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SMSes of the Day : Tuesday

SMSes of the Day : Tuesday

* TRAGEDY and triumph! A powerful title that captures the mood and context of South Africa at the weekend. Other papers are out of touch with reality. Newfound respect for your paper, which is sensitive to the mood and feeling of its readers. Thanks for not under-playing the tragedy of Lucky Dube’s death over rugby.

* IF MPs abscond from Parliament, what will happen when public servants start doing the same at our work as well? Do MPs fill in unpaid leave of absence as people at grassroots level are expected to do? Please, you must be exemplary to the nation. I reckon that the MPs must also be given written warnings if they consistently absent themselves from Parliament without any valid cause, just like any other public servant. * ONE would say we have a blaming culture in Namibia. Some people don’t hesitate to blame the other person for almost everything that goes wrong, be it crime, reckless driving, you name it. But the culprits are products of our families. We should rather ask what it is that we have failed to do, especially in the upbringing of our children. Let’s all adopt a culture of responsibility and accountability.Food for thought* IT’S really a shame that Unam students will not write final exams because of outstanding fees. Ministry of Education has still not settled our accounts. Loan holders with unsettled accounts are in a dilemma. If this is the case, Vision 2030 is just a wet dream.* CONGRATS to the Dogg and Gazza for scooping the prestigious music awards in their respective categories at the Channel O Africa Music Awards. It’s a sign that Namibian music has eventually come of age, so gentlemen, it’s time to bury the hatchet and focus on the vital work at hand. Collaborate and work together, have a reunion show, learn from others like P Diddy and Snoop Dogg. Business re-engineering and globalisation is the in thing, don’t be left behind. Unity means success and harmony, so do music together for commercial and charity purposes alike. Less privileged Namibians need your valuable assistance. Get high profile Namibians such as Frank Fredericks, Christina Swart-Opperman and others to officiate at your events. – Joe, Oshikango* A CALL for mass national demonstrations early next year is imminent if the Government doesn’t address the water issue with NamWater as a matter of urgency. All 13 regions are to join hands for the mass demonstrations. NamWater bills have become a bone of contention for smaller Local Authorities to comply with. NamWater is suspending water supply to smaller LAs at will on debts with the approval of the Ministry of Regional, Local Government, Housing and Rural Development, which is meant to stand father for the LAs while SOEs are bailed out. It is the policy of the Swapo Government to provide water to the people, as per the 2004 Swapo election manifesto.Politics in general* NAMIBIANS, let us learn to forgive, let our Founding President enjoy his retirement in peace. Those who are affected just remember and forgive and our country will be peaceful.* THERE has never been an imperialistic thinking person in Swapo Party, but if young cadres like the Ueiteles of Gobabis shamelessly made us to believe that there are imperialists within our midst, I don’t know. It is only good that he pronounce himself so soon before readying himself for the national Parliament. These are the kind of men who have the tendency of blaming the failures of their own and the country on the conditions of the global climate. Change your mindset and remain our co-ordinator there. I thank you.* LEARN from past mistakes. It seems supporters of SPYL’s “guided democracy” don’t know any history older than 10 years.Condolences* LUCKY Dube, Jah live! Lucky Dube rest in peace as we will keep the fire burning, as we still live in the house of exile. Although it’s not easy to understand it son, I hope you will make it and you’ll be happy again. – Macgyver, Okatope* THEY killed my hero. Shame on you South Africa. Fifa please take away 2010 – no one is safe in that country.* LUCKY, knowing that you are gone forever is too painful. The messages that you belted out are clear if we want to live in peace. Indeed I sleep, eat, walk and dream your music. Oh my legend, I’ll miss you till I die. May your soul rest in peace LUCKY DUBE – Kauno* I WAS heartbroken when I heard the shocking news of Lucky Dube’s death. May his soul rest in peace. Long live the Lion of Africa. – Heartbroken* WHAT Lucky Dube left behind (music) will make him alive among nations of the world for generations to come. Whoever is behind his death will receive maximum punishment from JAH. May his soul rest in eternal peace. You are my Hero. – DMR, Outapi* LUCKY, what can we say? Your death robbed us of a pioneering giant, who had the capability to appeal to people from all walks of life. May your soul rest in eternal peace!General* Namibia and South Africa stop the Apartheid excuse and re-introduce a targeted death penalty. Robbers who kill are not human. So why should they enjoy human rights? A burglar who kills has no respect for human life, neither does a man who rapes and kills. Top of the list: Carjackers who kill must leave the planet!