SMSes of the Day : Tuesday

SMSes of the Day : Tuesday

* GOOD work by our media and NGOs on awareness campaign about the rights. It is important to let individuals now obsessed with their rights to know that each has a corresponding obligation. I wish we will always talk of our rights and obligations. – Bill

* SHOULD we really keep paying our MPs and listen to them expressing who contributed to the liberation and who did what. We need to hear development plans and actions on issues of today and tomorrow. We all contributed but we are not all MPs to be heard. Cde Nahas you are there to lead the Government business in Parliament. If that is not the case, send all MPs on unpaid leave. – Swapo ex-combatant Food for thought * MOST residents of Kavango are not nature lovers. Every animal outside the park has to die, every green shrub burnt. Now they are issuing death threats against conservationists for protecting wildlife. While the law makers are listening, radio presenters are instigating, encouraging and directing callers on the topic.* ‘DETECTIVE arrested over escape… Cock-up at Windhoek Police Station …’ Little wonder the Police are getting nowhere with the B1 Butcher.* SWAPO Elders Council. Not you again! Why do you have to degrade yourselves by focusing your congress on the NSHR? Please show some wisdom and tackle critical issues.* MR GEINGOB, why did you refuse to take up a ministerial portfolio when you were reshuffled by the former President. Please stop talking respect for leaders if you could not do the same.* SALARY hike for top brass: Commissioner of Prison, Inspector General of the NamPol, Chief of the NDF and Secretary to the Cabinet, why now? Is it not to ‘compromise existing peace, stability and security that is necessary for development and progress’? The fuel and other basic services price hikes have affected us all. Any salary hike should apply to all public servants, PM? Or are theirs already on par with international standards? Take note: unemployment stands at 37 per cent and poverty at 56 per cent and these are ticking time bombs! Maintenance of peace and stability is not a one-man or four-men show.Congratulations* I LISTENED to a programme on Otjiherero NBC Radio on Sunday evening where the presenter spoke to Ms Lydia Kandetu. I didn’t know there were still Namibians who were selfless to that extent! Fellow Namibians, please let us vote for women. Only women can be so selfless like Lydia.Rugby blues* MUTORWA stop being a reactionary. Become a pro-active Minister. Why do you need a report to comment about the rugby saga? The NRU money should go into its account and not add interest to someone else’s account. Act now or never. Otherwise you will end up shaming the country too.* NRU ticket sales by Conradie and company are clear testimony of the whole corrupt society of Namibia. In our motherland political appointments are used to enrich individuals at the expense of the masses. And I’m telling you now, Conradie will not resign. Even high ranking officials are guilty but nothing is done to the them.* IS it because Mr Conradie is a lawyer that the Government is barking at a distance? When there was a problem in athletics with Mr Kangueehi the Government was on his throat. Please something must be done – what about a motion of no confidence?* DIRK Conradie, in your legal mind, resign now! We voted for you before your the ticket scandal. We will not sell rugby tickets in 2011 because of your leadership. If you don’t go we’ll demonstrate. Fick, your expose was not too late.* IS Dirk Conradie trying to practice BEE through the NRU or what? He must know that he’s hurt us black supporters also, not only the white people.* CONRADIE, was it not under your leadership that, among other regrettable incidents, the rugby stadium lawn was removed because of unpaid bills? Was the money tied up in your trust account?Politics in general* RECONCILIATION or conciliation: Beloved Namibians, in each and every country where there was war for Independence (liberation struggle) innocent people have died in whatever way. Therefore for peace that prevails today stop supporting the ICC case. Because this will be a good favourable opportunity for any one to claim what is due to her/him. To avoid rebellion that can result in more lives lost of innocent persons, land grab, deteriorating economic development and social imbalances and many more social evils.* ON media regulation. Please leave Ms Ndaitwah alone! She is risking her career if she says the right thing. Who is behind Pohamba’s one way ticket?* SHAME on Minister Jerry Ekandjo, demoralising the intelligent thinking capacity of PM Nahas Angula, trying to reconcile the NSHR vs the ICC Nujoma issue diplomatically by confessing the Swapo wrongdoings of the past publicly in the National Assembly. Ekandjo only rubbed salt into the wound by threatening the nation with prosecutions.