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SMSes for Mon 27 Apr 09

SMSes for Mon 27 Apr 09

* I AM happy to note that MPs are now debating which type of sanitation is adequate for Namibia! Flushing toilets are a European solution for an African problem. Each little peepee can waste 10 – 20 litres of water. Especially rural communities don’t have sufficient water for wasting it to transport their faeces.

* I AM happy to note that MPs are now debating which type of sanitation is adequate for Namibia! Flushing toilets are a European solution for an African problem. Each little peepee can waste 10 – 20 litres of water. Especially rural communities don’t have sufficient water for wasting it to transport their faeces. New developments and technologies make it possible to use all types of waste for agriculture and gardening. More information on :\ecosan
* MEMBERS of Parliament must be exemplary to the rest of the public servants, they are the lawmakers but yet they abscond from work and I would like to know from the Speaker of the National Assembly do they fill in forms for leave without pay or they do not even fill them in at all? Lawmakers should not only talk the talk but they must also seriously walk the walk!
* VOTING Namibians does it make sense? After 19 years of Independence, a child of a rich minister is dropped off every morning by a GRN Volvo at the Cosmos High School. On the contrary, a poor and under-paid GRN-driver is arrested by the ACC, because he gives a mere ride to his old mom on his way to work. Is it really fair and do we have equal distribution of resources in Namibia? The poor are getting poorer and the ‘Honourables’ are getting a 24% increment just to ‘snooze’. They are blocking the BIG in Namibia because there is a lack of ‘political will’. – WP

Food For Thought
* SINCE Independence Namibians have learnt many new ideas. Namibians are passionate about social issues i.e. rights, corruption etc. I hope they become passionate about the environment, keeping towns and cities clean. Our earth is precious. Be passionate and educated not to throw empty bottles, plastics, rubbish all over the roads, the beach, houses. I’m looking at Government and industries for policies to protect and to keep the environment clean. We can learn!
* I’VE always marvelled at the uniqueness of this nation: environmentally, culturally, state of being and otherwise. Every time I read the SMS columns, I’m glad for the freedom of speech but saddened that we’re missing the point of this place that wants us to appreciate this greatness and prosperity that we have. We need a page in The Namibian where we air why we love this place right here. The Namibian, a team of us is anxiously waiting … even half a page a day to begin with. – Frank

‘Proud Polygamist’
* I’M for polygamy. I’m not saying men should chase every available women down footpaths, hit them on the head with a knopkierie and mate with them at will. Every married man I know (me included) sleeps with another woman. No I’m not talking about sugar-daddying or marrying off 10-year-old babies here. My ‘other woman’ is a respectable career woman whom I love and respect just as I do my wife. We can just as well make the relationship legal. Our hypocrisy is unbelievable. Meme Gwen will probably not publish this anyway.

Life Long Learning
* SOME trees are never cut down, because they are useful, they never cease to produce great fruit. Such trees are like Dr Sam Nujoma. One may disagree with the idea of building him an office, but that doesn’t give you a right to call him a ‘tree stump’ (omafidi oeli wetikile). – Gehaz
* CONGRATULATIONS to you, our Founding Father on your graduation! I’m very proud of you uncle! –
* IN Thursday’s report on Nujoma’s graduation the ‘staff reporter’ raised a question about the content of the candidate’s dissertation. I wonder how many prospective employers actually demand to see and take the trouble to read the theses of aspirant employees. This country is indeed awash with Mickey-Mouse degrees from obscure foreign institutions and some PhD theses (available in PDF on the Net) would hardly stand the test as 3rd year project reports.

