Taking Issue With Ahrens

Taking Issue With Ahrens

I WOULD like to reply to a statement made by our friend Ernst Ahrens from Windhoek in The Namibian dated 12 March 2004.

My friend, we are talking about a serious history of Namibia, which, if not corrected in time, will bring further pain and havoc that can affect your very freedom of expression and movement and the way you are expressing yourself right now. You are rightfully stating that the “Herero do not seem to be favoured by the present Government anyhow”.This is the seriousness of the problem.Germany is ready to help in the “reconstruction of an independent Namibia,” through the office of their Ambassador in Namibia, Wolfgang Massing.But the problem is this: Germany should be paying for the wrongs they have done in Namibia to a specific people, the Ovaherero.But the funds are going to the Government of Namibia, which, as you rightly say, does not favour the Ovaherero people who fought rightfully for the Land of the Brave along with other ethnic groups.Now, “how can a tribe that has suffered for the land in” Namibia be pushed into a corner where no development is taking place in terms of economic activities and infrastructure development.You are referring to a leader (Chief Samuel Maharero) “that fought until he had to escape into a neighbouring Botswana, as one who demanded a high-flying lifestyle.If he was given to this kind of lifestyle with the profits – as you claim – why then escape after battle to another country? And you are right -that he is not even recognised to the extent of putting his face on any of our country’s currency.My friend, we do not want to “be superheroes and act along tribalist lines”, but you have the facts right in front of you.How can a country be populated by various ethnic groups and only a few of these groups are reaping the fruits of the fight that was fought by everyone.You have mentioned the “indigenous people, the San and the Bergdama”, and have also identified them to be a part of the very ethnic groups that are not reaping the fruits of our independence.Your kind of thinking is good but it must be directed properly and you know to whom it must be directed.A word to the German ambassador, Wolfgang Massing: I hope you see from this history that the people that your country once targeted to destroy and could not manage to destroy – the very people that you mean to compensate through your efforts to pump money into their Government – are the people who are not recognised by that same Government according to my dear friend Ernst Ahrens.They have wrongs that they did and that they need to correct, but how can they with all funds being directed to other “regions”? The Ovaherero people need to first of all fix themselves and enjoy the fruits of Independence, which “comes in bilateral relations” with former colonisers, including Germany and other countries, before we can talk about any wrongs done by the Ovaherero to the other tribes as identified by Ernst Ahrens.These are the things I believe that led to the resignation of Chief Kuaima Riruako from the current parliament that is “not looking at the interests of his people”, hence the need to go back to the original plan of Chief Hosea Kutako.That is why you see the revival of the NUDO party.Simply put, the interests of the Ovaherero people are not catered for by the current administration.You can be a good adviser, but you will have to open your eyes a little bit more and direct your statements correctly.Talaska Galaga Katjiruru WindhoekYou are rightfully stating that the “Herero do not seem to be favoured by the present Government anyhow”.This is the seriousness of the problem.Germany is ready to help in the “reconstruction of an independent Namibia,” through the office of their Ambassador in Namibia, Wolfgang Massing.But the problem is this: Germany should be paying for the wrongs they have done in Namibia to a specific people, the Ovaherero.But the funds are going to the Government of Namibia, which, as you rightly say, does not favour the Ovaherero people who fought rightfully for the Land of the Brave along with other ethnic groups.Now, “how can a tribe that has suffered for the land in” Namibia be pushed into a corner where no development is taking place in terms of economic activities and infrastructure development.You are referring to a leader (Chief Samuel Maharero) “that fought until he had to escape into a neighbouring Botswana, as one who demanded a high-flying lifestyle.If he was given to this kind of lifestyle with the profits – as you claim – why then escape after battle to another country? And you are right -that he is not even recognised to the extent of putting his face on any of our country’s currency.My friend, we do not want to “be superheroes and act along tribalist lines”, but you have the facts right in front of you.How can a country be populated by various ethnic groups and only a few of these groups are reaping the fruits of the fight that was fought by everyone.You have mentioned the “indigenous people, the San and the Bergdama”, and have also identified them to be a part of the very ethnic groups that are not reaping the fruits of our independence.Your kind of thinking is good but it must be directed properly and you know to whom it must be directed.A word to the German ambassador, Wolfgang Massing: I hope you see from this history that the people that your country once targeted to destroy and could not manage to destroy – the very people that you mean to compensate through your efforts to pump money into their Government – are the people who are not recognised by that same Government according to my dear friend Ernst Ahrens.They have wrongs that they did and that they need to correct, but how can they with all funds being directed to other “regions”? The Ovaherero people need to first of all fix themselves and enjoy the fruits of Independence, which “comes in bilateral relations” with former colonisers, including Germany and other countries, before we can talk about any wrongs done by the Ovaherero to the other tribes as identified by Ernst Ahrens.These are the things I believe that led to the resignation of Chief Kuaima Riruako from the current parliament that is “not looking at the interests of his people”, hence the need to go back to the original plan of Chief Hosea Kutako.That is why you see the revival of the NUDO party.Simply put, the interests of the Ovaherero people are not catered for by the current administration.You can be a good adviser, but you will have to open your eyes a little bit more and direct your statements correctly.Talaska Galaga Katjiruru Windhoek

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