* LET’S all think about one another. Stop raping and murdering children because they are the future. Just think of how the mother of that child will feel or how would you feel yourself if your child was murdered. Please let’s think first before we act so that God can give us another chance to act better.* IOL is cheating teachers. Please Minister of Education come and rescue the teachers out of the lion’s jaws. I once registered with them in 2005. They start deducting N$289, and in the same year I wrote a cancellation letter to them, they did not stop the deductions. They increase that amount to N$454,60 in March 2007 until today the course was only costing N$5 900. What surprised me is that when I went to the IOL branch at Ongwediva they told me the outstanding amount is N$12 000. Now I’m paying for nothing until I die that is what they told me. Help.* DOES the Ministry of Transport regulate the transport industry, especially public transport? Taxis and long-distance busses have become a big risk nowadays for not respecting road regulations thereby compromising the safety of their passengers. Let the drivers undergo advanced driving courses and once they pass, given public driving licences. Also fixed employment should be required and a code of conduct introduced and enforced.* CAN you imagine an institution or directorate being headed by someone who can’t operate on a computer, spends office time reading newspapers and receiving private visitors? This is the scenario in most Government institutions.* MR Bob Kandetu, the Chat Show of October 22 2007 programme was cancelled for an official opening live broadcast of meeting. How do you prioritise what to broadcast live and what not? Is it when DG is having a presentation? The Mata Mata Border Post was not broadcast live. It is like a self-promotion.From the regions* I’M have freshly graduated as a teacher and now find myself deep in the bush where there is no accommodation, electricity and where a thatched house as used as a classroom. I want the Minister of Education to consider and upgrade rural and bush schools as they are national schools too. This situation may lead to teachers refusing to teach in remote areas. – A teacher from Kavango in Ncuncuni circuit* WE want Oranjemund town to become an open town. Currently we are not allowed to have visitors from outside. Please review the Diamond Act, the law which makes the town an island.* MUNICIPALITY of Oshakati, when are we going to have house numbers, enough water and electricity at Pohamba location or do we fall outside the town’s borders? – Diina ND* MUNICIPALITY of Omaruru, we at Hakahana Settlement need electricity as it was done for Soweto in Tsumeb. We are the majority of Omaruru’s inhabitants and can easily organised ourselves to boycott the next Local Authority Elections, if you do not answer to our demands. Why are the elected councillors denying us development in Omaruru? – JC Ndahomenua Timely service please* Please The Namibian team, improve on your delivery. At Wanaheda, the earliest we can get the newspaper is around noon, from our main outlets Friendly and Woermann. Why is that so?On the ball* MIGHTY Gunners football team need support from all levels in the military. I was shocked when the team had to travel in an open truck to the coast last weekend to play in the first round of the FNB Cup. You should be proud of this team look at Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana the army teams have been topping the premier leagues in those countries, because of support the get. The army should be able to recruit and assembled best in the country to boost this team. To Phella and the boys, well done.* GIVE them a chance, forgive them for whatever they have done, let them feel they are also Namibians, reward them for they deserve it. I’m talking about Oshakati City players, they can surely add value to the national team which already has value.* OUR local soccer teams played even before the Springboks, but no results in today’s paper. Please inform us like you’ve done for the Bokke not only on Tuesdays.* WHY did so many Namibians celebrate South Africa’s Rugby World Cup win so much? At least it’s over now and we Namibians can go back to being Namibian and not wannabe South Africans.* THE Springbokke did it again! Hard work, commitment and unity as the main motivator, showed the world what SA in particular and Africa in general can achieve. Let’s live together in bona fide harmony as brothers and sisters and guard against perishing together as fools. SA, keep the African torch burning at all times. – Chris, Helao NafidiThank you* CONGRATULATIONS to Minister !Naruseb and De Wet for launching the MSR for the men on the street. Some decency and self-respect will be restored. On the other hand, is this not contrary to the new Labour Law, which outlaws any labour-hire system.