SMSes of the Day : Thursday

SMSes of the Day : Thursday

* UNTIL the day comes when we see each other as individuals and not as part of some group, tribe, colour, sex or creed, we will never be able to reconcile our differences. It is the divide and rule policy which our so-called leaders exploit to maintain their power over us. – Edwin B

* THERE is this question I’d really like to ask Swapo supporters. What is happening to the money generated by the many companies owned by Swapo and the workers unions affiliated to Swapo companies under Kalahari Holdings and others? We have droughts, floods and many other problems but we never hear of a Swapo company contributing a cent. But when Swapo undertakes a project such as building another head office, we are expected to foot the bill through contributions. * HOW convenient! 3 000 Ramatex workers lost their job and NUNW wants them to get benefits, but not for the sacked 2 000 under-qualified teachers who worked for more than 10 years and were cheated by institutions out of their meagre means, which could not help them to upgrade themselves. What double standards are these?Food for thought* MINISTER Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila have you ever been shopping? Have you seen the prices of food lately. It’s a shame how ordinary working Namibians are taxed. We don’t all get the same salary as you. It’s time you see the reality and stop milking us dry. – Thibayi* CAN the Government and NBC do something to broadcast the movie, ‘Namibia: The Struggle for Liberation’ on the 18th birthday of the Land of the Brave?* MR Kanime has served Swapo for years, but has been betrayed by his follow comrades because of being impartial.* A CABINET Retreat will only be meaningful if Regional Councils representing people on the grassroots level participate in the retreat.Thank you* WELL done to the Pakistani business people and the community of Engela on coming up with the initiative to build a temporary bridge between Engela and Omafo. God bless you!* WELWITSCHIA Music Production, your show was really live and hot. We are ready for another show, guys. Steven and Andre, you are the best. – KaunoNSHR and its mandate* PHIL ya Nangoloh, you should go to Engela to see how people are suffering. Stop criticising, do what you are supposed to do. Why are you not advocating all objectives of your organisation?* ONE wonders if Phil ya Nangoloh listens to his subordinates at work. With due respect a communication skills course will do for him in this regard. – Kuna* WE the helpless Namibian nation, we watch in pain as people mandated to lead us go on manipulating the nation to believe the NSHR has lost its vision. If you don’t know yet, as you only sit in your offices coming to manipulate us to vote for you, the NSHR has been with us at at all times. The Namibian nation will one day come to see your doings and they will cast you away for good. Better become real before it’s too late.* MR Ya Nangoloh is not defending any human rights in this country. Instead, he is waging his personal anti-Swapo war.Politics in general* THE by-election at Eenhana will be another Kenya if not postponed .* THE by-election at Eenhana must be postponed. It is true people of RDP are being intimidated, threatened and harassed.* WATCHING the great Cuban epic history in Africa on NBC, I could not help but wonder how come I see more Chinese than Cubans in Namibia today? More Zimbabweans than Angolans and Zambians? More Americans and French than Russians? Did we forget our friends in need or did our priorities simply change? Maybe it is because most of our intelligentsia studied in the wealthiest capitals of the world? No wonder we’ve a BEE elite reciting all the time what they learnt there!* NAMIBIA was once hailed as the champion of democracy in Africa. Are we now? I doubt that. Is it a sin to belong to a party of whatever? We as Namibians should work together as a nation and build our country to greater heights, and root out this corruption evil that is bringing all these fuss. Let’s stop shouting at each other over useless things. I believe neither Swapo nor the RDP are wrong or right. What is important is the future of our state. So leaders and followers, grow up.* WHY is it that the political climate in the country has turned bad since the creation of RDP? All parties must come together and work for the benefit of the whole nation. We don’t want to see personal hatred among our leaders. Let us focus on peace, development, planning for natural disaster, fate of Ramatex youth and other important agendas. – KG* I AM a 24-year-old proudly home-brewed sister. In response to the 26 year old German chick urging our elders to look up the meaning of genocide in the dictionary, gone are the days when your elders hid information in writing. Our numbers at institutions of higher learning every where in Africa is higher than yours and I can guarantee you the gentlemen you mentioned know just too well the meaning of GENOCIDE. Educate yourself buddy!