SMSes of the Day : Wednesday

SMSes of the Day : Wednesday

* WHAT are the real achievements of the Ministry of Agriculture in green production? No development at all, we are still relying on importing cereals, cooking oil, fodder and sugar while we have land and the efundja keeps on going without storing water! Why can they not build dams and reservoirs to store that water for irrigation if the reason for doing nothing is scarcity of water? The ministry must not keep relying on animals from commercial farmers for their payment! They must work also to curb the food crisis in Namibia!

* EISH! With all the food and fuel prices and inflation going up continuously like this is there no possibility that income tax can be reduced at least by 10 per cent? Mr President please do something. – Jackals-OJ Food for Thought* IT might be worth noticing that most nations on top of international ranking lists (wealth, education, life expectancy, etc) have always been ruled by coalition governments (3 to 6 parties). In such a system, a negotiated consensus between parties guarantees steady developments. There are no drastic changes, and no stagnation, either. Would a coalition government be possible in Namibia?* OMUNKETE Fishing should forfeit all rights in Namibian waters for bringing Namibian fishing companies into international disreputePolitics* ARE Namibia and the Namibians really serious about their own dream, Vision 2030? If yes, how do they plan to reach it? They are giving all the top jobs to the ruling party royalists, qualified or not. Now most of the parastatals are going down the drain. How do you expect the regions to develop if all they can do is to insult those they suspect of not supporting the ruling party. Most of them especially in the north-central regions do not understand the country’s Constitution. Mr President, please correct the situation before we go the Zimbabwe way. Viva the Namibian Constitution, viva true and transparent democracy, viva the people’s informed decisions.SPYL Spillover* SPYL is turning Namibia into a banana republic * SPYL we are all allergic to ignorance and arrogance. If you want respect, get informed before you open your mouths, especially about Zimbabwe and work ethics.* THE recent clashes between SPYL and some ministers are something that needs to be taken seriously. The Namibian political arena is full of the “tired but not retiring” old guards who are unable to implement decisions because they are too old. It’s only in Namibia where old people dominate everything and are not creating opportunities for our youth. The youth are not tomorrow’s leaders, the children are! The youth are today’s leaders! You have suffocated them for too long. They are crying for opportunities, not threatening you!* SEEMS to me the socalled SPYL ‘leaders’ now acting like crybabies have no idea what leadership is about. They need to take a page out of the book of some of those ‘older’ leaders who serve as fine examples, those who know that it is about serving the people and putting your shoulder to the wheel and, yes, WORKING!! It is NOT about ‘label positions’. NOT about running around and doing what you want, when you want. It requires discipline. If they want a chance, the likes of Swartbooi need to prove themselves in real time – that is by doing the jobs they are appointed for. I always thought the youth wings of political parties were meant to be revolutionary. The current bunch of SPYL elitists give new meaning to reactionary.* APOLOGY to some SPYL members! I think it is unfair for the public to generalise. The problem “children” of SPYL as we know them are: Swartbooi and Ngurare. If Libby (Deputy Prime Minister Libertina Amathila) fires you then you should know you’re beyond help! She’s a hard worker who doesn’t tolerate laziness! Witbooi, sorry those political slogans won’t get you another job!* ACCORDING to Mr (Elijah) Ngurare (‘Good Morning Namibia’ on July 22) Swapo party office holders work full time for the party, even those who work in the GRN. If that is the case, then those officers should be relieved from Government duties to go and work full time for the party, otherwise they will neglect their GRN duties. – Concerned CitizenGeneral* NAMIBIAN Government stop betraying our own people. I’m tired of this waste of our time and resources for sure. – HHH* PLEASE help us, we are tired of the [alleged] corruption at the Otavi Military Base.* CHAOS in the Police. The recruitment per year doesn’t keep up with the loss of manpower. Plus minus 300 men are leaving the force through death, resignation, greener pastures, losing jobs due to criminal activities, but the recruitment is only about 300. Now tell me how are they going catch up with the backlog and to have enough men for new stations. Then don’t talk about housing, transport, equipment and conducive conditions to perform duties. I think most of them are there because se there is no other work. But this is how Africa is always doing things.