Tuesday’s SMS responses: State of the nation

Tuesday’s SMS responses: State of the nation

* SMS messages published in The Namibian of Friday, August 3, were mostly talking about education, health and crime. The Government must concentrate on these issues because with a unskilled nation, deteriorating health system and with people with degrees in committing crime, there will be no hope for Vision 2030. – Ortmann Lawrence T

* VISION 2030 will in my view remain a pipe dream. Why? Because the so-called Development Bank has turned out to be a Discouraging Bank. But what can you expect if the bank is headed by someone with no banking experience! * ZIMBABWE’S situation is not a curse, but the result of miscalculated and selfish thinking. Watch out Namibia. You could be next.* I AGREE with Mr Mulife Muchila. Let Namibia not become like Zim. And let us blacks stop blaming whites. I think us blacks are more RACIST!* NAMIBIA cannot go the Zimbabwean way. No. Never. Please. We have nothing against Zimbabweans, but we cannot go that inflationary way. Yes, we have a colonial legacy. But we need to move on and DO something. Just moaning is not going to move us forward. We must acknowledge the past, learn from it and move forward.From the regions* HAS the Swapo Government forgotten about Gibeon, where the party’s southern headquarters were situated during the colonial era?* I WOULD like to air my views loud and clear about us working in the rural areas. We in the Kavango Region have problems with identification documents. People have to use other sources of identification when required to do so. Therefore we humbly request mobile teams from the Ministry to render the service as soon as possible.* WHAT happened to the appointment of a new CEO for the Rundu Town Council. The person was supposed to take up office on August 1, while the labour dispute of the previous CEO, Mr Muhepa was still being heard in the Regional Court in Rundu and postponed for another five months. Can the public be informed who will be the winner at the end of this legal wrestling game between Muhepa and the town council. Public funds which are supposed to be invested in the development of the town are ending up in lawyers bank accounts and poverty remains among us. Please can somebody stop this?* I’M A concerned customer of the Standard Bank Rundu branch. I would like the bank to introduce and link our accounts to cellphone banking. This will update our accounts with latest transactions and will help fight stolen cards and enhance transparency in many ways. – V Tjimi* FNB Rundu! What is the complaints book for if improvements are not made. Is it even read? Why does it take three hours plus to wait for bank official to come back from lunch to open an account or issue a BOB card? And then ask ‘how can we help you’? Very inconsiderate!* THE toilets at the Noordoewer border post are a national disgrace. Not working and filthy – it is the first thing tourists and us residents have to pass through to come into the country. It is unacceptable.* KEETMANSHOOP Municipality shame on you! Our cemetery at Kronlein needs urgent attention. There is no water and lately it has become a place for squatters. Be creative and do something. People who deserve to be heroes are buried in this cemetery. Stop saying there is no money.* I’M appealing to the Traffic Department and the Police of Swakopmund to stop long distance bus drivers from loading and offloading their customers in front of the Old Single Quarters at Mondesa. The surrounding area is very unhygienic, caused by people urinating right there and not conducive for human habitation. The situation worsens significantly at month-end. Please let them move to the New Taxi Rank where they can make use of new toilet facilities. – Marco, SwakopmundAg, please …* IT’S absurd that after 17 years the NBC still keeps on apologising about poor quality. My apologies in advance for not paying the licence fee in full. I’m a little short of cash.* AG please! I as a teacher can wear jeans to school and still be professional. Parents should be the bigger role models. I’m here to teach not to be an Edgars model.Health* THIS one goes to the Minister of Health and Social Services. Why is a vehicle donated to a particular health centre being used by the Eenhana and Ngela hospitals only and not the rightful beneficiaries? I need an explanation because our eyes are all focused on this particular vehicle as its sign says ODIBO HEALTH CENTRE, but it is not used by Odibo.