Thursday SMS Responses

Thursday SMS Responses

Good news * BEST news in years: Parents and teachers at Emma Hoogenhout cleaning and painting their school! If only Namibia had more people like that …

* WHAT Mr Sidney Martin is doing with the meat industry is a good thing. – Tangeni Hear our voices! * WHEN we write these messages, we mean what we are saying. The leaders must consider our views. They must stop fighting for positions and start thinking of the nation. Eating time is over. Now its time to fully back our President in fighting corruption.* I AM kindly requesting newspapers in Namibia to cover more stories on the Resettlement Programmes in the various regions as feedback is necessary.Money matters* GOVERNMENT, please return all the money stolen from Government and divide it up among all the Namibian people. Or come up with a fund to give loans to the poor with good ideas to start their own projects. That theme of poor gets poorer, rich get richer must be done away with.* PLEASE, Mr Katiti, can you open up orphans’ homes around the country just using a million (of your 2,8 million), and then you’re left with another million plus? God will bless you for a second time if you do. But be sure that it is not from fraud. Let it be a huge appreciation from the Walvis Bay municipality who have no money to start its own police force. Heaven only knows, and only the building’s walls heard it, when the pay was discussed.* LET the State look into the salary increases of all civil servants before it is too late.The ACC* DOES the ACC only have teeth when it comes to Namas and turns a blind eye to certain other shady deals?* THE ACC must stop investigating minor things. Then, they must go and investigate at the NDF HQ. Our money is being deducted without any concern for us.* I THINK there is only one man who can solve the problem of the missing millions. Mr ‘No fear!’ Phil ya Nangoloh. Or maybe someone from another country like the USA. Mr Noa can be used for minor cases.* NAMFISA and the ACC have one thing in common: to bypass the big shots and to concentrate on the small almost meaningless cases in order justify their useless existence.Answers, please* I WANT a clear answer from the Ministry of Defence. Why is it that only some members get housing allowances?* I’M a resident of Helao Nafidi Town, Ohangwena. In particular, I’m really worried about what our councils are doing? The whole of Ohangwena is full of dust, like a cloud in the air. They must tar the road from main road up until Ponhofi SSS. I need feedback!!Reshuffle* WHY are we reshuffling inefficient permanent secretaries. They should be shuffled out.* CONGRATULATIONS to the PM on reshuffling PS Shangula and Ndishishi, who made the ministries their private companies.* RESHUFFLING the 10 Permanent Secretaries will end up giving them double salaries because of the inefficiency in the Government finance system. Example: the ACC.* THE PS reshuffle is a setback in Namibian history. The best option is fire them or to apply Public Service Act 13 of 1985, especially if they “cannot take orders from their Ministers”.* THE Rt Hon Prime Minister got it wrong on the PS reshuffle. The problem is not solved but shifted to another Ministry. Rent money! – Muhoko, Walvis Bay* IF performance evaluation is only started with now, then it is no secret anymore why our country is in a state of decay. Are they going to perform in another ministry. It is obvious they did not and had to be removed. To reshuffle a useless hand of cards will not improve the value of it.* SHAME on you Swapo leaders. The system is about to collapse, and it is because of your poor politics! Why do you keep on doing the same mistakes? Why rotate people who cannot perform. No person is born with experience, as you are always telling us! Ndishishi, Kalumbi and many of you cannot produce. Give a chance to young and educated people.* PM, shifting ‘dead wood’ isn’t the answer! Bring in new blood!* PSs who cannot do their jobs should be fired! Moving them around just transfers the problem to other sectors of government. PSs should also be appointed based on their technical and managerial skills, and not their political allegiances!State of the nation* HONOURABLE President, please tell your officials to save our country. They must stop buying too many expensive cars instead of paying school fees.* THE new Cabinet is doing nothing. Only the Deputy Prime Minister. Mr President, we need more hospitals and water, please. We need more projects. – Donnadex* SOME people are starving and suffer unemployment in Namibia. It seems some of our leaders only care for themselves, and build expensive houses for themselves.* NAMIBIA is going to the DOGS. Which means our LEADERS are DOGS? No. We need to learn how to respect. STOP insulting, PLEASE. We are PEOPLE, BUT NOT DOGS. – Enos David* GOD only knows where we are heading. – JKNPolitics* TODAY’S (yesterday) report on the Ulenga Congress of Democrats group shows that they have potential as a dance group. They could become the Conga Democrats. (Tsudao) Gurirab’s comments show that they can twist and shout, do the sideways shuffle, moonwalk backwards, walk on sunshine, dosey do their partners. They’ve got the moves!