* SWAPO leaders, you are still neglecting the Ohangwena Region, which you have denied all the time. This is evident from what happened to the road leading to Engela State Hospital, due to the flood situation currently prevailing in the North. None of you turned up to witness the impact of the flood on the people. Governor Nghaamwa came here only to irritate those who were tirelessly busy working to help out the people. Instead of joining the team, he started his silly useless rumblings. The situation has affected so much in the region and in itself is demanding our joint efforts. – ND* GOVERNOR of Ohangwena Region! Did you leave business for politics to destroy democracy? Let people join parties of their choice. You are engaged in cheap politics.* IT is becoming more clear as we approach next year’s election that Swapo and the NBC have started plotting and devising propaganda for Swapo, a practice that has kept Swapo in power by running four Swapo stories after each other in one news bulletin on Sunday.* IF the NBC is not impartial, we will stop paying TV licence. Please show all parties’ public rallies we don’t want to see Swapo only. – WMS.From the regions* WHAT is wrong with our Government? Why do they have to waste money appointing flood assessment team, while people are moving out their houses every day in Ohangwena region. Why don’t they just act. It is a reality that the water level is rising every second at Oshikango, Omafo, Engela, Ohangwena and further. It is so annoying to read in newspapers that our leaders are just talking and they are not acting. They should allocate land to those who can set up up temporary zinc houses. And thumbs up to the Pakistanis in Oshikango for building a temporary bridge between Omafo and Engela. We need people like them who act on emergencies. – Hileni, Oshikango* WHY are people from flooded areas not moving to high ground in Caprivi as they used to. It is perhaps because the new Governor never visited Itomba or Nankutwe where Bernard Sibalatani comes from?* PEOPLE from Odibo are treating orphans badly. When these children get their monthly State allowances their guardians use it for their personal needs, instead of looking after the orphans. I think this must be stopped. – Mutilifa Betty* IS it allowed in the Kunene Region for inspectors and the chief control officer to drive Government cars after hours and is the Director of Education aware of this?* CAN the Ministry of Youth in Erongo, particularly at Usakos please consider all the unemployed youth and not only send the same faces to attend workshops and training camps all the time. They attend these activities but we don’t get any feedback or see changes. There are so many young people out there, who are not benefiting from such training.* MINISTER of Correctional Services can you please tell us why prisoners at Luederitz are used to work at Seaflower Whitefish Corporation, replacing casual labour at their factory?Ramatex* MINISTER Nangolo Mbumba, why are tents erected in the Hakahana area for Grade 10 repeaters? Why can’t you use the empty Ramatex buildings and partition them into classrooms. The living quarters used for the Phillipino workers can be used as a hostel for the pupils. Do it for your youth.* USE the Ramatex factory and the retrenched workers – lock, stock and barrel – to manufacture uniforms for soldiers, Police, schools, GRN workers, prisoners etc. We don’t need those crooks, we can do it ourselves.Education* IS corporal punishment only allowed at private schools? Lano Private School in the Oshikoto Region is beating our kids. Can’t they use other disciplinary measures?* WHAT are examination fees for if we are told that education is free in Namibia. It means that I have to pay the teacher who will mark my scripts while I’m not working. – Basson CK* OUR Grade 8 to 10 learners must stop registering for nine subjects, but six because it is expensive for both the parents and Ministry of Education. They must choose careers while in Grade 8 and not Grade 11. It is time consuming and too much work for teachers.* CAN the Ministry of Education please remove the Okaepe Project School Board! For so many reasons I am convinced as a parent I am throwing money into the school’s private hostel while my kid is a non-boarder* MINISTER of Education, please tell us whether principals are allowed to use money from the school fund for petrol when they travel to the cluster centre or circuit. This is happening at Eexumba Comb School. – Concerned parentGeneral* WHAT is happening in Namibia? Our news reports overflow with murder, rape and homicide cases. I think it’s time our community starts showing a zero tolerance for these offenders. Our country is no longer a safe place to raise children. We should all contribute so that Namibia can grow and flourish and not sit back and allow criminals to take away the freedom that so many people died for. – Lucy* IS Nantu still alive? What happened to salary negotiations for management? If those we have entrusted to negotiate are silent what do we do? Tell us how far or close you are.