* MINISTER Kamwi , the Windhoek Central Hospital Maternity Wards are falling apart! Eish. The walls, toilets, cockroaches and rats are roaming around. Do something! When is the planned renovation of the wards taking place. Congratulations to Katutura maternity. At least you are shining. Minister Kamwi push the contractors to start with renovations at central maternity.Education* I REALLY do not know what the Ministry of Education is doing in terms of paying students’ loans. Students were granted loans long ago, but until now these loans are not at their disposal. It is now the second semester at Unam, but students are suffering. No money to buy books and other stationery and yet they are bursary holders. It is high time that the ministry concerned do something to solve this problem .* HEAR our cries! We parents at Ondukuta Combined School in Uukwaludhi are facing a serious education crisis after our poor children who were affected by demonic spirits. The children have now been suspended from school for a year. We are calling on education directors, inspector and the minister to attend this problem and find a positive solution promptly.* MANY Namibian students at South African universities, including medical students, were notified by their respective institutions that the last day to pay off their debts was July 31. However, the Ministry of Education which has awarded them bursaries has not met the deadline, plunging the students into psychological disarray. – PoepyèniThe uniformed forces* NDF 3rd Battalion Oshakati and the Ministry of Finance! Allow me to express my views on housing allowances. I want to know who is entitled to a housing allowance? What I know is that only those who are not living in GRN facilities qualify for a housing allowance. But here some soldiers are getting a allowance while they are sleeping, eating and taking showers at the base. Is that not corruption? If it is like that, each soldier must get the allowance.* ABOUT the Namibian Air Force. Is this Air Force a family or tribal organisation or a national force? There is no need for me to be Oshindonga speaking to be treated as a human being. Minister of Defence, please be reminded that members of the force have resigned and are still resigning because of alleged tribalism and alleged favouritism.* EXPERIENCED Police officers are resigning from the force while crime is on the increase. Can the management of the Police force wake-up and motivate its members. Nobody is is irreplaceable but these resignations weaken the force.* I DON’T understand why the salaries of the City Police are higher than the Police and NDF?Nujoma and Ya Nangoloh* MR TJIRIANGE, you are saying you are one of those who established the ICC and are not concerned about it’s ruling on Nujoma and others. Does that also mean that those who establish the ACC must not worry even if they are investigated?* MR ya Nangoloh go ahead. You are our protector. Those who want to make charges against the apartheid regime are not prevented from doing so. It’s their right. – Chico* PHIL ya Nangoloh, please tell us if the reconciliation is over? Namibia has adopted the policy of national reconciliation. Now you want Nujoma to be prosecuted by the ICC for missing people?* MR YA NANGOLOH, what is your position in individuals like Magnus Malan, Hans Dreyer, Wouter Basson and Louis Pienaar? Will you want them to be charged for their crimes against the Namibian people as well.* IF Swapo says Nujoma should not be tried because of national reconciliation, what about those charged in the Caprivi treason trial? They must be forgiven also.* WHEN will the Namibian people open their eyes and realise what is going on around them and stand together as one in truth. We are talking about reconciliation and democracy but in reality it is not there. The work of Ya Nangoloh will one day be appreciated. Think of Martin Luther.* YA NANGOLOH should get serious and be constructive because we lost our brothers and sisters at the hands of the South African army.* YA NANGOLOH, you want protection from the Namibian Police Inspector General? When did you restore you faith in the Namibian Government and its security agencies. This is the same force you call useless on a daily basis.* I THINK, ya Nangoloh should be protected. Please Amulungu protect the brave national son. – ESKPolitics* THE current CoD “leadership” (Ulenga and co) must be honourable and democratic enough to step down unconditionally. We cannot afford anarchy in Namibia.* THE CoD president and its newly democratically elected leadership shouldn’t step down, as demanded by the Shixwameni faction. Let him form his own party. There is a difference between democracy and anarchy.* THE Ulenga group need to show that they are men and women of their word. They said they would step down if ANY irregularities were found. Now they must stick to their promises. If they don’t keep to their words, they will lose any shred of credibility they might still have.* THANKS to Ben and his crew. They have shown some political maturity, and Nora and crew thank you for being patriotic to CoD, I know you will be new leaders because you are bright.General* TRANSNAMIB’S new CEO will not succeed as long the old management is there.