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Smses for Mon 11 May 09

Smses for Mon 11 May 09

* HELLO Namibians? Why do most of us hate reading? Let’s start reading, read everything coming your way. Believe it or not, the more you read, the more info you get and develop the Land of the Brave.

* HELLO Namibians? Why do most of us hate reading? Let’s start reading, read everything coming your way. Believe it or not, the more you read, the more info you get and develop the Land of the Brave.

Food For Thought
* NAMIBIA is a country with a population of just close to two million people, but everywhere you go for service you find a queue long enough to frustrate you. – JV

Swine Flu
* BEING a student, confined to crowed places in libraries and classrooms, I’m worried about swine flu infection. Is there a place where masks are provided for free in order to start taking precautions? Thanks. – We’ll check on the masks. However, health officials worldwide say that even more important than masks is the need for people to wash their hands to help curb potential transmission. Please spread the message. Thanks. – News Editor

* FOR those complaining about Dr Sam Nujoma telling Dr Kamwi to fire lazy nurses. Please note that, just like yourselves expressing opinions in The Namibian, Nujoma also has a right to air his views. If everything has to be done by President (Hifikepunye) Pohamba then we must all keep our opinions to ourselves and let Pohamba do everything. – Djeiko
* TO the SMS asking for Ms Gwen to retire: I want to make it clear that we can’t compare private business with Government. Miss Lister has all the rights to run her company for as long as she pleases, but as for the Founding Father, he was heading a government of people and it’s our own right to demand change. Thus we ask him to retire to give the wheel to some new, young, fresh and vibrant leaders to continue where he left off. – Peace Watchdog
* CHALLENGE Ms Gwen to retire, why? What is the relationship to the comparison, does the former President own this country? Not to be disrespectful to the former president, only helping my fellow citizen. – FKK, Windhoek

Running the Show
* WE, the Namibian people, are not going to allow someone with Namlish grammar in the National Assembly, according to what the comrades are saying to the nation. They must go and study, it’s not easy to be in the house. – Concerned Citizen
* The Land of the Brave is going to the dogs. How come that an important event like the inauguration of the SA president is not screened on NBC? Our economy is linked to theirs and we also share many other things as neighbours. This is a clear indication that our parastatals are falling apart.

Children Of The Struggle
* I WAS present in the NA during the State of the Nation address, President (Hifikepunye Pohamba) made it clear to opposition MPs about helping where there is a need. Shame on the struggle kids. – Fritz
* VERY worried and totally disturbed with these Swapo children as they call themselves. We all have suffered as a result of the war. I even lost my father inside the country but all I did was to study hard to put bread on my table. Who do they think they are? People must learn to work hard and be responsible. – NW-Okatale
Bouquets And Brickbats
* WELL done City Police! Thieves mugging tourists in Windhoek West is a serious ongoing problem which is making our area unsafe and damaging our tourist industry. Keep up the vigilant work!- Windhoek West resident
* UNESCO has lost its credibility by barring journalists and editors from the World Press Freedom Day conference in Windhoek.
* I WOULD like to give congratulations to a student who has been overlooked at the recent Unam graduation ceremony. Mr Marius Hedimbi obtained a Masters degree in Applied Biology and was the overall best student of the graduates for 2009 therefore getting the Chancellor’s merit award! Even though your moment wasn’t celebrated, we are proud of you and what you’ve achieved. – Restacpa
* CONGRATULATIONS to Sakkie for publishing the book ‘The Quest for True Leadership’. The President must make it compulsory to every boss to buy this book and learn about a leader and pray that they one day can do away with the boss attitude and become leaders.
* TO Sakaria Nikodemis. Congrats with your book! I am so proud of you. – Your teacher from Karasburg
* THANKS to the Ministry of Health and Social Services for organising this national HIV testing day, but in future we want to see a better service delivery as we spent more than three hours in a queue in Eenhana Hospital on May 9. Imagine just for few people!- Mwalo Eenhana
* I AGREE about Ms Emily at BH Entertainment Park in Ongwediva. She is excellent. Thanks.
* I REALLY don’t want to be rude but I have to do this. What is the job of these musicians’ managers? I really thought they had to criticise the music. Well, to be very honest some don’t do their jobs, because a lot of musicians’ music is nerve-wracking!
* SHAME to the poor nurses who graduate, they don’t even wear hoods! Only gowns and yet you want them to be respected. Even pre-primary children wear hoods when they finish!
* TO the reader who took the picture of a speeding GRN vehicle, you are just as guilty. Doing 180 km in a 120 zone. First look at your own speeding.
Housing Blues
* DURING the official handover of NHE houses to home owners last year in Ondangwa, clients brought the issue of doors in houses not locking, toilets not flushing and the issue of low ground where the houses were built. Mr Hailulu, Mr Andimba (town mayor) and the Ondangwa town CEO were present that day and promised to rectify every problem mentioned. Now that the houses have been under water, we are eagerly waiting for a meeting in Ondangwa to be organised by them! Otherwise by late July if not early August the home owners (NHE) in Ondangwa will take the matter further. – Tate Kamaliwa
* NHE Walvis Bay we are paying lot of money but the way you build the houses is bad. When it rains water enters our house and when the wind starts blowing, it’s like you are outside of your house. Please do something.