* LANDS minister Alpheus Naruseb Why are there no farms for resettlement in Khomas? * IN the case of the elderly man who was fined by an Ondonga Village Headman for speaking out against an injustice, the Ondonga Traditional Authority is accountable for that decision unless they can prove the Village Headman is independent from the Authority to which he is supposed to report.* PLEASE Editor why can your newspaper not run voting for a week to see if the nation agrees or disagrees over the relocating of the (Rider) monument, then a petition could be forwarded to the GRN. Just a suggestion. – Theo, Windhoek* WHEN our children grow up, they will not understand why a person should occupy two positions in Government as an AG (Attorney General) and Justice Minister at the same time. If they are called future leaders, where are they going to get positions through which they will lead?Just Asking* WHAT will make the Karibib (cement) factory successful when the one at Okahandja failed? Will Namibian companies like Pupkewitz DIY and Cashbuild support or as in the past undercut prices with supplies from SA? What about GRN tenders?* WHAT is the aim of the Namibian Navy? Having two donated vessels, none of them is operational, they always have mechanical problems. Incompetent commanders who don’t know how to run the organisation. If you want to see for yourself just make a turn at Naval Base, Walvis Bay. – Vilho* WHAT is the role of the labour inspector? Where can I get hold of the booklet on their job description? – Labourer* THAT boy that jumps with a Tafel lager dumpie in his hand in ‘My-Tafel-Lager-Party’, is he really over 18 years old?Municipal Matters* THE municipality must pay back the difference to all house owners who lose their houses. If I owe the municipality N$6 000 and my house was auctioned for N$140 000 then I must surely get back N$134 000. Why not? Same goes for bank repossessions. – Makove* WINDHOEK Municipality, when are you going to put up street names at Ombili location? The area in front of Woermann Brock supermarket, the names are indicated in the monthly water receipt bills but they are not fixed in the street. We are having difficulties directing people or companies when we need services. Please do something because this is the third time I’m bringing this up but still nothing is done!* US drivers are driving with difficulty in the streets of Katutura. Streets are becoming sport fields for young boys. Please City of Windhoek or City Police do something! – Concerned driverEducation* I’M sorry, but I have to do it. I would like to advise His Excellency President (Hifikepunye) Pohamba, that it is not good to attack teachers in public in the presence of their learners. Number two, His Excellency must not forget that teachers also have a full right to choose schools where they take their children just like other Namibians, not only ministers and himself but teachers and whoever can afford to pay those schools. Three, he must also know that teachers are the first people to know the importance of education therefore they could not sacrifice the future of their children by letting them suffer in overcrowded classes with insufficient chairs and books, while there are private registered schools which are fully equipped and they can pay for them. Four, he must also not forget that that was the reason his Government allowed the private schools to be registered.* IS it fair if the students are sent home all because they didn’t pay their school fees? Children are treated differently because of their colour. This is one of the problems we have in Rehoboth. Please do something about it.* IT is a shock to hear the Head of State blaming teachers for poor quality education. In my opinion teachers should be questioned for failing to deliver.* MINISTRY of Education, what happened to the maths and science posts or were they reserved for the Nigerians. Shame on you, now our young teachers will be left on the street. – Davey* WHAT do hairstyles have to do with schoolwork? We won’t pass or fail because of how your hair looks like. Erundu staff, please do something about it!* ARE the private schools allowed to engage the services of a foreigner who has served time at Oluno prison for fraud and theft at another private school? A Zambian teacher with such a criminal record was dismissed at one school and is being considered for a position at another at the expense of we local teachers who were trained in Zimbabwe. Surely this raises more questions than answers. Ministry of Education should investigate this please.