SMSes of the day : Wednesday

SMSes of the day : Wednesday

* TAKE CARE OF YOUR RELATIVES WHILE THEY ARE STILL ALIVE. I wonder why many rich people spend their money on preparing the funeral of a poor man on their side but when the person is alive, you don’t want to help him or her. Then, if they die of AIDS or are killed while stealing, you send your respects to the dead human remains and you want to call yourself a family caretaker. Is that true? Please change. – Martha Samuel

* I THINK it sucks that our politicos are dismantling democracy and peaceful dissent while the nation is whining about effing football and effing Big Brother! Whose democracy? * DEMOCRACY should hinge on constitutional principles independent of the political agenda of a governing political party. Judging from the reaction by the organs of the dominant party against topical issues, one is inclined to infer that a culture of debate, divergence of opinions, demarcation between state, government and the body politic are absent. Hence,my observation is that gradually democracy is demising in the land of the Brave just because we are unwilling to learn from ugly experiences elsewhere in Africa.* WHY should we be gagged in a supposedly democratic country and not be allowed to criticise or question our leaders within measure?* I WAS shocked to read that there should be a law addressing what Namibian media institutions should publish. What is happening to freedom of speech? What is happening to our country, why we are telling people to pack up and leave if they ask questions. Where are we going as a nation?* NAMIBIA does not belong to Swapo! Not even the president can tell us to leave. Is this country really a democracy?* I THINK President Pohamba is wrong to say that those who want Nujoma prosecuted should leave. This country does not belong to a particular individual and all Namibians have the same rights. Why can’t he leave if he can’t stand the criticism? This is democratic Namibia for all of us.* CAN someone please tell us democratic Namibians whose forefathers’ blood waters the freedom of this country. Where and how should we apply for one-way tickets to ‘pack up and go’? Rape: Enough is enough* ON the issue of rape in Namibia! Our women and children are no longer safe anymore. Stiffer punishment needs to be introduced for rapists and murderers! These days animal thieves get longer sentences than rapists and murderers. Are the lives of human beings less important than animals? – Concerned citizen* MEN who don’t respect women, rape and beat women up, should not be called men! We need stiffer sentences! Women need protection! – Birgit* MEN should stop abusing women both physically and emotionally. If not, the Woman and Child Abuse Centre must do something. Why it is there? We are tired.* RAPE MUST BE STOPPED. One way or another, rapists must be brought to book. Society has become a danger to women. We cannot take it any more. Safety for women PLEASE!* SINCE people feel that murderers, rapists, etc, are living off taxpayers money, why don’t the powers that be turn prisons into businesses and use their labour? In this way they will generate their own income to sustain themselves.* CAN it be that chauvinism could fuel the animal instinct in man, i.e. taking any female, any time? If that’s the case, we should look at addressing the rape issue by starting to look at the upbringing of boys. Not that it will be the only way but it certainly will contribute towards making men respect women.Let’s BIG up!* NBC people, aren’t you ashamed? We can’t even watching BIG BROTHER and you are busy with your amnesty period or whatever. This time around we cant afford to pay you, but we’ll pay MultiChoice. – Irene* PLEASE Mr Kandetu, make a plan to broadcast Big Brother Africa on NBC TV. Please.* WHATEVER happened to our daily dose of BB Africa on M-Net? Not everybody has DStv 37. Please cater for M-Net viewers as well. – Tameka-atseye, Whk* NBC must broadcast Mr Ibu and Mo and also Big Brother Africa. we don’t pay our TV licences for nothing, or are the movies and programmes too expensive for you.- Mu* NBC, listen and listen well, why do you always want our money for nonsense. The only interesting thing there is The Gardener’s Daughter, but the rest … NEE! NO! … One hand should wash the other. Please make a plan, Bob. I don’t want to renew that licence unless you broadcast BIG BROTHER.From the regions* MUNICIPALITY OF WINDHOEK. We need electricity in HAVANA N0 1. SINCE 1993, we have had to use candles in our homes. Why do we have to suffer in independent Namibia?* THE ENDOLA GRAVEL road is destroying our cars. Honourable Minister, please do something – even if its just watering the road every week. – Boykie* I WOULD like to say that at all near main roads I think it would be fine if there was board with a nice message like ‘have a nice trip’.* THE only journey I didn’t go through is the one leading to heaven or hell. I want the Oshakati and Omatwadiva communities to stop dividing the dead. To the headman of Omatwadiva, GOD will send you the tenth punishment as he did to pharaoh because of what you are doing to the San people.