SMSes of the Day : Wednesday

SMSes of the Day : Wednesday

* DRINKING alcohol in Namibia has gone to such an extent that our people walk around the streets of Windhoek with beer bottles. They don’t have the decency to sit down and drink from glasses. The GRN should not allow our country to perish like this. Namibians, especially the youth, must change their ways. A country cannot prosper if we continue like this. What are we portraying to visitors to this country and to our own young children. This is not acceptable.

* WHO said politicians have to be so tightfaced and so serious looking. Please take a leaf out of singer Jossie Kauandenge’s book. You will forever find him mingling with old and young alike. No wonder his shows are always so full. After all it is summer. What is it with Namibian politicians and suits? Let go please and get a life. Food for thought* SHOULD we young ones from poor families stay uneducated, because of your expensive education? Please Ministry do something. We poor ones also want to be educated.* THE cry that the Police do not have enough vehicles should stop. Why are vehicles available to high-ranking officers who receive vehicle allowances? ls this not corruption? lf the Police could just distribute its fleet fairly then there will be no shortage.* I’M wondering! A couple of years ago I had to help identify a suspect to the police in a case I wasn’t involved in. I was promised a reward yet it remained a promise. Needless to say, I received threats. Is there any protection for people like me, who sacrifice their reputation to help combat crime? I give my all to help the police, not for a fee, but for what? Haven’t heard from the Inspector who approached me for help, although the operation went well. Do I have to do it again without a reward, only promises? Remember, I’ve already lost my reputation.* NORTHERN ROCK: I hope our banks in Namibia can learn their lessons from this disgraced British bank. Houses are simply and unnecessarily overpriced. For most people it remains a mystery how they cope financially. There is a serious need to regulate prices in the housing industry – it’s long overdue.Baby dumping* I WONDER why some men are calling on women to march against child dumping? Are these not their babies too? Take the lead and you will see that many people are supportive of the idea. As men show the nation that you care for what happens to your children after all they are not women’s children alone.* MANY cheers for Detective Constable J Kauvi, his crew and a caller, who collectively saved a little baby girl. This sad, albeit miraculous, event allowed this special girl two births in one day. As for the mother who buried her girl alive, there are no words for that, but may this miracle revive her to become a good mother. – S Nakangani* BABY BURIED: When I read this story I broke into tears and could only think of this little, innocent and defenceless baby. Why not give it up for adoption? – Josie* PLEASE Namibian courts, sentence those throwing babies away heavily. It’s MURDER !* THAT mother knew what she was doing and cannot take the rejection of the boyfriend as an excuse to bury the baby alive. She already has a child. Take the baby away from her and lock her up. After all, what is happening to all these girls who are dumping their newborns?* CONTRACEPTIVES and condoms are free in our country. Why don’t we use them and take care of ourselves, rather than blame men if we get pregnant?* WHAT are women waiting for? Oh, if a man kills a woman then they are in action. What if a woman kills a newborn baby? We need them in action.* FELLOW women, let’s stand up in solidarity against this barbaric act of baby dumping.* I WAS so shocked when I heard the story. Why are people so coldblooded that they don’t feel anything for anyone not even of their own flesh and blood? That child did not ask to come into this world to be treated like this by her own mother. There are so many people who yearn to have a baby of their own, but those who are blessed don’t appreciate them. I don’t have anything to say to the mother of that poor child. I’ll leave it in God’s hands. – Kondombolo* SHE must be sentenced because she carried the baby for nine months and there are many single mothers in Namibia. Why don’t they throw their babies away. Come on African Mothers! * WE should not only judge the mother who dumped her baby. Where is the ‘donor of the sperm’ or better to say the father of the baby? The B1 Butcher, crime and murder* I’M A depressed and a scared woman today! Another ghastly find of female body parts. What is happening to our society, our men? What should I tell my growing daughter, how can I protect her? Yes, I cry for our nation, for our women, our children, our country. Is this punishment from God or did the devil find a gap in our moral fibre? The law should do something. A referendum on the death penalty ASAP. If rapists can be castrated in the USA, why