* WE know that what they (teachers) are teaching will not make learners pass. Mr President (Hifikepunye Pohamba), all parents want to send their children to schools were there are laboratories, libraries, computers, enough textbooks, conducive classrooms etc. if they can afford to do so. Ninety-nine per cent of schools in the north don’t have those.Health Matters* WARD 1 in Oshakati Hospital is a private ward but there is no privacy. Nurses are singing in the corridor while they are busy. They are so loud we can’t even sleep during the day, Please Dr Hamata do something.Bouquets and Brickbats* I JUST want to compliment you on your daily coverage of the 2008 Tour De France. It is really excellent and that is why I think The Namibian is number one. – NeilDisconnections* DO I still need a TV licence if I only watch One Africa Television? – Phillip Shihepo, Windhoek – As far as I know, you need a TV licence if you own a television set. In fact, if you buy a TV set you need to take your licence along. – News EditorFood for Thought * IT might be worth noticing that most nations on top of international ranking lists (wealth, education, life expectancy, etc) have always been ruled by coalition governments (3 to 6 parties). In such a system, a negotiated consensus between parties guarantees steady developments. There are no drastic changes, and no stagnation, either. Would a coalition government be possible in Namibia? * OMUNKETE Fishing should forfeit all rights in Namibian waters for bringing Namibian fishing companies into international disrepute Politics * ARE Namibia and the Namibians really serious about their own dream, Vision 2030? If yes, how do they plan to reach it? They are giving all the top jobs to the ruling party royalists, qualified or not. Now most of the parastatals are going down the drain. How do you expect the regions to develop if all they can do is to insult those they suspect of not supporting the ruling party. Most of them especially in the north-central regions do not understand the country’s Constitution. Mr President, please correct the situation before we go the Zimbabwe way. Viva the Namibian Constitution, viva true and transparent democracy, viva the people’s informed decisions.SPYL Spillover * SPYL is turning Namibia into a banana republic * SPYL we are all allergic to ignorance and arrogance. If you want respect, get informed before you open your mouths, especially about Zimbabwe and work ethics.* THE recent clashes between SPYL and some ministers are something that needs to be taken seriously. The Namibian political arena is full of the “tired but not retiring” old guards who are unable to implement decisions because they are too old. It’s only in Namibia where old people dominate everything and are not creating opportunities for our youth. The youth are not tomorrow’s leaders, the children are! The youth are today’s leaders! You have suffocated them for too long. They are crying for opportunities, not threatening you! * SEEMS to me the socalled SPYL ‘leaders’ now acting like crybabies have no idea what leadership is about. They need to take a page out of the book of some of those ‘older’ leaders who serve as fine examples, those who know that it is about serving the people and putting your shoulder to the wheel and, yes, WORKING!! It is NOT about ‘label positions’. NOT about running around and doing what you want, when you want. It requires discipline. If they want a chance, the likes of Swartbooi need to prove themselves in real time – that is by doing the jobs they are appointed for. I always thought the youth wings of political parties were meant to be revolutionary. The current bunch of SPYL elitists give new meaning to reactionary.* APOLOGY to some SPYL members! I think it is unfair for the public to generalise. The problem “children” of SPYL as we know them are: Swartbooi and Ngurare. If Libby (Deputy Prime Minister Libertina Amathila) fires you then you should know you’re beyond help! She’s a hard worker who doesn’t tolerate laziness! Witbooi, sorry those political slogans won’t get you another job! * ACCORDING to Mr (Elijah) Ngurare (‘Good Morning Namibia’ on July 22) Swapo party office holders work full time for the party, even those who work in the GRN. If that is the case, then those officers should be relieved from Government duties to go and work full time for the party, otherwise they will neglect their GRN duties. – Concerned Citizen General * NAMIBIAN Government stop betraying our own people. I’m tired of this waste of our time and resources for sure. – HHH * PLEASE help us, we are tired of the [alleged] corruption at the Otavi Military Base.* CHAOS in the Police. The recruitment per year doesn’t keep up with the loss of manpower. Plus minus 300 men are leaving the force through death, resignation, greener pastures, losing jobs due to criminal activities, but the recruitment is only about 300. Now tell me how are they going catch up with the backlog and to have enough men for new stations. Then don’t talk about housing, transport, equipment and conducive conditions to perform duties. I think most of them are there because se there is no other work. But this is how Africa is always doing things.* LANDS minister Alpheus Naruseb Why are there no farms for resettlement in Khomas? * IN the case of the elderly man who was fined by an Ondonga Village Headman for speaking out against an injustice, the Ondonga Traditional Authority is accountable for that decision unless they can prove the Village Headman is independent from the Authority to which he is supposed to report.