Swapo’s response to Fishrot pathetic – analyst

Ndumba Kamwanyah

Political analyst Ndumba Kamwanyah says Swapo’s way of dealing with the aftermath of the Fishrot fishing quotas corruption scandal is “pathetic”.

He says the party is not serious about taking action against corruption.

“They never recalled or fired all the members who were implicated in corruption. The party’s response to the Fishrot case is pathetic,” Kamwanyah says.

“Had it been serious, a lot of its members would have been dismissed or suspended. More than 50% of people implicated in corruption in this country are Swapo members,“ he says.

Fighting corruption was never Swapo’s ideology during the liberation struggle, the analyst says.

“All the party wanted was to replace the colonial masters, and then become the new masters to further plunder the country.”

Regarding Swapo vice president Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah’s calls to weed out corrupt elements in the party, Kamwanyah says: “Everybody knows individual Swapo members were funded to vote in a certain way through the Fishrot. A party that is serious about corruption would have instituted an investigation. But what did the party do? Reward them with party and government positions.”

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