Who Are The Veterans?

Who Are The Veterans?

ALLOW me a space in your popular newspaper to pose a question to the Minister of Veterans’ Affairs, Ngarikutuke Tjiriange as per your article titled ‘Veterans’ Affairs Minister calls for patience’ of Friday, November 3, 2006.

I thank the Namibian Government for the efforts it is trying to make in favour of all veteran ex-fighters and former combatants of the liberation. Their concept of national Independence needs to be defined, and this is what they have been waiting to hear for so long.However, I’m strongly convinced that the national Independence was not only brought about by the veteran ex-fighters and former combatants.Not only those who went to exile liberated the country.There were many people who did not go to exile, but played a vital role at home: giving food and shelter to combatants, among others.In the process, they too lost their lives and their houses were burned by the enemy.I personally have an aunt who still has had no treatment for her back after she was beaten and kicked; my cousin lost his teeth and many people from my constituency had various and serious injuries because of the liberation.Will they be allowed to register with the Ministry as any other veteran ex-fighters and former combatants? Their role in liberation were/are known and such people have to be recognised by the Ministry as well.Otherwise, the Ministry has to give monthly support to such people, most of whom are pensioners.If the Ministry would increase the pension money, it could be an answer to my request.I do want the Ministry not only to favour veteran ex-fighters and former combatants, but also those who played a key role inside SWA/Namibia.Ithete yaHango WindhoekTheir concept of national Independence needs to be defined, and this is what they have been waiting to hear for so long.However, I’m strongly convinced that the national Independence was not only brought about by the veteran ex-fighters and former combatants.Not only those who went to exile liberated the country.There were many people who did not go to exile, but played a vital role at home: giving food and shelter to combatants, among others.In the process, they too lost their lives and their houses were burned by the enemy.I personally have an aunt who still has had no treatment for her back after she was beaten and kicked; my cousin lost his teeth and many people from my constituency had various and serious injuries because of the liberation.Will they be allowed to register with the Ministry as any other veteran ex-fighters and former combatants? Their role in liberation were/are known and such people have to be recognised by the Ministry as well.Otherwise, the Ministry has to give monthly support to such people, most of whom are pensioners.If the Ministry would increase the pension money, it could be an answer to my request.I do want the Ministry not only to favour veteran ex-fighters and former combatants, but also those who played a key role inside SWA/Namibia.Ithete yaHango Windhoek

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