don’t we follow suit or legalise mob justice. I sound desperate and scared, because I am. Do something, somebody, I don’t want to end up a raped, dismembered and a dumped statistic. Protect me, I’m your mother, sister and your woman. Protect me! * WE need to call Mr Neels Becker back to help the Police catch the Ripper. All women are living in fear and that is not good. I pray everyday for safety of all women. – Ricardo Abrahams* PLEASE Nampol, what are you doing about the B1? How many victims must we see before Nampol tracks down the B1 butcher? B1 seems to be provoking Nampol as they are directionless. Anyway count your lucky because Oshikoto police will get Mr. B1! By the way, is the B1 really a white man? Maybe, maybe not! It could be a black person, moving around among us daily enjoying the confusing protection in a white man’s story ! Nampol Tsumeb, you’ve done some pretty good jobs in the past. Now we are counting on you again.* ARE the police nuts? Can’t they take samples as soon as they find a corpse and freeze them? If the perpetrator left any DNA , it’s long gone! And we know the body’s ID, so what is the idea?* I’D suggest that all Namibians go for a psychiatric test just to be sure who and how many people are insane in this country. It seems that all criminals claim insanity or to be mentally unstable!* PLEASE Namibian Government, bring back the death penalty, because we are tired of these barbaric murders that are increasing every day in Namibia. We are no more in peace because of these murderers. Death penalty is a good solution to minimise this.* THE nation feels that the law is condoning crime. It’s very disappointing to see that criminals are allowed to cover their faces. WHY? Let them be exposed so that we recognise them on the street. Hopefully, that’s another way of combating crime. – Kandy* STOP killing others! We are sick and tired of this new stupid system of killing people and cut them into pieces. Please stop doing this!!* WE need a Police station at Otjomuise in the 7de Laan area because the crime is very high.Uis deal* UIS is in the Erongo and not in the Kunene Region. Anna Tauros is a UDF and not a Swapo councillor. Uis Village Council is majority UDF and not lead by Swapo. Please NDMC and delegation for Uis get your information from more reliable sources. We support your efforts but will not be misled by those trying to score cheap points. Respect the rule of law and the culprits will be brought to book. Gariseb stop calling people names. Do not let your good intentions be nullified by your personal attacks on others. This is history in the making and we surely do not want to go back to the bush. We want to see situations being handled like challenges and in a professional manner. Why run to Kauandenge while the issue is being addressed and receiving the highest attention. What are you trying to prove. Viva Uis* POSITIVE move Mr Goagoseb. Uis loves you.* IF they can sell Uis why not Epukiro Pos 3 or Oshakati.Education* I’M a former Namcol student, who completed my Grade 12 over two years by doing three subjects a year. I am now stuck with two certificates and would like to know if i can consolidate them into one. Please help me.* I WANT to know from the Inspector of Schools in the Khomas Region whether he is aware of the existence of some schools in his region like Beenbreck Primary. I have been at the school for almost three years situated at this farm, but up to now I didn’t see you visiting here. Kids go to school from eight o’clock and go home at 10. There is no principal and there is only one teacher for the pupil population of eight. Please help us.* THE situation at Oluno Primary School needs the intervention of the Inspector. Teachers are not punctual in the morning, learners are under-performing and cleaners are resting under trees the whole day. We parents informed Mr Vrier about the situation but to no avail.* I JUST want to tell the Education Director of Kavango and his Inspector in the Mukwe circuit about Max Makushe SS to demote the teachers who do not want to follow regulations and to transfer them to combined schools for rehabilitation purposes.From the regions* DEAR Oshakati East Councillor Mr Kushomwa and Mayor of the Oshakati Town Council: There is no development at Okandjengedi and Onawa behind Omagano paradise. There is no water, electricity, toilets and proper sewage. We still use candles, paraffin, bushes as toilets and fetch drinking water on head from a long distance away. – Twalulilwa* OH, oh people did you see the Tsintsabis clinic and nurses’ home. Its unsafe, the walls are falling apart and I wonder how those nurses cope because it’s a sight that gives me stress just by looking at it. Please MOHSS do something about the living conditions of the nurses, or nurses themselves should do something to get out of there, as they deserve better.* PLEASE Walvis Bay municipality, maintain the roads at Kuisebmond as you do in town! Just because we live in a township does not mean we don’t deserve better.