Swakop rape case delayed

Swakop rape case delayed

THE case of rape suspect Gunter Berndt has been postponed until June 22 to allow for the finalisation of the docket for the Prosecutor General.

Berndt pleaded not guilty before Magistrate Gibson Imbili in the Swakopmund Magistrate’s Court last week. Berndt (67), a German citizen, was taken into custody on January 11 in connection with the alleged rape of a 21-year-old Swakopmund man.The complainant alleged that Berndt had offered him N$100 in return for sexual favours.Berndt denied the claims.He said he had met the young man at the Mole and taken him to his (Berndt’s) house to give him food because he was complaining of hunger.Suspect held for gem theft * LUQMAN CLOETE POLICE at Oranje-mund last week arrested a Namdeb employee on a charge of diamond theft.Karas Regional Commander Josephat Abel con-firmed to The Namibian that Onesmus Imini (40), a fitter, was allegedly found in possession of 13 diamonds with a total of 51 carats.He said the value of the diamonds still had to be determined.Imini has already appeared in the Oranjemund Magistrate’s Court.He was not asked to plead and the case was remanded to June 27.No bail was granted.Berndt (67), a German citizen, was taken into custody on January 11 in connection with the alleged rape of a 21-year-old Swakopmund man.The complainant alleged that Berndt had offered him N$100 in return for sexual favours.Berndt denied the claims.He said he had met the young man at the Mole and taken him to his (Berndt’s) house to give him food because he was complaining of hunger.Suspect held for gem theft * LUQMAN CLOETE POLICE at Oranje-mund last week arrested a Namdeb employee on a charge of diamond theft.Karas Regional Commander Josephat Abel con-firmed to The Namibian that Onesmus Imini (40), a fitter, was allegedly found in possession of 13 diamonds with a total of 51 carats.He said the value of the diamonds still had to be determined.Imini has already appeared in the Oranjemund Magistrate’s Court.He was not asked to plead and the case was remanded to June 27.No bail was granted.

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