of N$9 952 per month, while those who completed in 2004 are earning N$8 600.Is that fair? Why are all the teachers in category T3B not just paid the same salaries if they have the minimum of five years’ teaching experience? * OSHANA Education Region! We need our S and Ts for the post Entrepreneurship (Grade 8 & 9) workshops th
at were conducted late in January & June. Bring our coins.* IS the Minister of Education aware that there are many Grade 10 part-time learners not writing the final exams because their admission for exams is printed incorrectly and the exams division does not want to change it? These learners are suffering due to the negligence and incompetence of staff who register them incorrectly. They been attending classes for the whole year which is wasted, please Minister intervene and fulfil your promises of education for all.Bouquets And Brickbats * THE Minister of Environment and Tourism must be congratulated on her progressive foresight into discouraging excessive development of our coast.* CONGRATULATIONS to China on the success of Shenzhou 7 manned space mission. On Sunday, September 28, at exactly 11h38 (Nam time), CCTV 9 beamed the landing of Shenzhou 7 back on mother earth. This happens five Sundays after the successful conclusion of the 29th summer Olympics in Beijing. China has now become the 3rd nation to conduct EVA! Premier Wen Jiabao on Sunday described the mission as a “giant leap in China’s space exploration programme”. This milestone, coming as it does, two days before the 59th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, projects a powerful reality that once China has come into your view, it is hard not to notice it everywhere. And so, we salute this great nation and say: welcome home, space heroes! Welcome home home, Shenzhou 7 – Harold E \\Guiob In And From The Regions * I AM a concerned resident of Tses Village. Our council is currently been run by only two men, the chairman and the CEO, the others are left out. Is it how it is supposed to be? Can someone help please? * THE Tses Village Council is overcharging 70 per cent of the rent payers. We need the PS or the ACC to intervene. – Overcharged Resident.* I’M a member of the Anglican Church living at Okahandja, but here we haven’t had a church since those years. Please I appeal to the authorities of the Anglican Church to do something for us in Okahandja, because we used to gather under the tree, sitting on top of the stones. Please help us Bishop Tate Nakwatumba.* OTJIWARONGO Hospital: Are the security guards and cleaners at the State hospital allowed to go beyond the reception counter? Generally the state of the hospital is pathetic, needs a revamp and cleaners have to pull up their socks and work hard. – Concerned Citizen.* PLEASE bring a radio station and TV to Werda Gate. We want to enjoy them like others.Labour Issues * NAMIBIAN Airports Company in same mess as TransNamib, where is the GRN to intervene before a strike? Please hurry GRN before millions lost again.* NUNW shame on you. What kind of leadership do you have? You are embarrassing us with all your unfounded allegations. You are making yourselves fools. What do you want to achieve out of this? This is not comradeship but rather power hungry tactics practised by some individuals. Stop that now and stick to your basics. TransNamib, Ramatex, Diamond Polishing Co, NHE, just to mention a few workers, are roaming the streets. Some could not take full salaries home this month. What happened to your aims and objectives as a labour movement? * THE NUNW leadership must demonstrate maturity in addressing issues of national interest by dealing with one issue at a time. Their actions regarding the TransNamib strike cost the country millions, if there is mismanagement at TransNamib why don’t they hand over their evidence to the ACC, it’s their job. – Moyo * JA! If Air Namibia and TransNamib employees demand such high wages, what payment should the Nampol and NDF new recruits expect? They nearly want the whole budget of the country…* MY question to the Minister of Works and Transport is if TransNamib makes N$5 million a day, why can they not pay their salaries to workers? Why is Government bailing them out when they make a huge profit? Something is wrong, where is all the money? – Concerned Worker at TransNamib Please Help * TO the person who stole my puppy at Hoogenhout Street, Walvis Bay on Saturday afternoon, can you please come and collect the following items belong to that puppy: a) dog shampoo b) Karbadust c) house for the dog or call me (former owner) at 081-285-4231 and I will bring it to you. I plead with you to keep the puppy clean and healthy. Sporting * SINCE the departure of Mr Haraseb, ‘Mr Discipline’, the development of football is dying. We don’t even get visitors like BA, Orlando Pirates, Civics and other big teams for off-season games. A job well done, Mr Haraseb, you and Mr Freyer almost brought our Great Karas to the football family. Wherever you are now, help that region. They will learn a lot from you. Take care and good luck.* MR Hendrik Davids, when will this fuss about the NFA, NPL and the Consortium be over? When is the league starting? We are hungry for Namibian soccer! Service Please * DEAR KFC manager, please why can’t you bring KFC closer to the people here at Ondangwa instead of having it at Olunkono complex. Onguta complex would be much better. More people are shopping at the CBD. – Jackson
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