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SMSes Of Monday 9 November 2009

SMSes Of Monday 9 November 2009

* WE definitely need a Commission of Reconciliation for politicians before this November election. The fact that Namibian politicians are either hating and/or are not on speaking terms makes them a threat to peace and stability. If the Namibian politicians have the interests of the Namibian people at heart, they must as a matter of principle and urgency reconcile before the November election. I’m afraid it will be suicidal to vote for unforgiving politicians.

Food for Thought* WE hear ad nauseam about how to know your human rights – how about pointing out basic concepts of social responsibilities? We have to understand that everyone should try and contribute to the greater good of the community and not only think of their own good. It is not surprising that we see all this corruption when our children are taught rights with no responsibilities – they develop a selfish world view where it is every man for himself by any means available and bugger the rest.* SCREENING the Swapo struggle film at this time is dubious. The ANC was stopped from screening ‘Ulibambe lingashoni’ at election time 1994. NBC in connivance with Swapo are campaigning dubiously.Bouquets And Brickbats* THANK you to the Windhoek Fire Brigade. Your professional service on Friday night at the bush fire in Ludwigsdorf was commendable.- Johan de Waal MP* ONLY one Swapo member has condemned intimidation of opposition parties. Congratulations to Comrade Nandi-Ndaitwah, the only one who shows true leadership.- Shekupe* THANK you to One Africa television for introducing etv. Now we are enjoying quality television. etv really feels like DStv! – Papa Lee* I WOULD like to congratulate and thank the Namibian Police for recovering my phone stolen about two weeks ago. We only hear negative things about them but believe me, they are not bad, not at all! Keep it up.* WELL done Ms Ngaisiue of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Affairs and Forestry’s HR department. You proved that hard work can overcome unnecessary bureaucracy. You are changing people’s lives and the Ministry’s performance. – SAT, Otjiwarongo* DEAR Management of Schutzenhaus Guesthouse in Keetmanshoop, thank you for your excellent service and hospitality. Above all, for employing young people many of whom are students. Viva Youth Empowerment, One Namibia One Nation.- Dr Elijah Ngurare, Secretary of SPYL at Ai-Ais, Karas Region.* CONGRATULATIONS my brother Paulus The Rock’ Ambunda on his WBO victory. You are a true inspiration, you always aim for success. Keep your head up, we are proud of you!- From your sister, Vistorina Ambunda * I LOVE The Namibian! It reports! No biased information. * DEAR Gwen, as a long-time reader I never thought you would come up with this silly gun control idea! So, what is next? Knives? And then? Bricks, cars, stones, etc? Next we will chop down every tree so that nobody can make a knobkierie! Election Fever* THE election will never be free and fair because there are places in Namibia where only one party is allowed to campaign. All in all this country is another Zimbabwe. * YES! Please bring back the United Nations to oversee free and fair elections. It worked so well 20 years ago.* WHAT about us seagoing crew, who are on shore leave, and have to embark on November 24? Does this mean many of us won’t be able to vote?Chinese Bursaries* CLARIFICATION of bursaries. Minister Mbumba your point No 6 refers. It states that ‘… sponsoring countries offer directly via … to individual citizens.’ Question: how does the Chinese government know those children who received those bursaries?* MR Mbumba, what do you suggest to a government that comes and interferes in your educational system by granting bursaries selectively without your knowledge?* DO we have a foreign policy? How come that the Chinese government dished out bursaries without the knowledge of our government, whilst the children of ministers knew? Mr Mbumba, please enlighten us!* DESPITE the fact that the ministers could have refused the offer from the Chinese, I personally think that somehow ministers are innocent. I think the Chinese created the scholarships, only for high-ranking GRN officials, for a reason only known to them (Chinese). Thus, I think that the Chinese are the culprits here. Wake up Namibia!General* I AGREE with RVR (Nov 6, page 24). Put that Windhoek City badge on the taxi numbers. Thus (we hope), no imitations. Thanks.Should we or shouldn’t we?* TO slow down the killing of innocent people let the Government stop the selling of small arms and ammunition.* GAS deal goes sour – what BEE consortium? This is enrichment of a privileged few! How about making all Namibians shareholders! This will mean broad-based empowerment and not enrichment of a few! Ordinary Namibians wake up, you are being sold out! – RAPPolitics* JUST to remind my fellow countrymen and women that an election is a two-day exercise. The Republic of Namibia is here to stay without those corrupt fortune-seekers who only care when they need the votes of the honest Namibians to milk this ‘rich’ nation whose wealth is being squandered by the noble few through bursaries, black elite empowerment, Chinese payback time, etc. If we allow N$120, N$30, N$100, N$3,50 million to be squandered by a few elite then Vision 2030 will be a dream, a mere dream. Namibia needs a totally new breed of leaders who would do away with praise singing and concentrate on the total education and economic upliftment of every citizen of this country. The truth hurts. Namibians let us put our political differences aside and fight our real common enemies: corruption, nepotism, favouritism, tribalism, elitism and all the bad -isms in our country. For those who don’t know, history will judge you and some of today’s celebrated leaders could end up villains rather than heroes.* VAINO Andreas of the Struggle Kids could not it put any better as he did in The Namibian of Friday (November 6) that Swapo and the Swapo Government has an inalienable duty over these children. Even more so are those Swapo leaders who fought alongside their fallen parents that they are today Presidents and Ministers thanks to the supreme sacrifices made by the fallen hero parents of these children. Running The Show* IT is a nightmare to cross the Zambian border. They charge every foreign motorist motor vehicle insurance despite proof of comprehensive insurance, carbon tax, road usage tax, council tax. These costs are nearly N$1 000 per entry. And some charges are payable in US$. This is too much compared to the N$120 charged by our Government. Please Ministry of Foreign Affairs do something about it. Either they reduce their fees or start charging their cars the same amount.