* THE Director of Education in Kunene, principals and teachers at Opuwo must do something because learners are drinking too much. They don’t have time to study. The local clubs also allow learners to buy beer. There is always a poor pass rate at Mureti and Putuvanga.* PLEASE ONE AFRICA TV, we have a bad signal or no signal at all in Walvis Bay for a month now. Please help. We are missing out on a lot of entertainment.* I APPLIED for a home loan via Nedbank Oshikango branch. It took them “four months” to respond to my application after numerous attempts to contact the official in charge and the answer was “no” in fact. It takes other local banks two weeks to inform home loan applicants. Nedbank should learn to value its customers’ time because time is money. – Disgruntled Customer, Oshikango ICC issue* METCALFE and Co’s misplaced pseudo-patriotic sucking-up tactics put this law firm in the prime position to represent the defendants if the case ever goes to court and thus to rake in the proceeds of the fund. How revoltingly blatant!* JUSTICE! With great power comes great responsibility. So many Namibians were sacrificed so that a few could become a nation. But if Namibians want to hear what happened, it’s their right and the only one who knows is Dr Sam Nujoma. NSHR, keep pushing. We want the truth.* WITH all due respect, I think we are spending too much time on the ICC issue. Fellow citizens, can you not see that we are busy destroying each other instead of building a nation? Whatever the former president did or didn’t do was in his capacity as a leader of a party. Sometimes it is necessary to make decisions at the expense of others. Let’s move on and concentrate on the current burning issues. Let’s work towards an effective justice system, better health facilities, etc. The ICC should deal with the big guns first. Look at the ongoing war in Iraq.Has anyone seen the weapons of mass destruction? – Ruth H* METCALFE and company are doing this donation thing to gain sympathy for the Kobi Alexander hearing. What a clever move!* I WONDER why the judicial system in our motherland is not concerned about informing the nation that everyone can be prosecuted.* JUST wondering – we also have our fathers, sisters and brothers killed by the individuals we know and who live among us. What must we do? The journey to freedom we enjoy today was not easy. Free at last.* THANK you Metcalfe Legal Practitioners for taking part in defending peace and stability brought up by former president Sam Nujoma.Today is Nujoma, tomorrow is you. May God’s angels help Nujoma. – Mweneni* WHAT A scandalous way of marketing is this by Metcalfe Legal Practitioners? Law Society, please do something. Go Phil, go! Show them what it means ‘not to waver’! We know that the truth shall prevail.* YA Nangoloh must know that our Founding Father is a born leader. Nujoma is brave and trustworthy and we youth cannot tolerate any unlawful action to our Founding Father. We are ready for any action against our president. We salute y
ou comrade tatekulu Nujoma. – Joe Thomas* STOP the tendency of hero-worshipping and patriotism. The Swapo Youth League must explain how the ICC issue is linked to disturbing the peace in Namibia?* SWAPO’S responses to the NSHR’s ICC submission have been anything but democratic. Communist dictatorship rearing its ugly head?* WE have had independence for 17 years now and Mr Ya Nangoloh could have brought Nujoma to trial at any time during those years. Why wait when he’s no longer president to do it. Mr Nangoloh is a coward trying to cause trouble among our nation by making us to choose sides.General* ARE Elcin hymn songs now Kwiku music? Tate Buti & co are finishing all our hymn songs. Stop singing Tate Kwela’s songs. Where are your creative attributes as artists? – Wise* THE attack on Magistrate Kanime as reported last month is disturbing and we need to do everything we can to help the Police bring the suspect to book. – F Dionisiu* HEROES are apparently buried first and then they are honoured with streets named after them.* I JUST hope that the investigations of the ACC do NOT stop at financial matters; we need investigations on some appointments and qualifications in the civil service. – Pastor Willem Pieters* I REALLY fail to understand our Government. They talk about SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, but allow the likes of the NHE to build matchboxes, which the people buy because they are desperate for accommodation. My heart bleeds for those who are forced to live in match boxes out of desperation, not affordability.Politics in general* I TOTALLY diverge with the outlook of the Nanso secretary general who says: the management of the Polytechnic must review its position on allowing political activities on its premises. The motivation we need to impose on students is nothing else but to encourage them to tackle their studies until they have completed them. We have a lot of students on the streets because they endeavoured to do two things at the same time, which is impossible. The Polytechnic management is well educated, intellectually. They know what is right for students. Please! I am not insulting, but I wish you could withdraw your idea. – Meu* THERE is nothing like all the NAMIBIANS must vote for the Swapo Party. Opposition parties must unite so that we must have only two parties in Namibia.