SMSes of Day : Monday

SMSes of Day : Monday

* I’M really tired of hearing about liberation struggle. Who did that and who did this. Can’t we for once hear about things like BIG, HIV, poverty. In fact with all the mines being open and with all the revenue going to the State, no one talks about how these developments will help the implementation and alleviation of the afore mentioned problems. This country is not all about politics and wanting to please certain group of politicians or tribes. The resources are ours, no apartheid regime or political party has brought along any wealth to Namibia. So stop politicising everything. Anyway most of you (politicians) are already rich. Right now you’re just busy creating an unequal and economically divided nation. And the bad thing is we the youth will be the ones to bear the consequences. By then you will be gone. -Oshiri

* ARE there any public toilets at Shoprite Katutura (Red Cross Centre)? I just wanted to know because I have not seen a single sign indicating a toilet there. If not, then the authorities should stop crying foul over public indecency, because what do you do when nature calls and your house is 500 hundred metres away. Food for thought* EVERY TIME a new mine or factory opens people get excited, thinking about economic growth, job creation and above all better living conditions for all Namibians. But the same people who own the mineral rights are the same people who own fishing quotas and the same people who got the loans to buy farms from Agribank. Now my question is, is this a really fair way by our Government to distribute wealth?* SELLING of airtime during working hours by Government employees does not mean they want to bring services closer to the people and by not carrying cellular phones at work. They are not prison officials who are not allowed to but simply because they cannot afford and they want to top up their pay to be able to buy bread – Mee SaaraPolitics in general* THE SMS of Friday must say ‘I’ and not ‘we’ don’t cherish Alfred T Hengari and Joseph Diescho’s statements. So who is losing out? Oshana Regional Council has, knowledge-wise, starved itself to death by rejecting Dr Diescho’s lecture. Those are (among the most) well-researched, intellectual, qualitative, balanced and professional analyses one can get in the entire world. If he or she regards them as empty talkers, he or she fits in Oshana Regional Council where independent thinking is taboo. If one does not want to smell it, don’t poke your nose in! Information is power.* PRESIDENT Pohamba, do not support President (Robert) Mugabe by boycotting the Portugal EU-Africa meeting. Can’t you see that the people of Zimbabwe are suffering? The sanctions against Mugabe and his close associates must be doubled. Mugabe should not be supported because his government is not even a legitimate one. – Iiyela Abiatar* WHEN will our leaders stop wasting our tax money and our time with these senseless arguments about who did what to who and why? Yes the struggle was hard and it was after all a war with people suffering on both sides. What we young people want to hear is how they will fight corruption, AIDS, poverty and unemployment! I think it’s high time for the old guard to step aside with their war, struggle, exile mentality, because we are sick of hearing it!* YOUNG leaders with a vision for the future and how to improve the lives of all Namibians are required today! We should stop living in the past and blame our problems on apartheid, the boers, imperialists, etc. It’s time to wake up and get real!* NOVEMBER 10: Confused Damara, it’s good that you really want your Damara flag back from UDF. But my question is why are you insecure about being a Damara under the so-called Damara flag – blue, white and green, which is also used by UDF. Remember there are also Damaras in UDF because of those three colours as you are in Swapo for two colours blue and green to feel a bit of being a Damara in Swapo or in DTA, Nudo, CoD or whatever political party. I am a Damara and proud to be and my political party is CoD. Come to the festival and get your peace of mind and the flag. – ShikoFrom the regions* WHAT is going on in the Swakopmund Regional and Local courts? No Damara interpreters, and Oshiwambo interpreters are struggling. I listen to a number of hearings and it’s real chaos, which has direct impact on Damara-Nama accused people’s right to a fair trial. Ministry of Justice please act now and Councillor //Khoaseb why is this happening right under your nose?* HELAO Nafidi town is a garbage paradise. Although their claims that the town is booming, dirt has thus far outrun development.* THE Caprivi Regional Council must be investigated. Why is it that 98 of its employees are (allegedly) from one tribe? In some instances, people who don’t have qualifications are the supervisors of those with diplomas and degrees. Is that not demoralising on its workforce? The human resources department must be investigated. Even developments such as rural electrification have been given to this tribe and this is depressing others. Our region will never develop as long as we still have monsters that are well trained in isolating others. – Elezo Zombie, Katima* RCC has destroyed our gravel road between Onayena and Okankolo and at the same time wasted public money and enriched themselves. Motorists are driving along the side of the gravel road. The renovation done this year was useless because they used poor quality sand. Seven accidents have so far been recorded since the ‘upgrade’ of the road. This road must be tarred as it was promised by Councillor Nekongo. He told us that this road is the only one in Oshikoto Region master plan to be tarred and this has so far not materialised. Don’t just promise, act!* ARE we living in an independent country or not? Let the Labour Commissioner sent out the labour inspectors to visit us at the farm in the Kunene Region known as the Grysblok in the Outjo area. They still call us “kaffers” and show no respect to their workers.