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Grimm tales

Grimm tales

I LOVE fairy tales. NASA announced that the polar regions of Mars are suitable for growing asparagus; it even looks like the Namibia! Swakopmunders arise, opportunity begs.

Web scans show poppies, coca plants, and garlic will also flourish and as these plants are photosynthetically hyper-efficient they would tame the unattractive atmosphere of Mars quickly. Then mahangu and sorghum would grow and organic waste would allow the bovine ideal to be achieved – the happy cow.The water is so pure that intergalactic trade in that Namibian icon, Tafel Lager appears possible.What more do Namibians need? However, practicality intervenes, the Namibian bugbear, transport and fuel.But a chance encounter on a website revealed that there was a Namibian solution.Our intelligence services have not been resting on their laurels, have not been wasting the money as we thought.During their subterranean surveillance of conferences, public gatherings and political persons they found a new sub-atomic particle.Even better it is a inexhaustible source of energy that can be neurally controlled; social energy converted to physical power.They called it the PLURIA (from pluralism).Although it is one of those particles that is rather ‘now you see it, now you don’t’ (very Heisenbergesque) it occurs whenever there is duplicity and dissent.Its energy source is from the nature of disagreement and unwillingness to follow team orders; the energy is released when social mechanisms zero in on the source of dissent and cause the PLURIA to change state and attack the source.The ultimate social weapon.Fortunately, for obvious reasons, the technology is not quite complete but capturing and storing PLURIA is now possible offering the possibility of neurally directed energy.Flights to Mars and the big asparagus farm in the sky could be possible! But lots of PLURIA is needed! However, at present this is not a problem; the maximum PLURIA intensity is found at gatherings of the “high and mighty”.In a world that shows clear tri-polar division there are multiple opportunities for dissent and focused attack on minority opinions, tri-laterally, bi-laterally and within themselves.The divisions; the industrial world (US, EU and Japan) who hog the wealth, export their environmental problems and pontificate on development and are in decline; the Asian world (China, India, Korea) is on a roll, are rightly defending their right to growth with its pollution and increasing market share and don’t preach, and; the developing world, especially Africa, who have learnt to manipulate aid and democratic principle but remain with the poorest populations despite incredible natural resources.The sub-groupings are equally self-seeking, smother dissent and entrench the power cliques and the rights of people, especially those in poverty are trampled on under the guise of group agreements, democratic process and legal obfuscation.All good for PLURIA capture.One only has to look at the EU where Ireland is ostracised for being different even though, offered the chance, most of the population of the EU would join them – but they have no chance, the bureaucrats rule.The UN, despite good intent, has an inevitably flawed decision process such that its “raison d’être”, protection of human rights, is drowned in procedure, corruption, factionism and outright lies.Governments continue to kill, torture and starve their subjects; continental, regional and national institutions have similar problems and lack direction, reducing all to lowest common denominator indecision.Good PLURIA sources.The quality of debate shows a complete disregard for others’ positions; only one sided debate is practiced with the institutional vultures descending on minority dissent.As a local example of this, which is representative of much that is reported at higher levels, is a recent discussion on condom issue to local prisons.One legislator suggested that male/male sex did not happen when he was (politically) imprisoned many years ago and extrapolated this to current day criminal incarceration; sodomy does not happen in jails.He then stated that if it did, sodomy was a crime and thus those committing sodomy should be tried and be ….oh dear, here’s the problem ….sent to jail.Brilliant logic.Another source of PLURIA! Let’s look at one particular problem, the changing environment.We all live on the same planet, breathe the same air and drink the same water.At least the G8 and the UN seem to have agreed that poverty, the environment, energy, finance and food supply are inalienable linked – but no doubt power lobbies will sow dissent even on the obvious – and more PLURIA.The G8 will make grand statements of intent, promises of change and massive funding and the usual blurb just as they did after the Gleneagles junket in 2005.They will squash the views of the mass protests, alternative meetings, other groupings and the people of the world will be sidelined.Participants will contribute more on food wastage and the need to tighten belts – more PLURIA.The need for the Doha round to be completed will be pushed, even if African countries realities are ignored.Maybe the French President and the EU Trade Commissioner will slog it out on manicured lawns! Wow, real PLURIA potential.It is unlikely that any of these groupings, G8, EU, AU, UN, SADC or whatever, will make any practical change in environmental realities.Lots of talk, lots of resource demands, lots of promises, lots of conference miles; no action.Titanic politics; more PLURIA.Leave it to the other guys.Fine, but glaciers and polar ice are melting, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas levels skyrocket, saline levels in seawater are shifting and mankind is digging its own grave; one only has to look at floods and cyclone impacts and their relationship to deforestation upstream or the loss of mangrove swamps downstream! So Swakopmunders (and all