Stabbed school boy still in ICU

Stabbed school boy still in ICU

THE condition of a 15-year-old boy from the Hermann Gmeiner Technical Higher School at Swakopmund, Enos Menjono, who was badly stabbed by a fellow pupil last Tuesday, has not improved.

His mother, Selma Menjono, told The Namibian yesterday that her son was still in the Intensive Care Unit at the Roman Catholic Hospital in Windhoek. “He is still not talking and his right side is paralysed,” a deeply worried Menjono told The Namibian.Enos was brought to the R.C.Hospital from Swakopmund last Tuesday evening after he was stabbed in the head by a 13-year-old boy after school.The knife, according to Menjono, penetrated seven centimetres into her son’s head.The incident happened at about 17h00.The accused, who is under age, has been released into his parent’s care.The two pupils allegedly confronted each other during school hours, but did not fight.After school, the two encountered one another at the swimming pool, where the accused allegedly continued to taunt Enos.Tired of being harassed, Enos allegedly slapped the accused who drew a knife and stabbed him.”He is still not talking and his right side is paralysed,” a deeply worried Menjono told The Namibian. Enos was brought to the R.C. Hospital from Swakopmund last Tuesday evening after he was stabbed in the head by a 13-year-old boy after school. The knife, according to Menjono, penetrated seven centimetres into her son’s head. The incident happened at about 17h00. The accused, who is under age, has been released into his parent’s care. The two pupils allegedly confronted each other during school hours, but did not fight. After school, the two encountered one another at the swimming pool, where the accused allegedly continued to taunt Enos. Tired of being harassed, Enos allegedly slapped the accused who drew a knife and stabbed him.

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