Bouquets And n Brickbats
* RELAXING in the park I witnessed graduates, young and old, capturing the years of their hard work on camera, video etc. with family and friends. Namibia as a nation will surely benefit from your expertise. Well done to you all. To those still busy with their studies, persevere your country needs you. – Graduate.
* IN defence of my favourite cartoon. Keep Ndeshi and Jakes. It is one of the reasons I buy this paper daily. If you don’t want it, just turn the page. Long live bra Jakes! – Jah B
* A very big thank you for the cartoon on page 9 on Friday’s The Namibian. This is a very nice example to government of the gravel roads in the north of Namibia, how they work with contractors. – Kauna
* SOME of your headlines and articles are written in a poor attempt at being witty and are sometimes distasteful and just plain daft. Referring to Fridays ‘Waste not want not’ and ‘Govt to help out towns before they lose the plot’ respectively. My advice- 1) Wit is a talent don’t force it, 2) When in doubt leave out. – AK – Some people get it, some don’t! You did read the stories, didn’t you? – News Editor
* NBC TV is a disgrace. I can’t believe they had the nerve to show us a movie with no sound. We pay you to deliver. Shame on you!
* VIVA Swapo MP you must become the Minister of Health. The suggestion to have hospital administrators not medical doctors as managers was advanced in the early 90s but it was shot down. One has to run down health facilities to realise that doctors make diagnoses and are not managers by training. Namibia doesn’t need to reinvent the wheel. Did you not learn during the globetrotting seminars and conference. Namibia making to be a doctor a requirement!
* CORRY (Ihuhua) you are a hard-hitting sports journalist. Sports management is a national embarrassment. Keep kicking at it my brother. You are doing the nation a favour!
* GRADUATION at the Safari Hotel. I was shocked when I passed and saw the condition of the Safari Hotel outside terrain was left filthy from plates everywhere! Is this the behaviour of the so-called high-ranking graduates? I think they should study the subjects environment and public manners.
* ZENSO Lounge are you a lounge or disco? Turn down your music weekends or move!
* MPs sleeping during the State of the Nation address. Disgusting. What sort of example is that to the youth and the nation?

Waste Not, Want Not
* CAN The Namibian print a series or extra supplement on ecological sanitation?

Who The Heck Do They Think They Are?
* TO the white Corolla taxi driver operating from the gate of Katutura Hospital. You and your accomplice attacked a lady passenger and stole her jewellery and watch last Saturday (April 18) evening. You are what pulls our nation down. The lady is a leader in her community and walks on a level you will never reach. You do not deserve the cowards who find strength in abusing women. You are despised by all who know what you are. You prey on your weaker victims from behind the steering wheel of a taxi bringing all taxi drivers into disrepute. Anyone who knows these lowlifes please treat them in the manner they deserve. They are weak of character and should not be allowed to operate a taxi.
* THE owner of a silvery-champagne coloured Jeep, N41 784W, showed no consideration for other shoppers at a jampakced Maerua Mall on Saturday morning. The person indulged in some thug parking – they parked their vehicle slap bang in the middle of two parking bays, denying someone else a place to park. Think of others.

* DEAR politicians, the job of journalists is to report news and thus attract attention and thus sell better. This principle should also apply to NBC. So, if you want to appear on TV, make news! If you force NBC to report on you whatever you are doing, you will be counterproductive because even fewer people will watch NBC due to boredom. One more time: stop complaining, don’t even attempt to control the media – just make news that is worth reporting on.
* KAMHOLO family: one the appropriate solution is to move this family to the local institution Anamulenge missionary. The councillor and governor negotiate a subsidy.
* I RECEIVED a letter from FNB saying that they are going to close the account of my minor son because he does not use it as regularly as they want. I deposit money every month and he is saving to buy what he wants when he has enough. What is the purpose of a savings account then?
* THE person who is looking for a place that sells second-hand clothes can call 081 257 5399.
* LOOKING for second-hand clothes, go to Maerua Mall! I’ve seen a shop that sells those.
* UNITED Africa please update or buy new computers. Your pension payout system is very disappointing. Please our parents are suffering at pay points.

Children of the Struggle
* STRUGGLE children shame on you! I’m twenty-four years of age, born in exile and completed Grade 12 six years ago. Today I’m an independent businessman who started with selling kapana. You too do something.
* KUDOS to Nangula (Shejavali) for attempting to enlighten us on the enigma of ‘struggle kids’ so as to better inform our debates around the issue. Unfortunately the tales of the two interviewees disappointed as they failed to elucidate anything extraordinary. The two case studies are not atypical of the average black Namibian youth’s life story. What is rather special about the two or the group they represent is their sense of entitlement and insidious unwillingness to put in minimal effort. I still don’t see why being born in Angola should entitle them to preferential treatment inaccessible to other orphans.
* IF you know that you was not born in exile like me, do you need to go and vote? For what? Jobs are just for those who were born in exile, they have to go and vote. Let’s stay in our poor parents’ house to suffer forever, all the job opportunity in this country is belong to them. Why?

Health Matters
* KATUTURA Hospital dental section. How can someone be given a teeth extraction appointment that takes two weeks while other hospitals are offering a same time, same extraction service? Please change your guidelines, you are killing the nation! – Scolo

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