* OTAMANZI Council! We are experiencing a shortage of water at Onkani. We travel long distances to reach a waterpoint. Please help your people. We are suffering too much. I thank you!* DEPUTY Prime Minister, what have you done for Fransfontein. People still use the bucket toilet system. And to the President, the PM, Cabinet, NA members – a job well done for strangling the town of Khorixas and all nearby towns such as Bergsig, Erwee, Anker, etc. There is NO development, plenty of gravel roads.General* WHEN is NBC TV putting us back on the air so that we can also be informed about what’s going on in the world. Pupils, kids and teachers are missing out. We are living just 10 km from Rundu at Kayengona.* DEAR Editor, the nation must stand up against the irregularities, mismanagement and (alleged) corrupt practices at (NRU) under the leadership of Conradie and his ELITE. By now he should be aware of the one way ticket and leave.* WHY does the Swapo headquarters decide on Governors for the regions. Is this aimed at excluding the ‘satanic list’ of 30 that was distributed at the last Swapo congress? Ms Ithana, does the Swapo leadership have a responsibility to manipulate those that follow them?* A COMMITTEE of three was set up to try and repair cracks within the ruling party. Give the nation your progress report. With the wise input from the Father of the Nation and President of Swapo, you’ve managed to fulfil your assignment.Thank you* Thank you The Namibian for the column ‘what you say’. Now I can remind my fellow women that it is important to know our HIV status before and during pregnancy. By so doing we are going to spare the lives of our innocent babies. Its very touching to find out later that a child is HIV positive. These are the future leaders of our country. Let’s love them and give them their right to health. – Concerned mother Teacher woes* THIS issue of salaries being delayed, especially for us teachers, is becoming a habit. I really want to know where the problem lies and whose responsibility it is? Can you imagine working for three months without a salary. How is one expected to survive? I’ve a house and a family to take care of, I’ve bills to pay and other expenses. I had to travel to Windhoek to resolve my problem because the regional offices are helpless, all they say is ‘wait next month’. For God’s sake for how long are we going to suffer like this?* I AM a teacher in the Ohangwena region, Eenhana circuit to be specific. I started working this year in January, but I am still paid a Grade 12 salary. I don’t know how long it takes to adjust salaries and I think, I am not the only one facing this problem. The Ministry of Education must do something please! Teachers are starving and remember they are the ‘PILLARS’ of this nation. Concerned teacherFood for thought * SHOULD we young ones from poor families stay uneducated, because of your expensive education? Please Ministry do something. We poor ones also want to be educated.* THE cry that the Police do not have enough vehicles should stop. Why are vehicles available to high-ranking officers who receive vehicle allowances? ls this not corruption? lf the Police could just distribute its fleet fairly then there will be no shortage.* I’M wondering! A couple of years ago I had to help identify a suspect to the police in a case I wasn’t involved in. I was promised a reward yet it remained a promise. Needless to say, I received threats. Is there any protection for people like me, who sacrifice their reputation to help combat crime? I give my all to help the police, not for a fee, but for what? Haven’t heard from the Inspector who approached me for help, although the operation went well. Do I have to do it again without a reward, only promises? Remember, I’ve already lost my reputation.* NORTHERN ROCK: I hope our banks in Namibia can learn their lessons from this disgraced British bank. Houses are simply and unnecessarily overpriced. For most people it remains a mystery how they cope financially. There is a serious need to regulate prices in the housing industry – it’s long overdue.Baby dumping * I WONDER why some men are calling on women to march against child dumping? Are these not their babies too? Take the lead and you will see that many people are supportive of the idea. As men show the nation that you care for what happens to your children after all they are not women’s children alone.