Stop Intimidating The Youth

Stop Intimidating The Youth

ALLOW me some space in your popular newspaper to express my disappointment about the Attorney General Pendukeni IIvula-Ithana.

Speaking at the Swapo Youth League fundraising bazaar at Etilyasa village in the Omusati-Region, Iivula-Ithana warned the youth who speak out in the chat show program Ewi Lya Manguluka, open line, or write letters to the editor. She ordered the youth to stop doing so apparently because they are spreading confusion.On top of that, Mrs Ithana also told the youth to stop criticising the government.In this letter, I would like to remind Mrs. Ithana that we have a Constitution which is a supreme law of this county and which everyone must obey, whether they want to or not.That means no one is above the law, she must respect it, as this is the same Constitution which guarantees the right to freedom of speech and expression including criticising the government if it does not work in the interest of the people of Namibia.Article 21 (a) of our Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and expression, which shall include freedom of the press and of other media.If there is corruption by the government, the youth has the right to criticise the leading politicians.If the government does good things, then we have also got the right to express our thanks.Minister Iivula-Ithana, I have a message for you: Kindly, tell your companions in the National Assembly that if they are not working in the interest of this nation, like pushing around ordinary people whenever they visit the government offices for assistance they must be ready for criticism, especially from the youth.We are the ones who elected you and we have the right to remove you from power through elections.We are not afraid of your intimidation.We want to have more development in our country and criticism and ‘name and shame’ publicly is another way of doing it.Stop corruption in Namibia!Ananias Aipinge Kaseven Via e-mailShe ordered the youth to stop doing so apparently because they are spreading confusion.On top of that, Mrs Ithana also told the youth to stop criticising the government.In this letter, I would like to remind Mrs. Ithana that we have a Constitution which is a supreme law of this county and which everyone must obey, whether they want to or not.That means no one is above the law, she must respect it, as this is the same Constitution which guarantees the right to freedom of speech and expression including criticising the government if it does not work in the interest of the people of Namibia.Article 21 (a) of our Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and expression, which shall include freedom of the press and of other media.If there is corruption by the government, the youth has the right to criticise the leading politicians.If the government does good things, then we have also got the right to express our thanks.Minister Iivula-Ithana, I have a message for you: Kindly, tell your companions in the National Assembly that if they are not working in the interest of this nation, like pushing around ordinary people whenever they visit the government offices for assistance they must be ready for criticism, especially from the youth.We are the ones who elected you and we have the right to remove you from power through elections.We are not afraid of your intimidation.We want to have more development in our country and criticism and ‘name and shame’ publicly is another way of doing it.Stop corruption in Namibia!Ananias Aipinge Kaseven Via e-mail

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