Your Route to Financial Mastery Part 2

Mignon du Preez

5) Avoiding sudden purchases
Occasionally, everyone makes impulsive purchases, which can quickly deplete your bank account.

Giving in to impulsive desires without careful consideration might have a negative impact on your financial health and long-term financial goals.

Emotions, rather than logical thinking, typically drive impulse purchases. Advertisements, or peer pressure can all lead to impulsive purchasing.

Emotions such as enthusiasm, immediate pleasure, or fear of missing out (FOMO) can cloud judgment, resulting in purchases that are not based on true needs or long-term value.

Regretting your purchase isn’t the greatest feeling.

Buyers remorse is a real thing – a feeling of regret or guilt linked with an impulsive purchase, after the initial enthusiasm has worn off.

This sorrow can be caused by the realisation that the item was unnecessary, excessively expensive or extravagant, or incompatible with their lifestyle.

So, the next time you see something you just have to own, put it off for a week.

The time will allow you to get some perspective. If you still want to buy it, you’ll know it’s well worth the money.

6) Diversification
of income
Individuals who rely only on one source of income may face financial insecurity and limited prospects for progress.

Diversifying your income is a strategic technique that entails developing many revenue streams from various sources.

Through income diversification, you can build financial resilience and open the door to new opportunities.

Diversification creates new financial opportunities.

You may have untapped skills, passions or talents that can be monetised by exploring different income streams.

This can lead to new business endeavours, freelancing jobs or investment options that can create more money and broaden your financial horizons.

One of the best ways to diversify income is by converting a passion or expertise into an additional source of pay.

Consider the activities you enjoy doing in your spare time and how you can turn them into a source of income.

Assume you adore knitting hats; you can easily make a few knitted hats with low initial costs and begin selling them online right away.

Find an established marketplace, such as Etsy, where there are already customers online who may come across your creations.

Diversifying your income is a great method to protect yourself financially should your primary stream of revenue run dry.

7) Keep an eye out for Lifestyle Creep

The phenomena of lifestyle creep, also known as lifestyle inflation, occurs when people steadily increase their expenditure as their income increases.

While it may appear normal to treat oneself to luxuries and update ones lifestyle in accordance with higher wages, lifestyle creep can have a negative impact on ones long-term financial well-being.

It is important to know the hazards of lifestyle creep and how to avoid slipping into this pricey trap.

It frequently begins with tiny, seemingly harmless purchases, but over time, it may lead to considerably increased spending.

As a result, even those with greater wages find it difficult to save or invest for the future.

For example, if you get a raise, you may decide to purchase a new car or move into a new apartment.

Do not. At all costs, avoid lifestyle creep and stay focused on savings and investment goals.

Long-term financial stability and growth can be jeopardised by lifestyle creep, which is a subtle but serious hazard.

8) Establish an
Emergency Fund

Unexpected events and financial emergencies might disrupt our financial stability.

An emergency fund is an essential component of a solid financial strategy, serving as a safety net in the event of unexpected situations.

An emergency fund is a specified pool of money set aside to handle unforeseen bills or financial emergencies.

It serves as a financial cushion, allowing people to deal with unforeseen circumstances without going into debt or depleting their financial resources.

Begin establishing your emergency fund today and reap the benefits of financial security and resilience.

  • Mignon du Preez is the group marketing, public affairs and sustainability executive at Old Mutual Namibia.

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