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SMSes of the Day : Wednesday

SMSes of the Day : Wednesday

** I HAVE a deep-seated resentment for incompetence in general, in particular in the public service.

Pionier Boys’ School is a case in point, where everything is falling apart. The school principal, his management, some teachers and secretary hang around smoking or simply chatting during office hours, management refuse to teach the required number of periods per week, the timetable is in chaos and the school boasts the highest rate of learner absenteeism, but our Government continues to condone this tragedy.Visit our school and evaluate the decadence in which our learners have to learn.Do our future leaders deserve such Government neglect?** SWAPO has to remember that there are Swapo members working in shops owned by RDP members if they want a boycott of these outlets.Who do they think will be laid off if the shops are boycotted? They are making foolish and childish remarks which are not fitting of leaders of a country!** (MARLENE) Mungunda please note that children at the Five Rand camp new Okahandja are suffering, but the Government is doing nothing about their wellbeing.These children don’t have access to education, shelter, but thanks to meme Kauna who give them food, care and love.(Minister) Mungunda please do your work and employ people to register the children for Government grants.Food for thought** A SINGLE nurse at the Katutura casualty will stitch more than 50 patients per night.After that you will feel dizzy and drowsy.How does one expect such a nurse to be normal? The mixture of blood from all those oozing wounds is driving us crazy and makes us drunk.No wonder we are so rude and impatient.The public must start to control itself by minimising these common assaults.The dressing room has become Katutura’s butchery and we the nurses feel like monsters and serial killers.Please people we also want to inhale fresh air because we are dying inside.We don’t enjoy nursing as a career any more, therefore the public must change its attitude towards the nurses.- Ndemty** THE real Judases are: The healthcare sector that allows babies to die and mental patients to be raped and the education system that sends thousands of youths into the streets, allowing corruption to prevail without being punished.The Judases are building a decadent State House we don’t need and can’t afford while poverty is rampant in our country.The country’s Judases are the ones pumping taxpayers’ millions into failing parastatals that are run by incompetent people.** SWAPO wants to build a hospital at Omuthiya instead of upgrading the existing ones all over Namibia.** I AM a tourist here and not a member of any political party.I wanted to invest in this country but judging from the political campaign at a small new town I think local politicians have lost focus and are a risk to investors.- Van Staden Politics in general ** A CALL by Swapo’s Armas Amukwiyu at the party’s rally last Saturday for its supporters not to buy from RDP shops is pure economic sabotage.How can a ruling party engineer the demolition of the country’s economic activities? Armas is an economic saboteur or Swapo has lost focus as (Hidipo) Hamutenya claims.The Ministry of Trade must come in before our economy is ruined by Armas and his destructive speeches.** WHO is really promoting tribalism in Namibia? Of late, Swapo’s hostility towards the RDP is frightening.Cry Namibia, cry our beloved country for peace is at stake.** DEMOCRACY is going to be a thing of the past if our leaders do not change their attitude towards other political parties.The recent Swapo rally at Omuthiya is a case in point.** HOW on earth can we have a President who finds pleasure in insults? ** CAN the State President tell this nation that all town councils and regional councils were elected at the Swapo congress to participate in those elections? State buildings are for all Namibians and the State President is for all Namibians.I hope His Excellency will serve all Namibians not Swapo members only.** PRESIDENT Pohamba never said that the buildings belong to Swapo.He said that people should make sure that the Omuthiya local authority structures are occupied by Swapo councillors.Occupying Government building doesn’t mean you own them.** I DON’T understand why Swapo is going on about the RDP.Don’t they trust that they will win? This is going to shed a lot of innocent blood seeing that they have already started stabbing each other.** SWAPO was saying the RDP is not a threat to them but to be honest the ruling party now has sleepless nights.Everywhere they go they only talk about RDP.** SWAPO was a failure and lost vision over the past 17 years and these are the reasons advanced by Hidipo Hamutenya and Jesaya Nyamu for their resignation from the ruling party.Their departure has left many Namibians with the million-dollar question whether they shared in the 17 years of Swapo failures? ** HIDIPO Hamutenya’s cry to be covered by the NBC doesn’t warrant any sympathy.When he was a Swapo stalwart he didn’t care when opposition parties wanted be covered.There is no difference between the RDP and Swapo, because those who left Swapo did so because their leadership ambitions could not be realised.Let them fight and call each other names but we know that they are the same breed, the only difference is their party colours.