* AS a civil servant represented by Napwu it is not worth paying membership to them. They don’t negotiate for us fairly. If they again come up with a five per cent deal, it’s better for us all Government employees to demonstrate and not take part in the election. – Otwaloloka* HOW convenient! 3 000 Ramatex workers lost their job and NUNW wants them to get benefits, but not for the sacked 2 000 under-qualified teachers who worked for more than 10 years and were cheated by institutions out of their meagre means, which could not help them to upgrade themselves. What double standards are these? Food for thought * MINISTER Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila have you ever been shopping? Have you seen the prices of food lately. It’s a shame how ordinary working Namibians are taxed. We don’t all get the same salary as you. It’s time you see the reality and stop milking us dry. – Thibayi * CAN the Government and NBC do something to broadcast the movie, ‘Namibia: The Struggle for Liberation’ on the 18th birthday of the Land of the Brave? * MR Kanime has served Swapo for years, but has been betrayed by his follow comrades because of being impartial.* A CABINET Retreat will only be meaningful if Regional Councils representing people on the grassroots level participate in the retreat.Thank you * WELL done to the Pakistani business people and the community of Engela on coming up with the initiative to build a temporary bridge between Engela and Omafo. God bless you! * WELWITSCHIA Music Production, your show was really live and hot. We are ready for another show, guys. Steven and Andre, you are the best. – Kauno NSHR and its mandate * PHIL ya Nangoloh, you should go to Engela to see how people are suffering. Stop criticising, do what you are supposed to do. Why are you not advocating all objectives of your organisation? * ONE wonders if Phil ya Nangoloh listens to his subordinates at work. With due respect a communication skills course will do for him in this regard. – Kuna * WE the helpless Namibian nation, we watch in pain as people mandated to lead us go on manipulating the nation to believe the NSHR has lost its vision. If you don’t know yet, as you only sit in your offices coming to manipulate us to vote for you, the NSHR has been with us at at all times. The Namibian nation will one day come to see your doings and they will cast you away for good. Better become real before it’s too late.* MR Ya Nangoloh is not defending any human rights in this country. Instead, he is waging his personal anti-Swapo war.Politics in general * THE by-election at Eenhana will be another Kenya if not postponed .* THE by-election at Eenhana must be postponed. It is true people of RDP are being intimidated, threatened and harassed.* WATCHING the great Cuban epic history in Africa on NBC, I could not help but wonder how come I see more Chinese than Cubans in Namibia today? More Zimbabweans than Angolans and Zambians? More Americans and French than Russians? Did we forget our friends in need or did our priorities simply change? Maybe it is because most of our intelligentsia studied in the wealthiest capitals of the world? No wonder we’ve a BEE elite reciting all the time what they learnt there! * NAMIBIA was once hailed as the champion of democracy in Africa. Are we now? I doubt that. Is it a sin to belong to a party of whatever? We as Namibians should work together as a nation and build our country to greater heights, and root out this corruption evil that is bringing all these fuss. Let’s stop shouting at each other over useless things. I believe neither Swapo nor the RDP are wrong or right. What is important is the future of our state. So leaders and followers, grow up.* WHY is it that the political climate in the country has turned bad since the creation of RDP? All parties must come together and work for the benefit of the whole nation. We don’t want to see personal hatred among our leaders. Let us focus on peace, development, planning for natural disaster, fate of Ramatex youth and other important agendas. – KG * I AM a 24-year-old proudly home-brewed sister. In response to the 26 year old German chick urging our elders to look up the meaning of genocide in the dictionary, gone are the days when your elders hid information in writing. Our numbers at institutions of higher learning every where in Africa is higher than yours and I can guarantee you the gentlemen you mentioned know just too well the meaning of GENOCIDE. Educate yourself buddy! * SWAPO leaders, you are still neglecting the Ohangwena Region, which you have denied all the time. This is evident from what happened to the road leading to Engela State Hospital, due to the flood situation currently prevailing in the North. None of you turned up to witness the impact of the flood on the people. Governor Nghaamwa came here only to irritate those who were tirelessly busy working to help out the people. Instead of joining the team, he started his silly useless rumblings. The situation has affected so much in the region and in itself is demanding our joint efforts. – ND * GOVERNOR of Ohangwena Region! Did you leave business for politics to destroy democracy? Let people join parties of their choice. You are engaged in cheap politics.