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SMS Of Tuesday 15 September 2009

SMS Of Tuesday 15 September 2009

* GOOD day Namibian team. We are concerned about our future at Gobabis because of the municipality. The elders don’t get any discount and the water and electricity bills are too high. We can’t afford it because we are only working for the municipal bills. No development, hunger that’s all.

Food For Thought* THE audacity of our Government regarding the ‘Spy Bill’ is mind-boggling! They want to permit unconstitutional interception of our private communications and we must foot the bill as well?!? But rest assured, new encryption devices, to counter this infringement into our privacy, will hit the market as soon as that abomination is implemented … See if they don’t…Founding Father* HONESTLY people must leave the Founding Father Sam Nujoma alone. He is not responsible for all the bad things in the country. It is probably you who think you are educated and know better, which I don’t think you, that comes into his ears and later make us believe that we should blame the government. No we won’t. He is a good strong and hospitable man with power but not weak and vulnerable. So let (Founding President) Sam (Nujoma) live and let live and stop the lies.Politics* I ENJOYED Mr Theo-Ben Gurirab’s account of the historical relationship between Swanu and Swapo until the second-last paragraph. Sir, is that also empirical?* SWAPO SG (Pendukeni) Ithana is misleading the nation. On Saturday at Omuthiya she said Swapo is the nation and the nation is Swapo. NBC reported this. Not everybody likes Swapo or votes for them!* IN Friday’s SMS, your News Editor asks ‘where’ about CoD’s gender credentials. The facts are that since it entered Parliament its female representation was more than 40 per cent. None of the other parties will ever equal this. When (Ben) Ulenga left parliament last year CoD had three women to two men until Nora (Schimming-Chase’s) recent exit. CoD leads as the most gender friendly party.* IS Cabinet not shooting itself in its foot with the ban against The Namibian? How do fellow Swapo Parliamentarians regard their colleagues when buying a copy of The Namibian? Or are they keeping it under their jackets or armpits? Surely these guys can’t miss their daily copies. Keep telling it like it is. – Kgalemang, Katutura
Bouquets And Brickbats* THANK you One Africa TV team for showing an Afrikaans film, it really shows that you care for those people who don’t or just understand a bit of English. Thanks for caring and Good bless. – Ndeshi* ECN you failed already with the recruitment and training of registration officials. What about the election itself?* HAS anyone else noticed that with NBC the new day begins at daybreak. For instance when they say a movie will be shown Sunday 00h00, they actually mean Monday 00h00. Quit misleading.* GAZZA, watch out for a political hole you are about to fall in like others. You called political opposition parties ‘jokes’ during the Swapo Party launch of its revised 2004 Manifesto. Know you are an Ambassador for all Namibians. Behave!- Hannington, die-hard GMP* DEAR Miss Lister will you please form a ‘telling it like it is’ political party? We need to put Swapo in the opposition benches! You are such a brave lady. God bless you.- A pentecostal pastor* SUNNY Boy’s performers were really great at the Windhoek Festival. Thumbs up for Sunny. You got my vote.- Antoinette * MTC please do something about your free calls promotion or whatever that you call it. One cannot make a call after ten it’s frustrating. In case of emergency one can’t even get through to the police. And another thing you are promoting improper behaviours from teenagers. They no longer sleep but make a noise the whole night. When is this going to end? * NBC Oshiwambo radio presenters please keep your cellphones out of the studio when presenting a programme. The noise is disturbing!Service Please* CAN the management of Air Namibia tell why the flight from Maun is always delayed every day?Spy Bill* CAN all the patriotic and professional Namibians please keep buying copies of The Namibian newspaper, even if you are broke just try it. I am very saddened by ECN ban on voters’ education. This is the only best paper you can have in the Land of the Brave. Long live The Namibian. God is surely on our side.
