Twin bombs kill 16 in Baghdad ambush

Twin bombs kill 16 in Baghdad ambush

BAGHDAD – Insurgents detonated two bombs near a convoy of US military vehicles in southern Baghdad yesterday, killing at least 16 people, Iraqi police said.

They said the first blast was probably caused by a car bomb. A second bomb went off shortly afterwards, as US troops tried to help those hit in the first explosion.A policeman at the scene said at least 16 people had been killed.It was not immediately clear how many of the victims were Iraqi or American.The US military had no immediate information on the attack.The attack came shortly after a suicide car bomb blast west of Baghdad in which two Iraqi police and a US soldier were killed.Doctors said as many as 60 people were wounded in that attack, including women and children.US troops and Iraqi security forces are targeted almost daily in car bomb blasts and other attacks carried out by insurgents in a nearly 18-month-long uprising against the US presence in Iraq and the interim Iraqi government.Meanwhile, insurgents fired a rocket at a US military base outside Baghdad yesterday, killing one US soldier and wounding seven, the US military said in a statement.The statement said the 122mm rocket detonated at a logistics camp just outside the capital, but gave no further details.- Nampa-ReutersA second bomb went off shortly afterwards, as US troops tried to help those hit in the first explosion.A policeman at the scene said at least 16 people had been killed.It was not immediately clear how many of the victims were Iraqi or American.The US military had no immediate information on the attack.The attack came shortly after a suicide car bomb blast west of Baghdad in which two Iraqi police and a US soldier were killed.Doctors said as many as 60 people were wounded in that attack, including women and children.US troops and Iraqi security forces are targeted almost daily in car bomb blasts and other attacks carried out by insurgents in a nearly 18-month-long uprising against the US presence in Iraq and the interim Iraqi government.Meanwhile, insurgents fired a rocket at a US military base outside Baghdad yesterday, killing one US soldier and wounding seven, the US military said in a statement.The statement said the 122mm rocket detonated at a logistics camp just outside the capital, but gave no further details.- Nampa-Reuters

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