We Need Answers On Chinese Influx

We Need Answers On Chinese Influx

ACCORDING to Minister Joel Kaapanda, there are not that many Chinese working in Namibia.

Neither I, nor many other Namibians can believe him. We see busloads of Chinese/Korean builders being taken to/from work every day.Our streets are full of them, as are our shops – ever seen Pick ‘n Pay on a Sunday? And every little dorp in Namibia now has a Chinese shop! Also, please would Mr Kaapanda inform us who the “Namibian” companies were that received the Government tenders? And, if our Government wants to support Namibians as they promised when they won the first elections, why were the other six tenders given to the Chinese, when there were Namibian companies perfectly capable of doing the job, according to Namibian Labour Law and salary structure? Also, where is the Builders Union? Why are they not doing anything to help the Namibian building companies who are losing work due to the Chinese? It would be interesting to see how many Chinese/Korean builders are legally granted working visas compared to other nationalities in other professions? I will support the Government if they are bringing in experts such as surgeons into our country to train Namibians.But unskilled building labourers, no way! Is Mr Kaapanda actually aware of the number of Namibian building companies closing their doors due to the Chinese infiltration of Namibia? What is he going to say to the retrenched workers and their families this holiday season? How many young men, capable of working on building sites, do you see sitting on street corners begging for work? Due to this, crime has increased in our country.Surely, our Government should look after our own people first? I fear for the future of our children.Through the medium of your newspaper, many of us Namibians would like Mr Kaapanda to answer to the above! Worried Via e-mail Note: Name and address providedEdWe see busloads of Chinese/Korean builders being taken to/from work every day.Our streets are full of them, as are our shops – ever seen Pick ‘n Pay on a Sunday? And every little dorp in Namibia now has a Chinese shop! Also, please would Mr Kaapanda inform us who the “Namibian” companies were that received the Government tenders? And, if our Government wants to support Namibians as they promised when they won the first elections, why were the other six tenders given to the Chinese, when there were Namibian companies perfectly capable of doing the job, according to Namibian Labour Law and salary structure? Also, where is the Builders Union? Why are they not doing anything to help the Namibian building companies who are losing work due to the Chinese? It would be interesting to see how many Chinese/Korean builders are legally granted working visas compared to other nationalities in other professions? I will support the Government if they are bringing in experts such as surgeons into our country to train Namibians.But unskilled building labourers, no way! Is Mr Kaapanda actually aware of the number of Namibian building companies closing their doors due to the Chinese infiltration of Namibia? What is he going to say to the retrenched workers and their families this holiday season? How many young men, capable of working on building sites, do you see sitting on street corners begging for work? Due to this, crime has increased in our country.Surely, our Government should look after our own people first? I fear for the future of our children.Through the medium of your newspaper, many of us Namibians would like Mr Kaapanda to answer to the above! Worried Via e-mail Note: Name and address provided Ed

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