* HOSEA Kutako’s toilets are disgusting. Whoever is in charge, please do something. You also need to expand them.* AIR NAMIBIA’S cabin crew complaints came as no surprise! Take a closer look at the top structure – it is difficult to find someone with real aviation training and experience. So take heart those amateurs don’t understand the concerns!* MR President please open your eyes and act now before the country falls in the hands of criminals. How many companies and ministries have been broken into and computers stolen and still no arrest have been made. Please fire those incompetent police officers – we need to be protected.* I AM one of those people who depend heavily on PSEMAS (Government medical aid) for survival. Two weeks ago I almost caused a scene after I refused to sign a blank invoice and the acknowledgement slip. If this has happened twice to me, how many thousands of Namibians are signing invoices without numbers? I have also observed that members are lending their cards to be used by non-listed family members, and private doctors are accepting this.* IT is a big and welcome move that Liberty Friendly Society has been placed under curatorship. So many women have been swindled out of their maternity benefit, including me, by this company. I had to get my money back through a lawyer. The chickens have come home to roost.* I’M requesting that Magistrates’ houses be guarded 24 hours by NamPol’s VIP Division to avoid what has happened to Magistrate T Kanime’s house at Ongwediva.* DOES one at first have to complete probation before your leave days can start counting or do the Chinese calendar or provisions also apply here in Namibia? Why are the Chinese allowed to flout the Namibian labour law and regulations at will and at every level without fear of authorities? I really don’t see any benefit into the so called ‘DAYLIGHT ROBBERY’ investments of imitations at every level and repeated transgressions and arrogance towards naive-looking Namibian lawmakers. – P Inamushininga* CRIMINALS might be our brothers. Uncover their faces and print their real nicknames in front of their T-shirts! Its difficult to recognise them if their faces are covered!Thanks!* THANKS! Am excited by the new SMS service. Honestly, it’s fabulous, especially for some of us who stay deep in the villages and only get the newspaper the next day! – VH* VIVA The Namibian newspaper for the cheap sms service. Thank you meme Gwen Lister and your staff. – Hang, Oranjemund* I’M really having fun with these SMSes. Sometimes I find myself laughing alone. Thanks to The Namibian newspaper.* THANKS for this sms system.I would like our leaders to always read our SMSes so that they can hear that their people are suffering.* ZIMBABWE’S situation is not a curse, but the result of miscalculated and selfish thinking. Watch out Namibia. You could be next.* I AGREE with Mr Mulife Muchila. Let Namibia not become like Zim. And let us blacks stop blaming whites. I think us blacks are more RACIST! * NAMIBIA cannot go the Zimbabwean way. No. Never. Please. We have nothing against Zimbabweans, but we cannot go that inflationary way. Yes, we have a colonial legacy. But we need to move on and DO something. Just moaning is not going to move us forward. We must acknowledge the past, learn from it and move forward.From the regions * HAS the Swapo Government forgotten about Gibeon, where the party’s southern headquarters were situated during the colonial era? * I WOULD like to air my views loud and clear about us working in the rural areas. We in the Kavango Region have problems with identification documents. People have to use other sources of identification when required to do so. Therefore we humbly request mobile teams from the Ministry to render the service as soon as possible.* WHAT happened to the appointment of a new CEO for the Rundu Town Council. The person was supposed to take up office on August 1, while the labour dispute of the previous CEO, Mr Muhepa was still being heard in the Regional Court in Rundu and postponed for another five months. Can the public be informed who will be the winner at the end of this legal wrestling game between Muhepa and the town council. Public funds which are supposed to be invested in the development of the town are ending up in lawyers bank accounts and poverty remains among us. Please can somebody stop this? * I’M A concerned customer of the Standard Bank Rundu branch. I would like the bank to introduce and link our accounts to cellphone banking. This will update our accounts with latest transactions and will help fight stolen cards and enhance transparency in many ways. – V Tjimi * FNB Rundu! What is the complaints book for if improvements are not made. Is it even read? Why does it take three hours plus to wait for bank official to come back from lunch to open an account or issue a BOB card? And then ask ‘how can we help you’? Very inconsiderate! * THE toilets at the Noordoewer border post are a national disgrace. Not working and filthy – it is the first thing tourists and us residents have to pass through to come into the country. It is unacceptable.