Stylish vs Fashionable Man – The Difference

A man looking for an outfit for an event likely possesses a sense of fashion, as he may not rely on his current wardrobe to assemble an outfit.

On the other hand, a man capable of crafting an outfit from his existing items possesses a sense of style.

This essentially summarises the sole distinction between the two.

If two men, one being a stylist and the other being a fashionista, enter a room full of women, the ama 2k will jump for the fashionable dude. Let’s call him a dude.

While the matured, elegant woman will opt for a stylish man. Why is this?

Style brings about class, class brings about respect and that is what makes a man – a fine man.

There is a cliché saying class is permanent, and believe it or not, this is true.

Style is permanent as it is embodied in your DNA.

CI said: “You can pay for fashion, but you cannot pay for style; drip is forever.”

Yves Saint Laurent once said fashion fades, but style is eternal.

The two quotes mean exactly the same thing. You are more likely to be born with it. Stylish people don’t force situations, they float in the drip which makes them noticeable. On the other hand, fashionable individuals consistently try to force circumstances.

It is so evident when someone is forcing the overall look.

I’m not implying that their appearance isn’t impressive; it certainly can be at times, however, originality seems to be lacking.

Moreover, I believe they invest excessively in trendy items that have no longevity and their overall appearance lacks enthusiasm.

If you try and follow fashion, you will get lost, folks. Your items become old fashion and becomes unfashionable. You will need to declutter all the time.

Another thing that happens a lot is trying to pull off one brand from head to toe. It doesn’t work, guys. This things of wearing Lacoste head to toe ruins your look.

A combination of brands, textile and colours works best. The outfit must make sense.

Not forgetting, you can teach yourself the basics and become a stylish man. Of course, it can never be as deep as someone born with it, but it can be quite close.

Here is how. Invest a bit more in high-quality shoes, learn how to combine and accessorise accordingly.

Strive for simplicity with a touch of creativity. Keep in mind that sometimes less holds more power.

Familiarise yourself with dressing pointers, master the art of imitation, but with an improved touch and avoid mere duplication. Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and other platforms offer endless information for you to learn tips from.

I’m sure many want to know: Can one be both a stylist and a fashionista?

The answer is yes you can.

Having to combine timeless pieces with current pieces and crafting an outfit of the year is possible.

For as long as the drip makes sense, you should be fine. Not forgetting that style does evolve over time as style from the 90s versus style from the 21st century isn’t the same.

There will be a major difference in the looks, but the authenticity is similar. I am not trying to criticise fashionable dudes, no, no, no.

I am trying to guide them in the right direction.

Being a fashionista is not sustainable in any way. Manufacturers produce both timeless and temporary pieces and you as the consumer need to choose how you are willing to spend your money.

And remember this isn’t about money.

It’s about choosing the right shoes, pants, shirts and accessories and creating a memorable outfit. It’s very easy!

– Meneer_SK is an advocate for men’s grooming and all matters relating to men. Follow him on Instagram @Meneer_SK

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