* THE political situation within our country is becoming unstable. There is no respect for our leaders, there’s high unemployment, poverty, self-enrichment, tribalism and human rights violations. Are we constructing or we are destructing the nation? ARE we going to reach vision 2030 in such a situation?Brave Warriors* THE Brave Warriors are a waste of taxpayers’ and sponsors’ money. Let’s forget about the BW for the next 10 years and invest in soccer development programmes. You can’t teach old dogs new tricks.* IT’S evident these days that you don’t need to play for any club to become a Brave Warriors goalkeeper! Shows that our national team is a Boetie Boetie team. NFA where to now?* THANKS to Mr Muna Katupose for making us, we the northern people, very happy. May the Great God lead him to great success. We support him.* IF we want to beat Ethiopia, we must play like real men: aggressive and committed. – ‘Jimmo what a ball’* WHY’S The Namibian newspaper not reporting on South African soccer. There was the Vodacom Cup. What happened? (We have referred your concerns to our Sports Reporter. – Ed)* TO have a good team, you need to have a strong technical team.* THE Chiefs of the Brave Warriors must not just pick players based on talent, they should work very hard to put on the jersey of the National Team, and they should get team players not the one’s who play for themselves. – CheezaWorkplace concerns* RAMATEX leaving is a long-time plan. You can lie to the nation about no fear of job loses. Nafau is afraid to tell the truth cause they are waiting for the last minute, then they can play their tricks. We hope that Government and Nafau are going to re employ these thousands of workers.* YES, our blind Government. Nothing is preventing RAMATEX from leaving. There were no conditions put in place for them. The union leaders are afraid to tackle the issue because it could ruin their chances of promotion to Parliament. The truth is, Nafau is only after poor workers’ money.* IT was my pleasure to read in The Namibian about underground water pollution detected round Windhoek caused by Ramatex. It’s a real environmental issue. Our environment needs to be protected – mostly against pollution. I hope we can do it. Environmental educational students need to join up and be a strong watchdog team for the nation. All our mining sites should be monitored.* I’M a Unam graduate with a Business Admin degree. I’m unemployed and have been planning to start a cleaning and terrain maintenance company, but the new labour bill outlaws this type of company. Should I tear up my Degree? What happens to aspirant entrepreneurs like us who want to start a cleaning company? Please, Mr Minister, stop your uninformed ideas just to gain political points.Crime* PLEASE, community at large, help our Police by cracking down on the B1 Butcher. One day the Butcher might just go mad like a rabid dog and attack YOU. The Butcher is your neighbour. Please feed the Police with information. – Gaoseb, Karas Region * CRIME prevention is not licence checks at roadblocks only.* WHEN we write these messages, we mean what we are saying. The leaders must consider our views. They must stop fighting for positions and start thinking of the nation. Eating time is over. Now its time to fully back our President in fighting corruption.* I AM kindly requesting newspapers in Namibia to cover more stories on the Resettlement Programmes in the various regions as feedback is necessary.Money matters * GOVERNMENT, please return all the money stolen from Government and divide it up among all the Namibian people. Or come up with a fund to give loans to the poor with good ideas to start their own projects. That theme of poor gets poorer, rich get richer must be done away with.* PLEASE, Mr Katiti, can you open up orphans’ homes around the country just using a million (of your 2,8 million), and then you’re left with another million plus? God will bless you for a second time if you do. But be sure that it is not from fraud. Let it be a huge appreciation from the Walvis Bay municipality who have no money to start its own police force. Heaven only knows, and only the building’s walls heard it, when the pay was discussed.* LET the State look into the salary increases of all civil servants before it is too late.The ACC * DOES the ACC only have teeth when it comes to Namas and turns a blind eye to certain other shady deals? * THE ACC must stop investigating minor things. Then, they must go and investigate at the NDF HQ. Our money is being deducted without any concern for us.* I THINK there is only one man who can solve the problem of the missing millions. Mr ‘No fear!’ Phil ya Nangoloh. Or maybe someone from another country like the USA. Mr Noa can be used for minor cases.* NAMFISA and the ACC have one thing in common: to bypass the big shots and to concentrate on the small almost meaningless cases in order justify their useless existence.Answers, please * I WANT a clear answer from the Ministry of Defence. Why is it that only some members get housing allowances? * I’M a resident of Helao Nafidi Town, Ohangwena. In particular, I’m really worried about what our councils are doing? The whole of Ohangwena is full of dust, like a cloud in the air. They must tar the road from main road up until Ponhofi SSS. I need feedback!! Reshuffle * WHY are we reshuffling inefficient permanent secretaries. They should be shuffled out.* CONGRATULATIONS to the PM on reshuffling PS Shangula and Ndishishi, who made the ministries their private companies.* RESHUFFLING the 10 Permanent Secretaries will end up giving them double salaries because of the inefficiency in the Government finance system. Example: the ACC.