Shania Lazarus

Shania Lazarus

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Namwater looks into diversifying income streams

The Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) is looking into diversifying its stream of incomes and not only relying on selling water. During an interview with the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology on Wednesday, NamWater chief executive Abraham Nehemiah said the…

Shania Lazarus

Workers welcome O&L split from PnP

. . . no job losses guaranteed The National Union of Namibian Workers (NUNW) has applauded the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group for ending its franchise agreement with South African-owned retail giant Pick n Pay. The union is calling on…

Shania Lazarus

Statistics agency to create 171 temporary jobs with income survey

The Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) will need 171 employees to conduct a survey on how Namibians earn and spend money. The 2025/2026 Namibia Household Income & Expenditure Survey (NHIES) will run from 17 March 2025 until 17 March 2026 in…

Shania Lazarus

O&L goes solo:Local supermarkets planned after PnP departure

The Ohlthaver & List Group (O&L), which previously had shops under the name Model Supermarket, is planning on opening its own supermarkets after announcing plans to terminate its franchise agreement with Pick n Pay South Africa. According to O&L executive…

Shania Lazarus

NSA to conduct income and expenditure survey

The Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) is due to conduct the 2025/2026 Namibia Household Income and Expenditure Survey (NHIES). The last NHIES was held in 2015/2016. According to statistician general Alex Shimuafeni, the survey will be conducted over 12 months, starting…

Shania Lazarus

Rent cost up compared to buying a house

The cost of renting an apartment/house compared to buying the same property has gone up in the first three months of the year. Bank of Namibia (BoN) deputy governor Leonie Dunn says the price-to-rent ratio, which compares the cost of…

Shania Lazarus

President of mines chamber calls for more exploration

The president of the Chamber of Mines of Namibia, Zebra Kasete, says there is a need for more exploration in the mining sector. He says exploration activities involved N$882 million last year, which is a slight drop. “We need to…

Shania Lazarus

Namcor pushes for transparency in oil sector

National Petroleum Corporation (Namcor) managing director Ebson Uanguta says the company is keen to improve transparency in Namibia’s oil industry. He says Namcor is willing to share non-confidential agreements with the public. His views come a few weeks after the…

Shania Lazarus

Windhoekers pay more for cooking oil

Windhoek residents are paying more for pure sunflower oil than those in towns across the country. According to the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) Consumer Price Index for the month of June, residents in the Khomas region are paying N$31,32 for…

Shania Lazarus

SOEs play cat and mouse with Govt over annual reports

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) are still struggling to hold annual general meetings and produce updated annual financial reports. Public enterprises forum Fluksman Samuehl yesterday told Desert Radio some SOEs are still failing to submit their audited financial records and turnaround strategies…

Shania Lazarus

The oil is not ours – Kandjoze

National Planning Commission director general Obed Kandjoze says oil that has been discovered in Namibia does not belong to Namibians. “We have had the debate about whether the oil is ours, the oil is not ours,“ says Kandjoze. He said…

Shania Lazarus

Inflation biting hard

The combination of high inflation and no salary increases has caused the formally employed to additionally carry the heavy burden of unemployed family members. Economist Omu Kakujaha-Matundu says many households and families have hit rock bottom, with many turning to…

Shania Lazarus