* KEETMANSHOOP Municipality shame on you! Our cemetery at Kronlein needs urgent attention. There is no water and lately it has become a place for squatters. Be creative and do something. People who deserve to be heroes are buried in this cemetery. Stop saying there is no money. * I’M appealing to the Traffic Department and the Police of Swakopmund to stop long distance bus drivers from loading and offloading their customers in front of the Old Single Quarters at Mondesa. The surrounding area is very unhygienic, caused by people urinating right there and not conducive for human habitation. The situation worsens significantly at month-end. Please let them move to the New Taxi Rank where they can make use of new toilet facilities. – Marco, Swakopmund Ag, please …* IT’S absurd that after 17 years the NBC still keeps on apologising about poor quality. My apologies in advance for not paying the licence fee in full. I’m a little short of cash.* AG please! I as a teacher can wear jeans to school and still be professional. Parents should be the bigger role models. I’m here to teach not to be an Edgars model.Health * THIS one goes to the Minister of Health and Social Services. Why is a vehicle donated to a particular health centre being used by the Eenhana and Ngela hospitals only and not the rightful beneficiaries? I need an explanation because our eyes are all focused on this particular vehicle as its sign says ODIBO HEALTH CENTRE, but it is not used by Odibo.* MINISTER Kamwi , the Windhoek Central Hospital Maternity Wards are falling apart! Eish. The walls, toilets, cockroaches and rats are roaming around. Do something! When is the planned renovation of the wards taking place. Congratulations to Katutura maternity. At least you are shining. Minister Kamwi push the contractors to start with renovations at central maternity.Education * I REALLY do not know what the Ministry of Education is doing in terms of paying students’ loans. Students were granted loans long ago, but until now these loans are not at their disposal. It is now the second semester at Unam, but students are suffering. No money to buy books and other stationery and yet they are bursary holders. It is high time that the ministry concerned do something to solve this problem .* HEAR our cries! We parents at Ondukuta Combined School in Uukwaludhi are facing a serious education crisis after our poor children who were affected by demonic spirits. The children have now been suspended from school for a year. We are calling on education directors, inspector and the minister to attend this problem and find a positive solution promptly.* MANY Namibian students at South African universities, including medical students, were notified by their respective institutions that the last day to pay off their debts was July 31. However, the Ministry of Education which has awarded them bursaries has not met the deadline, plunging the students into psychological disarray. – Poepyèni The uniformed forces * NDF 3rd Battalion Oshakati and the Ministry of Finance! Allow me to express my views on housing allowances. I want to know who is entitled to a housing allowance? What I know is that only those who are not living in GRN facilities qualify for a housing allowance. But here some soldiers are getting a allowance while they are sleeping, eating and taking showers at the base. Is that not corruption? If it is like that, each soldier must get the allowance.* ABOUT the Namibian Air Force. Is this Air Force a family or tribal organisation or a national force? There is no need for me to be Oshindonga speaking to be treated as a human being. Minister of Defence, please be reminded that members of the force have resigned and are still resigning because of alleged tribalism and alleged favouritism.* EXPERIENCED Police officers are resigning from the force while crime is on the increase. Can the management of the Police force wake-up and motivate its members. Nobody is is irreplaceable but these resignations weaken the force.* I DON’T understand why the salaries of the City Police are higher than the Police and NDF? Nujoma and Ya Nangoloh * MR TJIRIANGE, you are saying you are one of those who established the ICC and are not concerned about it’s ruling on Nujoma and others. Does that also mean that those who establish the ACC must not worry even if they are investigated? * MR ya Nangoloh go ahead. You are our protector. Those who want to make charges against the apartheid regime are not prevented from doing so. It’s their right. – Chico * PHIL ya Nangoloh, please tell us if the reconciliation is over? Namibia has adopted the policy of national reconciliation. Now you want Nujoma to be prosecuted by the ICC for missing people? * MR YA NANGOLOH, what is your position in individuals like Magnus Malan, Hans Dreyer, Wouter Basson and Louis Pienaar? Will you want them to be charged for their crimes against the Namibian people as well.