* PLEASE Editor why can your newspaper not run voting for a week to see if the nation agrees or disagrees over the relocating of the (Rider) monument, then a petition could be forwarded to the GRN. Just a suggestion. – Theo, Windhoek * WHEN our children grow up, they will not understand why a person should occupy two positions in Government as an AG (Attorney General) and Justice Minister at the same time. If they are called future leaders, where are they going to get positions through which they will lead? Just Asking * WHAT will make the Karibib (cement) factory successful when the one at Okahandja failed? Will Namibian companies like Pupkewitz DIY and Cashbuild support or as in the past undercut prices with supplies from SA? What about GRN tenders? * WHAT is the aim of the Namibian Navy? Having two donated vessels, none of them is operational, they always have mechanical problems. Incompetent commanders who don’t know how to run the organisation. If you want to see for yourself just make a turn at Naval Base, Walvis Bay. – Vilho * WHAT is the role of the labour inspector? Where can I get hold of the booklet on their job description? – Labourer * THAT boy that jumps with a Tafel lager dumpie in his hand in ‘My-Tafel-Lager-Party’, is he really over 18 years old? Municipal Matters * THE municipality must pay back the difference to all house owners who lose their houses. If I owe the municipality N$6 000 and my house was auctioned for N$140 000 then I must surely get back N$134 000. Why not? Same goes for bank repossessions. – Makove * WINDHOEK Municipality, when are you going to put up street names at Ombili location? The area in front of Woermann Brock supermarket, the names are indicated in the monthly water receipt bills but they are not fixed in the street. We are having difficulties directing people or companies when we need services. Please do something because this is the third time I’m bringing this up but still nothing is done! * US drivers are driving with difficulty in the streets of Katutura. Streets are becoming sport fields for young boys. Please City of Windhoek or City Police do something! – Concerned driver Education * I’M sorry, but I have to do it. I would like to advise His Excellency President (Hifikepunye) Pohamba, that it is not good to attack teachers in public in the presence of their learners. Number two, His Excellency must not forget that teachers also have a full right to choose schools where they take their children just like other Namibians, not only ministers and himself but teachers and whoever can afford to pay those schools. Three, he must also know that teachers are the first people to know the importance of education therefore they could not sacrifice the future of their children by letting them suffer in overcrowded classes with insufficient chairs and books, while there are private registered schools which are fully equipped and they can pay for them. Four, he must also not forget that that was the reason his Government allowed the private schools to be registered.* IS it fair if the students are sent home all because they didn’t pay their school fees? Children are treated differently because of their colour. This is one of the problems we have in Rehoboth. Please do something about it.* IT is a shock to hear the Head of State blaming teachers for poor quality education. In my opinion teachers should be questioned for failing to deliver.* MINISTRY of Education, what happened to the maths and science posts or were they reserved for the Nigerians. Shame on you, now our young teachers will be left on the street. – Davey * WHAT do hairstyles have to do with schoolwork? We won’t pass or fail because of how your hair looks like. Erundu staff, please do something about it! * ARE the private schools allowed to engage the services of a foreigner who has served time at Oluno prison for fraud and theft at another private school? A Zambian teacher with such a criminal record was dismissed at one school and is being considered for a position at another at the expense of we local teachers who were trained in Zimbabwe. Surely this raises more questions than answers. Ministry of Education should investigate this please.* WE know that what they (teachers) are teaching will not make learners pass. Mr President (Hifikepunye Pohamba), all parents want to send their children to schools were there are laboratories, libraries, computers, enough textbooks, conducive classrooms etc. if they can afford to do so. Ninety-nine per cent of schools in the north don’t have those.Health Matters * WARD 1 in Oshakati Hospital is a private ward but there is no privacy. Nurses are singing in the corridor while they are busy. They are so loud we can’t even sleep during the day, Please Dr Hamata do something.Bouquets and Brickbats * I JUST want to compliment you on your daily coverage of the 2008 Tour De France. It is really excellent and that is why I think The Namibian is number one. – Neil Disconnections * DO I still need a TV licence if I only watch One Africa Television? – Phillip Shihepo, Windhoek – As far as I know, you need a TV licence if you own a television set. In fact, if you buy a TV set you need to take your licence along. – News Editor

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