Unam Problems Persist

Unam Problems Persist

ALLOW me space in your esteemed newspaper to highlight some common problems students are facing regarding at the University of Namibia.

Food problems: 1. The bread is never fresh, I repeat never.2.They did well at keeping the compulsory breakfast but the menu is terrible (bread without butter for the past three weeks, jam serves as a replacement for butter while it should be a supplement, old polony, tasteless fruits, juice for kids, yoghurt for kids).3.Lunch: They sell soup for N$1, and believe me you do not want to buy that soup.I think the University management obliges them to make that soup but there is no consideration as to whether it is edible! 4.The dinning hall is supposed to open at 07h00 for breakfast, but guess what time it opens? 07h30, 07h45, 08h00 but it is never 07h00 or earlier.5.There is always internal conflict among the dining hall staff, they argue in front of the students.Academic problems: 1.We have paid thousands of dollars to be at Unam yet you go to a lecture hall and find there are not enough chairs.2.Unam library: The books are registered that they are on the shelves but they are not, nor are they on the tables Internet: Even our bus does not go that slowly with fewer than 10 computers.Word-processing computers: You type a document in the library but when you go and print, a virus is detected and the document is often deleted.Why don’t they use the same anti-virus for all library computers? 3.Fundamentals of Accounting: We were supposed to do a certain chapter but the lecturer disappeared three weeks before the exams and told us before that the chapter will be part of the exams.V Urika, Via e-mailThe bread is never fresh, I repeat never.2.They did well at keeping the compulsory breakfast but the menu is terrible (bread without butter for the past three weeks, jam serves as a replacement for butter while it should be a supplement, old polony, tasteless fruits, juice for kids, yoghurt for kids).3.Lunch: They sell soup for N$1, and believe me you do not want to buy that soup.I think the University management obliges them to make that soup but there is no consideration as to whether it is edible! 4.The dinning hall is supposed to open at 07h00 for breakfast, but guess what time it opens? 07h30, 07h45, 08h00 but it is never 07h00 or earlier.5.There is always internal conflict among the dining hall staff, they argue in front of the students.Academic problems: 1.We have paid thousands of dollars to be at Unam yet you go to a lecture hall and find there are not enough chairs.2.Unam library: The books are registered that they are on the shelves but they are not, nor are they on the tables Internet: Even our bus does not go that slowly with fewer than 10 computers.Word-processing computers: You type a document in the library but when you go and print, a virus is detected and the document is often deleted.Why don’t they use the same anti-virus for all library computers? 3.Fundamentals of Accounting: We were supposed to do a certain chapter but the lecturer disappeared three weeks before the exams and told us before that the chapter will be part of the exams.V Urika, Via e-mail

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