* THE goings on in CoD are another step backwards in an already disunified opposition. I want to know if these people fit to represent us should they be elected to take over the Government?* DEMOCRACY should hinge on constitutional principles independent of the political agenda of a governing political party. Judging from the reaction by the organs of the dominant party against topical issues, one is inclined to infer that a culture of debate, divergence of opinions, demarcation between state, government and the body politic are absent. Hence,my observation is that gradually democracy is demising in the land of the Brave just because we are unwilling to learn from ugly experiences elsewhere in Africa.* WHY should we be gagged in a supposedly democratic country and not be allowed to criticise or question our leaders within measure? * I WAS shocked to read that there should be a law addressing what Namibian media institutions should publish. What is happening to freedom of speech? What is happening to our country, why we are telling people to pack up and leave if they ask questions. Where are we going as a nation? * NAMIBIA does not belong to Swapo! Not even the president can tell us to leave. Is this country really a democracy? * I THINK President Pohamba is wrong to say that those who want Nujoma prosecuted should leave. This country does not belong to a particular individual and all Namibians have the same rights. Why can’t he leave if he can’t stand the criticism? This is democratic Namibia for all of us.* CAN someone please tell us democratic Namibians whose forefathers’ blood waters the freedom of this country. Where and how should we apply for one-way tickets to ‘pack up and go’? Rape: Enough is enough * ON the issue of rape in Namibia! Our women and children are no longer safe anymore. Stiffer punishment needs to be introduced for rapists and murderers! These days animal thieves get longer sentences than rapists and murderers. Are the lives of human beings less important than animals? – Concerned citizen * MEN who don’t respect women, rape and beat women up, should not be called men! We need stiffer sentences! Women need protection! – Birgit * MEN should stop abusing women both physically and emotionally. If not, the Woman and Child Abuse Centre must do something. Why it is there? We are tired.* RAPE MUST BE STOPPED. One way or another, rapists must be brought to book. Society has become a danger to women. We cannot take it any more. Safety for women PLEASE! * SINCE people feel that murderers, rapists, etc, are living off taxpayers money, why don’t the powers that be turn prisons into businesses and use their labour? In this way they will generate their own income to sustain themselves.* CAN it be that chauvinism could fuel the animal instinct in man, i.e. taking any female, any time? If that’s the case, we should look at addressing the rape issue by starting to look at the upbringing of boys. Not that it will be the only way but it certainly will contribute towards making men respect women.Let’s BIG up! * NBC people, aren’t you ashamed? We can’t even watching BIG BROTHER and you are busy with your amnesty period or whatever. This time around we cant afford to pay you, but we’ll pay MultiChoice. – Irene * PLEASE Mr Kandetu, make a plan to broadcast Big Brother Africa on NBC TV. Please.* WHATEVER happened to our daily dose of BB Africa on M-Net? Not everybody has DStv 37. Please cater for M-Net viewers as well. – Tameka-atseye, Whk * NBC must broadcast Mr Ibu and Mo and also Big Brother Africa. we don’t pay our TV licences for nothing, or are the movies and programmes too expensive for you.- Mu * NBC, listen and listen well, why do you always want our money for nonsense. The only interesting thing there is The Gardener’s Daughter, but the rest … NEE! NO! … One hand should wash the other. Please make a plan, Bob. I don’t want to renew that licence unless you broadcast BIG BROTHER.From the regions * MUNICIPALITY OF WINDHOEK. We need electricity in HAVANA N0 1. SINCE 1993, we have had to use candles in our homes. Why do we have to suffer in independent Namibia? * THE ENDOLA GRAVEL road is destroying our cars. Honourable Minister, please do something – even if its just watering the road every week. – Boykie * I WOULD like to say that at all near main roads I think it would be fine if there was board with a nice message like ‘have a nice trip’.* THE only journey I didn’t go through is the one leading to heaven or hell. I want the Oshakati and Omatwadiva communities to stop dividing the dead. To the headman of Omatwadiva, GOD will send you the tenth punishment as he did to pharaoh because of what you are doing to the San people.* THE Director of Education in Kunene, principals and teachers at Opuwo must do something because learners are drinking too much. They don’t have time to study. The local clubs also allow learners to buy beer. There is always a poor pass rate at Mureti and Putuvanga.* PLEASE ONE AFRICA TV, we have a bad signal or no signal at all in Walvis Bay for a month now. Please help. We are missing out on a lot of entertainment.* I APPLIED for a home loan via Nedbank Oshikango branch. It took them “four months” to respond to my application after numerous attempts to contact the official in charge and the answer was “no” in fact. It takes other local banks two weeks to inform home loan applicants. Nedbank should learn to value its customers’ time because time is money. – Disgruntled Customer, Oshikango ICC issue * METCALFE and Co’s misplaced pseudo-patriotic sucking-up tactics put this law firm in the prime position to represent the defendants if the case ever goes to court and thus to rake in the proceeds of the fund. How revoltingly blatant! * JUSTICE! With great power comes great responsibility. So many Namibians were sacrificed so th
