The mongrels of hypocrisy …

The mongrels of hypocrisy …

CRUNCH time….Who should go this Sunday, and why? Tough.

I know most people have probably made up their minds, but if any of you are still wavering, I guess I would have to say Richard. And I have reasons.Just hated the way the trash-talking ‘morality’ police pursued Meryl like dogs on heat! But when it comes to Richard, a married man of four months, who to all intents and purposes is having an extramarital affair, they’re as lethargic as a pavement special basking in the sun.He’s told Tati he loves her – more than once, has told her they’ve shared the best kiss ever, that he loses all intelligence when he looks in her eyes, done a few nakedish things together.Etc.In front of millions across the continent, including his wife.The response: well, he’s an African man, “95% of African men cheat”, African men can have more than one wife.It’s a game, forget her (the wife).Yeah? Hell, people.Double standards or WHAT?!!! And the lack of empathy for his wife, the woman he said at the start of the show was “my world”? It’s unreal.Where are people at? Seems like there are an awful lot of voyeuristic vultures who want to see how far Richard will go.Peeps, this is not The Days of Our Lives, or The (b)Old And The Beautiful (beautiful, of course, has left the house!).And yes, it IS a show.But hey people, it’s clear that Richard has tripped over his truck and crossed the game line.Why else would his wife have signed off on her blog more than a couple of weeks back already, saying it was all just too hurtful.You can check it out on the BBA social network site, if you want.Then there are those people who say Richard’s “real”.It’s almost worse, because it means he really is hurting his wife.Is this really the name of the game? Also, Richard and Tati are way past their sell-by date now.It was kind of interesting for a couple of days.But now they’re just flat-out boring.Snoring boring.It’s like pressing replay every day.On top of it all, Richard’s become all poo-brained.He really does think he’s all that, and seems to think it gives him the right to run riot.He’s sort of become smug life fused with thug life – Richard can get pretty nasty when a woman doesn’t do what he wants.Even Tati’s had to walk away, or tell him ‘don’t speak to me like that’.A spoilt boy in a man’s body who’s playing to the lookists out there?! And the childish was never more evident than in the ludicrous reasons he gave for nominating Meryl for eviction – two weeks in a row, nogal.Aitsa, he’s become tedious.And all that emotional nappy changing that has to be done! Richard’s entertainment quotient has taken a dive.And so has he.Richiana now co-exist in a bubble of boredom.* You can catch all the BBA action on Channel 37, DStv.And I have reasons.Just hated the way the trash-talking ‘morality’ police pursued Meryl like dogs on heat! But when it comes to Richard, a married man of four months, who to all intents and purposes is having an extramarital affair, they’re as lethargic as a pavement special basking in the sun.He’s told Tati he loves her – more than once, has told her they’ve shared the best kiss ever, that he loses all intelligence when he looks in her eyes, done a few nakedish things together.Etc.In front of millions across the continent, including his wife.The response: well, he’s an African man, “95% of African men cheat”, African men can have more than one wife.It’s a game, forget her (the wife).Yeah? Hell, people.Double standards or WHAT?!!! And the lack of empathy for his wife, the woman he said at the start of the show was “my world”? It’s unreal.Where are people at? Seems like there are an awful lot of voyeuristic vultures who want to see how far Richard will go.Peeps, this is not The Days of Our Lives, or The (b)Old And The Beautiful (beautiful, of course, has left the house!).And yes, it IS a show.But hey people, it’s clear that Richard has tripped over his truck and crossed the game line.Why else would his wife have signed off on her blog more than a couple of weeks back already, saying it was all just too hurtful.You can check it out on the BBA social network site, if you want.Then there are those people who say Richard’s “real”.It’s almost worse, because it means he really is hurting his wife.Is this really the name of the game? Also, Richard and Tati are way past their sell-by date now.It was kind of interesting for a couple of days.But now they’re just flat-out boring.Snoring boring.It’s like pressing replay every day.On top of it all, Richard’s become all poo-brained.He really does think he’s all that, and seems to think it gives him the right to run riot.He’s sort of become smug life fused with thug life – Richard can get pretty nasty when a woman doesn’t do what he wants.Even Tati’s had to walk away, or tell him ‘don’t speak to me like that’.A spoilt boy in a man’s body who’s playing to the lookists out there?! And the childish was never more evident than in the ludicrous reasons he gave for nominating Meryl for eviction – two weeks in a row, nogal.Aitsa, he’s become tedious.And all that emotional nappy changing that has to be done! Richard’s entertainment quotient has taken a dive.And so has he.Richiana now co-exist in a bubble of boredom.* You can catch all the BBA action on Channel 37, DStv.

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