* IF Swapo says Nujoma should not be tried because of national reconciliation, what about those charged in the Caprivi treason trial? They must be forgiven also.* WHEN will the Namibian people open their eyes and realise what is going on around them and stand together as one in truth. We are talking about reconciliation and democracy but in reality it is not there. The work of Ya Nangoloh will one day be appreciated. Think of Martin Luther.* YA NANGOLOH should get serious and be constructive because we lost our brothers and sisters at the hands of the South African army.* YA NANGOLOH, you want protection from the Namibian Police Inspector General? When did you restore you faith in the Namibian Government and its security agencies. This is the same force you call useless on a daily basis.* I THINK, ya Nangoloh should be protected. Please Amulungu protect the brave national son. – ESK Politics * THE current CoD “leadership” (Ulenga and co) must be honourable and democratic enough to step down unconditionally. We cannot afford anarchy in Namibia.* THE CoD president and its newly democratically elected leadership shouldn’t step down, as demanded by the Shixwameni faction. Let him form his own party. There is a difference between democracy and anarchy.* THE Ulenga group need to show that they are men and women of their word. They said they would step down if ANY irregularities were found. Now they must stick to their promises. If they don’t keep to their words, they will lose any shred of credibility they might still have.* THANKS to Ben and his crew. They have shown some political maturity, and Nora and crew thank you for being patriotic to CoD, I know you will be new leaders because you are bright.General * TRANSNAMIB’S new CEO will not succeed as long the old management is there.* HOSEA Kutako’s toilets are disgusting. Whoever is in charge, please do something. You also need to expand them.* AIR NAMIBIA’S cabin crew complaints came as no surprise! Take a closer look at the top structure – it is difficult to find someone with real aviation training and experience. So take heart those amateurs don’t understand the concerns! * MR President please open your eyes and act now before the country falls in the hands of criminals. How many companies and ministries have been broken into and computers stolen and still no arrest have been made. Please fire those incompetent police officers – we need to be protected.* I AM one of those people who depend heavily on PSEMAS (Government medical aid) for survival. Two weeks ago I almost caused a scene after I refused to sign a blank invoice and the acknowledgement slip. If this has happened twice to me, how many thousands of Namibians are signing invoices without numbers? I have also observed that members are lending their cards to be used by non-listed family members, and private doctors are accepting this.* IT is a big and welcome move that Liberty Friendly Society has been placed under curatorship. So many women have been swindled out of their maternity benefit, including me, by this company. I had to get my money back through a lawyer. The chickens have come home to roost.* I’M requesting that Magistrates’ houses be guarded 24 hours by NamPol’s VIP Division to avoid what has happened to Magistrate T Kanime’s house at Ongwediva.* DOES one at first have to complete probation before your leave days can start counting or do the Chinese calendar or provisions also apply here in Namibia? Why are the Chinese allowed to flout the Namibian labour law and regulations at will and at every level without fear of authorities? I really don’t see any benefit into the so called ‘DAYLIGHT ROBBERY’ investments of imitations at every level and repeated transgressions and arrogance towards naive-looking Namibian lawmakers. – P Inamushininga * CRIMINALS might be our brothers. Uncover their faces and print their real nicknames in front of their T-shirts! Its difficult to recognise them if their faces are covered! Thanks! * THANKS! Am excited by the new SMS service. Honestly, it’s fabulous, especially for some of us who stay deep in the villages and only get the newspaper the next day! – VH * VIVA The Namibian newspaper for the cheap sms service. Thank you meme Gwen Lister and your staff. – Hang, Oranjemund * I’M really having fun with these SMSes. Sometimes I find myself laughing alone. Thanks to The Namibian newspaper.* THANKS for this sms system.I would like our leaders to always read our SMSes so that they can hear that their people are suffering.

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