SMSes of the Day : Tuesday

SMSes of the Day : Tuesday

* THE Government must take good care of the PoliceÂ’s financial status, especially the constables. These people work too hard. Just look, most of the people are going for long holiday to their families, but the poor Policemen and women are at work 24 hours.

* WHY, oh why, is there never a traffic officer around to direct the traffic when the robots at a multi-lane intersection in the Windhoek city centre are out of order? City Police, believe me, 12 lanes of traffic at a “four-way stop” are a recipe for disaster. Food for thought* WHAT determines the price of goods, which are ever increasing, while the income of consumers remain constant? I’m specifically talking about the price of food. In fact the paupers would not celebrate Christmas with something unusual. Can you, Government, intervene in the escalation of food prices?* WHO is Kobi Alexander by the way? Is he the Samaritan who entered Namibia “secretly” in order to buy the hearts and the minds of the poor and desperate Namibians? Trust is fast fading out in our men in higher positions.Thank you* MY gratitude to our Police force and traffic department. You guys are doing a great job – to be specific, with your roadblocks at almost every 80 km interval. Please help save our nation. God bless you.* I WOULD like to thank the NBC for its efforts in broadcasting children’s programmes these holidays. – Marlon Politics in general* ‘Prophets of doom’? I don’t think so Mr President! Our movement – RDP has the appropriate policies to defeat poverty and underdevelopment and create better life for all Namibians, come 2009. – Phemelo Sechogele* SWAPO is showing its true undemocratic colours by wanting people to report every meeting taking place in the Ohangwena Region to its office. What happened to freedom of movement and association? Or do these not apply in Ohangwena?* AS youth of democratic Namibia, we are tired of the new party, RDP. The party’s mobilisers walk from village to village bothering members of other political parties. They must stop coming into our villages and leave us alone otherwise we will take steps against them.* KATRINA Hanse-Himarwa, our Governor, is not so bad. I have come a long road with her. I know our people here at Mariental, they (allegedly( behave like animals when they see free food. They are (allegedly) the cause of what happened on that day. This is something that happened during a family event and not at a political event. The Governor knows politics very well and is a loyal member of Swapo. I’m still proud of her!* I’M very confused and I need answers from Swapo’s Eenhana co-ordinator: under which Namibian law should anyone who want to hold meetings in any region first consult the ruling party? Who is entitled to visit any palace in Namibia? Mr Shipanga please help us, are we forgetting democracy? Let’s build our beautiful Namibia rather then attacking each other.* FINALLY we have our own party from Kavango. No more domination by other tribes. Viva Shixwameni!Education* I WANT to ask the Minister of Education if he is aware that despite his effort to recruit all graduate teachers, the teachers’ colleges are training teachers not to meet the demand in the field? Is there really a link between the schools, inspectors of education, directors and the teachers’ colleges? The example here is, all the schools in the four northern regions are in urgent need of language teachers at all levels. In contrast, Ongwediva College for instance admits only 30 students for languages every year (this is Oshikwanyama and Oshindonga and English together). Many grade 12 holders are applying but are rejected sometimes even up to four times consecutively.* CAN the Ministry of Education please publish our results in newspapers? This is our future. Not all of us have credit or access to the Internet.* WHEN will the Grade 10 results be released?* WHEN do the Grade 12 results come out? Will the higher and ordinary come out on the same day?* CAN the Minister of Education please inform us why we have to SMS in order to get our children’s exam results. What happen to the old system of printing the results in local newspapers, the SMS system is too costly. Imagine if one has four kids. How much will you pay to get all your kids’ results? Did you also consider the needy ones without cellphones? Please think about the nation not only those with laptops.* POLYTECHNIC, please we final years want supplementary exams immediately after the results are out! What are two graduation ceremonies for? We are not impressed – October is far! Think twice.* IT’S the unqualified teachers who work harder in class than those who are qualified.* WHAT must the chairperson of the school board do when parents don’t want a teacher at the school because she committed a crime.* SWAKOPMUND Secondary School and its neverending problems should be given some attention by the authorities. The principal thinks he is untouchable and just does things the way he wants. Namibians have to make way for foreigners in the hostel. We are going through hell. Please help.* I AM tired of being paying IOL for no apparent reason. I am not studying with them and have requested them to stop the deductions, but the issue had been dragging since April this year and they promised to correct their mistake. But, these had been empty promises. I strongly believe that many of us are ripped off by this institution.General* I CAN’T understand why a social evil like alcohol is treated like a friend in Namibia? Is this because of business and money? Alcohol should be treated as a social evil!