Young woman raped

Young woman raped

A YOUNG woman was raped twice and robbed when she was attacked by two men near the University of Namibia’s campus in Windhoek last week, the Namibian Police reported yesterday.

According to information released by the Police’s Public Relations and Liaison Division, the attack on the woman took place on Tuesday. The woman, aged 19, was attacked while walking along Hendrik Witbooi Drive near the Unam campus at about 09h30 on Tuesday.Two men set upon her, dragging her into the veld next to the road, the Police reported.They both raped her.Afterwards they took her watch, cellphone and jacket and disappeared.The only description that was given of the attackers was that they were Oshiwambo-speaking men.The woman, aged 19, was attacked while walking along Hendrik Witbooi Drive near the Unam campus at about 09h30 on Tuesday. Two men set upon her, dragging her into the veld next to the road, the Police reported.They both raped her.Afterwards they took her watch, cellphone and jacket and disappeared.The only description that was given of the attackers was that they were Oshiwambo-speaking men.

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