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SMSes for 13 Tues 08

SMSes for 13 Tues 08

* THE Government and all parastatals are funded by all taxpayers’ money. These taxpayers are members of different political parties. Thus if Government only wants Swapo members to be employed in these institutions why not exempt non-Swapo members from paying tax? Please our elected leaders, let’s stop this childish and unguided leadership style and start governing our beloved country for the good of all Namibians – a Namibian society based on the rule of law, justice, equity and fairness for all, where achievers are rewarded and not forced out of Government or parastatal jobs for political reasons whilst the under achievers and even thieves are the ones being promoted!

Food For Thought

* WHY are doctors recommending C-sections for expecting mothers? Are they cashing in on this??

* MINISTRY of Health, why do you allow people to beg for donations from the community to pay for their sick suffering kids? Can’t you build a hospital for innocent poor people who can’t afford exorbitant medical bills? Our tax is already sky high and now we are like being forced to help each other through generosity while State hospitals are there to cater for the needs of the sick. I also want to know from the doctors why they are charging such high fees to poor people for a single operation? What went through your (doctors) minds when you watch on TV a crying mother begging for money so that her child can undergo surgery? Please let God have mercy on us so that we can accommodate the needy.

Bob And RDP Flag

* BOB Kandetu fired for an RDP flag! What about Errki Nghimtina’s shooting rage? Why don’t they fire him first for shooting at his nephew? Swapo leaders are hypocrites.

* SWAPO please leave Bob Kandetu alone. You have framed him for you to have a reason to own the NBC. Zimbabwe tricks are not going to work in Namibia.

* THE incident of the President’s New Year’s message should be a lesson to the Government. There are some posts or jobs in the public service that are sensitive and cannot just be entrusted to everyone who has the papers. So there is a need to look beyond that if such embarrassments are to be avoided in the future.

* IF Swapo argues that Bob Kandetu is to blame for the sudden appearance of the RDP flag behind President Pohamba when he read his New Year’s message because of his position at NBC, then Swapo should also argue that Sam Nujoma should be squarely blamed for thousands of Namibians killed in the dungeons of Lubango during the liberation struggle and hundreds of Plan fighters killed on April 1, 1989, because of his position as a Swapo president and the commander of Plan at the time. What’s applicable to one should apply to all. -Tangeni

Politicians’ Salaries

* STOP blaming President Pohamba, blame the opposition parties in the Parliament. They should have opposed the 24% increment, if they are real opposition parties. They agree to the increase, because they know it’s to their benefit as well. Shame on all opposition MPs.

* 24% INCREMENT: When are opposition parties opposing, and when are they not opposing?

* MINISTERS got a salary hike of 24%. Do they really need that? The ordinary citizens got nothing apart from paying a tax of 35%. No wonder the poor remain poor and rich continue to get richer. Opposition parties, please speak on our behalf. Venaani, Fillemon Moongo and others you must have your say now on the burning issues. Mind you soon the nation will go to the polls. This increase shows that Swapo leaders only care about themselves.

* WE, the civil servants are yearning to know from trade unions what percentage salary increase we can expect since politicians gave themselves 24%, because of inflation. If they (politicians) are really affected by the prices what about us? Do you really represent us guys (union).

* DOES the President know that he signed his downfall for the next election when he approved the 24% salary increase for his MPs?

* I SUPPORT the idea of a national strike to protest the salary hike for ministers. I’m tired of our leaders doing as they please, while the whole nation cries about this issue,

Politics In General

* HOW is it possible that Pendukeni Ithana, Jerry Ekandjo, Uutoni Nujoma, Abraham Iyambo, Hage Geingob and the Swapo Youth League’s Elijah Ngurare did not attend Saturday’s Swapo rally at Ohangwena which President Pohamba addressed? At least the President said that Geingob could not make it, but did not say what happened to the secretary general and Erkki Nghimtina who is the chairperson of national leaders assigned to the Ohangwena Region. This was a total boycott of Pohamba.

* THANK you Andimba Toivo ya Toivo. I am commenting comrade ya Toivo for his call for tolerance last year. Thank you comrade, you are a true hero, true politician and above all you know what democracy is. I want all leaders to take him as their role model.

* SWAPO should educate its leaders about democracy. On January I was at a meeting in Havana where the councillor of Moses //Garoëb Constituency told people not to allow opposition parties to campaign in their area. Is this not the violation of our Constitution?

* I WANT feedback from all Swapo MPS if they are there for all Namibian people or just for their families. We have been suffering since Independence. What is the difference between your Government and the former South African government which was here? Our children still attend school under trees, there are no job opportunities for all citizens, you are only recruiting your families and friends in the Namibian Defence Force, Police, Prison Service and everywhere in Government. What will happen to those of us who do not have family or friends in Government? Answer me please, we are sick and tired of your nepotism. You have been given enough chance to develop this country but instead of that you are just feeding yourselves and your families.

