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SMSes for Fri 16 Jan 09

SMSes for Fri 16 Jan 09

* THE problem with an increase by a percentage is that the increase that the high earners get is huge while the ones who need it most get hardly anything extra. Some would scorn N$1 000 as an increase while to others it would be almost double their salaries. Yet we all pay the same price for food and petrol, etc.

* THE problem with an increase by a percentage is that the increase that the high earners get is huge while the ones who need it most get hardly anything extra. Some would scorn N$1 000 as an increase while to others it would be almost double their salaries. Yet we all pay the same price for food and petrol, etc. Why not help those who need it most?

Food For Thought
* PETER Nevonga of Napwu, when you had a meeting with the staff of Windhoek Central Hospital early last year, you promised to come back to us before you start salary negotiations with the Government. What happened? When are you going to stop fooling the workers? I hope you don’t forget what you promised cleaners that day.

* PRESIDENT Pohamba and his Government are out of touch with the reality on the ground. When are going to accept that Namibian people are suffering. To start with 60 to 70% of black urban dwellers live in shacks with no clean water and sanitation, the education is in a mess more than 50% of Grade 10 pupils dumped in the street every year, unemployment is above 40% and still you have the audacity to tell people everything is OK. No wonder you approve the salaries for your ministers.
– Kamati

* PLEASE allow me to respond to the SMS in yesterday’s (Tuesday) responses on issues of the day about your argument that not everything is going to the North. Well, the truth is that it does, or at least most Government resources are going to North and its people. The problem is that there are too many needy and maybe greedy people in the North, thus making it difficult to notice how much money and aid is going to the North in comparison to what is going the South.
– Christy

* NAMIBIAN leaders must learn from Ghana. The campaign leading up to the election of Ghana was characterised by regular debates on national television on important issues affecting the people.

Politicians’ Salaries
* McHENRY Venaani of the DTA is one honourable politician. Thank you sir for enlightening us on the procedure followed in increasing MPs’salaries. No discussions, no negotiations, but they are getting 24%. How fair is that when public servants got only 5% spread over three years after lengthy negotiations after the last increase.

* VENAANI of DTA, my vote is already guaranteed for your party for breaking the silence and calling for the plight of the civil servants to be treated as a matter of urgency.

* WHERE are the voices of the RDP, CoD, RP, MAG, Nudo, UDF and other opposition parties with regard to the 24 per cent salary increment? Are they quiet because they are also benefiting? Are you happy or unhappy? All that silence is good for the politics of the belly.

* MISTER Prime Minister, do you not see the urgency of salary increment for public workers. He comfortably refused to facilitate a special sitting of Parliament as suggested by Venaani. Why should he worry when he is about to receive a portion of his 24 per cent?

* THE Prime Minister should respect and listen to the DTA call and talk open minded about the salary increment for MPs. Swapo MPs must think about the poor nation.

* SWAPO’s abuse of power stems from African beliefs that children are less worthy than adults and adults should always eat first. This belief has been made part of public policy. We are all Government’s children. So Swapo must eat first because that’s what we parents do to our kids. We drink alcohol before sending kids to school. Leaders reflect on the plight of your followers. We must blame ourselves not Swapo.

* HOW did they manage to justify the increase for the public office bearers with the current high inflation rate? They don’t feel it if the fuel price goes up, because most of them are ministers, deputies or Governors. Equally as far as their furniture and household expenses are concerned. They are also making a lot of extra income from S&T claims, as they are every week on the road and still they want more money. Why don’t ministers and deputies declare how much S&T they received during a year? Also how much monthly cellphone allowance they receive. When you consider all these allowances and perks you just wonder.

* IF politicians are getting a 24% increase, civil servants must be given a 15% adjustment for 2009/2010 and another 15% for the next two years. It’s not only politicians who are affected by inflation, but all of us. Politicians, we voted you to represent us but now you are just feeding yourself by giving each other fat salaries. Who is going to vote for you next time?

* ANOTHER school year has begun, and still there are not enough places in school to accommodate learners. Yet our President approves a 24 per cent salary increase, instead of using it wisely and building schools with that money.
–Marvin, Walvis Bay

Politics In General
* WHAT is wrong with Swapo leaders, especially the secretary general and her followers? Why didn’t they attend the Swapo rally at Ohangwena? Many who are claiming to be leaders of Swapo boycotted the rally because it was organised by President Pohamba. If the meeting was organised by the Father of the Nation they would have flocked there in their numbers. What a division? Shame on you and stop that tendency.

* COMRADE President, we want you to come and address us in the Omusati Region, particularly in the Omugulu-Gwoombashe area. Remember the war which finally liberated this country, we today call the land of the brave, started here in Omugulu-Gwoombashe, therefore the need to keep the moral of the people in this region high. Please Comrade President come over to address us, your people, including our children. We need your physical presence in the Omusati region. We only know you through photos appearing in newspapers.

* DOES Honourable Mbumba know that teachers are public servants and not Swapo servants? As long as they take leave and do not go AWOL they have a right to attend their RDP rallies.