** WHAT the Swapo-led Government did well over the past years is that they have perfected the art of name-calling and hence forgot to develop the country.To the NBC, in what category of your mission statement does it state that the speech of Honourable Pohamba must get coverage.Bob (Kandetu), I don’t want my children to grow up thinking name-calling is normal.** WE, the Swapo members cannot give up.We were born Swapo members and will die Swapo.** IF anyone should be called Judas, it’s the Swapo-led Government which has betrayed the country over the last 18 years.** I AM so disappointed in our President for what he said at Omuthiya.I thought he was a man of peace but now I know he is not.I now agree with RDP leadership when they said Swapo has lost vision.All they do is attack the RDP.They are going crazy.What they don’t realise is that every hatred and insult they throw at RDP causes them (Swapo) to lose party members.** I AM concerned with the campaign tactics used by my Swapo Party.Bussing people that will never vote at Omuthiya in masses on trucks from Ondangwa is a clear indication that we have lost our direction and vision.Education ** MINISTRY of Education PRO conveniently chose not to answer as to why the retrenched unqualified and under-qualified teachers did not get their service bonus and benefits.Don’t use and abuse people and then drop them.Nantu and TUN please explain.** MR Tjama Tjivikua are you aware that some of us who registered to do English after hours are being sent from pillar to post, where classes have started already.Please sort out the mess because English lecturers are not very helpful.From the regions ** IS Nabta aware that its members are charging N$100 between Luederitz and Keetmanshoop? ** IT will be good if Nabta makes sure that a price list is displayed prominently in every bus because drivers in some instances overcharge passengers who do not know the rates.Please Nabta, do something as the customers are exploited by unscrupulous drivers.** SENIOR commanders in the Namibian Air Force, please be aware that we women at Grootfontein are sick and tired of being insulted and threatened to be shot by a certain captain from the air force, who misbehaves when he gets drunk.All soldiers drink, but this captain is very rude.If you cannot discipline him we will find our own way to do so.Stop beating women.** MR Bro Matthew Shinguadja do you know that a Chinese company at Kapako in the Kavango Region is violating the labour law? We are begging for your help as our working conditions are bad.General worker is paid N$2 and heavy-duty driver N$5 per hour.** SORRY, I don’t see the reason why we have to give donations if the victims of floods in Oshakati seem to be shebeen owners as is evident from the pictures published in the media.- Emvula ** RUNDU town council, please tell the Directorate of Inland Revenue, agricultural extension offices, Unam and others to clean their surroundings like Metropolitan does.Keep Rundu clean.** NORED please do something about power interruptions at Helao Nafidi.Everyday our cooking gets interrupted and our appliances damaged.** I VISITED the Ongwediva Medipark and was shocked by the nurses there.They are very loud and are disturbing the patients and the visitors.—–Ministry of Education responds THE Ministry of Education has taken time out to respond to a number of the complaints about the Education Sector, which have been SMSed to The Namibian: MINISTRY of Education, do you know that there is a problem at Jan Jonker Afrikaner Secondary School? Grade 9c did not receive textbooks because the teacher did not hand in the book list.We fail in tests and they expect us to pass without textbooks.The principal is aware of this situation but the issue is not attended to.Please Minister, become involved! – Concerned parent – Jan Jonker Afrikaner Secondary School as well as many other government schools have a system in place to ensure that all learners return their textbooks at the end of each academic year.Learners who do not hand in their textbooks will not get textbooks the following year unless they replace such books or pay the replacement fee to the school.This system is maintained for the purpose of educating learners about their responsibilities of taking care of textbooks, because textbooks cost the Government and the schools a lot of money.WE as parents and learners at Hochland High request with due respect that the ACC investigate the affairs of this school.The school is [allegedly] milking us, the parents.Every day a kid comes home from school, he/she comes home with the story of money.Currently Grade 11 learners must pay N$200 each for the farewell of Grade 12 and they are threatened that should they fail to pay they will be de-registered from the school.For the planned sport activities this weekend, Grade 11 learners are again forced to buy a plate of food.