Ways in Which to Thank

Ways in Which to Thank

PLEASE allow me space in the people’s paper to add my voice to the voices of those who object to the unjustified songs of praise for the former President.

I have followed events as they unfolded in the last couple of weeks and have also come to the conclusion that enough is enough. First, let me first start with the man whom I classified as a saviour of the nation, a man who emerged at the right time to save Namibia from doom and gloom perpetuated by corruption since the day he took office as Namibia’s third Prime Minister.At least, this is how I perceived Mr Angula then.Mr Angula, take a moment and listen to reason.Your pronouncements in Parliament and other fora on how you wish the public sector to be administered evoked admiration from both friends and foes and through that you won yourself a great number of supporters.It therefore blows my mind and still puzzles me as to what you want to achieve by proposing a Bill that will bestow yet another title on Nujoma as the “Father of the Namibian Nation”.What a waste of time! If your ambitions are to win over Nujoma’s supporters for the next Presidential election by singing praises to him, let me tell you that only the blind will fall for this.In fact by doing this, you alienate those who rallied behind you and were ready to put their crosses next to your name.Prime Minister, refrain from this and use the time constructively rather than wasting it on trivial issues such as the Bill that you propose and so vehemently motivate.That does not reflect your true character.If there is political pressure, remember that Namibia is a democratic country and the concealed political pressure is a passing phase.Secondly, let me turn to the man around whom the debate revolves.Mr Nujoma, those Namibians who were subjected to the harsh apartheid policies admire and appreciate the sacrifices and the hardships that you endured and your selflessness for the liberation of the motherland.But come on, Mr Former President, that became too monotonous and you cannot disagree with me.It is already a case of one too many streets, bursaries, movies, stadiums and the list goes on.Why sir, why can’t you express your appreciation to those who approach you with such proposals and advise them on the inadvisability of such honours as the father that you ought to be.Take for instance the bursary: while you are drawing a huge monthly pension, you accepted something which was enough to assist a needy student for a four-year degree course.That was outrageous.The Katutura Soccer stadium, of what historical significance is the name ‘Nujoma’ to the stadium? Your advice to those who approached you could have been to retain the name ‘Katutura’.That, Mr Former President, could have earned you more respect from the broader public but instead you accepted and in the process harmed your own credibility.I observe a tendency, that instead of emulating the Masires, the Chissanos and the Mandelas of our time, your role models are the Mobutus and Bandas of the past.It will be a sad day for the Namibian nation if in history you will be associated with the Mobutus.Mr Former President, this is time for self-examination.Think about it.Thirdly, to Swapo and especially to those in its top echelons, if Nujoma is your god he is most definitely not God the Creator who founded Namibia and who deserve the title “Father of the Namibian Nation”.If we have the means, and the time to waste, yes, call Nujoma the Founding President.Ngutji Via e-mailFirst, let me first start with the man whom I classified as a saviour of the nation, a man who emerged at the right time to save Namibia from doom and gloom perpetuated by corruption since the day he took office as Namibia’s third Prime Minister.At least, this is how I perceived Mr Angula then.Mr Angula, take a moment and listen to reason.Your pronouncements in Parliament and other fora on how you wish the public sector to be administered evoked admiration from both friends and foes and through that you won yourself a great number of supporters.It therefore blows my mind and still puzzles me as to what you want to achieve by proposing a Bill that will bestow yet another title on Nujoma as the “Father of the Namibian Nation”.What a waste of time! If your ambitions are to win over Nujoma’s supporters for the next Presidential election by singing praises to him, let me tell you that only the blind will fall for this.In fact by doing this, you alienate those who rallied behind you and were ready to put their crosses next to your name.Prime Minister, refrain from this and use the time constructively rather than wasting it on trivial issues such as the Bill that you propose and so vehemently motivate.That does not reflect your true character.If there is political pressure, remember that Namibia is a democratic country and the concealed political pressure is a passing phase.Secondly, let me turn to the man around whom the debate revolves.Mr Nujoma, those Namibians who were subjected to the harsh apartheid policies admire and appreciate the sacrifices and the hardships that you endured and your selflessness for the liberation of the motherland.But come on, Mr Former President, that became too monotonous and you cannot disagree with me.It is already a case of one too many streets, bursaries, movies, stadiums and the list goes on.Why sir, why can’t you express your appreciation to those who approach you with such proposals and advise them on the inadvisability of such honours as the father that you ought to be.Take for instance the bursary: while you are drawing a huge monthly pension, you accepted something which was enough to assist a needy student for a four-year degree course.That was outrageous.The Katutura Soccer stadium, of what historical significance is the name ‘Nujoma’ to the stadium? Your advice to those who approached you could have been to retain the name ‘Katutura’.That, Mr Former President, could have earned you more respect from the broader public but instead you accepted and in the process harmed your own credibility.I observe a tendency, that instead of emulating the Masires, the Chissanos and the Mandelas of our time, your role models are the Mobutus and Bandas of the past.It will be a sad day for the Namibian nation if in history you will be associated with the Mobutus.Mr Former President, this is time for self-examination.Think about it.Thirdly, to Swapo and especially to those in its top echelons, if Nujoma is your god he is most definitely not God the Creator who founded Namibia and who deserve the title “Father of the Namibian Nation”.If we have the means, and the time to waste, yes, call Nujoma the Founding President.Ngutji Via e-mail

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