In and from the Regions
* MAYOR and CEO of Keetmanshoop, how can you expect your workers to be positive if you don’t give them any salary hike while you increased municipal services and housing.
* I KNOW the construction of the new road from Okahandja towards Karibib takes time and the potholes should at the very least be filled up but more importantly are the stone chips that litter kilometres. We are forced to drive on this narrow strip with trucks coming the other way throwing stones in all directions. Returning to Swakop on Wednesday my windscreen was hit causing damage that will require replacement at my cost that on my pension is the last thing I need. Please put a team with sweeping brushes to work on a regular basis.
* I AM very concerned about athletics at Okahandja. There is no athletics club here. There are many talented kids here but their athletic ends at school.
* WE want a New Start centre in Okalongo constituency. Please help! – Mr SPP
* COMPUTERS at Ariamsvlei border post immigration department are white elephants.
* I THINK Mr Aochamub is the right man to rescue the NBC from the mess it is in. As long as they allow him to perform independently as a national broadcaster should be run.
* I SUPPORT M Gaomab on a website for the party. I have already done some research on that issue. Can be contacted at 081-354-0715.
– Ben Haraseb
* IS there a way that a potentially dangerous person like the Outjo thug can be identified timeously. If there is, please inform society through various platforms to avoid tragedies like this in future.
* I THOUGHT I had heard about the worst rape cases! But no, what I heard last week has yet to sink in if it ever will! Someone raping his great-grandmother! I’m out of words.
* AIR Nam to London. Some years ago when a certain Mr Peach was Air Nam CEO and there was a recession, the airline actually made a profit on its overseas run with a Boeing Combi that took passengers and cargo to London via Frankfurt, and returned the same way. Airbuses just don’t have that capacity. They also pay a fortune for hired in flight crew, because the got rid of qualified Namibians who now fly for Mid- and Far East airlines. Hoisted by their own petard?
Health Matters
* WHY can’t Katutura Hospital get volunteers to feed those who can’t feed themselves. An example is the TB hospital where patients are not able to feed themselves. Food is just dropped off next to them. Yes they can see the food, unfortunately they cannot touch it or reach I because they are too weak to get up or even bed-ridden. What will happen to the patient later? Die of hunger or starving. What happens to the food dropped at his table? Dr (Richard) Kamwi please make something here. A TB patient must take a lot of pills on an empty tummy? Is this right?
Labour Issues
* DR Sam Nujoma discouraged nurses during the [Unam] graduation ceremony, instead of reassuring the nation and addressing issues affecting nurses. One needs to know the non-nursing tasks that nurses are overloaded with, such as bed making, dusting, putting up of drips, blood withdrawal, feeding of patients and full washes, which needs another category to perform them. Forward this, and let the nation hear more of this on the Talk of The Nation please. – Mr T
* BUSH allowance for teachers. Last year Nantu told teachers that they will be paid a bush allowance according to the distance from each town and will be in effect from April 2009, but nothing was done and no comment from Nantu. I need Nantu to give teachers feedback.- Worried teacher from Caprivi Region
ACC Alert*
ACC! People are allegedly using Government vehicles to travel to their farms, using fake number plates, NW! Come and keep a roadblock at Ncaute month end weekend, please !
* MANAGEMENT cadres of the Police Force like others elsewhere in the Government are entitled to what is known as a ‘scheme vehicle’ which they indeed benefit from. A scheme vehicle must be used by such individuals during the execution of his/her official duties including travelling away from the duty station. This is unfortunately not the case in NamPol, the cadres are allegedly using ‘pol’ marked vehicles when travelling. Some are using drivers who are junior in rank to drive and the trip authority is issued in the name of that junior but the actual mission is for the cadre who can drive. Can the ACC investigate? – Concerned Police officer(s)
* PLEASE, Mr Noa must investigate the residents at the Central Nurses’ Home. Some of them resigned to go to private hospitals but are still staying there in the nurses’ home while the ministry employees are living far away and paying high rental fees. This needs urgent investigation. No one wants to hear us.
* CAN someone from Khomas Reading Promotion Task Force call me at 081 281 1167. This force is highly needed in our regions especially Ohangwena.

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