- The Hochland High School requests Grade 11 learners to pay N$200 for their farewell party that will be held when they reach Grade 12.This is simply done to avoid parents having to pay for many things when learners reach Grade 12 such as exam fees and others.Learners who are not interested in attending the farewell party don’t have to pay such a fee.Although there are sport activities taking place this weekend no learner has been asked to buy any plate of food or any food because the school does not sell plates of foods nor does it intend to.Learners are also not forced to buy anything at such an event.MY son failed Grade 10 at the Jan Jonker Afrikaner School.He is 17 years and was hospitalised for TB treatment and did not even write the August exams last year.The school principal and the teacher had proof from the doctor, but when we went for registration this year the principal refused to register my kid.- Schools that are failing to adhere to the Education Act should be reported at the Regional Director’s office.You are therefore urged to visit the Khomas Regional Education Office at the Frans Indongo Gardens and see the inspector responsible for that specific school with all the necessary documents such as the learner’s latest report, medical proof and the birth certificate.Regarding the recent statement by the Minister that all Grade 10 learners should repeat, the Ministry advises that everyone be patient until another announcement is made this week.Usually, only learners who are younger than 17 years of age, may be considered to repeat Grade 10, preferably at the same school, under the following special conditions: * If death occurred in the immediate family (father, mother, brother, sister or guardian in the case of an orphan) during the JSC examination or while the learner was preparing for the examination.* Illness of the learner during the JSC examination or while preparing for the examination and doctor’s certificate of proof is submitted to the principal.* If space is available and the necessary textbooks, desks and chairs are available.* If a proven record of impeccable behaviour is submitted.ACC please find out what happened to Grade 7 learners’ money at BET EL School in Windhoek, who paid for a tour to South Africa, which got cancelled and kids were not given their money back.We have waited for a year now and want our money back.- The money for the school tour was paid to a certain South African Company that was supposed to facilitate the tour before parents themselves cancelled the tour.The school has tried its best to get the money back and currently the matter is in the hands of the South African Embassy.Half of the parents have however already received their money back while the half remains to be paid.Parents are thus urged to be patient, as the situation gets resolved.Yours in Education – Public Relations OfficeThe school principal, his management, some teachers and secretary hang around smoking or simply chatting during office hours, management refuse to teach the required number of periods per week, the timetable is in chaos and the school boasts the highest rate of learner absenteeism, but our Government continues to condone this tragedy.Visit our school and evaluate the decadence in which our learners have to learn.Do our future leaders deserve such Government neglect? ** SWAPO has to remember that there are Swapo members working in shops owned by RDP members if they want a boycott of these outlets.Who do they think will be laid off if the shops are boycotted? They are making foolish and childish remarks which are not fitting of leaders of a country! ** (MARLENE) Mungunda please note that children at the Five Rand camp new Okahandja are suffering, but the Government is doing nothing about their wellbeing.These children don’t have access to education, shelter, but thanks to meme Kauna who give them food, care and love.(Minister) Mungunda please do your work and employ people to register the children for Government grants.Food for thought ** A SINGLE nurse at the Katutura casualty will stitch more than 50 patients per night.After that you will feel dizzy and drowsy.How does one expect such a nurse to be normal? The mixture of blood from all those oozing wounds is driving us crazy and makes us drunk.No wonder we are so rude and impatient.The public must start to control itself by minimising these common assaults.The dressing room has become Katutura’s butchery and we the nurses feel like monsters and serial killers.Please people we also want to inhale fresh air because we are dying inside.We don’t enjoy nursing as a career any more, therefore the public must change its attitude towards the nurses.- Ndemty ** THE real Judases are: The healthcare sector that allows babies to die and mental patients to be raped and the education system that sends thousands of youths into the streets, allowing corruption to prevail without being punished.The Judases are building a decadent State House we don’t need and can’t afford while poverty is rampant in our country.The country’s Judases are the ones pumping taxpayers’ millions into failing parastatals that are run by incompetent people.** SWAPO wants to build a hospital at Omuthiya instead of upgrading the existing ones all over Namibia.