Namibians), Mars looks good, let’s hope PLURIA technology works, we sure ain’t going to run out of it! Let’s all go to Mars.Beer, biltong and lots of sand.Just like home.Things don’t look so Grimm!Then mahangu and sorghum would grow and organic waste would allow the bovine ideal to be achieved – the happy cow.The water is so pure that intergalactic trade in that Namibian icon, Tafel Lager appears possible.What more do Namibians need? However, practicality intervenes, the Namibian bugbear, transport and fuel.But a chance encounter on a website revealed that there was a Namibian solution.Our intelligence services have not been resting on their laurels, have not been wasting the money as we thought.During their subterranean surveillance of conferences, public gatherings and political persons they found a new sub-atomic particle.Even better it is a inexhaustible source of energy that can be neurally controlled; social energy converted to physical power.They called it the PLURIA (from pluralism).Although it is one of those particles that is rather ‘now you see it, now you don’t’ (very Heisenbergesque) it occurs whenever there is duplicity and dissent.Its energy source is from the nature of disagreement and unwillingness to follow team orders; the energy is released when social mechanisms zero in on the source of dissent and cause the PLURIA to change state and attack the source.The ultimate social weapon.Fortunately, for obvious reasons, the technology is not quite complete but capturing and storing PLURIA is now possible offering the possibility of neurally directed energy.Flights to Mars and the big asparagus farm in the sky could be possible! But lots of PLURIA is needed! However, at present this is not a problem; the maximum PLURIA intensity is found at gatherings of the “high and mighty”.In a world that shows clear tri-polar division there are multiple opportunities for dissent and focused attack on minority opinions, tri-laterally, bi-laterally and within themselves.The divisions; the industrial world (US, EU and Japan) who hog the wealth, export their environmental problems and pontificate on development and are in decline; the Asian world (China, India, Korea) is on a roll, are rightly defending their right to growth with its pollution and increasing market share and don’t preach, and; the developing world, especially Africa, who have learnt to manipulate aid and democratic principle but remain with the poorest populations despite incredible natural resources.The sub-groupings are equally self-seeking, smother dissent and entrench the power cliques and the rights of people, especially those in poverty are trampled on under the guise of group agreements, democratic process and legal obfuscation.All good for PLURIA capture.One only has to look at the EU where Ireland is ostracised for being different even though, offered the chance, most of the population of the EU would join them – but they have no chance, the bureaucrats rule.The UN, despite good intent, has an inevitably flawed decision process such that its “raison d’être”, protection of human rights, is drowned in procedure, corruption, factionism and outright lies.Governments continue to kill, torture and starve their subjects; continental, regional and national institutions have similar problems and lack direction, reducing all to lowest common denominator indecision.Good PLURIA sources.The quality of debate shows a complete disregard for others’ positions; only one sided debate is practiced with the institutional vultures descending on minority dissent.As a local example of this, which is representative of much that is reported at higher levels, is a recent discussion on condom issue to local prisons.One legislator suggested that male/male sex did not happen when he was (politically) imprisoned many years ago and extrapolated this to current day criminal incarceration; sodomy does not happen in jails.He then stated that if it did, sodomy was a crime and thus those committing sodomy should be tried and be ….oh dear, here’s the problem ….sent to jail.Brilliant logic.Another source of PLURIA! Let’s look at one particular problem, the changing environment.We all live on the same planet, breathe the same air and drink the same water.At least the G8 and the UN seem to have agreed that poverty, the environment, energy, finance and food supply are inalienable linked – but no doubt power lobbies will sow dissent even on the obvious – and more PLURIA.The G8 will make grand statements of intent, promises of change and massive funding and the usual blurb just as they did after the Gleneagles junket in 2005.They will squash the views of the mass protests, alternative meetings, other groupings and the people of the world will be sidelined.Participants will contribute more on food wastage and the need to tighten belts – more PLURIA.The need for the Doha round to be completed will be pushed, even if African countries realities are ignored.Maybe the French President and the EU Trade Commissioner will slog it out on manicured lawns! Wow, real PLURIA potential.It is unlikely that any of these groupings, G8, EU, AU, UN, SADC or whatever, will make any practical change in environmental realities.Lots of talk, lots of resource demands, lots of promises, lots of conference miles; no action.Titanic politics; more PLURIA.Leave it to the other guys.Fine, but glaciers and polar ice are melting, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas levels skyrocket, saline levels in seawater are shifting and mankind is digging its own grave; one only has to look at floods and cyclone impacts and their relationship to deforestation upstream or the loss of mangrove swamps downstream! So Swakopmunders (and all Namibians), Mars looks good, let’s hope PLURIA technology works, we sure ain’t going to run out of it! Let’s all go to Mars.Beer, biltong and lots of sand.Just like home.Things don’t look so Grimm!

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