* WHEN is Swapo’s self-appointed PRO, Kaaronda, going to attend to the genuine concerns of workers: these are high prices of houses and the long periods of payment. Please fight hard that the repayment period be reduced to five to 10 years. Those who paid for more than 10 years should get their houses now or do you have shares in financial institutions? Your intervention is urgently needed sir. Please reply to this request if you are true trade union leader. From the regions THE NBC TV report on Outjo State Hospital – Dr Kamwi, why were you shocked that only one doctor works there? Don’t your officials send you reports from the regions or don’t you read them? A suggestion – demand regular updates from ALL state hospitals, clinics, etc – and READ THEM!!!* PLEASE Minister of Home Affairs, can you save wives and daughters from a high-ranking civic affairs officer at Ondangwa, who issues documents in exchange for sex and abuses GRN car. Please take this boy where he belongs.* COUNCILLOR Kankoshi for Onyaanya circuit how many times have you promised to provide Uuhama with electricity, a place on the main road between Onankali to Onyaanya. Let us treat each other equally, let us all enjoy the fruits of our country. If you know what is good for you, you must also know what is good for all people.* SEEING that Dr Libertina Amathila recommended that shebeens in the Tsumkwe area be closed, I’d like to request that shebeens in the whole country be shut. We need drastic measures so as to uplift the nation’s MORAL VALUES.* THE surprise visit by Hon Kamwi should have been made official and a programme be drawn up by the Ministry of Health to assess all the hospitals so that a priority list is compiled for possible inclusion in the NDP3, before it is too late. The new PS was in fact supposed to undertake such visits and not necessarily the Minister.* PEOPLE are farming with lots of animals on small, arid land in Kunene and the Government is resettling people without even a chicken, just because they’re well connected.* DEAR Minister of Transport, with due respect we need the Okalongo-Oshikuku gravel road to be tarred! Many lives are lost on that road and our cars have become sikorokoros.* PLEASE Hardap Regional Governor develop our region! We need tertiary education institutions we need to see changes.Crime issues* TONA Rape Claims. Where are the women and men groups who were vocal in cases like this? Has the solidarity diminished depending on who is the culprit, though we know that one is not guilty until proven guilty in a court of law.* INSPECTOR General of Police, you have requested that long-service members be promoted, but your request has not been attended to in some region. Why? Secondly, do you know that there is not even a single CID member promoted at some Police Stations? This has led to some experienced members leaving the Police, because there is no motivation among the members. Please set up an investigation team to look into this matter countrywide.* AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL: Crime suspects must stop crying foul accusing, stigmatising and blaming the police of beating, abuse and mistreatment during questioning. This is exactly what they are doing to their victims socially, emotionally, economically and the list will be endless. Take note what goes around comes around. If the Police cannot do it on our behalf we are not disabled to do it by the way many if not all of our citizens have been disabled in many different ways by these very same criminals that become aware of the law and justice for all after committing crimes. Who do they think they are?* CAN the B1 Butcher tell us what they want from the women of the South. It is now five women from the South that have been killed. Women must stand up now and do something. Enough is enough and how does this killer know that these women are from the South?* I THINK it’s now the right time for the Women and Child Protection Unit of NamPol to start teaching women that babies can be adopted and that killing is not the last option. Women, when are you going to march or do you only march when a man is involved in the dumping of new born babies, and not when women are the ones doing it.* PEOPLE who dump innocent kids: do they think this practice will solve anything? No. You will blame yourself for the rest of your life. The only solution is to stop unprotected sex. Stop listening to the devil.* IN the sleepy town of Okahandja, a new evil has been born. Hoodlums are waiting, day or night, with weapons like pangas, knives etc to rob people of cellphones, sneakers, the list goes on. JUSTICE will be done and MOB-JUSTICE for that matter. – Dion Education* TEST results for IT and other courses at Polytechnic must be released sooner than the last day of registration whereby failed students lost the first priority as well as the second due to limited places. I suggest that Poly changes the test to be written between August and September to give failures a chance for a second option . We are now studying courses would not have opted for even on part and distance modes. Is this a university?