Swanu to stick to socialism

Swanu to stick to socialism

SWANU’S political gathering in Katutura on Monday night brought back memories of the apartheid and Cold War eras.

So outdated was the language at the launch of the South West African National Union’s election manifesto that Namibia’s oldest national liberation was not shy about pitching its message around socialism – an abandoned political and economic system that is seemingly bound to cost any party a popularity contest in this modern age of unabashed consumerism. Swanu has cast itself as a party that will not be moved nor waver from its tradition of socialist activism and being nationalist and left-wing.”Swanu is determinedly anti-capitalist, anti-free market and anti-imperialist, and recognises the continuing and urgent need for a solution to the crimes and contradictions of rampaging capitalism,” said its President Rihupisa Kandando, reading from the party’s manifesto.The songs and rhetoric during Monday night’s meeting were all steeped in the good old days of the liberation struggle.Slogans ‘Patji! Ngarikotoke [It’s time, give the land to the people]’ and ‘daring to struggle, daring to win’ were employed with a crowd of about 30 Swanu faithful.Kandando forcefully put across the party’s programme – that Swanu will continue to “instil a spirit of comradeship, solidarity and social justice” and that the party “rejects the distortion that a socialist project cannot work in Namibia”.The party’s manifesto lamented that Namibians had fallen “into ideological and political trap set up by neo-liberalism”.The theme of Swanu’s campaign programme for the upcoming elections is “mobilise now to reclaim the State and natural resources”.The party argues that Swapo and the parliamentary opposition have sold out the liberation struggle to the “neo-liberal” right-wing.If ever it takes over the reins of powers, Swanu will continue devolving power to the regions, while rejecting federalism.Primary education will be free.Like the socialists of old, Swanu will see to “public ownership of the means of production”.Expropriation will be undertaken “with or without compensation”.While supporting black economic empowerment, Swanu said it will introduce “class economic empowerment” as it goes about the “class struggle” between the wealthy and the downtrodden.caption THE LEADERS …Swanu leaders Maria Tjizera, Vice President Kuzeeko Kangueehi and the party’s President, Rihupisa Kandando, launching their elections statement.Swanu has cast itself as a party that will not be moved nor waver from its tradition of socialist activism and being nationalist and left-wing.”Swanu is determinedly anti-capitalist, anti-free market and anti-imperialist, and recognises the continuing and urgent need for a solution to the crimes and contradictions of rampaging capitalism,” said its President Rihupisa Kandando, reading from the party’s manifesto.The songs and rhetoric during Monday night’s meeting were all steeped in the good old days of the liberation struggle.Slogans ‘Patji! Ngarikotoke [It’s time, give the land to the people]’ and ‘daring to struggle, daring to win’ were employed with a crowd of about 30 Swanu faithful.Kandando forcefully put across the party’s programme – that Swanu will continue to “instil a spirit of comradeship, solidarity and social justice” and that the party “rejects the distortion that a socialist project cannot work in Namibia”.The party’s manifesto lamented that Namibians had fallen “into ideological and political trap set up by neo-liberalism”.The theme of Swanu’s campaign programme for the upcoming elections is “mobilise now to reclaim the State and natural resources”.The party argues that Swapo and the parliamentary opposition have sold out the liberation struggle to the “neo-liberal” right-wing.If ever it takes over the reins of powers, Swanu will continue devolving power to the regions, while rejecting federalism.Primary education will be free.Like the socialists of old, Swanu will see to “public ownership of the means of production”.Expropriation will be undertaken “with or without compensation”.While supporting black economic empowerment, Swanu said it will introduce “class economic empowerment” as it goes about the “class struggle” between the wealthy and the downtrodden. caption THE LEADERS …Swanu leaders Maria Tjizera, Vice President Kuzeeko Kangueehi and the party’s President, Rihupisa Kandando, launching their elections statement.

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