* CAN the South African brewing companies please fund clean-up campaigns or recycle bottles, as they are causing a huge pollution problem in Namibia.
* THE ACC is an important institution which will add value to our democracy. However, it is important that Mr Noa and his deputy revisit the institution’s strategy on public relations. For starters, I think they need a PRO whose job would entail formulating appropriate statements or comments on ACC investigations. * IS it not international law that an illegal immigrant should be deported back to his or her country? Then why are you keeping our fellow Zimbabweans in cells for months and months as if they are murderers and robbers? Is the Minister of Home Affairs aware of this and besides that you should understand Zimbabwe’s situation, the economic crisis they are facing. They are our brothers and sisters. – Concerned NamibianFood for thought* WHAT’S up Namibia? The corruption syndrome in our country is skyrocketing. When anti-corruption-minded citizens of the land report corrupt practices they are labelled as the ones corrupted for reporting a corrupt game. Why is this happening? The good citizen of our beloved land gets scared to report satanic deals by outlaws of the Namibian society. I demand protection for people who don’t steal from the public assets.* IS the Ministry of Education aware that we the Polytech students, who are Government study loan holders, cannot register next year if the ministry does not settle our accounts?* THE Governor of the Otjozondjupa Region, T Eiseb, has become the latest victim of the ACC. What about the curtains of Katrina Hanse of Hardap and the drought relief food involving B Shibalatani of the Caprivi Region? And not to forget the ACC duo in the salary saga. Is it justice for all?* WHY drought relief food now? Is it because when you (Swapo) campaign you will say that they gave us food? All along it was only orphans and vulnerable children who were getting food. We can’t be fooled, we are not children.Thank you* THANK you Mokuti Lodge for a good weekend, which for my family of four and I turned out much cheaper than Etosha, even taking into consideration my Namibian discount. The breakfast and dinner buffets were excellent. As a regular visitor to Etosha, I will certainly recommend Mokuti, as a great alternative to overpriced, under-serviced NWR resorts. Maybe Aupindi with his fat cat salary does not need to use his salary at NWR parks and that is why he is so arrogant about the whole matter!Politics in general* I SALUTE comrade Hage Geingob for his perseverance during trying times. He was tested and stood tall and proud, unlike the ones who run away when demoted. As a true leader he had faith that one day he will be at the top to lead his people and now it’s time to assume his destined role of vice president, next will be the presidency of the party and country. I fail to see what difference RDP will make for me, it is just another party for failed politicians. – JTJ* SWAPO Party was fighting for the liberation struggle and won it, however the second struggle, that of economic emancipation, was unfortunately lost and RDP must take over this fight and they will eventually emerge victorious because of their visionary leadership. Economic emancipation is what we need in the 21st century.* SWAPO did us proud for the development brought after 17 years of Independence. If RDP is for peace let them come, we in Swapo are ready for them.* HIDIPO tell us the truth. You did not quit Swapo because it lost vision, but because you failed to get what you wanted. If Swapo failed you are fully part of that failure.* RDP, please save the Namibian people and animals from the hardships they face. Our education infrastructure is in tatters because of the damage caused by us during the liberation struggle. Since Independence only empty promises had been made. We need new honest leaders and you just came at right time. Namibians let’s be honest and make the right choice.* MR HH for 46 years you were a member the party that you today claim has failed its people. You have served in this Government since Independence. Are you telling us you have failed because you were not the Head of State? You have left Swapo because you do not stand a chance to become State President. None of you will develop this country because you are all selfish.* COMRADE Peter Naholo, it’s clear that you’ve moved out of a ‘private, old ship’ into a brand new and a public one, RDP. You will now hear your own recruits and the ‘running dogs’ noisily barking out of fear and confusion. They only depend on the members you left behind. All the best in democracy and progress.* VERY sad! Pidico is ill advised again and has been outmanoeuvred by Hage! Hear the good advice from us. HH should stop targeting Swapo and just retire from politics.