Voting is Our Right

Behavioural sciences place emphasis on the ‘clean slate’ effect when people gravitate to momentous change.

Our nation feels as though it is on the precipice of such a new era, five years before the dawn of the much-anticipated Vision 2030.

There is one presidential term left to take us there.

Vision 2030 in itself is not comprised of a single milestone or landmark, but is a potential state of development. Its goal is to attain a measure of equality and equity for the majority of Namibians.

This journey has been significantly advanced by the great leaders Namibia has been blessed with.

The ideal is not out of reach, but almost certainly requires realignment, and the ordinary citizen may wonder if there truly will be a new age of prosperity.

This long-envisioned aim is heavily reliant on national elections taking place this year.

Returning to the subject of political co-existence in our refined democracy, representation is a questionable aspect.

Over time, it is a common occurrence to be less diverse as agencies become less stratified by the re-enforcement of existing ideologies and comradeship.

Similar minds naturally gather and consolidate, ensuring oneness of discourse through familiarity and for cohesiveness.

In this respect, there is a need for our parliament, at least, to reflect our multifaceted country, diverse in cultures, people and spirit.

Inclusivity is more than a buzz­word, and serves to actually embrace more individuals as varied as there are shades of grey.

This is a call for the voting populace to show up in their greatest numbers ever.

Looking at past elections with a subpar turnout of 60%, one can assume a greater number of registered voters coming to the polls in 2024 could make a profound impact on our future.

The case for voting for diversity is made without taking away from those who fought most ardently for our collective freedom.

Power can be distributed more ‘fairly’. The word is in quotes as this is an attempt to persuade others to end concentrations of power that do not work as well as expected.

The greatest strength of Namibia lies in its people, and we ought to do more so that marginalised voices can be heard in this democracy.

Low voter turnout in past elections has resulted in missed opportunities for diverse representation and decision-making.

Countries with higher voter turnout often see more inclusive policymaking, benefiting diverse communities.

Namibia can learn from these examples to drive positive change through political diversity.


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