* THANKS to the NBC, we normally complain when things are not going well at NBC. We also need to give them a pat on the shoulder for a job well done. They show us the AFCON draw live and a good show of sports awards. Thanks to the sport team. – Jerry* JUST to say many thanks to the Onandjokwe Lutheran Hospital staff, more specially Ward 10 nurses and institutional workers, too many to mention and in particular my physician Dr Ndawula. Guys you are the best without you and God I couldn’t have survived. Though lowly paid and understaffed you are still outstanding.- Buchane* ONE would say we have a blaming culture in Namibia. Some people don’t hesitate to blame the other person for almost everything that goes wrong, be it crime, reckless driving, you name it. But the culprits are products of our families. We should rather ask what it is that we have failed to do, especially in the upbringing of our children. Let’s all adopt a culture of responsibility and accountability.Food for thought * IT’S really a shame that Unam students will not write final exams because of outstanding fees. Ministry of Education has still not settled our accounts. Loan holders with unsettled accounts are in a dilemma. If this is the case, Vision 2030 is just a wet dream.* CONGRATS to the Dogg and Gazza for scooping the prestigious music awards in their respective categories at the Channel O Africa Music Awards. It’s a sign that Namibian music has eventually come of age, so gentlemen, it’s time to bury the hatchet and focus on the vital work at hand. Collaborate and work together, have a reunion show, learn from others like P Diddy and Snoop Dogg. Business re-engineering and globalisation is the in thing, don’t be left behind. Unity means success and harmony, so do music together for commercial and charity purposes alike. Less privileged Namibians need your valuable assistance. Get high profile Namibians such as Frank Fredericks, Christina Swart-Opperman and others to officiate at your events. – Joe, Oshikango * A CALL for mass national demonstrations early next year is imminent if the Government doesn’t address the water issue with NamWater as a matter of urgency. All 13 regions are to join hands for the mass demonstrations. NamWater bills have become a bone of contention for smaller Local Authorities to comply with. NamWater is suspending water supply to smaller LAs at will on debts with the approval of the Ministry of Regional, Local Government, Housing and Rural Development, which is meant to stand father for the LAs while SOEs are bailed out. It is the policy of the Swapo Government to provide water to the people, as per the 2004 Swapo election manifesto.Politics in general * NAMIBIANS, let us learn to forgive, let our Founding President enjoy his retirement in peace. Those who are affected just remember and forgive and our country will be peaceful. * THERE has never been an imperialistic thinking person in Swapo Party, but if young cadres like the Ueiteles of Gobabis shamelessly made us to believe that there are imperialists within our midst, I don’t know. It is only good that he pronounce himself so soon before readying himself for the national Parliament. These are the kind of men who have the tendency of blaming the failures of their own and the country on the conditions of the global climate. Change your mindset and remain our co-ordinator there. I thank you.* LEARN from past mistakes. It seems supporters of SPYL’s “guided democracy” don’t know any history older than 10 years.Condolences * LUCKY Dube, Jah live! Lucky Dube rest in peace as we will keep the fire burning, as we still live in the house of exile. Although it’s not easy to understand it son, I hope you will make it and you’ll be happy again. – Macgyver, Okatope * THEY killed my hero. Shame on you South Africa. Fifa please take away 2010 – no one is safe in that country.* LUCKY, knowing that you are gone forever is too painful. The messages that you belted out are clear if we want to live in peace. Indeed I sleep, eat, walk and dream your music. Oh my legend, I’ll miss you till I die. May your soul rest in peace LUCKY DUBE – Kauno * I WAS heartbroken when I heard the shocking news of Lucky Dube’s death. May his soul rest in peace. Long live the Lion of Africa. – Heartbroken * WHAT Lucky Dube left behind (music) will make him alive among nations of the world for generations to come. Whoever is behind his death will receive maximum punishment from JAH. May his soul rest in eternal peace. You are my Hero. – DMR, Outapi * LUCKY, what can we say? Your death robbed us of a pioneering giant, who had the capability to appeal to people from all walks of life. May your soul rest in eternal peace! General * Namibia and South Africa stop the Apartheid excuse and re-introduce a targeted death penalty. Robbers who kill are not human. So why should they enjoy human rights? A burglar who kills has no respect for human life, neither does a man who rapes and kills. Top of the list: Carjackers who kill must leave the planet! * LET’S all think about one another. Stop raping and murdering children because they are the future. Just think of how the mother of that child will feel or how would you feel yourself if your child was murdered. Please let’s think first before we act so that God can give us another chance to act better.