* IF Swapo has brought poverty, inequality and general decay, RDP founders were willing partners in this ‘crime’. Those at the forefront were all senior members in Government and the Swapo Party, but all of a sudden they have a vision?* MY fellow young Namibians, let us open our eyes and stand up for a true democracy – fear nobody to do it. Let us stick with change and see whether it’ll help. Let us welcome the new party for a change.* WE Namibians are shortsighted in most cases. I read through SMSes on Friday, where most people seemed excited about the formation of RDP, claiming it will bring change. The RDP did not even inform us about its aims, objectives and goals. The same people resigning are the ones, who were lawmakers in this country. Are they now excited because they naturally like these individuals or is it true that they are happy for the change they will make? – Sir Silas Nande* MR HAMUTENYA well done! What you did is what we have been waiting for and we are looking forward to see you leading the new party as president, because you are the only one who can bring development in Namibia. We are going to support you guys whatever it takes.* WHETHER Swapo admits it or not, it has been hit hard where it hurts by Hidipo’s resignation. For the first in the history of Namibia, a prominent, intelligent and focused senior member of Swapo resigns and is followed by other brains and a significant number of supporters, wow. Swapo knows that come 2009 they will kiss their two-thirds majority goodbye – now that is democracy. The move has been made and we are ready for true democracy and progress in our country.* IT’S never too late to learn, start again, and choose differently. It is a good move Swapo is making to line up Hage Geingob for the presidency of Namibia. All we need is proper calculation of our every move to be a winning nation. – Shishaama Shandunge* KALA Gertze and others should see the example of Hidipo. If you disagree with your party president, go and create your own party and prove yourself.* CONGRATULATIONS to the King of Damaras, Justus //Garoëb, and the Organising Committee for the Damara annual festival at Okambahe. It was a great success despite the predictions and boycotts by the Chiefs Council and others who don’t see the difference between politics and traditional matters. They are not serving the nation’s interest, but rather their own selfish interests. It’s high time that we withdraw them as leaders not to fail the nation. The former Governor of the Kunene Region and prominent political and traditional leader and a successful farmer, Simson Tjongarero showed what is in a leader with his lecture on good governance in traditional leadership* HELP me understand why the NBC continues with its habit of not covering DTA activities, while they have time to cover petty issues of Swapo, such as district meetings. Bob and his board should know that members of the DTA are also taxpayers and deserve equal treatment. Anyway the 30th anniversary of the DTA was celebrated, thanks to the print media.Education* Ministry of Education is failing to control IOL deductions on teachers’ salaries. IOL is playing games with teachers’ salaries. IOL must stick to the agreements we have signed with them.* ONGWEDIVA and Caprivi Col
leges of Education, how long are we going to wait for our results or feedback? It’s almost close to interview time for admission. Please can you send us our feedback to let us know?* HOW many more years must we wait to be employed? Why send us to Zimbabwe to be educated? If there is a need for teachers in the country, why not employ us? Can the PS tell us what’s the way forward?* DEAR teachers of Namibia: Our children are the leaders of tomorrow and we are heading for Vision 2030. I want my kids to spend time on their textbooks to perform. Why are they not allowed to take the books home so we can assist them with their course work? Books we paid for? – CharityGeneral* I WAS so disappointed after visiting the clinic for a contraceptive injection. They told me to use a condom instead of taking an injection.* THE NBC Damara-Nama service is very biased and the perception that it is the unofficial broadcasting arm of ELCRN is not far off the mark. Almost all employees are Lutheran and all volunteer presenters are ELCRN clergy or elders, except one female AME pastor doing Sunday school programme. We require an overhaul of the service.* ALL shebeens should be closed at midnight and clubs should also start closing early. There is a lot of vandalism going on. Not even the Police can do anything.* I AM very disappointed in the NFA because they are promoting corruption. Just look at the under-20 national team call-ups, where most of them are over aged. WHY? We have a lot of talent.