* WHAT is going on at OCE and WCE. Student teachers are admitted without qualification. Minister of Education that is what we call corruption in Namibia. Who must we blame now.* AN advertisement for 38 vacancies at the Polytechnic? New courses or high staff turnover? Who’s teaching the students in the meantime?* NAMIBIAN people, please consider teachers who work in remote areas! These people need help! Starting from the roads, cars can hardly reach the schools! It’s expensive to pay for a car to take you there! Houses: teachers build rooms with iron sheets and suffer mostly in summer and winter! Schools have no resources! The Government fails to build teachers’ houses! How do you expect a pass rate if those teaching are treated as inferiors!* DEAR PS of Education, how is it possible that teachers in the Oshikoto Region are treated differently from their counterparts in the Windhoek region e.g a teacher that improved his qualification (from category C to D) should not get a salary increment in the Oshikoto Region but their counterparts in the Windhoek region is entitled to.* I AM a teacher in the Karas Region. I started working in March, but I’m still paid on a Grade 12 salary scale. I sent my diploma to the regional office in May, but up to now my salary has not been adjusted.* I HAVE a complaint to make about our children paying copy fees at Centaurus High. I don’t understand where this fee comes from and they say that if our kids don’t pay then they will not be allowed to write tests. If I may ask what do we pay school fees for and why are only Centauras students charge this fee. General* I AM a frequent listener of Radio Kosmos. In fact my radio is permanently on 94.1. It is not that I’m Afrikaans speaking, I just love their show. But why are they not promoting our Namibian artists on air? They only play South African music. Come on Radio Kosmos, you are also on DStv, channel 77, which means that our music can be promoted in other African countries.* FOR how long will the football mother body (NFA) exploit our clubs for their own benefit? Clubs at second division level are forced to register with N$1 250 annually depending on the number of players registered. This is unfair because only three top clubs receive awards at the end of the league in each division, the rest are forced to beg if they are to re-register. What a self enriching organisation? Please help us or destroy our clubs deliberately and send the potential Brave Warriors players on the street. Please Dr Amutenya help us and let each club get a portion from what it contributed at the end of the day. – DMR, Outapi.Beware consumers* DON’T fall for sale gimmicks at furniture shops such as buy one, get one free. Apparently the gift falls outside the warranty, none of which was disclosed at cash sale. Six months later and springs are popping out – now they just shrug their shoulders.* MOST residents of Kavango are not nature lovers. Every animal outside the park has to die, every green shrub burnt. Now they are issuing death threats against conservationists for protecting wildlife. While the law makers are listening, radio presenters are instigating, encouraging and directing callers on the topic.* ‘DETECTIVE arrested over escape… Cock-up at Windhoek Police Station …’ Little wonder the Police are getting nowhere with the B1 Butcher.* SWAPO Elders Council. Not you again! Why do you have to degrade yourselves by focusing your congress on the NSHR? Please show some wisdom and tackle critical issues.* MR GEINGOB, why did you refuse to take up a ministerial portfolio when you were reshuffled by the former President. Please stop talking respect for leaders if you could not do the same.* SALARY hike for top brass: Commissioner of Prison, Inspector General of the NamPol, Chief of the NDF and Secretary to the Cabinet, why now? Is it not to ‘compromise existing peace, stability and security that is necessary for development and progress’? The fuel and other basic services price hikes have affected us all. Any salary hike should apply to all public servants, PM? Or are theirs already on par with international standards? Take note: unemployment stands at 37 per cent and poverty at 56 per cent and these are ticking time bombs! Maintenance of peace and stability is not a one-man or four-men show.Congratulations * I LISTENED to a programme on Otjiherero NBC Radio on Sunday evening where the presenter spoke to Ms Lydia Kandetu. I didn’t know there were still Namibians who were selfless to that extent! Fellow Namibians, please let us vote for women. Only women can be so selfless like Lydia.Rugby blues * MUTORWA stop being a reactionary. Become a pro-active Minister. Why do you need a report to comment about the rugby saga? The NRU money should go into its account and not add interest to someone else’s account. Act now or never. Otherwise you will end up shaming the country too.* NRU ticket sales by Conradie and company are clear testimony of the whole corrupt society of Namibia. In our motherland political appointments are used to enrich individuals at the expense of the masses. And I’m telling you now, Conradie will not resign. Even high ranking officials are guilty but nothing is done to the them.