SMSes of the Day : Tuesday

SMSes of the Day : Tuesday

* RIRUAKO’S threats: Does it come with age or what? It seems the older our leaders become, the more immature their comments! What difficult situation are we in after 103 years? Stop painting a bad picture about Namibia with your silly threats …- Ashamed Herero

* EU-AU: So who cares if African leaders boycott the summit over Mugabe? Only Africans are losing out on opportunities and it shows ordinary people how corrupt leaders gang together to save their own. The EU should postpone the summit to 2010, because Mugabe will be gone by then. Food for thought* OUR Government needs capable and committed civil servants and Ministers. It is therefore high time that we revamp our PSs and place them in the right positions, (those) for which they are academically qualified. We are suffering at the hands of non-performing PSs whose positions are long overdue at the expense of taxpayers. We want growth in Ministries to cater for the real needs of the grassroots people. The intelligent thinking capacity of both our President and PM is imperative in this regard.* ‘NAMIBIA short of doctors’, ‘Africa urgently needs engineers’, ‘Vision 2030’, ‘We need our own medical doctors’, these were all headlines before I left to study medicine. I was looking forward to coming back and serving. That changed a month after I started working, now I’m thinking about how to survive as a doctor in this beautiful country. After all it serves me no good to be Namibian and on top of that a medical doctor. Now I see why Namibia “needs” more doctors. Namibia does not, the State does. I’ve lost faith in the State system and wonder who decides what doctors in State employ should be paid. – Raysteelo* AFRICAN engineers, The Namibian 1 Oct 07: I think the problem with Africa without enough engineers is because governments (in Africa) are not willing to pay us salaries based on our qualifications, hence the decline. I’m a marine engineer with Greenpeace from this country. – Jeff* VIVA and long live Prime Minister Nahas Angula. There are few of your calibre. I’ve read your political piece in Insight … Quoting you, “I will not sell principles for a vote”. Mr PM, you have made my day with your statements in that piece. You are a humble person who does not allow your high position to go to your head. You are a person to whom anyone can relate.The Riruako threats* THERE must be a law in Namibia under which Riruako can be charged for his idiotic remarks concerning Von Trotha.* IF Riruako, a high profile leader still harbours such apparent intense resentment towards a distant relative of Von Trotha and can get away with expressing himself in such strong terms, it is obvious that there never can be a meaningful reconciliation in this country. It is time that we stop seeing ourselves in the limited context of a specific grouping, but start seeing each other as Namibians first and foremost and fellow citizens of the world and not fall victim to someone’s personal political agendas. – Edwin B* WHY was it important for Chief Kuaima Riruako to visit Germany on the genocide issue? The Von Trothas should have prevented him from entering Germany! He must remember that the Germans were killed too by the Hereros. During the NSHR’s ICC submission, Nudo talked about a policy of national reconciliation. Now, he (the Chief) is making uncalled for threats against the extended hand. What a hypocrisy?* WE know Brigitte Weidlich has vested interests in the issue! If you do yourself a favour by researching properly on Herero ancestral worship, you would grasp clearly what Chief Riruako meant! Come clean rather than fighting for your parochial German interest under the pretext of media freedom and in turn sowing confusion! – Offended Namibian ! (I’m baffled by what you believe Ms Weidlich can expect to gain under the circumstances, except for your accusations! Perhaps you could elaborate and help us all understand better. Thank you. – News Editor)* MR Riruako, are you at all interested in reconciliation, or are you only hoping for a reparation payment into your personal bank account?* RIRUAKO, have you forgotten that one of your sons was fighting with the SADF in Kaokoland in 1982. He also participated in operations against the freedom fighters of Namibia and their families in Owambo!!!!! Also remember your speeches at the Alfa Base just outside Opuwo, where you stood side by side with South African officers preaching to us to exterminate others. So wake up and back off if there are others who want to mend the problems of the past through dialogue – let them do so. We all know on what side of the fence you stood during the time of the liberation war. The Von Trothas are not from that generation.Murder and the B1 Butcher* THIS message goes out to every woman. We don’t know the butcher, so expect him in any form. He could be young and nice, old and rich or someone who you know who claims to be very handsome. I guess there is somebody in Namibia who knows that criminal. Remember, just because you don’t speak you are also guilty. Put your self in the shoes of the victims families then you will know what I mean. – Christiaan Beukes* PLEASE, Inspector General of the Police, consult your regional crime co-ordinators and put together a team of competent detectives to investigate the B1 Butcher case. Guys like the Philanders, Maletzkeys, Jantjies, Kaura and old detectives. Your current team seems to have little experience to solve this issue.