Embrace Change or Get Left Behind

Danny Meyer
Danny Meyer

There are many basic rules of life one should know, but two stick out like sore thumbs.

The first basic rule is: Like it or not, but change is inevitable.

These are changes that will impact how we live, do things and go about our daily business in the family, within a community and in the country.

The second rule is that everybody dislikes and naturally tends to resist change.

Most changes in one’s life occur at snail’s pace.

Take it from me, some changes are abhorrent, unpalatable, and hard to stomach, yet they will become acceptable and even the norm over time.

Although changes are initially met with resistance, over time we, and indeed society at large, learn to adapt to and embrace them.

Irrespective of your age, cast your mind back to quickly discover how ‘things’ have changed for you personally and constantly change around you.

If you are older, changes from childhood days to now would be pronounced – on reflection, even startling.

So, brace yourself, accept and adapt.

We grew up when kids were seen but not heard, and we had to tolerate the irritation of younger and older siblings, quickly make friends, and become playmates with other children in the neighbourhood.

For hours on end, day in and day out growing up, we entertained ourselves with self-made toys or box-carts and spent hours outdoors playing in the street.

Not indoors, like the younger generation do nowadays, notwithstanding safety concerns, often in self-imposed isolation in their bedrooms playing with gizmos, listening to streamed music, or watching video clips on smartphones.

For us, there was a time for play and a time for work, and we did our homework aided by a dictionary, textbooks and reference books on loan from the school or a community library.

No web to surf, search engines to cruise, or artificial intelligence to assist with schoolwork or, if in employment, a job assignment to accomplish.

In my days we ate all the food we placed on our plate before leaving the dinner table.

There was scant regard for personal likes, taste preferences, or consideration of dietary needs, and no latitude for debating on food or other issues with parents.

Things have changed and will continue to do so, as change is the only constant in life.

It is important to constantly remind oneself to let go of the past, accept, and adapt to the present.

This was the promise I made in the weeks before the start of our holiday over the festive season spent with one of our sons, his wife, and their young family.

I constantly reminded myself that parenting has changed during my lifetime and even in the way my grandparents brought up their children – my parents.

So why should it be different with my youngsters and the way they raise their children?

In all honesty, aspects I observed over the past weeks are difficult to embrace, but reluctantly I did.

However, when it came to appreciation, respect and other basic behavioural norms, there was no compromise.

Challenging, but overall we had an enjoyable holiday together, three generations, with Thea and I adaptive and accepting the inevitability of change.

– Danny Meyer is reachable at danny@smecompete.com

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