* IOL is cheating teachers. Please Minister of Education come and rescue the teachers out of the lion’s jaws. I once registered with them in 2005. They start deducting N$289, and in the same year I wrote a cancellation letter to them, they did not stop the deductions. They increase that amount to N$454,60 in March 2007 until today the course was only costing N$5 900. What surprised me is that when I went to the IOL branch at Ongwediva they told me the outstanding amount is N$12 000. Now I’m paying for nothing until I die that is what they told me. Help.* DOES the Ministry of Transport regulate the transport industry, especially public transport? Taxis and long-distance busses have become a big risk nowadays for not respecting road regulations thereby compromising the safety of their passengers. Let the drivers undergo advanced driving courses and once they pass, given public driving licences. Also fixed employment should be required and a code of conduct introduced and enforced.* CAN you imagine an institution or directorate being headed by someone who can’t operate on a computer, spends office time reading newspapers and receiving private visitors? This is the scenario in most Government institutions.* MR Bob Kandetu, the Chat Show of October 22 2007 programme was cancelled for an official opening live broadcast of meeting. How do you prioritise what to broadcast live and what not? Is it when DG is having a presentation? The Mata Mata Border Post was not broadcast live. It is like a self-promotion.From the regions * I’M have freshly graduated as a teacher and now find myself deep in the bush where there is no accommodation, electricity and where a thatched house as used as a classroom. I want the Minister of Education to consider and upgrade rural and bush schools as they are national schools too. This situation may lead to teachers refusing to teach in remote areas. – A teacher from Kavango in Ncuncuni circuit * WE want Oranjemund town to become an open town. Currently we are not allowed to have visitors from outside. Please review the Diamond Act, the law which makes the town an island.* MUNICIPALITY of Oshakati, when are we going to have house numbers, enough water and electricity at Pohamba location or do we fall outside the town’s borders? – Diina ND * MUNICIPALITY of Omaruru, we at Hakahana Settlement need electricity as it was done for Soweto in Tsumeb. We are the majority of Omaruru’s inhabitants and can easily organised ourselves to boycott the next Local Authority Elections, if you do not answer to our demands. Why are the elected councillors denying us development in Omaruru? – JC Ndahomenua Timely service please * Please The Namibian team, improve on your delivery. At Wanaheda, the earliest we can get the newspaper is around noon, from our main outlets Friendly and Woermann. Why is that so? On the ball * MIGHTY Gunners football team need support from all levels in the military. I was shocked when the team had to travel in an open truck to the coast last weekend to play in the first round of the FNB Cup. You should be proud of this team look at Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana the army teams have been topping the premier leagues in those countries, because of support the get. The army should be able to recruit and assembled best in the country to boost this team. To Phella and the boys, well done.* GIVE them a chance, forgive them for whatever they have done, let them feel they are also Namibians, reward them for they deserve it. I’m talking about Oshakati City players, they can surely add value to the national team which already has value.* OUR local soccer teams played even before the Springboks, but no results in today’s paper. Please inform us like you’ve done for the Bokke not only on Tuesdays.* WHY did so many Namibians celebrate South Africa’s Rugby World Cup win so much? At least it’s over now and we Namibians can go back to being Namibian and not wannabe South Africans.* THE Springbokke did it again! Hard work, commitment and unity as the main motivator, showed the world what SA in particular and Africa in general can achieve. Let’s live together in bona fide harmony as brothers and sisters and guard against perishing together as fools. SA, keep the African torch burning at all times. – Chris, Helao Nafidi Thank you * CONGRATULATIONS to Minister !Naruseb and De Wet for launching the MSR for the men on the street. Some decency and self-respect will be restored. On the other hand, is this not contrary to the new Labour Law, which outlaws any labour-hire system.* THANKS to the NBC, we normally complain when things are not going well at NBC. We also need to give them a pat on the shoulder for a job well done. They show us the AFCON draw live and a good show of sports awards. Thanks to the sport team. – Jerry * JUST to say many thanks to the Onandjokwe Lutheran Hospital staff, more specially Ward 10 nurses and institutional workers, too many to mention and in particular my physician Dr Ndawula. Guys you are the best without you and God I couldn’t have survived. Though lowly paid and understaffed you are still outstanding.- Buchane

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