Thanks To NBC

Thanks To NBC

I WOULD like to publicly thank NBC Radio in your popular newspaper and fearless news disseminator.

On Sunday morning, (7 March 2004) I was surprised and excited to hear an American Voice of Islam, coming out of NBC radio. That was between 8h30 to 9h30.The program was basically focussed on the “Importance of Conscience” in bringing about God-consciousness, when adhered to properly by any critical and right-thinking human being.The presenter, who spoke with an American accent, was talking about the similarities between certain Biblical and Quranic statements on the issue of conscience and God-consciousness.As a Namibian Muslim, I was naturally happy to hear our national radio broadcasting an Islamic message, moderately, wisely and scientifically presented.All I want to say is: Thank you very much NBC Radio! On behalf of the Muslim community in Namibia, I would like to say, you made us feel at home and at peace by broadcasting the eternal Message of all God’s Prophets over our national airwaves.For me it was the first time I listened to such a program.It was, indeed, enlightening, though, I was already familiar with the contents.Continue educating and informing the nation, without fear or favour.Proud of you, NBC Radio and I am happy to be Namibian and Muslim! Thank you once again!PeaceArmas Abdul Malik Shikongo, WindhoekThat was between 8h30 to 9h30.The program was basically focussed on the “Importance of Conscience” in bringing about God-consciousness, when adhered to properly by any critical and right-thinking human being.The presenter, who spoke with an American accent, was talking about the similarities between certain Biblical and Quranic statements on the issue of conscience and God-consciousness.As a Namibian Muslim, I was naturally happy to hear our national radio broadcasting an Islamic message, moderately, wisely and scientifically presented.All I want to say is: Thank you very much NBC Radio! On behalf of the Muslim community in Namibia, I would like to say, you made us feel at home and at peace by broadcasting the eternal Message of all God’s Prophets over our national airwaves.For me it was the first time I listened to such a program.It was, indeed, enlightening, though, I was already familiar with the contents.Continue educating and informing the nation, without fear or favour.Proud of you, NBC Radio and I am happy to be Namibian and Muslim! Thank you once again!PeaceArmas Abdul Malik Shikongo, Windhoek

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