* MISTER Shuukwanyama, no political rally takes place during working hours and days. Again what do you mean by telling that civil servants must not leave their work unattended for new political parties? What if they leave their work to attend to Swapo matters? We are tired of immature politics.

* THE trail of mismanagement, incompetence and undemocratic racial slurs that Jerry Ekandjo leaves in his wake is a discredit to all those who hope for a better future in the Land of the Brave. Ekandjo, please resign.

* SWAPO leaders have either called it a day or are losing their brain cells at a frightening rate. Their mindless insults to all and sundry swell the ranks of RDP without the latter having to lift a finger. Swapo’s two thirds is no more guaranteed to start with.

* I VISITED one of the local cemeteries recently and came across the grave of ‘son of the soil’, the late Moses //Garoëb. I could not believe what I saw. The place looks terrible and this shows that we do not appreciate and recognise his contribution to the national liberation of Namibia. Why are we treating our heroes like this? No wonder there is no development in Klein Aub and Khorixas.

* HAPPY New Year to all Swapo comrades, and I wish all our Swapo leaders good health for 2009. This is our year of victory in the up-coming election. Swapo will remain united and victorious forever. I congratulate the Swapo Government for its support to the rice project at Kalimbeza your commitment is seen by those who can see, touch or hear or those who appreciate will indeed say aluta continua.
– Masilingi

Tax On Savings
* I AM not going to vote for Swapo again. They are intending to introduce tax on interest savings. The country’s tax is one of the hi
ghest in the world, with unequal distribution of income. Unemployment rate stands at 40%. Yet we pay tax on our salaries and now also on savings! They have clearly lost vision!

* NAMIBIANS, let us stand up – Swapo Government is running out of ideas! Tax on bank savings and unit trust? Think for the poor man! I have N$20 000 with FNB Money Market, now I will pay N$2 000 to the Government in taxes on that investment. Our leaders are not thinking about the poor, full stop.

* 35% personal tax deduction from any person going on retirement is too much, because tax is deducted every month before the money is going into the pension fund. Pension is the last money of a retired person. Please our own Government look into this and don’t force us into poverty.
– Issy

* COUNCILLOR Mandume Pohamba was saying that learners were going to fail because their teachers were involved in RDP activities. Now schools such as Okahenge and Ohakafiya in the Ohangwena region, which are led by his fellow comrades in Swapo are the ones that performed pathetically poor. Can the honourable councillor tell us what went wrong? Is it not because those in Swapo have lost the vision?

* LONG-SERVING Permanent Secretary with his directors and deputies and inspectors in the Ministry of Education must be put on five-year contracts. Why? So that changes can be initiated. There are many other educated teachers who can get such posts and make possible changes based to their experience.

* MINISTRY of Education do something about hostel accommodation at the Ruacana High School, where our local learners have to walk three -12 km from their homes to school. The hostel accommodates learners from other towns, which also have high schools.

* THE management of Iipumbu Senior Secondary School should be changed because the principal of this school is not serious. Students’ performance is poor, there is no discipline and absenteeism of teachers is also a worrying factor. Please director and inspectors of should investigate this school.

From The Regions
* WHY is there a big difference in the price of electricity units sold by Nored and Cenored? Are they not buying electricity from the same source and if they get from same source, Cenored is busy exploiting us in Otjozundjupa region. Please help.

* WE have problems with doctors at the Khorixas hospital. I don’t know what their problem is. They don’t want to work together with their colleagues. When a patient comes for consultation, the first question is have you done a HIV test. Without even examining you they prescribe medication. Khorixas community let’s stand up for kind of treatment we get from the doctors.

* OMAHEKE Regional Council, please pay back our money! Nothing came of the electricity you promised us at Lister, Otjombinde, Onderombapa, etc. If the lucky ones whose electricity is now disconnected, don’t ‘eat’ our money as you always do with prepaid electricity.

* EMPLOYMENT: How can own Government allow this to happen is beyond me. Qualified Namibians are not hired, whereas companies get it right to hire many foreigners. To make matters worse foreign investors bring along their own employees with the excuse that Namibians lack the know-how or experience. If that is the case why don’t we see understudies in these positions to take over? Why is affirmative action not being implemented effectively? Trade unions be proactive! These companies will continue to import their own and let the Namibians to dry out in the sun. President Pohamba do something before we develop a phobia against foreign workers.

* PICK and Pay: Until when will you exploit your workers by employing them on a temporary casual basis, paying them peanuts. Is that not contract labour?

* I FULLY support the SMS requesting the Police to consider employing resigned experienced Police officers. Many want to go back.

* CHECKERS is selling biltong for an unbelievable N$229,98 per kilo! Manager, you are ripping us off, or is this for the tourists staying at the Kalahari Sands?

* WE as residents of Suiderhof want to know the taxi fare from Maerua Mall to Andimba Toivo ya Toivo Street. We are charged N$15 to Suiderhof, while the people of Khomasdal pay only N$7,50. Isn’t Suiderhof closer to the mall than Khomasdal? Nabta, we are also working for a salary like other residents of Windhoek.

* DCA can prevent aircraft accidents by insisting that mechanics fly a test flight after maintenance on a plane.
– Pieter

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