at a few could become a nation. But if Namibians want to hear what happened, it’s their right and the only one who knows is Dr Sam Nujoma. NSHR, keep pushing. We want the truth.* WITH all due respect, I think we are spending too much time on the ICC issue. Fellow citizens, can you not see that we are busy destroying each other instead of building a nation? Whatever the former president did or didn’t do was in his capacity as a leader of a party. Sometimes it is necessary to make decisions at the expense of others. Let’s move on and concentrate on the current burning issues. Let’s work towards an effective justice system, better health facilities, etc. The ICC should deal with the big guns first. Look at the ongoing war in Iraq.Has anyone seen the weapons of mass destruction? – Ruth H * METCALFE and company are doing this donation thing to gain sympathy for the Kobi Alexander hearing. What a clever move! * I WONDER why the judicial system in our motherland is not concerned about informing the nation that everyone can be prosecuted.* JUST wondering – we also have our fathers, sisters and brothers killed by the individuals we know and who live among us. What must we do? The journey to freedom we enjoy today was not easy. Free at last.* THANK you Metcalfe Legal Practitioners for taking part in defending peace and stability brought up by former president Sam Nujoma.Today is Nujoma, tomorrow is you. May God’s angels help Nujoma. – Mweneni * WHAT A scandalous way of marketing is this by Metcalfe Legal Practitioners? Law Society, please do something. Go Phil, go! Show them what it means ‘not to waver’! We know that the truth shall prevail.* YA Nangoloh must know that our Founding Father is a born leader. Nujoma is brave and trustworthy and we youth cannot tolerate any unlawful action to our Founding Father. We are ready for any action against our president. We salute you comrade tatekulu Nujoma. – Joe Thomas * STOP the tendency of hero-worshipping and patriotism. The Swapo Youth League must explain how the ICC issue is linked to disturbing the peace in Namibia? * SWAPO’S responses to the NSHR’s ICC submission have been anything but democratic. Communist dictatorship rearing its ugly head? * WE have had independence for 17 years now and Mr Ya Nangoloh could have brought Nujoma to trial at any time during those years. Why wait when he’s no longer president to do it. Mr Nangoloh is a coward trying to cause trouble among our nation by making us to choose sides.General * ARE Elcin hymn songs now Kwiku music? Tate Buti & co are finishing all our hymn songs. Stop singing Tate Kwela’s songs. Where are your creative attributes as artists? – Wise * THE attack on Magistrate Kanime as reported last month is disturbing and we need to do everything we can to help the Police bring the suspect to book. – F Dionisiu * HEROES are apparently buried first and then they are honoured with streets named after them.* I JUST hope that the investigations of the ACC do NOT stop at financial matters; we need investigations on some appointments and qualifications in the civil service. – Pastor Willem Pieters * I REALLY fail to understand our Government. They talk about SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, but allow the likes of the NHE to build matchboxes, which the people buy because they are desperate for accommodation. My heart bleeds for those who are forced to live in match boxes out of desperation, not affordability.Politics in general * I TOTALLY diverge with the outlook of the Nanso secretary general who says: the management of the Polytechnic must review its position on allowing political activities on its premises. The motivation we need to impose on students is nothing else but to encourage them to tackle their studies until they have completed them. We have a lot of students on the streets because they endeavoured to do two things at the same time, which is impossible. The Polytechnic management is well educated, intellectually. They know what is right for students. Please! I am not insulting, but I wish you could withdraw your idea. – Meu * THERE is nothing like all the NAMIBIANS must vote for the Swapo Party. Opposition parties must unite so that we must have only two parties in Namibia.* THE goings on in CoD are another step backwards in an already disunified opposition. I want to know if these people fit to represent us should they be elected to take over the Government?

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