* THE PS reshuffle is a setback in Namibian history. The best option is fire them or to apply Public Service Act 13 of 1985, especially if they “cannot take orders from their Ministers”.* THE Rt Hon Prime Minister got it wrong on the PS reshuffle. The problem is not solved but shifted to another Ministry. Rent money! – Muhoko, Walvis Bay * IF performance evaluation is only started with now, then it is no secret anymore why our country is in a state of decay. Are they going to perform in another ministry. It is obvious they did not and had to be removed. To reshuffle a useless hand of cards will not improve the value of it.* SHAME on you Swapo leaders. The system is about to collapse, and it is because of your poor politics! Why do you keep on doing the same mistakes? Why rotate people who cannot perform. No person is born with experience, as you are always telling us! Ndishishi, Kalumbi and many of you cannot produce. Give a chance to young and educated people.* PM, shifting ‘dead wood’ isn’t the answer! Bring in new blood! * PSs who cannot do their jobs should be fired! Moving them around just transfers the problem to other sectors of government. PSs should also be appointed based on their technical and managerial skills, and not their political allegiances! State of the nation * HONOURABLE President, please tell your officials to save our country. They must stop buying too many expensive cars instead of paying school fees.* THE new Cabinet is doing nothing. Only the Deputy Prime Minister. Mr President, we need more hospitals and water, please. We need more projects. – Donnadex * SOME people are starving and suffer unemployment in Namibia. It seems some of our leaders only care for themselves, and build expensive houses for themselves.* NAMIBIA is going to the DOGS. Which means our LEADERS are DOGS? No. We need to learn how to respect. STOP insulting, PLEASE. We are PEOPLE, BUT NOT DOGS. – Enos David* GOD only knows where we are heading. – JKN Politics * TODAY’S (yesterday) report on the Ulenga Congress of Democrats group shows that they have potential as a dance group. They could become the Conga Democrats. (Tsudao) Gurirab’s comments show that they can twist and shout, do the sideways shuffle, moonwalk backwards, walk on sunshine, dosey do their partners. They’ve got the moves! * THE political situation within our country is becoming unstable. There is no respect for our leaders, there’s high unemployment, poverty, self-enrichment, tribalism and human rights violations. Are we constructing or we are destructing the nation? ARE we going to reach vision 2030 in such a situation? Brave Warriors * THE Brave Warriors are a waste of taxpayers’ and sponsors’ money. Let’s forget about the BW for the next 10 years and invest in soccer development programmes. You can’t teach old dogs new tricks.* IT’S evident these days that you don’t need to play for any club to become a Brave Warriors goalkeeper! Shows that our national team is a Boetie Boetie team. NFA where to now? * THANKS to Mr Muna Katupose for making us, we the northern people, very happy. May the Great God lead him to great success. We support him.* IF we want to beat Ethiopia, we must play like real men: aggressive and committed. – ‘Jimmo what a ball’ * WHY’S The Namibian newspaper not reporting on South African soccer. There was the Vodacom Cup. What happened? (We have referred your concerns to our Sports Reporter. – Ed) * TO have a good team, you need to have a strong technical team. * THE Chiefs of the Brave Warriors must not just pick players based on talent, they should work very hard to put on the jersey of the National Team, and they should get team players not the one’s who play for themselves. – Cheeza Workplace concerns * RAMATEX leaving is a long-time plan. You can lie to the nation about no fear of job loses. Nafau is afraid to tell the truth cause they are waiting for the last minute, then they can play their tricks. We hope that Government and Nafau are going to re employ these thousands of workers.* YES, our blind Government. Nothing is preventing RAMATEX from leaving. There were no conditions put in place for them. The union leaders are afraid to tackle the issue because it could ruin their chances of promotion to Parliament. The truth is, Nafau is only after poor workers’ money.* IT was my pleasure to read in The Namibian about underground water pollution detected round Windhoek caused by Ramatex. It’s a real environmental issue. Our environment needs to be protected – mostly against pollution. I hope we can do it. Environmental educational students need to join up and be a strong watchdog team for the nation. All our mining sites should be monitored.* I’M a Unam graduate with a Business Admin degree. I’m unemployed and have been planning to start a cleaning and terrain maintenance company, but the new labour bill outlaws this type of company. Should I tear up my Degree? What happens to aspirant entrepreneurs like us who want to start a cleaning company? Please, Mr Minister, stop your uninformed ideas just to gain political points.Crime * PLEASE, community at large, help our Police by cracking down on the B1 Butcher. One day the Butcher might just go mad like a rabid dog and attack YOU. The Butcher is your neighbour. Please feed the Police with information. – Gaoseb, Karas Region * CRIME prevention is not licence checks at roadblocks only.

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