Women urged to engage in agriculture

FOOD SECURITY … Women in the Ohangwena region have been urged to embrace the agricultural sector.

Women from around Ondangwa have been encouraged to take up more agricultural projects in order to address food insecurity.

This was said on Saturday as women at the town observed Women’s Month by hosting a women’s conference at a local hotel.

Agriculture and food security was the topic of the day as women were encouraged to become agri-preneurs.

One of the presenters, Velena Simon, an agri-economist from Suncrest Farming Solutions, highlighted that while women do engage in agriculture, they need to be focused on agri-preneurship.

“We are responsible to feed the nation. We women are mothers, we are nurturers.

I know that we do engage in agricultural activities, but we need to change our mindset and engage in agriculture on an entrepreneurial level and feed the nation.

We should understand that while other professionals are also important, agriculture should take centre stage. We need to be self-sufficient and self-reliant where food security is concerned,” noted Simon.

This message was met with enthusiasm from many in attendance.

“I am really encouraged and I am happy with this initiative to host a women’s empowerment gathering.

We need more networking events like this one. I have been having a backyard garden at home, but my mind is now open to the fact that I can do better and I believe I can,” said attendee Helena Ashivudhi.

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