** I AM a tourist here and not a member of any political party.I wanted to invest in this country but judging from the political campaign at a small new town I think local politicians have lost focus and are a risk to investors.- Van Staden Politics in general ** A CALL by Swapo’s Armas Amukwiyu at the party’s rally last Saturday for its supporters not to buy from RDP shops is pure economic sabotage.How can a ruling party engineer the demolition of the country’s economic activities? Armas is an economic saboteur or Swapo has lost focus as (Hidipo) Hamutenya claims.The Ministry of Trade must come in before our economy is ruined by Armas and his destructive speeches. ** WHO is really promoting tribalism in Namibia? Of late, Swapo’s hostility towards the RDP is frightening.Cry Namibia, cry our beloved country for peace is at stake.** DEMOCRACY is going to be a thing of the past if our leaders do not change their attitude towards other political parties.The recent Swapo rally at Omuthiya is a case in point.** HOW on earth can we have a President who finds pleasure in insults? ** CAN the State President tell this nation that all town councils and regional councils were elected at the Swapo congress to participate in those elections? State buildings are for all Namibians and the State President is for all Namibians.I hope His Excellency will serve all Namibians not Swapo members only.** PRESIDENT Pohamba never said that the buildings belong to Swapo.He said that people should make sure that the Omuthiya local authority structures are occupied by Swapo councillors.Occupying Government building doesn’t mean you own them. ** I DON’T understand why Swapo is going on about the RDP.Don’t they trust that they will win? This is going to shed a lot of innocent blood seeing that they have already started stabbing each other.** SWAPO was saying the RDP is not a threat to them but to be honest the ruling party now has sleepless nights.Everywhere they go they only talk about RDP. ** SWAPO was a failure and lost vision over the past 17 years and these are the reasons advanced by Hidipo Hamutenya and Jesaya Nyamu for their resignation from the ruling party.Their departure has left many Namibians with the million-dollar question whether they shared in the 17 years of Swapo failures? ** HIDIPO Hamutenya’s cry to be covered by the NBC doesn’t warrant any sympathy.When he was a Swapo stalwart he didn’t care when opposition parties wanted be covered.There is no difference between the RDP and Swapo, because those who left Swapo did so because their leadership ambitions could not be realised.Let them fight and call each other names but we know that they are the same breed, the only difference is their party colours. ** WHAT the Swapo-led Government did well over the past years is that they have perfected the art of name-calling and hence forgot to develop the country.To the NBC, in what category of your mission statement does it state that the speech of Honourable Pohamba must get coverage.Bob (Kandetu), I don’t want my children to grow up thinking name-calling is normal.** WE, the Swapo members cannot give up.We were born Swapo members and will die Swapo.** IF anyone should be called Judas, it’s the Swapo-led Government which has betrayed the country over the last 18 years.** I AM so disappointed in our President for what he said at Omuthiya.I thought he was a man of peace but now I know he is not.I now agree with RDP leadership when they said Swapo has lost vision.All they do is attack the RDP.They are going crazy.What they don’t realise is that every hatred and insult they throw at RDP causes them (Swapo) to lose party members. ** I AM concerned with the campaign tactics used by my Swapo Party.Bussing people that will never vote at Omuthiya in masses on trucks from Ondangwa is a clear indication that we have lost our direction and vision. Education ** MINISTRY of Education PRO conveniently chose not to answer as to why the retrenched unqualified and under-qualified teachers did not get their service bonus and benefits.Don’t use and abuse people and then drop them.Nantu and TUN please explain.** MR Tjama Tjivikua are you aware that some of us who registered to do English after hours are being sent from pillar to post, where classes have started already.Please sort out the mess because English lecturers are not very helpful. From the regions ** IS Nabta aware that its members are charging N$100 between Luederitz and Keetmanshoop? ** IT will be good if Nabta makes sure that a price list is displayed prominently in every bus because drivers in some instances overcharge passengers who do not know the rates.Please Nabta, do something as the customers are exploited by unscrupulous drivers.** SENIOR commanders in the Namibian Air Force, please be aware that we women at Grootfontein are sick and tired of being insulted and threatened to be shot by a certain captain from the air force, who misbehaves when he gets drunk.All soldiers drink, but this captain is very rude.If you cannot discipline him we will find our own way to do so.Stop beating women.** MR Bro Matthew Shinguadja do you know that a Chinese company at Kapako in the Kavango Region is violating the labour law? We are begging for your help as our working conditions are bad.General worker is paid N$2 and heavy-duty driver N$5 per hour.