* THE people of Snyfontein in the Karas Region stand up and fight for your rights. Why is the Governer silent about the needs of Snyfontein? He knows that this village is the only one in the south without electricity. At least give solar energy to this community. These people are well known in the election to you.* IT seems that some senior staff members in the civil service have become untouchables, especially at the Karas Regional Office of Education.* WHY shops at Namutoni and Halali shops so expensive or are they only catering for tourists? What about us poor Namibians?* WE, the people from Onamutene, Oshendje and Elombe in the Onayena constituency are sincerely asking comrade Max Nekongo to inform us about the pending supply of the power line from Iikokola, Onamutene to Oshendje and Elombe. It’s now a long time we have been waiting. We also want to live comfortably like the people from his side. All of us voted for you and not only the people from Oniihwa. – Eddy ZamarekGeneral* WHAT is going on with the NBC? In the past you could run to the TV to watch entertaining films like ‘Half & Half’ and ‘One on One’. Now all those films are gone, also kids’ films like ‘6teen’ and ‘Sesame Street’ and now there aren’t even holiday specials any more for the kids. NBC must do something about this and make NBC worth watching. We are losing our patience.* WE have a problem at the Donkerhoek (Katutura) clinic. Staff are very rude to the patients and babies are sent back home without being immunised. Do these staff have the health of the people at heart? If not, then the ministry has to get rid of these useless staff! – Ester, Windhoek* IT is now rainy season and schools will close soon, so unemployed youth and students from villages we must go back to help our parents. – Theophilus* AS a black Namibian I am shocked at those condoning Bantu Education. Namibians, beware this is National Christian education ideology at work.* I WAS shocked to read an article claiming that HIV reached USA via Haiti carried by a black person. Black people were already living as slaves in USA. Apes were delicacies way before th
e slave trade started. Why didn’t they contract the virus over there in the first place? Remember there re lots of coloured people in USA and there were no condoms used in 1800s. Slave masters had it with their maids. Did the virus only come to existence when it reached the US?* WE complain about too many acquittals – but is the Prosecutor General not being misled by some of her deputies who make decisions based purely on race and personal vendettas? How else does one explain the arraignment of a black Namibian on a charge of crimen injuria in the High Court? This is abuse of our justice system by a white deputy for the benefit of a white complainant. What happened to the undertaking to execute our duties without fear or favour?* ETUNDA Service station is very dirty. Enter the toilet area and you are not going to eat that day. You can wash your hands in the toilet but can’t close the tap with the hands. Please Father of the Nation reshuffle the management to bring about a change and hygiene.* COMMANDER Martin Shalli please come to our rescue at the 125 Battalion at Rooikop base in Walvis Bay. Our new Colonel Iiyambo is treating us inhumanely. He does not want to listen to our problems especially the breast-feeding mothers and pregnant women soldiers. He is running the unit with an iron fist. Please come in person so that you hear our plea.Keep it up* YOUR doggie page is so cute and thanks for the lovely photos! They are really our best friends. To dog owners in Namibia, love and look after your pets! You will be rewarded forever!Food for thought * EVERY TIME a new mine or factory opens people get excited, thinking about economic growth, job creation and above all better living conditions for all Namibians. But the same people who own the mineral rights are the same people who own fishing quotas and the same people who got the loans to buy farms from Agribank. Now my question is, is this a really fair way by our Government to distribute wealth? * SELLING of airtime during working hours by Government employees does not mean they want to bring services closer to the people and by not carrying cellular phones at work. They are not prison officials who are not allowed to but simply because they cannot afford and they want to top up their pay to be able to buy bread – Mee Saara Politics in general * THE SMS of Friday must say ‘I’ and not ‘we’ don’t cherish Alfred T Hengari and Joseph Diescho’s statements. So who is losing out? Oshana Regional Council has, knowledge-wise, starved itself to death by rejecting Dr Diescho’s lecture. Those are (among the most) well-researched, intellectual, qualitative, balanced and professional analyses one can get in the entire world. If he or she regards them as empty talkers, he or she fits in Oshana Regional Council where independent thinking is taboo. If one does not want to smell it, don’t poke your nose in! Information is power.* PRESIDENT Pohamba, do not support President (Robert) Mugabe by boycotting the Portugal EU-Africa meeting. Can’t you see that the people of Zimbabwe are suffering? The sanctions against Mugabe and his close associates must be doubled. Mugabe should not be supported because his government is not even a legitimate one. – Iiyela Abiatar * WHEN will our leaders stop wasting our tax money and our time with these senseless arguments about who did what to who and why? Yes the struggle was hard and it was after all a war with people suffering on both sides. What we young people want to hear is how they will fight corruption, AIDS, poverty and unemployment! I think it’s high time for the old guard to step aside with their war, struggle, exile mentality, because we are sick of hearing it! * YOUNG leaders with a vision for the future and how to improve the lives of all Namibians are required today! We should stop living in the past and blame our problems on apartheid, the boers, imperialists, etc. It’s time to wake up and get real! * NOVEMBER 10: Confused Damara, it’s good that you really want your Damara flag back from UDF. But my question