UCOM Mobile loses licences over unpaid fees

THE Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (Cran) has cancelled the spectrum licences awarded to UCOM Mobile Namibia, formerly Mobile Telephone Networks Business Solutions Namibia (MTN).

The decision comes after UCOM Mobile repeatedly failed to honour its financial obligations to Cran, accruing a debt of N$19,3 million, despite attempts to reach a payment agreement.

This was revealed by Cran on Monday.

According to Cran chief executive Emilia Nghikembua, the company tried to work with UCOM Mobile but ultimately, protecting consumers and ensuring a competitive telecommunications market requires strict adherence to regulations.

“The nonpayment of spectrum fees and hoarding are serious violations of licence conditions and grounds for cancellation,” said Nghikembua.

Cran also found the company guilty of “spectrum hoarding” meaning it wasn’t effectively using the radio frequencies allocated for its mobile services.

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