* THE holiday season is approaching. Just a word of advice to the MVA and the road authorities to limit the speed of long-distance taxis. The new combis are driven at 120 km/h, while pulling a trailer and carrying more than 20 people. This is a risk.From the regions* AS a peace-loving community of Keetmanshoop, we appreciate the effort put in by the Keetmanshoop Police officers to fight crime. I thank the Police who give us weekly crime statistics, by doing this you educate us about the crimes prevalent in our community. However, last Sunday the police seemed to have forgotten about it and did not provide us with the weekly crime statistics. Keep on informing us about different crimes. I urge the community to go to the church service every Sunday to be informed by about crime in Keetmanshoop.* Intercape should improve on its transport service. They must supply a new bus for their route to the northeast and Katima. The current bus is very old and not comfortable any more! – Intercape customer* COUNCILLOR Kanyenye of Anamulenge constituency, when are you going to develop your villages by providing them with electricity, clinics and water reservoirs since water bills are getting higher? Villages, I’m talking about are Omalungandjamba, Ombundamuti, Okakekete, Omamboo and one side of Oshikulufitu. Would you please electrify the Ombundamuti Combined School and Ondombe yamalungandjamba cuca shops? The other thing is that our people are travelling long distances to health services i.e. at Onawa and Ewaneno clinics. Please our respected councillor, we are optimistic that you will urgently attend to our basic needs.* THE Swapo Government should stop corruption and tribalism in promoting civil servants. This is happening, especially in the Kavango and Otjozondjupa regions. The victims are people from the Caprivi and Khomas regions. – Kunyanda BK* THE Government seemed not to care about people in south-eastern regions. Most of the farms there are white commercial farms and the people there are working under harsh conditions. Government please conduct surveys and help those people. – Dan* CAN someone in Walvis Bay please tell us why our drinking water is so salty?* I AM disappointed with the bus and taxi organisation at the coast. I’m referring to the Walvis Bay and Swakopmund taxi ranks. There’s no order at either of them. People are being pulled around by taxi drivers who want them to get in their taxis. At the beginning someone was assigned to load the taxis but this is not happening any more. Could they please revert to the previous arrangement or just come and see it for themselves.* IS it not international law that an illegal immigrant should be deported back to his or her country? Then why are you keeping our fellow Zimbabweans in cells for months and months as if they are murderers and robbers? Is the Minister of Home Affairs aware of this and besides that you should understand Zimbabwe’s situation, the economic crisis they are facing. They are our brothers and sisters. – Concerned Namibian Food for thought * WHAT’S up Namibia? The corruption syndrome in our country is skyrocketing. When anti-corruption-minded citizens of the land report corrupt practices they are labelled as the ones corrupted for reporting a corrupt game. Why is this happening? The good citizen of our beloved land gets scared to report satanic deals by outlaws of the Namibian society. I demand protection for people who don’t steal from the public assets.* IS the Ministry of Education aware that we the Polytech students, who are Government study loan holders, cannot register next year if the ministry does not settle our accounts? * THE Governor of the Otjozondjupa Region, T Eiseb, has become the latest victim of the ACC. What about the curtains of Katrina Hanse of Hardap and the drought relief food involving B Shibalatani of the Caprivi Region? And not to forget the ACC duo in the salary saga. Is it justice for all? * WHY drought relief food now? Is it because when you (Swapo) campaign you will say that they gave us food? All along it was only orphans and vulnerable children who were getting food. We can’t be fooled, we are not children.Thank you * THANK you Mokuti Lodge for a good weekend, which for my family of four and I turned out much cheaper than Etosha, even taking into consideration my Namibian discount. The breakfast and dinner buffets were excellent. As a regular visitor to Etosha, I will certainly recommend Mokuti, as a great alternative to overpriced, under-serviced NWR resorts. Maybe Aupindi with his fat cat salary does not need to use his salary at NWR parks and that is why he is so arrogant about the whole matter! Politics in general * I SALUTE comrade Hage Geingob for his perseverance during trying times. He was tested and stood tall and proud, unlike the ones who run away when demoted. As a true leader he had faith that one day he will be at the top to lead his people and now it’s time to assume his destined role of vice president, next will be the presidency of the party and country. I fail to see what difference RDP will make for me, it is just another party for failed politicians. – JTJ * SWAPO Party was fighting for the liberation struggle and won it, however the second struggle, that of economic emancipation, was unfortunately lost and RDP must take over this fight and they will eventually emerge victorious because of their visionary leadership. Economic emancipation is what we need in the 21st century.