* AS someone interested in modern forms of experimental music I would like to congratulate NBC for the audio manipulation, especially for the music sector creating, against its will, a psychedelic mantra, absolutely stunning, and son of contemporary composers in the field of avant garde music. I hope that the NBC will be at the same time innovative and provocative in declaring this new form of art free of yearly subscription charges. Good work indeed!* WHAT is the difference between Lazarus Kandara’s Avid and the Zimbabwe N$60 million for electricity from Hwange.* AT Game Store at Oshakati we had been working as casuals for more than six years. To me this is absurd and not legal. The Ministry of Labour must come and investigate and enforce the law.* NORED is torturing us alive in rural areas. You buy a transformer and wait for seven months for connection. When you inquire, you will be driven crazy by senseless excuses.* I HAVE seen a music video of the Dalla flats from Ongwediva and really I was impressed with these young stars. Jive is a very nice song.* NBC your China programmes are shown live, while Namibian parliamentary report is shown after several days or months. Do you want us to pay for such service?* I AM very disappointed with MTC. Wednesday night I SMSed to 247 to get the next episode of Gardeners Daughter. What hurt me is that they send me an SMS to SMS list 247 to 247 and I did as requested and realised that all my credit was gone. Please MTC don’t rob your customers.* WE ARE sick and tired of Leading Lodges of Africa, who promised when they took over Villa Verdi Guest House that they would increase our salaries. However, there has been no change in our income.* I WOULD like to ask the NBC whether it will be possible to show some African movies in the holiday specials slot. This will give those of us without access to African Magic channel to watch these interesting movies.* PLEASE I need help. I cancelled two policies from Old Mutual three months ago, because of the broker’s double standards. Up to now I’m still waiting for my refund or should I call in my lawyer?* JUST a reminder to cellphone operators such as Cell One and SWITCH, we in rural areas are losing out on incentives offered by your companies. Take a place like Uis, which is only about 120-plus km away from Omaruru and Henties Bay. Please, hurry to include us.* WHY is the Village Sec
retary of Koës Village Council always on official trips? Sometimes even the councillors don’t know where he is. Mr Village Secretary, one day we will uncover the truth.* MINISTRY of Works in Tsumeb is renting GRN houses to non-civil servants while lots of civil servants are in need of housing. Who is benefiting from the rent money? Can Mr Smith please tell us! This is perhaps a task for the ACC to look into.Food for thought* WHAT determines the price of goods, which are ever increasing, while the income of consumers remain constant? I’m specifically talking about the price of food. In fact the paupers would not celebrate Christmas with something unusual. Can you, Government, intervene in the escalation of food prices?* WHO is Kobi Alexander by the way? Is he the Samaritan who entered Namibia “secretly” in order to buy the hearts and the minds of the poor and desperate Namibians? Trust is fast fading out in our men in higher positions.Thank you* MY gratitude to our Police force and traffic department. You guys are doing a great job – to be specific, with your roadblocks at almost every 80 km interval. Please help save our nation. God bless you.* I WOULD like to thank the NBC for its efforts in broadcasting children’s programmes these holidays. – Marlon Politics in general* ‘Prophets of doom’? I don’t think so Mr President! Our movement – RDP has the appropriate policies to defeat poverty and underdevelopment and create better life for all Namibians, come 2009. – Phemelo Sechogele* SWAPO is showing its true undemocratic colours by wanting people to report every meeting taking place in the Ohangwena Region to its office. What happened to freedom of movement and association? Or do these not apply in Ohangwena? * AS youth of democratic Namibia, we are tired of the new party, RDP. The party’s mobilisers walk from village to village bothering members of other political parties. They must stop coming into our villages and leave us alone otherwise we will take steps against them.* KATRINA Hanse-Himarwa, our Governor, is not so bad. I have come a long road with her. I know our people here at Mariental, they (allegedly( behave like animals when they see free food. They are (allegedly) the cause of what happened on that day. This is something that happened during a family event and not at a political event. The Governor knows politics very well and is a loyal member of Swapo. I’m still proud of her! * I’M very confused and I need answers from Swapo’s Eenhana co-ordinator: under which Namibian law should anyone who want to hold meetings in any region first consult the ruling party? Who is entitled to visit any palace in Namibia? Mr Shipanga please help us, are we forgetting democracy? Let’s build our beautiful Namibia rather then attacking each other. * FINALLY we have our own party from Kavango. No more domination by other tribes. Viva Shixwameni!Education* I WANT to ask the Minister of Education if he is aware that despite his effort to recruit all graduate teachers, the teachers’ colleges are training teachers not to meet the demand in the field? Is there really a link between the schools, inspectors of education, directors and the teachers’ colleges? The example here is, all the schools in the four northern regions are in urgent need of language teachers at all levels. In contrast, Ongwediva College for instance admits only 30 students for languages every year (this is Oshikwanyama and Oshindonga and English together). Many grade 12 holders are applying but are rejected sometimes even up to four times consecutively.