* IT is becoming more clear as we approach next year’s election that Swapo and the NBC have started plotting and devising propaganda for Swapo, a practice that has kept Swapo in power by running four Swapo stories after each other in one news bulletin on Sunday.* IF the NBC is not impartial, we will stop paying TV licence. Please show all parties’ public rallies we don’t want to see Swapo only. – WMS.From the regions * WHAT is wrong with our Government? Why do they have to waste money appointing flood assessment team, while people are moving out their houses every day in Ohangwena region. Why don’t they just act. It is a reality that the water level is rising every second at Oshikango, Omafo, Engela, Ohangwena and further. It is so annoying to read in newspapers that our leaders are just talking and they are not acting. They should allocate land to those who can set up up temporary zinc houses. And thumbs up to the Pakistanis in Oshikango for building a temporary bridge between Omafo and Engela. We need people like them who act on emergencies. – Hileni, Oshikango * WHY are people from flooded areas not moving to high ground in Caprivi as they used to. It is perhaps because the new Governor never visited Itomba or Nankutwe where Bernard Sibalatani comes from? * PEOPLE from Odibo are treating orphans badly. When these children get their monthly State allowances their guardians use it for their personal needs, instead of looking after the orphans. I think this must be stopped. – Mutilifa Betty * IS it allowed in the Kunene Region for inspectors and the chief control officer to drive Government cars after hours and is the Director of Education aware of this? * CAN the Ministry of Youth in Erongo, particularly at Usakos please consider all the unemployed youth and not only send the same faces to attend workshops and training camps all the time. They attend these activities but we don’t get any feedback or see changes. There are so many young people out there, who are not benefiting from such training.* MINISTER of Correctional Services can you please tell us why prisoners at Luederitz are used to work at Seaflower Whitefish Corporation, replacing casual labour at their factory? Ramatex * MINISTER Nangolo Mbumba, why are tents erected in the Hakahana area for Grade 10 repeaters? Why can’t you use the empty Ramatex buildings and partition them into classrooms. The living quarters used for the Phillipino workers can be used as a hostel for the pupils. Do it for your youth.* USE the Ramatex factory and the retrenched workers – lock, stock and barrel – to manufacture uniforms for soldiers, Police, schools, GRN workers, prisoners etc. We don’t need those crooks, we can do it ourselves.Education * IS corporal punishment only allowed at private schools? Lano Private School in the Oshikoto Region is beating our kids. Can’t they use other disciplinary measures? * WHAT are examination fees for if we are told that education is free in Namibia. It means that I have to pay the teacher who will mark my scripts while I’m not working. – Basson CK * OUR Grade 8 to 10 learners must stop registering for nine subjects, but six because it is expensive for both the parents and Ministry of Education. They must choose careers while in Grade 8 and not Grade 11. It is time consuming and too much work for teachers.* CAN the Ministry of Education please remove the Okaepe Project School Board! For so many reasons I am convinced as a parent I am throwing money into the school’s private hostel while my kid is a non-boarder * MINISTER of Education, please tell us whether principals are allowed to use money from the school fund for petrol when they travel to the cluster centre or circuit. This is happening at Eexumba Comb School. – Concerned parent General * WHAT is happening in Namibia? Our news reports overflow with murder, rape and homicide cases. I think it’s time our community starts showing a zero tolerance for these offenders. Our country is no longer a safe place to raise children. We should all contribute so that Namibia can grow and flourish and not sit back and allow criminals to take away the freedom that so many people died for. – Lucy * IS Nantu still alive? What happened to salary negotiations for management? If those we have entrusted to negotiate are silent what do we do? Tell us how far or close you are.* AS a civil servant represented by Napwu it is not worth paying membership to them. They don’t negotiate for us fairly. If they again come up with a five per cent deal, it’s better for us all Government employees to demonstrate and not take part in the election. – Otwaloloka

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