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SMSes Of Tuesday 10 November 2009

SMSes Of Tuesday 10 November 2009

* ‘TERMS and Conditions apply’. What an idiotic phrase, and it appears in almost every advert. But it is almost impossible to find out what these conditions actually are! Like all these SMS lotteries, where the operators are virtually untraceable. When will we get an advertising authority? We are being ripped off all the time and no one gives a damn!

Food For Thought* IF the Government is really keen on development, why can’t selected Government offices work on Saturday mornings? Natis, passport and ID offices, labour relations, etc. * THE next time you attend a United Nations congress, find out for me where the unity of nations has gone. The next time you attend an African Union meeting, ask which Africa they are talking about. The next time you attend a SADC meeting, ask what development they have fostered for the past 20 years. The next time you attend the Arab League, ask why women are still being oppressed. The next time you attend the so-called People’s Congress, ask why the real people never speak. Ask why there are fewer chickens in many pots. Ask what happened to the milk we used to get from the cows? Ask why change is refusing to come. Ask why peace seems at large. Ask why justice and freedom is for a chosen few. A prayer for my fellow countrymen in Zimbabwe.- Mhofu, Windhoek
Bouquets And Brickbats* THANKS (Health) Minister (Richard) Kamwi for offering the Behaviour Change Communication training in your ministry. Can the Minister of Home Affairs also follow this good example because not only health workers lack interpersonal communication skills.- Haule wokEtanangela * IT is not fair that people are labelling Government employees as lazy. Go to the Ministry of Finance: medical aid section. You will see the difference.* DEAR Elijah (Ngurare) and SPYL congratulations on a well-written book. Keep on telling it like it is. You are an example of realistic leadership in the best interests of the Swapo Party.- Wallace Finnies, Gobabis* THANK you to the City Police. On Sunday night criminals entered my yard and tried to steal my car wheels. I phoned the City Police and they arrived within two minutes. Thanks.- Shivute Mpuka, Wanaheda * SPECIAL thanks go to the Namibian Police for maintaining peace at the RDP rally held at a Swapo-proclaimed no-go zone (Outapi) for other political parties. Swapo members were there [allegedly] waiting for a chance to spark violence but the Police were just very lawful, tactical and constitutional.Viva NamPol.* THANKS The Namibian and others for being fair to all. Don’t know about NBC Radio and TV.- MC* A BIG thank you to the person who thanked the people in the construction industry (like telephone, power, roads, etc.) Being one of them and seeing that our corporate sacrifices and efforts are seldom seen and appreciated, it’s such a pleasure to see such a remark from an unknown person! – Lite Rite* ACC, well done in Henties Bay. Keetmanshoop Municipality’s council also needs a visit. Well played Welwitschias* WELWITSCHIA Rugby team you made Namibia a bright country. You have shown your capabilities in Portugal.- Rugby fan, Wozani Shambuila* HOW inconsiderate of MTC to wake me up at 04h12 to inform me by SMS of a special call charge option which I will not make use of anyway.Politics* SWAPO and RDP stop fighting physically, the election results will tell who is the winner.* THE people from the South are politically mature and therefore can live peacefully with each other even though from different political parties. Unfortunately it’s the people from the North who fight like cats and dogs. Shame on you! Southerners, keep up the good work!* WHY is everything about political parties? Is there not a leader who is worried about the Namibians and where Namibia is going?- Very worried born-free, Keetmanshoop* THIS is the month we Namibians have to cast our votes. Please vote for the leader who will see the needs of the nation. We want a leader who wants to serve the nation. There is peace and stability, but corruption is overwhelming the economic growth of the country. Poverty has not even been reduced through foreign investment and development has not taken place. What are we voting for after 19 years of Independence? Please Namibians, let’s go vote and vote for the right leaders this month.- KarasburgElection Fever* ELECTORAL Commission: Well done for the good adverts on radio about the importance of voting. Keep on with the adverts. You promote democracy.* HONESTLY Namibia is not to hold elections now when we have political violence during political meetings e.g. Outapi, Grootfontein, Windhoek, etc. It is a clear indication that elections will not be fair and free. How can elections be fair if the campaigns have not been up to now? * WHEN is the ECN going to release the number of eligible voters after the clean-up of the voters’ roll? And when is it going to pronounce itself on the parties that violate the ECN political parties’ Code of Conduct?- Action Kateli (human rights defender)Chinese Bursaries* SWAPO Government! We love you and salute you for hard work, but we are ashamed of the Chinese bursary awards. Let us be honest and think of poor people. Greediness and selfishness will not take us anywhere. Let’s not grab what is meant for the poor. Every scholarship and Government loan application is always screened to accommodate the poor. Are the Chinese bursaries an exemption? Let us not lose our vision. Let’s rectify the error and treat all equally.- From a concerned citizen* MINISTER of Education, the Namibian people are not stupid. You underestimate our intelligence with your press release with regards the scholarship scandal. Namibians should elect leaders who have the guts to fight corruption. It’s now the time.Health Matters* WHEN will Namibians be vaccinated against swine flu? If people in developed countries are dying by the thousands, what hope is there for those of us who have the flu?In And From The Regions* WE residents of Omungwelume are sick and tired of some businessmen in the area who play their zuk-zuks (jukeboxes) at the maximum volume till 02h00. This is disturbing our learners who are no longer studying because of the noise. And we expect our learners to fail. We are requesting the bar owners to tell their bar attendants to control their zuk-zuks. * PLEASE can someone tell me why we in Mariental can’t have One Africa television, while even Keetmanshoop in the far south is enjoying it?- Charlotte, Mariental* FLOODS. I want to find out what the Oshakati Town Council has done so far to the flooded areas in Oshakati. Are we waiting to again move to tents and to go and rent Ongwediva’s houses. How long is it going to go on like this?- Oneshila resident* THE film about the Founding President Sam Nujoma and the liberation struggle in Namibia did not show in the Outjo area, so please show again. – Ebson * NAMIBIAN Government please give the concerned parents of Arandis community good and valid reasons why you want to close down the new school at Arandis known as Talita Kumi Christian Academy? General* I SPOKE to a woman today (Monday) who is part of a protest next to Gustav Voigts Centre. They claim they have not received their pension in 20 years. I asked if she was going to vote for change come elections and she laughed at me! Somebody help me understand this please? – Ruan, Windhoek* WE the citizens and visitors of this beautiful country are entitled to lead peaceful lives, but we are now being terrorised by lawless thugs. We demand that the Government protect us.* STOPPING guns and ammunition only leaves criminals with power. Rather catch the criminals! We the people have the right to arm and protect ourselves, it’s called freedom!Education* PRINCIPAL of Iipumbu SS do something! School kids are dating teachers.Labour Issues* IN the Air Force, why is it only a certain group, and usually the same people, who are attending workshops? And those workshops are not even in their line of duty. Can the Air Force Command explain why it is like this?* NANTU must act to help teachers who registered with IOL. Their accounts are never reduced.* PLEASE, I need
advice. If a person works two days a week only, is she/he included in this new Labour Act?- As far as we can determine, the new Labour Act applies to everyone who works. Can someone help direct this SMS writer to the right place? – NewsdeskLost And Found* I HAVE found 2 IDs. One for Hilya Neumbo from Omahai and one for Hatwiikulipi Omwene Ekukwete Sesiliana, contact: 081-350-0982.* I, AK Neumbo, born in Oshuulula-Oupumako, lost my ID at the end of September. If found please call or SMS me at 081-202-6271 or 081-148-8202.

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