is why are you insecure about being a Damara under the so-called Damara flag – blue, white and green, which is also used by UDF. Remember there are also Damaras in UDF because of those three colours as you are in Swapo for two colours blue and green to feel a bit of being a Damara in Swapo or in DTA, Nudo, CoD or whatever political party. I am a Damara and proud to be and my political party is CoD. Come to the festival and get your peace of mind and the flag. – Shiko From the regions * WHAT is going on in the Swakopmund Regional and Local courts? No Damara interpreters, and Oshiwambo interpreters are struggling. I listen to a number of hearings and it’s real chaos, which has direct impact on Damara-Nama accused people’s right to a fair trial. Ministry of Justice please act now and Councillor //Khoaseb why is this happening right under your nose? * HELAO Nafidi town is a garbage paradise. Although their claims that the town is booming, dirt has thus far outrun development.* THE Caprivi Regional Council must be investigated. Why is it that 98 of its employees are (allegedly) from one tribe? In some instances, people who don’t have qualifications are the supervisors of those with diplomas and degrees. Is that not demoralising on its workforce? The human resources department must be investigated. Even developments such as rural electrification have been given to this tribe and this is depressing others. Our region will never develop as long as we still have monsters that are well trained in isolating others. – Elezo Zombie, Katima * RCC has destroyed our gravel road between Onayena and Okankolo and at the same time wasted public money and enriched themselves. Motorists are driving along the side of the gravel road. The renovation done this year was useless because they used poor quality sand. Seven accidents have so far been recorded since the ‘upgrade’ of the road. This road must be tarred as it was promised by Councillor Nekongo. He told us that this road is the only one in Oshikoto Region master plan to be tarred and this has so far not materialised. Don’t just promise, act! * ARE we living in an independent country or not? Let the Labour Commissioner sent out the labour inspectors to visit us at the farm in the Kunene Region known as the Grysblok in the Outjo area. They still call us “kaffers” and show no respect to their workers.* THE people of Snyfontein in the Karas Region stand up and fight for your rights. Why is the Governer silent about the needs of Snyfontein? He knows that this village is the only one in the south without electricity. At least give solar energy to this community. These people are well known in the election to you.* IT seems that some senior staff members in the civil service have become untouchables, especially at the Karas Regional Office of Education.* WHY shops at Namutoni and Halali shops so expensive or are they only catering for tourists? What about us poor Namibians? * WE, the people from Onamutene, Oshendje and Elombe in the Onayena constituency are sincerely asking comrade Max Nekongo to inform us about the pending supply of the power line from Iikokola, Onamutene to Oshendje and Elombe. It’s now a long time we have been waiting. We also want to live comfortably like the people from his side. All of us voted for you and not only the people from Oniihwa. – Eddy Zamarek General * WHAT is going on with the NBC? In the past you could run to the TV to watch entertaining films like ‘Half & Half’ and ‘One on One’. Now all those films are gone, also kids’ films like ‘6teen’ and ‘Sesame Street’ and now there aren’t even holiday specials any more for the kids. NBC must do something about this and make NBC worth watching. We are losing our patience.* WE have a problem at the Donkerhoek (Katutura) clinic. Staff are very rude to the patients and babies are sent back home without being immunised. Do these staff have the health of the people at heart? If not, then the ministry has to get rid of these useless staff! – Ester, Windhoek * IT is now rainy season and schools will close soon, so unemployed youth and students from villages we
must go back to help our parents. – Theophilus * AS a black Namibian I am shocked at those condoning Bantu Education. Namibians, beware this is National Christian education ideology at work.* I WAS shocked to read an article claiming that HIV reached USA via Haiti carried by a black person. Black people were already living as slaves in USA. Apes were delicacies way before the slave trade started. Why didn’t they contract the virus over there in the first place? Remember there re lots of coloured people in USA and there were no condoms used in 1800s. Slave masters had it with their maids. Did the virus only come to existence when it reached the US? * WE complain about too many acquittals – but is the Prosecutor General not being misled by some of her deputies who make decisions based purely on race and personal vendettas? How else does one explain the arraignment of a black Namibian on a charge of crimen injuria in the High Court? This is abuse of our justice system by a white deputy for the benefit of a white complainant. What happened to the undertaking to execute our duties without fear or favour? * ETUNDA Service station is very dirty. Enter the toilet area and you are not going to eat that day. You can wash your hands in the toilet but can’t close the tap with the hands. Please Father of the Nation reshuffle the management to bring about a change and hygiene.* COMMANDER Martin Shalli please come to our rescue at the 125 Battalion at Rooikop base in Walvis Bay. Our new Colonel Iiyambo is treating us inhumanely. He does not want to listen to our problems especially the breast-feeding mothers and pregnant women soldiers. He is running the unit with an iron fist. Please come in person so that you hear our plea.Keep it up * YOUR doggie page is so cute and thanks for the lovely photos! They are really our best friends. To dog owners in Namibia, love and look after your pets! You will be rewarded forever!

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