* THE culture of knocking off at 13h00 every Friday is a joke. What is the rationale behind that proposal and do we know how much the sectors will incur at the end of the day? We must be realistic and engage in constructive issues. We already have a habit of boozing over the weekends, with that extended time allocated, what will happen in the country.- Michael, WindhoekHealth Matters* I SIMPLY do not understand why so many mothers sit their toddlers in trolleys when shopping in supermarkets. Kids are not the cleanest of the human species. They poke their little fingers into their watery noses and other body parts. They wet their pants and step on all kinds of dirt. And after that you see them sitting or standing in a trolley in which I am going to put my food items. Where is our sense of hygiene? In And From The Regions* A WOMAN was killed by a falling corrugated iron sheet from a dilapidated building in a busy street in the centre of Okahandja town. This death could have been avoided if the town council of Okahandja had responded to resident’s queries. Right now there are many dark corners as the town is reluctant to replace the bulbs in these streets making it prone to criminal activities. The refuse in many parts of the town has been piling up for almost a year now, causing a health hazard to people despite the fact that they are paying for such services. Making a huge difference* A big thumbs up for thos
e cleaning along the road near Arandis! Who was it and will others follow their example? Great job.* THERE is a water crisis at Wenela border post. Ministries of Finance, Home Affairs and Immigration, Safety and Security, please do something about this issue. It has been a year now that we have been without water. Officers have to go to the thickest bush, which is risky because of snakes, to respond to a call of nature. Wenela border has become one of the busiest traffic movements in and out of the country. What’s the image of the country to tourists, investors etc? Those three ministries should do something, this is an unhygienic situation!
* WHAT does the Town Council of Opuwo think about the non-availability of water at the only hospital in the district? How do healthcare workers control diseases in the absence of water? This is catastrophic to human life. Please Dr Kamwi, close the hospital before human life is lost as a result of the water problem. Can the Opuwo Town Council give us the feedback on why water is not yet restored?* RUNDU Town council workers you are there to clean not to dirty our lovely streets. You load the trucks but don’t cover the back and rubbish falls off all along the road. Drive from Rundu town towards Nkurenkuru road and see for yourself. What a mess! Keep Namibia clean!General* IT is incomprehensible seeing some GRN vehicles displaying South Africa’s international code ZA stickers. This GRN property and those guilty must remove them and display them on their private vehicles immediately.- LoyaltyEducation* TO the Ministry of Education. Loans have been paid so the institutions should also pay out the students’ refunds. The Polytechnic of Namibia had promised to pay out refunds last week only to hear that it will only pay on December 13. Our parents took loans to pay our tuition before we knew that we had loans. The refunds should be paid out earlier so our parents can settle these loans. The rector should look into this matter.- Concerned* TO the school principal of Iipumbu Secondary School in Oshana Region, do you find it interesting to take away phones from our children without taking care of them? Is there any rule that says learners are not allowed to have their phones during school hours? * PLEASE, the inspector of education Oshivelo circuit should improve. We teachers are suffering in the bush. Our cheques and payslips take one month to reach us.* WHAT is it with the Polytechnic management? When are the students who live near the Polytechnic Hotel and Management School supposed to study? If I’m not mistaken there is a party every evening until Sunday around midnight. City of Windhoek and Polytechnic management please do something. We cannot afford to fail our exams because of some noisy parties. Please these people are disturbing our studies. And if it’s because of money, tell them to lower their volume and voices. – Concerned student, Brahms Street* I WOULD like to thank the Ministry of Education for having added an extra N$10 000 to my Unam account. To me, this is my X-mas gift as I have got nothing to do with this money because I see no reason why I was given this at the end of the year. By the way who will pay back this extra money?* MASHARE must be proclaimed an agricultural college, because young people who want to study in various agricultural fields are forced to go to Oshakati. Minister of Education do something to solve this issue.- Maghnesia* PLEASE Education Minister why aren’t the answer scripts of the Grade 10s exams returned to the schools after they have been marked? We want to see how we did.NBC
* NBC-TV, Can you please bring back Penduka? The current Beat Per Minute is just almost the same as Whatagwan – same artists!* NBC why not show all the tribes in Namibia how one cooks traditional food like mavanda, mutete, casava etc for the younger generation to learn.- NgomboLabour Issues* WORD of advice to all Ministries. Please train all your staff members especially in the regions to be multi-skilled. This will solve the problem when others are on leave, another employee can stand in. Currently offices are closed as officials are on leave and service delivery is being neglected.* NAPWU do something, we school secretaries want bush allowances as well. – Concerned secretary* Please we have got still lots of companies especially in Walvis Bay who’re not fair to employees. Just imagine that a person working as an electrician is booked at $30 per day even if you work over your hours. Your overtime is just $15 added to your normal price! But when you start to complain, the manager just fires you and when you report him to labour, nothing changes! But that company has most of the government tenders.
* CAN we please have all foreign consultants CVs publicly scrutinised before they are appointed. We need to get an opportunity to object to inadequately equipped consultants. I am tired of seeing useless consultants, worse than our own Namibians, yet costing Namibia a fortune.Service Please* CAN you please find and print the phone number of the most senior person at MTC so I can make sure he gets woken up with a stupid message at 02h00 in the morning.* STANDARD Bank, Walvis Bay. You let your customers wait like fools on your comfortable chairs and with TV, from 12h00 to 13h00 knowing that most of you were going on lunch. – Die Leeu* NEDBANK and managers tell me why are there no Nedbank branches in Oranjemund and Otjiwarongo? – DisappointedSporting* BLACK Africa, we have such a great history, from the establishment up to the era of the great Lolo. Let us document these achievements and share it with the entire nation, for the love of the game.- Six Mokhatu

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