* IT’S about time the public and community gets involved, because the next victim can be your family or someone close to you.* POLICE must start searching every car or truck leaving or entering Windhoek to trace those criminals. Dangerous things are hidden in the boots and behind truck drivers’ seats. Why do they only search at the borders but not in towns? They only ask for a licence and let criminals go. Is that crime prevention?* B1 Butcher, if one person hurt you that bad, why kill all innocent women who had nothing to do with what you encountered? I would like to see you soon facing the same even worse than what our women and their families went through. We are WATCHING YOU!!!* B1 Butcher, I’m warning you, whoever you are. Everything comes to an end. You can hide yourself, but you can’t hide from God. We will pray for you to be caught. – Mrs Shiimi On the ball* THE Katutura derby was a big shame. The home team BA only provided two balls, the supporters threw cooldrink tins, bottles, etc, at each other, the sprinkler taps got opened on one side of the field and the game was stopped for some minutes. Sorry John Barnes, this is Namibian football at its best. NFA get things in order please. One wonders what’s behind the CEO saga. – BB* NFA, BA and Pirates match turned into violence when cans and bottles were used as weapons by the crowd. It is thus safer to stay home and watch TV.* BLACK Africa football club performed very poorly on Friday night. We don’t even have new boys in our team. Why don’t we take Frank Fredericks as our team manager. No company will deny him a sponsorship deal. I personally think that we will sign new players under his leadership. – Engelhardt Education* I HAVE a concern about the refundable damage fee which we pay at Ponhofi SSS, which the management refuses to pay back to us. We want the Minister to respond to this issue. – Kashima Iquana.* I WANT the Nantu Secretary General to explain to us the agreement the union signed with the Ministry of Education on September 20 about the recognition of teachers’ Azalia diplomas. Does this agreement include the teachers who completed a secondary education diploma through Vista University after the grace period? Please! Mr Haingura tell us so that we can resubmit our qualifications to NQA.* CAN the Ministry of Education tell us why they still have not paid our fees (Unam’s loan holders). It’s getting late and discouraging, especially with exams approaching. Unam, is it true that the money that was supposed to be paid for students at Unam (loan holders) disappeared and we will not even be allowed to write the final Oct-Nov exams.* TO the Rector of Ongwediva College: Can you do something about the increasing pregnancy rate among your students. Do something before it’s too late. This a bad reputation for the college when these students go for practicals at schools* I AM a Grade 10 pupil and I am suggesting to the Ministry of Education to release our results early. It’s really not good that we finish writing earlier and we get our results very late. Can you please consider my suggestion. – Luka AK* IT’S that time of the year again: marking external exams. A period of suffering for teachers with no cars. Marking venues are usually not within reach of public transport. We incur expenses as a result. We are exposed to tsotsis on our way to the nearest deserted taxi rank when we knock off from our 12-hour shift Monday to Sunday. No overtime payment. It is your own fault if you don’t have a car yet we buy cars for directors and help to maintain them for them. A teacher’s transport allowance is N$198 per month.General* COMRADE Secretary General of Swapo Party, I did not get my human rights from Swapo. I have human rights by virtue of being human.* PAYING a speeding fine at the Karibib Police station is quite an experience. The officer on duty had no change, no pen to write with and to top it all the receipt book was full. We ended up not paying the fine, frustrated and vowing to drive within the speed limit just to avoid the irritation of having to deal with incompetence.* A GROUP of shoplifters stealing in town on a daily basis should be photographed when they are caught and their pictures displayed at the entrance of every shop. They must not be allowed into shops.* I APPEAL to MTC to make free SMSes transferable. I know that it is for promotion but many MTC subscribers don’t use them. It will not be a loss to MTC.* THE article on Gazza in Friday’s Weekender was calculated and cunning. Who is fooling who? The fact is, you are afraid Gazza, very afraid. Record sales and the topping of charts you are talking about are a useless way of marketing and promoting yourself. Your strategies will not win you supporters, but rather keep them away. Someone at Universal Sound is always playing cards in your favour with so-called record sales. Let music convince us who is good.