Testing Times For Prospective Student

Testing Times For Prospective Student

ALLOW me space in your newspaper to air my disappointment with the services that I received from the Polytechnic Northern Campus, about the mature-age entry test that took place last week.

When I filled in my application form for 2008 academic year, it was indicated in the application form that the mature-age entry test will take place on October 5, 6 and 7 2007. I indicated that I would take my test on the 7th (which was Sunday) because of my work I could not sit on Friday or Saturday.To my surprise when I arrived at Northern campus I was told (by the security guard) that there was no test taking place on Sunday.The guard gave me a number of a certain official who told me the same thing.But in the paper I removed form the application form there was the option of October 7, as the last date for that test.I still have that piece of paper as a proof.On Monday I called the same person to enquire about the issue and I was told I have to come and write on the next day, which was Tuesday.I explained to him that I could not make it as I am working in the field and I already have a weekly programme to do from my head office.The official told me that there was no other option.My problem is that it is because of the Institution’s mistake that I have to suffer.How on earth is one given wrong information and later cannot be given a time convenient to him/her? What will happen if I lose my job as a result of this? Jobs are very scarce and you cannot play with your own bread and butter just because of mistakes by others.To me everything is important but my job is more important than other things because to study you need money.I have applied for Journalism & Information Technology.Please Polytechnic, do something.This is the second time I am trying to do my studies through your institution.In 2004 I sat for the same test on the same course, but I did not receive any response.Please tell me what to do, I need to study next year.M N Ndawedapo Via e-mailI indicated that I would take my test on the 7th (which was Sunday) because of my work I could not sit on Friday or Saturday.To my surprise when I arrived at Northern campus I was told (by the security guard) that there was no test taking place on Sunday.The guard gave me a number of a certain official who told me the same thing.But in the paper I removed form the application form there was the option of October 7, as the last date for that test.I still have that piece of paper as a proof.On Monday I called the same person to enquire about the issue and I was told I have to come and write on the next day, which was Tuesday.I explained to him that I could not make it as I am working in the field and I already have a weekly programme to do from my head office.The official told me that there was no other option.My problem is that it is because of the Institution’s mistake that I have to suffer.How on earth is one given wrong information and later cannot be given a time convenient to him/her? What will happen if I lose my job as a result of this? Jobs are very scarce and you cannot play with your own bread and butter just because of mistakes by others.To me everything is important but my job is more important than other things because to study you need money.I have applied for Journalism & Information Technology.Please Polytechnic, do something.This is the second time I am trying to do my studies through your institution.In 2004 I sat for the same test on the same course, but I did not receive any response.Please tell me what to do, I need to study next year.M N Ndawedapo Via e-mail

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