* MANY cheers for Detective Constable J Kauvi, his crew and a caller, who collectively saved a little baby girl. This sad, albeit miraculous, event allowed this special girl two births in one day. As for the mother who buried her girl alive, there are no words for that, but may this miracle revive her to become a good mother. – S Nakangani * BABY BURIED: When I read this story I broke into tears and could only think of this little, innocent and defenceless baby. Why not give it up for adoption? – Josie * PLEASE Namibian courts, sentence those throwing babies away heavily. It’s MURDER ! * THAT mother knew what she was doing and cannot take the rejection of the boyfriend as an excuse to bury the baby alive. She already has a child. Take the baby away from her and lock her up. After all, what is happening to all these girls who are dumping their newborns? * CONTRACEPTIVES and condoms are free in our country. Why don’t we use them and take care of ourselves, rather than blame men if we get pregnant? * WHAT are women waiting for? Oh, if a man kills a woman then they are in action. What if a woman kills a newborn baby? We need them in action.* FELLOW women, let’s stand up in solidarity against this barbaric act of baby dumping.* I WAS so shocked when I heard the story. Why are people so coldblooded that they don’t feel anything for anyone not even of their own flesh and blood? That child did not ask to come into this world to be treated like this by her own mother. There are so many people who yearn to have a baby of their own, but those who are blessed don’t appreciate them. I don’t have anything to say to the mother of that poor child. I’ll leave it in God’s hands. – Kondombolo * SHE must be sentenced because she carried the baby for nine months and there are many single mothers in Namibia. Why don’t they throw their babies away. Come on African Mothers! * WE should not only judge the mother who dumped her baby. Where is the ‘donor of the sperm’ or better to say the father of the baby? The B1 Butcher, crime and murder * I’M A depressed and a scared woman today! Another ghastly find of female body parts. What is happening to our society, our men? What should I tell my growing daughter, how can I protect her? Yes, I cry for our nation, for our women, our children, our country. Is this punishment from God or did the devil find a gap in our moral fibre? The law should do something. A referendum on the death penalty ASAP. If rapists can be castrated in the USA, why don’t we follow suit or legalise mob justice. I sound desperate and scared, because I am. Do something, somebody, I don’t want to end up a raped, dismembered and a dumped statistic. Protect me, I’m your mother, sister and your woman. Protect me! * WE need to call Mr Neels Becker back to help the Police catch the Ripper. All women are living in fear and that is not good. I pray everyday for safety of all women. – Ricardo Abrahams * PLEASE Nampol, what are you doing about the B1? How many victims must we see before Nampol tracks down the B1 butcher? B1 seems to be provoking Nampol as they are directionless. Anyway count your lucky because Oshikoto police will get Mr. B1! By the way, is the B1 really a white man? Maybe, maybe not! It could be a black person, moving around among us daily enjoying the confusing protection in a white man’s story ! Nampol Tsumeb, you’ve done some pretty good jobs in the past. Now we are counting on you again.* ARE the police nuts? Can’t they take samples as soon as they find a corpse and freeze them? If the perpetrator left any DNA , it’s long gone! And we know the body’s ID, so what is the idea? * I’D suggest that all Namibians go for a psychiatric test just to be sure who and how many people are insane in this country. It seems that all criminals claim insanity or to be mentally unstable! * PLEASE Namibian Government, bring back the death penalty, because we are tired of these barbaric murders that are increasing every day in Namibia. We are no more in peace because of these murderers. Death penalty is a good solution to minimise this.* THE nation feels that the law is condoning crime. It’s very disappointing to see that criminals are allowed to cover their faces. WHY? Let them be exposed so that we recognise them on the street. Hopefully, that’s another way of combating crime. – Kandy * STOP killing others! We are sick and tired of this new stupid system of killing people and cut them into pieces. Please stop doing this!! * WE need a Police station at Otjomuise in the 7de Laan area because the crime is very high.Uis deal * UIS is in the Erongo and not in the Kunene Region. Anna Tauros is a UDF and not a Swapo councillor. Uis Village Council is majority UDF and not lead by Swapo. Please NDMC and delegation for Uis get your information from more reliable sources. We support your efforts but will not be misled by those trying to score cheap points. Respect the rule of law and the culprits will be brought to book. Gariseb stop calling people names. Do not let your good intentions be nullified by your personal attacks on others. This is history in the making and we surely do not want to go back to the bush. We want to see situations being handled like challenges and in a professional manner. Why run to Kauandenge while the issue is being addressed and receiving the highest attention. What are you trying to prove. Viva Uis * POSITIVE move Mr Goagoseb. Uis loves you.