* STOP Abusing artists! Don’t use artists without signing contracts with them. This is total corruption and it is a waste of sponsorships like Bank Windhoek Arts Festival. – RSM* I REALLY appreciate the system of allowing the public to speak out. But the bad thing is, it shows disrespect toward leaders. We need to remember that we are the ones who vote them into power. It’s not a good thing to shout at them in public. Now what kind of example are you giving to the young nation? When are you going to respect them? Leaders are also human beings like me and you and being a leader does not mean that you are perfect. So we should accept their mistakes and correct them where they go wrong.Congratulations* I WANT to congratulate the Ehenye Primary School teachers and parents for unifying our leaders by naming school blocks after them. I also want to give my thanks to our school Patron Moses Amweelo, Dr Frans Aupa Indongo, Fillemon Moongo, Kashuupulwa, Nedbank, Auala family and all the people who made their contributions to the development of the school. May God Bless them all! From the regions* I’M a concerned resident at Oshivelo. We have stayed on this side of the checkpoint for more than 90 years without even a public toilet and street lights.* PETER Kalangula is just a citizen like anyone. He is not above the law because he is a bishop. What is wrong with searching his farm legally? Police did their work and found nothing wrong. Why should they have to ignore the informer? That so-called Campaign against Kwanyamas, dear bishop, does not hold water. You were searched just because the Police wanted to confirm what the informer told them.* PLEASE GA Boting, General Manager of Skorpion Zinc, we as operators want housing allowance and transport to Windhoek, as it is the central town and where many of us reside. We want to have our houses like you have yours, we also have families like you. Dumping people at Aus and Keetmanshoop at midnight leads to us being targeted by criminals. It is high time that you answer our demand, time is gone now we can’t stand it anymore.* MUNICIPALITY of Grootfontein, you are killing us with your high charges. Provide us with dustbins then maybe we would understand your charges.* WHY do people serving on the so-called Traditional Authority of Hoachanas get monthly salaries? Are these old age pensions or what, because they do nothing?* WHERE did this person got the idea that Kwanyamas want to take everything in this country? People, don’t play tribalism games, they are deadly to the peace and stability of this country and the tribal tragedy that happened in Rwanda is still very fresh in humanity’s memory. Leave the Kwanyamas alone.Food for thought * OUR Government needs capable and committed civil servants and Ministers. It is therefore high time that we revamp our PSs and place them in the right positions, (those) for which they are academically qualified. We are suffering at the hands of non-performing PSs whose positions are long overdue at the expense of taxpayers. We want growth in Ministries to cater for the real needs of the grassroots people. The intelligent thinking capacity of both our President and PM is imperative in this regard.* ‘NAMIBIA short of doctors’, ‘Africa urgently needs engineers’, ‘Vision 2030’, ‘We need our own medical doctors’, these were all headlines before I left to study medicine. I was looking forward to coming back and serving. That changed a month after I started working, now I’m thinking about how to survive as a doctor in this beautiful country. After all it serves me no good to be Namibian and on top of that a medical doctor. Now I see why Namibia “needs” more doctors. Namibia does not, the State does. I’ve lost faith in the State system and wonder who decides what doctors in State employ should be paid. – Raysteelo * AFRICAN engineers, The Namibian 1 Oct 07: I think the problem with Africa without enough engineers is because governments (in Africa) are not willing to pay us salaries based on our qualifications, hence the decline. I’m a marine engineer with Greenpeace from this country. – Jeff * VIVA and long live Prime Minister Nahas Angula. There are few of your calibre. I’ve read your political piece in Insight … Quoting you, “I will not sell principles for a vote”. Mr PM, you have made my day with your statements in that piece. You are a humble person who does not allow your high position to go to your head. You are a person to whom anyone can relate.The Riruako threats * THERE must be a law in Namibia under which Riruako can be charged for his idiotic remarks concerning Von Trotha.