Bouquets And Brickbats

* ON Sunday, December 21 we lost a relative. He had funeral cover with Funeral Shield. The next day after his death we went to Trustco offices with all relevant documents and completed and handed in the claim form. We were told that the doctor who should verify and see if everything is in order was on leave and only to return on January 5. While we were so sad of our loss we had to run around for money to make funeral arrangements. Is that not the reason why one takes out funeral cover to avoid this, because death comes when least expected. There is nothing ‘nawa’ at Trustco, I think they should stick to gambling, at which are good.

* MANY thanks to the manager and staff of Northgate Service, Otjiwarongo for their professional assistance to me and my family when our vehicle developed a problem around 18h00 on January 3. Because of your advice we were able to arrive safely at our destination. Our gratitude also goes to the nurses on duty at that time at Medi-Clinic, Otjiwarongo for assistance to our daughter. Keep up the good work, and God bless you all. – Petrina Owusu-Afriyie

* NO more quad bikes on the beach! A great improvement at the coast this past holiday season. Thanks to the Ministry of Environment and Tourism for finally doing the right thing.

* MTC thanks for the triple airtime for the second time. Keep up the good work.

* MTC triple airtime promo. Thanks for the promotion, but it must be applicable for recharge via cellphone banking. It is unfair that those of us recharging via cellphone banking do not benefit from this bonanza.

* DEAR MTC, what is the use doubling our airtime with free money and block the network so we can’t make calls? Just stop the free money promotion or open the network for us to call. We can’t make calls anymore especially after seven, because the system is jammed by free money callers.

* YOU can’t cheat us NBC. We knew that you could not show the EPL match between Liverpool and Stoke City. I saw that glitch of the old match just after the news. I feel like donating my set to you. You are so disappointing because this is the second time in a row. I am not going to pay my licence next time around.
-Jah B


* POLYTECHNIC of Namibia, please help us with the English modules. How many English modules should one do for Btech Accounting and Finance? Some people registered 2007 and they only did modules 3 and 4. I registered 2008 and did modules 4 and 5 but I was told I must continue to module 6. We just don’t understand! Please clarify this for distance students. Regional centres are confusing us. Give them enough and clear information so that when the registration comes, we register the right subjects!

* I WOULD like to ask the Ministry of Education to please give us the exact date when the Grade 12 exam results will be released.

* GOVERNMENT please increase they money you give to tertiary education loan holders, because Polytech increases its fees each year, making it difficult for poor students to make ends meet.

From The Regions

* MATRONS of Oshakati Hospital are accusing nurses who are resigning and taking up jobs at other hospitals of being rude and bad mannered, because they don’t want them to resign. The problem is that the managers don’t want to accept that we are resigning because we want freedom from their jail. Our prospective employers should not believe our matrons, rather believe the references in our CVs, otherwise you may fail to get these humble and productive nurses.

* DEAR Gabes Kangowa – staff members who participated in the distribution of drought relief food programme in the Kavango Region are being neglected. Their S&T claims for October/November 20008 are still lying in Mr Amuulo’s office, who keep telling us lies that they are being processed. How on earth can one process claims for 12 people for one month?

* FELLOW drivers, be careful when driving on the Ondangwa-Oshivelo road at night! The dangerous area is 45-55 km to Ondangwa. There are guys who drive very slowly at night. If you overtake them, they swerve their vehicles deliberately to the right side forcing you off the road. Their aim is to cause accidents and loot the victim. The suspect drives an imported Toyota Soluna with a Windhoek registration number.


* FNB cellphone banking system – what a mess. How can one request a balance on his/her account, only to receive an SMS reply after a day or two? What is wrong with your system, or is it a MTC problem again?

* DEAR Dr Nickey Iyambo, Minister of Safety and Security, why can’t you call all interested former cops who voluntarily resigned and those dismissed on minor offences like AWOL. Recruiting new cadets is more expensive than recalling experienced ones. A lot of them want to come back. Please try and see as this could yield positive results as criminals don’t wait for recruits to finish training. Sell the proposal to the parliamentarians.

* SINCE we are being charged tax on airtime, when do we get our tax returns? Please Government review the tax policy, we are dying of hunger because of being taxed on everything.

* IT is rather disappointing that the Deputy Finance Minister thinks musicians must pay tax. What has the Government done for the past 19 years to contribute to the music industry? Nothing! They should not expect anything from poor Namibian musicians!

* TEACHERS’ Union of Namibia, we the teachers feel robbed. You promised us loans but nothing is happening up to now. We received the following SMS from South Africa: Dear Mortgage Wise Client. Your debit order to qualify for your benefits was unpaid. Kindly make cash payment for the amount of N$202,29 to Mortgage Group (Pty) Ltd, Acc no. 402183983, branch code: 004205, Standard Bank, Cheque Account and fax proof of payment to +2786 685 0366. Regards

* SOMETHING is not right at Social Security Commission at Walvis Bay when it comes to maternity claims. They are taking a month or two months for a claim to be processed. But when they deduct our contributions from our salaries they are very fast. I submitted my claim form in October last year and only received my first payment on December 23. I submitted my second claim on December 29 last year and up to now I received nothing and it is only one week left to go back to work.

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