* CAN the Ministry of Education please publish our results in newspapers? This is our future. Not all of us have credit or access to the Internet.* WHEN will the Grade 10 results be released?* WHEN do the Grade 12 results come out? Will the higher and ordinary come out on the same day?* CAN the Minister of Education please inform us why we have to SMS in order to get our children’s exam results. What happen to the old system of printing the results in local newspapers, the SMS system is too costly. Imagine if one has four kids. How much will you pay to get all your kids’ results? Did you also consider the needy ones without cellphones? Please think about the nation not only those with laptops. * POLYTECHNIC, please we final years want supplementary exams immediately after the results are out! What are two graduation ceremonies for? We are not impressed – October is far! Think twice.* IT’S the unqualified teachers who work harder in class than those who are qualified.* WHAT must the chairperson of the school board do when parents don’t want a teacher at the school because she committed a crime.* SWAKOPMUND Secondary School and its neverending problems should be given some attention by the authorities. The principal thinks he is untouchable and just does things the way he wants. Namibians have to make way for foreigners in the hostel. We are going through hell. Please help.* I AM tired of being paying IOL for no apparent reason. I am not studying with them and have requested them to stop the deductions, but the issue had been dragging since April this year and they promised to correct their mistake. But, these had been empty promises. I strongly believe that many of us are ripped off by this institution.General* I CAN’T understand why a social evil like alcohol is treated like a friend in Namibia? Is this because of business and money? Alcohol should be treated as a social evil!* AS someone interested in modern forms of experimental music I would like to congratulate NBC for the audio manipulation, especially for the music sector creating, against its will, a psychedelic mantra, absolutely stunning, and son of contemporary composers in the field of avant garde music. I hope that the NBC will be at the same time innovative and provocative in declaring this new form of art free of yearly subscription charges. Good work indeed!* WHAT is the difference between Lazarus Kandara’s Avid and the Zimbabwe N$60 million for electricity from Hwange.* AT Game Store at Oshakati we had been working as casuals for more than six years. To me this is absurd and not legal. The Ministry of Labour must come and investigate and enforce the law.* NORED is torturing us alive in rural areas. You buy a transformer and wait for seven months for connection. When you inquire, you will be driven crazy by senseless excuses. * I HAVE seen a music video of the Dalla flats from Ongwediva and really I was impressed with these young stars. Jive is a very nice song.* NBC your China programmes are shown live, while Namibian parliamentary report is shown after several days or months. Do you want us to pay for such service? * I AM very disappointed with MTC. Wednesday night I SMSed to 247 to get the next episode of Gardeners Daughter. What hurt me is that they send me an SMS to SMS list 247 to 247 and I did as requested and realised that all my credit was gone. Please MTC don’t rob your customers.* WE ARE sick and tired of Leading Lodges of Africa, who promised when they took over Villa Verdi Guest House that they would increase our salaries. However, there has been no change in our income.* I WOULD like to ask the NBC whether it will be possible to show some African movies in the holiday specials slot. This will give those of us without access to African Magic channel to watch these interesting movies.* PLEASE I need help. I cancelled two policies from Old Mutual three months ago, because of the broker’s double standards. Up to now I’m still waiting for my refund or should I call in my lawyer?* JUST a reminder to cellphone operators such as Cell One and SWITCH, we in rural areas are losing out on incentives offered by your companies. Take a place like Uis, which is only about 120-plus km away from Omaruru and Henties Bay. Please, hurry to include us.* WHY is the Village Secretary of Koës Village Council always on official trips? Sometimes even the councillors don’t know where he is. Mr Village Secretary, one da
y we will uncover the truth.* MINISTRY of Works in Tsumeb is renting GRN houses to non-civil servants while lots of civil servants are in need of housing. Who is benefiting from the rent money? Can Mr Smith please tell us! This is perhaps a task for the ACC to look into.

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