* SWAPO did us proud for the development brought after 17 years of Independence. If RDP is for peace let them come, we in Swapo are ready for them.* HIDIPO tell us the truth. You did not quit Swapo because it lost vision, but because you failed to get what you wanted. If Swapo failed you are fully part of that failure.* RDP, please save the Namibian people and animals from the hardships they face. Our education infrastructure is in tatters because of the damage caused by us during the liberation struggle. Since Independence only empty promises had been made. We need new honest leaders and you just came at right time. Namibians let’s be honest and make the right choice.* MR HH for 46 years you were a member the party that you today claim has failed its people. You have served in this Government since Independence. Are you telling us you have failed because you were not the Head of State? You have left Swapo because you do not stand a chance to become State President. None of you will develop this country because you are all selfish.* COMRADE Peter Naholo, it’s clear that you’ve moved out of a ‘private, old ship’ into a brand new and a public one, RDP. You will now hear your own recruits a
nd the ‘running dogs’ noisily barking out of fear and confusion. They only depend on the members you left behind. All the best in democracy and progress.* VERY sad! Pidico is ill advised again and has been outmanoeuvred by Hage! Hear the good advice from us. HH should stop targeting Swapo and just retire from politics.* IF Swapo has brought poverty, inequality and general decay, RDP founders were willing partners in this ‘crime’. Those at the forefront were all senior members in Government and the Swapo Party, but all of a sudden they have a vision? * MY fellow young Namibians, let us open our eyes and stand up for a true democracy – fear nobody to do it. Let us stick with change and see whether it’ll help. Let us welcome the new party for a change.* WE Namibians are shortsighted in most cases. I read through SMSes on Friday, where most people seemed excited about the formation of RDP, claiming it will bring change. The RDP did not even inform us about its aims, objectives and goals. The same people resigning are the ones, who were lawmakers in this country. Are they now excited because they naturally like these individuals or is it true that they are happy for the change they will make? – Sir Silas Nande * MR HAMUTENYA well done! What you did is what we have been waiting for and we are looking forward to see you leading the new party as president, because you are the only one who can bring development in Namibia. We are going to support you guys whatever it takes.* WHETHER Swapo admits it or not, it has been hit hard where it hurts by Hidipo’s resignation. For the first in the history of Namibia, a prominent, intelligent and focused senior member of Swapo resigns and is followed by other brains and a significant number of supporters, wow. Swapo knows that come 2009 they will kiss their two-thirds majority goodbye – now that is democracy. The move has been made and we are ready for true democracy and progress in our country.* IT’S never too late to learn, start again, and choose differently. It is a good move Swapo is making to line up Hage Geingob for the presidency of Namibia. All we need is proper calculation of our every move to be a winning nation. – Shishaama Shandunge * KALA Gertze and others should see the example of Hidipo. If you disagree with your party president, go and create your own party and prove yourself.