* IS it because Mr Conradie is a lawyer that the Government is barking at a distance? When there was a problem in athletics with Mr Kangueehi the Government was on his throat. Please something must be done – what about a motion of no confidence? * DIRK Conradie, in your legal mind, resign now! We voted for you before your the ticket scandal. We will not sell rugby tickets in 2011 because of your leadership. If you don’t go we’ll demonstrate. Fick, your expose was not too late.* IS Dirk Conradie trying to practice BEE through the NRU or what? He must know that he’s hurt us black supporters also, not only the white people.* CONRADIE, was it not under your leadership that, among other regrettable incidents, the rugby stadium lawn was removed because of unpaid bills? Was the money tied up in your trust account? Politics in general * RECONCILIATION or conciliation: Beloved Namibians, in each and every country where there was war for Independence (liberation struggle) innocent people have died in whatever way. Therefore for peace that prevails today stop supporting the ICC case. Because this will be a good favourable opportunity for any one to claim what is due to her/him. To avoid rebellion that can result in more lives lost of innocent persons, land grab, deteriorating economic development and social imbalances and many more social evils.* ON media regulation. Please leave Ms Ndaitwah alone! She is risking her career if she says the right thing. Who is behind Pohamba’s one way ticket? * SHAME on Minister Jerry Ekandjo, demoralising the intelligent thinking capacity of PM Nahas Angula, trying to reconcile the NSHR vs the ICC Nujoma issue diplomatically by confessing the Swapo wrongdoings of the past publicly in the National Assembly. Ekandjo only rubbed salt into the wound by threatening the nation with prosecutions.* WHEN is Swapo’s self-appointed PRO, Kaaronda, going to attend to the genuine concerns of workers: these are high prices of houses and the long periods of payment. Please fight hard that the repayment period be reduced to five to 10 years. Those who paid for more than 10 years should get their houses now or do you have shares in financial institutions? Your intervention is urgently needed sir. Please reply to this request if you are true trade union leader. From the regions THE NBC TV report on Outjo State Hospital – Dr Kamwi, why were you shocked that only one doctor works there? Don’t your officials send you reports from the regions or don’t you read them? A suggestion – demand regular updates from ALL state hospitals, clinics, etc – and READ THEM!!! * PLEASE Minister of Home Affairs, can you save wives and daughters from a high-ranking civic affairs officer at Ondangwa, who issues documents in exchange for sex and abuses GRN car. Please take this boy where he belongs.* COUNCILLOR Kankoshi for Onyaanya circuit how many times have you promised to provide Uuhama with electricity, a place on the main road between Onankali to Onyaanya. Let us treat each other equally, let us all enjoy the fruits of our country. If you know what is good for you, you must also know what is good for all people.* SEEING that Dr Libertina Amathila recommended that shebeens in the Tsumkwe area be closed, I’d like to request that shebeens in the whole country be shut. We need drastic measures so as to uplift the nation’s MORAL VALUES.* THE surprise visit by Hon Kamwi should have been made official and a programme be drawn up by the Ministry of Health to assess all the hospitals so that a priority list is compiled for possible inclusion in the NDP3, before it is too late. The new PS was in fact supposed to undertake such visits and not necessarily the Minister.* PEOPLE are farming with lots of animals on small, arid land in Kunene and the Government is resettling people without even a chicken, just because they’re well connected.* DEAR Minister of Transport, with due respect we need the Okalongo-Oshikuku gravel road to be tarred! Many lives are lost on that road and our cars have become sikorokoros.* PLEASE Hardap Regional Governor develop our region! We need tertiary education institutions we need to see changes.Crime issues * TONA Rape Claims. Where are the women and men groups who were vocal in cases like this? Has the solidarity diminished depending on who is the culprit, though we know that one is not guilty until proven guilty in a court of law.* INSPECTOR General of Police, you have requested that long-service members be promoted, but your request has not been attended to in some region. Why? Secondly, do you know that there is not even a single CID member promoted at some Police Stations? This has led to some experienced members leaving the Police, because there is no motivation among the members. Please set up an investigation team to look into this matter countrywide.* AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL: Crime suspects must stop crying foul accusing, stigmatising and blaming the police of beating, abuse and mistreatment during questioning. This is exactly what they are doing to their victims socially, emotionally, economically and the list will be endless. Take note what goes around comes around. If the Police cannot do it on our behalf we are not disabled to do it by the way many if not all of our citizens have been disabled in many different ways by these very same criminals that become aware of the law and justice for all after committing crimes. Who do they think they are? * CAN the B1 Butcher tell us what they want from the women of the South. It is now five women from the South that have been killed. Women must stand up now and do something. Enough is enough and how does this killer know that these women are from the South? * I THINK it’s now the right time for the Women and Child Protection Unit of NamPol to start teaching women that babies can be adopted and that killing is not the last option. Women, when are you going to march or do you only march when a man is involved in the dumping of new born babies, and not when women are the ones doing it.* PEOPLE who dump innocent kids: do they think this practice will solve anything? No. You will blame yourself for the rest of your life. The only solution is to stop unprotected sex. Stop listening to the devil.* IN the sleepy town of Okahandja, a new evil has been born. Hoodlums are waiting, day or night, with weapons like pangas, knives etc to rob people of cellphones, sneakers, the list goes on. JUSTICE will be done and MOB-JUSTICE for that matter. – Dion Education * TEST results for IT and other courses at Polytechnic must be released sooner than the last day of registration whereby failed students lost the first priority as well as the second due to limited places. I suggest that Poly changes the test to be written between August and September to give failures a chance for a second option . We are now studying courses would not have opted for even on part and distance modes. Is this a university? * WHAT is going on at OCE and WCE. Student teachers are admitted without qualification. Minister of Education that is what we call corruption in Namibia. Who must we blame now.* AN advertisement for 38 vacancies at the Polytechnic? New courses or high staff turnover? Who’s teaching the students in the meantime? * NAMIBIAN people, please consider teachers who work in remote areas! These people need help! Starting from the roads, cars can hardly reach the schools! It’s expensive to pay for a car to take you there! Houses: teachers build rooms with iron sheets and suffer mostly in summer and winter! Schools have no resources! The Government fails to build teachers’ houses! How do you expect a pass rate if those teaching are treated as inferiors! * DEAR PS of Education, how is it possible that teachers in the Oshikoto Region are treated differently from their counterparts in the Windhoek region e.g a teacher that improved his qualification (from category C to D) should not get a salary increment in the Oshikoto Region but their counterparts in the Windhoek region is entitled to.* I AM a teacher in the Karas Region. I started working in March, but I’m still paid on a Grade 12 salary scale. I sent my diploma to the regional office in May, but up to now my salary has not been adjusted.* I HAVE a complaint to make about our children paying copy fees at Centaurus High. I don’t understand where this fee comes from and they say that if our kids don’t pay then they will not be allowed to write tests. If I may ask what do we pay school fees for and why are only Centauras students charge this fee. General * I AM a frequent listener of Radio Kosmos. In fact my radio is permanently on 94.1. It is not that I’m Afrikaans speaking, I just love their show. But why are they not promoting our Namibian artists on air? They only play South African music. Come on Radio Kosmos, you are also on DStv, channel 77, which means that our music can be promoted in other African countries. * FOR how long will the football mother body (NFA) exploit our clubs for their own benefit? Clubs at second division level are forced to register with N$1 250 annually depending on the number of players registered. This is unfair because only three top clubs receive awards at the end of the league in each division, the rest are forced to beg if they are to re-register. What a self enriching organisation? Please help us or destroy our clubs deliberately and send the potential Brave Warriors players on the street. Please Dr Amutenya help us and let each club get a portion from what it contributed at the end of the day. – DMR, Outapi.Beware consumers * DON’T fall for sale gimmicks at furniture shops such as buy one, get one free. Apparently the gift falls outside the warranty, none of which was disclosed at cash sale. Six months later and springs are popping out – now they just shrug their shoulders.

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