* IF they can sell Uis why not Epukiro Pos 3 or Oshakati.Education * I’M a former Namcol student, who completed my Grade 12 over two years by doing three subjects a year. I am now stuck with two certificates and would like to know if i can consolidate them into one. Please help me.* I WANT to know from the Inspector of Schools in the Khomas Region whether he is aware of the existence of some schools in his region like Beenbreck Primary. I have been at the school for almost three years situated at this farm, but up to now I didn’t see you visiting here. Kids go to school from eight o’clock and go home at 10. There is no principal and there is only one teacher for the pupil population of eight. Please help us.* THE situation at Oluno Primary School needs the intervention of the Inspector. Teachers are not punctual in the morning, learners are under-performing and cleaners are resting under trees the whole day. We parents informed Mr Vrier about the situation but to no avail.* I JUST want to tell the Education Director of Kavango and his Inspector in the Mukwe circuit about Max Makushe SS to demote the teachers who do not want to follow regulations and to transfer them to combined schools for rehabilitation purposes.From the regions * DEAR Oshakati East Councillor Mr Kushomwa and Mayor of the Oshakati Town Council: There is no development at Okandjengedi and Onawa behind Omagano paradise. There is no water, electricity, toilets and proper sewage. We still use candles, paraffin, bushes as toilets and fetch drinking water on head from a long distance away. – Twalulilwa * OH, oh people did you see the Tsintsabis clinic and nurses’ home. Its unsafe, the walls are falling apart and I wonder how those nurses cope because it’s a sight that gives me stress just by looking at it. Please MOHSS do something about the living conditions of the nurses, or nurses themselves should do something to get out of there, as they deserve better.* PLEASE Walvis Bay municipality, maintain the roads at Kuisebmond as you do in town! Just because we live in a township does not mean we don’t deserve better.* OTAMANZI Council! We are experiencing a shortage of water at Onkani. We travel long distances to reach a waterpoint. Please help your people. We are suffering too much. I thank you! * DEPUTY Prime Minister, what have you done for Fransfontein. People still use the bucket toilet system. And to the President, the PM, Cabinet, NA members – a job well done for strangling the town of Khorixas and all nearby towns such as Bergsig, Erwee, Anker, etc. There is NO development, plenty of gravel roads.General * WHEN is NBC TV putting us back on the air so that we can also be informed about what’s going on in the world. Pupils, kids and teachers are missing out. We are living just 10 km from Rundu at Kayengona.* DEAR Editor, the nation must stand up against the irregularities, mismanagement and (alleged) corrupt practices at (NRU) under the leadership of Conradie and his ELITE. By now he should be aware of the one way ticket and leave.* WHY does the Swapo headquarters decide on Governors for the regions. Is this aimed at excluding the ‘satanic list’ of 30 that was distributed at the last Swapo congress? Ms Ithana, does the Swapo leadership have a responsibility to manipulate those that follow them? * A COMMITTEE of three was set up to try and repair cracks within the ruling party. Give the nation your progress report. With the wise input from the Father of the Nation and President of Swapo, you’ve managed to fulfil your assignment.Thank you * Thank you The Namibian for the column ‘what you say’. Now I can remind my fellow women that it is important to know our HIV status before and during pregnancy. By so doing we are going to spare the lives of our innocent babies. Its very touching to find out later that a child is HIV positive. These are the future leaders of our country. Let’s love them and give them their right to health. – Concerned mother Teacher woes * THIS issue of salaries being delayed, especially for us teachers, is becoming a habit. I really want to know where the problem lies and whose responsibility it is? Can you imagine working for three months without a salary. How is one expected to survive? I’ve a house and a family to take care of, I’ve bills to pay and other expenses. I had to travel to Windhoek to resolve my problem because the regional offices are helpless, all they say is ‘wait next month’. For God’s sake for how long are we going to suffer like this? * I AM a teacher in the Ohangwena region, Eenhana circuit to be specific. I started working this year in January, but I am still paid a Grade 12 salary. I don’t know how long it takes to adjust salaries and I think, I am not the only one facing this problem. The Ministry of Education must do something please! Teachers are starving and remember they are the ‘PILLARS’ of this nation. Concerned teacher

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