* CONGRATULATIONS to the King of Damaras, Justus //Garoëb, and the Organising Committee for the Damara annual festival at Okambahe. It was a great success despite the predictions and boycotts by the Chiefs Council and others who don’t see the difference between politics and traditional matters. They are not serving the nation’s interest, but rather their own selfish interests. It’s high time that we withdraw them as leaders not to fail the nation. The former Governor of the Kunene Region and prominent political and traditional leader and a successful farmer, Simson Tjongarero showed what is in a leader with his lecture on good governance in traditional leadership * HELP me understand why the NBC continues with its habit of not covering DTA activities, while they have time to cover petty issues of Swapo, such as district meetings. Bob and his board should know that members of the DTA are also taxpayers and deserve equal treatment. Anyway the 30th anniversary of the DTA was celebrated, thanks to the print media.Education * Ministry of Education is failing to control IOL deductions on teachers’ salaries. IOL is playing games with teachers’ salaries. IOL must stick to the agreements we have signed with them.* ONGWEDIVA and Caprivi Colleges of Education, how long are we going to wait for our results or feedback? It’s almost close to interview time for admission. Please can you send us our feedback to let us know? * HOW many more years must we wait to be employed? Why send us to Zimbabwe to be educated? If there is a need for teachers in the country, why not employ us? Can the PS tell us what’s the way forward? * DEAR teachers of Namibia: Our children are the leaders of tomorrow and we are heading for Vision 2030. I want my kids to spend time on their textbooks to perform. Why are they not allowed to take the books home so we can assist them with their course work? Books we paid for? – Charity General * I WAS so disappointed after visiting the clinic for a contraceptive injection. They told me to use a condom instead of taking an injection.* THE NBC Damara-Nama service is very biased and the perception that it is the unofficial broadcasting arm of ELCRN is not far off the mark. Almost all employees are Lutheran and all volunteer presenters are ELCRN clergy or elders, except one female AME pastor doing Sunday school programme. We require an overhaul of the service.* ALL shebeens should be closed at midnight and clubs should also start closing early. There is a lot of vandalism going on. Not even the Police can do anything.* I AM very disappointed in the NFA because they are promoting corruption. Just look at the under-20 national team call-ups, where most of them are over aged. WHY? We have a lot of talent.* THE holiday season is approaching. Just a word of advice to the MVA and the road authorities to limit the speed of long-distance taxis. The new combis are driven at 120 km/h, while pulling a trailer and carrying more than 20 people. This is a risk.From the regions * AS a peace-loving community of Keetmanshoop, we appreciate the effort put in by the Keetmanshoop Police officers to fight crime. I thank the Police who give us weekly crime statistics, by doing this you educate us about the crimes prevalent in our community. However, last Sunday the police seemed to have forgotten about it and did not provide us with the weekly crime statistics. Keep on informing us about different crimes. I urge the community to go to the church service every Sunday to be informed by about crime in Keetmanshoop.* Intercape should improve on its transport service. They must supply a new bus for their route to the northeast and Katima. The current bus is very old and not comfortable any more! – Intercape customer * COUNCILLOR Kanyenye of Anamulenge constituency, when are you going to develop your villages by providing them with electricity, clinics and water reservoirs since water bills are getting higher? Villages, I’m talking about are Omalungandjamba, Ombundamuti, Okakekete, Omamboo and one side of Oshikulufitu. Would you please electrify the Ombundamuti Combined School and Ondombe yamalungandjamba cuca shops? The other thing is that our people are travelling long distances to health services i.e. at Onawa and Ewaneno clinics. Please our respected councillor, we are optimistic that you will urgently attend to our basic needs.* THE Swapo Government should stop corruption and tribalism in promoting civil servants. This is happening, especially in the Kavango and Otjozondjupa regions. The victims are people from the Caprivi and Khomas regions. – Kunyanda BK * THE Government seemed not to care about people in south-eastern regions. Most of the farms there are white commercial farms and the people there are working under harsh conditions. Government please conduct surveys and help those people. – Dan * CAN someone in Walvis Bay please tell us why our drinking water is so salty? * I AM disappointed with the bus and taxi organisation at the coast. I’m referring to the Walvis Bay and Swakopmund taxi ranks. There’s no order at either of them. People are being pulled around by taxi drivers who want them to get in their taxis. At the beginning someone was assigned to load the taxis but this is not happening any more. Could they please revert to the previous arrangement or just come and see it for themselves.
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