** SORRY, I don’t see the reason why we have to give donations if the victims of floods in Oshakati seem to be shebeen owners as is evident from the pictures published in the media.- Emvula ** RUNDU town council, please tell the Directorate of Inland Revenue, agricultural extension offices, Unam and others to clean their surroundings like Metropolitan does.Keep Rundu clean.** NORED please do something about power interruptions at Helao Nafidi.Everyday our cooking gets interrupted and our appliances damaged.** I VISITED the Ongwediva Medipark and was shocked by the nurses there.They are very loud and are disturbing the patients and the visitors.—– Ministry of Education responds THE Ministry of Education has taken time out to respond to a number of the complaints about the Education Sector, which have been SMSed to The Namibian: MINISTRY of Education, do you know that there is a problem at Jan Jonker Afrikaner Secondary School? Grade 9c did not receive textbooks because the teacher did not hand in the book list.We fail in tests and they expect us to pass without textbooks.The principal is aware of this situation but the issue is not attended to.Please Minister, become involved! – Concerned parent – Jan Jonker Afrikaner Secondary School as well as many other government schools have a system in place to ensure that all learners return their textbooks at the end of each academic year.Learners who do not hand in their textbooks will not get textbooks the following year unless they replace such books or pay the replacement fee to the school.This system is maintained for the purpose of educating learners about their responsibilities of taking care of textbooks, because textbooks cost the Government and the schools a lot of money.WE as parents and learners at Hochland High request with due respect that the ACC investigate the affairs of this school.The school is [allegedly] milking us, the parents.Every day a kid comes home from school, he/she comes home with the story of money.Currently Grade 11 learners must pay N$200 each for the farewell of Grade 12 and they are threatened that should they fail to pay they will be de-registered from the school.For the planned sport activities this weekend, Grade 11 learners are again forced to buy a plate of food.- The Hochland High School requests Grade 11 learners to pay N$200 for their farewell party that will be held when they reach Grade 12.This is simply done to avoid parents having to pay for many things when learners reach Grade 12 such as exam fees and others.Learners who are not interested in attending the farewell party don’t have to pay such a fee.Although there are sport activities taking place this weekend no learner has been asked to buy any plate of food or any food because the school does not sell plates of foods nor does it intend to.Learners are also not forced to buy anything at such an event.MY son failed Grade 10 at the Jan Jonker Afrikaner School.He is 17 years and was hospitalised for TB treatment and did not even write the August exams last year.The school principal and the teacher had proof from the doctor, but when we went for registration this year the principal refused to register my kid.- Schools that are failing to adhere to the Education Act should be reported at the Regional Director’s office.You are therefore urged to visit the Khomas Regional Education Office at the Frans Indongo Gardens and see the inspector responsible for that specific school with all the necessary documents such as the learner’s latest report, medical proof and the birth certificate.Regarding the recent statement by the Minister that all Grade 10 learners should repeat, the Ministry advises that everyone be patient until another announcement is made this week.Usually, only learners who are younger than 17 years of age, may be considered to repeat Grade 10, preferably at the same school, under the following special conditions: * If death occurred in the immediate family (father, mother, brother, sister or guardian in the case of an orphan) during the JSC examination or while the learner was preparing for the examination.* Illness of the learner during the JSC examination or while preparing for the examination and doctor’s certificate of proof is submitted to the principal.* If space is available and the necessary textbooks, desks and chairs are available.* If a proven record of impeccable behaviour is submitted.ACC please find out what happened to Grade 7 learners’ money at BET EL School in Windhoek, who paid for a tour to South Africa, which got cancelled and kids were not given their money back.We have waited for a year now and want our money back.- The money for the school tour was paid to a certain South African Company that was supposed to facilitate the tour before parents themselves cancelled the tour.The school has tried its best to get the money back and currently the matter is in the hands of the South African Embassy.Half of the parents have however already received their money back while the half remains to be paid.Parents are thus urged to be patient, as the situation gets resolved. Yours in Education – Public Relations Office

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