The Salary that Oils our Misery

Ahem. It appears that a blessed few are making big bucks in a nation where 90% of people make less than N$10 000 per month.
Consider the executive at a government-owned oil business who is paid N$180 000 a month.

Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m rather certain that kind of money is more than the most of us will ever see in a lifetime.

Everyone is naturally curious as to what type of financial wizardry this individual is wielding to make that kind of money.

Hano, wait, does this executive work in the finance division at Namcor, which paid N$2,2 million into the wrong account in Malaysia in 2019?

Kalunga kandje.

So let’s be honest, people.

It’s not like this person is eradicating hunger throughout the world or curing cancer. No, they simply work in finance for an oil corporation that hasn’t yet used oil to generate significant revenue for their nation.

In terms of global hunger, the nation they are meant to save is becoming food insecure.

So, how on earth are they able to pay themselves that kind of moola?

Do they possess a formula that will make money squirt from an oil well?

Or do they just have a talent for playing “The Wolf of Wall Street” over and over again?

Could this be the result of the laissez les systèmes et processus s’en occuper mentality? That is French for “I don’t care enough”.


The president is aware of this, right?

He truly is aware of the absurd salary, and thanks to his management style, this now resembles young boys xaba-ing food in a disorderly manner at the old Goas Boys School.

I mean, why bother being the leader of a nation when you can just work at an oil company and make more money than the person in charge?

Perhaps this is simply another instance of politicians slacking off and allowing state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to inflate salaries in the name of market-related rates, while the nation can’t even afford the most basic necessities, like school textbooks.

Yeah, if Namcor cares so much, why can’t they contribute straight to the wage account of nurses?

You think I am merely jelaz?

You call me jelaz while I am discussing a corporation that must spend as little as possible to be able to give the government as big a dividend as possible, so that you can get Panado when your ass is ill?

What is their slogan once again?

‘Excellence in Namibia in Every Drop’?

Exactly every drop of what?

Any remaining thought, rationality, morals or values?

All things aside, it is obvious that there’s a severe problem with salaries in our nation. It is blatantly unfair that some people are paid astronomical sums of money, while others are struggling to make ends meet. Especially at companies owned by “the people”.

Let’s therefore hope that someone, somewhere, will start paying people what they are truly worth, because it appears that these SOEs were created to be milked by a few, and not to bring the zack home for everyone.

In conclusion, newspapers should please include the people’s contact numbers when they run such stories and profiles. These might be our future spouses, but you are out here ring-blocking, and body-blocking us.

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