In And From The Regions* OUTAPI Town Council is not taking action against late employees. Some start at 08h00 while one employee comes at 09h00 or any time from eight.- Very worried resident* WHAT measures are currently being taken to avoid people from the North and Caprivi suffering from the floods again next year. I would like the Government to answer this.Ovahimba traders in Windhoek* IT can be reported that the Ovahimbas who were ‘colonialistically abused’ by a Swedish TV company will now receive an additional N$11 000 per person for their ordeal. Now we know how easy it is to squeeze money out of those Scandinavians; just mention words like ‘racism’ and ‘colonialism’ and they dive for cover! Cheers!* COMRADE Nekongo from Onayena constituency, do something. We want electricity at Nakuleka area and kids want to use computers at Ambunda PS.* OTAVI Village Council has no money to properly develop the village or even to pay for their operational costs, but certain officials are always travelling unnecessarily. Only the chairlady is invited to annual trade fairs and other special occasions, but we hear and see that up to three senior officials are travelling. Why claim S&T to travel for something that does not benefit the council while there is no money. Only the chairlady need to travel if she is invited. Line ministry please watch this money waste.* THE Prison Services staff at Swakopmund drive like idiots. They are a danger to everyone else on the road and should be more disciplined. They, of all people, should set a good example.General* I’M responding to the message sent by Uncle Paul that the only deaf people who solicit money in the streets are Zimbabweans. I know three deaf Namibians doing the same thing.Please Help!* CAN The Namibian help? Does a person deaf in one ear or a person on chemotherapy (who can’t walk very far) qualify for a car disabled sticker? If so, where does one get one from?- Contact your municipality or the municipal traffic police about disabled parking. They will be able to give you the requirements. – Newsdesk* PLEASE will you advise or assist me regarding this issue. My late father Comrade Barthlomius Shambo also fought for the country but he doesn’t get recognition, and at this moment his family is suffering in Gibeon. How can we go about getting assistance? Thank you very much. Lost And Found* I FOUND an IOL student card for L Ludwig in town (Windhoek). Student Nr is LUDW0023CR. For more info contact 081-223-3328 or 061 201-2800.* PLEASE help me. I lost my ID and my BOB card in the name of Paulina Efraim N. Please you can contact me at 081-305-6600* TO the man driving a blue Citi Golf with tinted glass driving from Outjo to Windhoek on Sunday 13 September, please I forgot my black bag. If you check inside there is a sleeping bag, a Bible, copies of IDs and pictures, a pair of trousers, socks and shirt. Please contact me at 081-220-6759 or 081-303-1078 * MS Kambangula Maria N, Juba Street, Wanaheda. Your black purse with voter’s registration card has been found in a taxi. Phone 081-230-8876* MR Israel Gotlieb, I found your ID card. He was born 1962-04-06, at Indangungu. Please call 081-212-2765.* LOST my laptop ‘thinkpad’ and 6 memory sticks with all my 4 years work of study in, please anyone with information please contact me at 081-222-3163 or 081-260-4799. Reward offered.Health Matters* THE promise at Independence was that special sicknesses will enjoy special government help. What went wrong? On One Africa on Friday night they showed such a case. They are now begging. Is that right? Think Namibia.Labour Issues* WALVIS Bay Town Council should tell the town residents why the two senior positions of Chief Executive Officer and General Manager Human Resources and Corporate Services are not being advertised. Residents deserve top quality services which can only be given by people substantively appointed to the positions. Acting appointments in the two positions have taken place for more than three years each! One wonders how Council expect the municipality to be tops, with people only acting in such senior ranks. – From a resident of the beautiful town * I HAVE a concern over youth unemployment. The Government and private sectors require Grade 12 and two or more years experience when advertising posts. How can one gain experience if not recruited. The Government must reduce the age of retirement from 60 years to 55 years.* MINISTRY of Home Affairs in Ondangwa we want a fair and transparent aptitude test. How can they invite people for a test and later inform them to go back because they did not meet the requirements? Why did they call them if they knew that they did not meet the requirements? Please ACC investigate!

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