* IF Riruako, a high profile leader still harbours such apparent intense resentment towards a distant relative of Von Trotha and can get away with expressing himself in such strong terms, it is obvious that there never can be a meaningful reconciliation in this country. It is time that we stop seeing ourselves in the limited context of a specific grouping, but start seeing each other as Namibians first and foremost and fellow citizens of the world and not fall victim to someone’s personal political agendas. – Edwin B * WHY was it important for Chief Kuaima Riruako to visit Germany on the genocide issue? The Von Trothas should have prevented him from entering Germany! He must remember that the Germans were killed too by the Hereros. During the NSHR’s ICC submission, Nudo talked about a policy of national reconciliation. Now, he (the Chief) is making uncalled for threats against the extended hand. What a hypocrisy? * WE know Brigitte Weidlich has vested interests in the issue! If you do yourself a favour by researching properly on Herero ancestral worship, you would grasp clearly what Chief Riruako meant! Come clean rather than fighting for your parochial German interest under the pretext of media freedom and in turn sowing confusion! – Offended Namibian ! (I’m baffled by what you believe Ms Weidlich can expect to gain under the circumstances, except for your accusations! Perhaps you could elaborate and help us all understand better. Thank you. – News Editor) * MR Riruako, are you at all interested in reconciliation, or are you only hoping for a reparation payment into your personal bank account? * RIRUAKO, have you forgotten that one of your sons was fighting with the SADF in Kaokoland in 1982. He also participated in operations against the freedom fighters of Namibia and their families in Owambo!!!!! Also remember your speeches at the Alfa Base just outside Opuwo, where you stood side by side with South African officers preaching to us to exterminate others. So wake up and back off if there are others who want to mend the problems of the past through dialogue – let them do so. We all know on what side of the fence you stood during the time of the liberation war. The Von Trothas are not from that generation.Murder and the B1 Butcher * THIS message goes out to every woman. We don’t know the butcher, so expect him in any form. He could be young and nice, old and rich or someone who you know who claims to be very handsome. I guess there is somebody in Namibia who knows that criminal. Remember, just because you don’t speak you are also guilty. Put your self in the shoes of the victims families then you will know what I mean. – Christiaan Beukes * PLEASE, Inspector General of the Police, consult your regional crime co-ordinators and put together a team of competent detectives to investigate the B1 Butcher case. Guys like the Philanders, Maletzkeys, Jantjies, Kaura and old detectives. Your current team seems to have little experience to solve this issue.* IT’S about time the public and community gets involved, because the next victim can be your family or someone close to you.* POLICE must start searching every car or truck leaving or entering Windhoek to trace those criminals. Dangerous things are hidden in the boots and behind truck drivers’ seats. Why do they only search at the borders but not in towns? They only ask for a licence and let criminals go. Is that crime prevention? * B1 Butcher, if one person hurt you that bad, why kill all innocent women who had nothing to do with what you encountered? I would like to see you soon facing the same even worse than what our women and their families went through. We are WATCHING YOU!!! * B1 Butcher, I’m warning you, whoever you are. Everything comes to an end. You can hide yourself, but you can’t hide from God. We will pray for you to be caught. – Mrs Shiimi On the ball * THE Katutura derby was a big shame. The home team BA only provided two balls, the supporters threw cooldrink tins, bottles, etc, at each other, the sprinkler taps got opened on one side of the field and the game was stopped for some minutes. Sorry John Barnes, this is Namibian football at its best. NFA get things in order please. One wonders what’s behind the CEO saga. – BB * NFA, BA and Pirates match turned into violence when cans and bottles were used as weapons by the crowd. It is thus safer to stay home and watch TV.* BLACK Africa football club performed very poorly on Friday night. We don’t even have new boys in our team. Why don’t we take Frank Fredericks as our team manager. No company will deny him a sponsorship deal. I personally think that we will sign new players under his leadership. – Engelhardt Education * I HAVE a concern about the refundable damage fee which we pay at Ponhofi SSS, which the management refuses to pay back to us. We want the Minister to respond to this issue. – Kashima Iquana.* I WANT the Nantu Secretary General to explain to us the agreement the union signed with the Ministry of Education on September 20 about the recognition of teachers’ Azalia diplomas. Does this agreement include the teachers who completed a secondary education diploma through Vista University after the grace period? Please! Mr Haingura tell us so that we can resubmit our qualifications to NQA.* CAN the Ministry of Education tell us why they still have not paid our fees (Unam’s loan holders). It’s getting late and discouraging, especially with exams approaching. Unam, is it true that the money that was supposed to be paid for students at Unam (loan holders) disappeared and we will not even be allowed to write the final Oct-Nov exams.* TO the Rector of Ongwediva College: Can you do something about the increasing pregnancy rate among your students. Do something before it’s too late. This a bad reputation for the college when these students go for practicals at schools * I AM a Grade 10 pupil and I am suggesting to the Ministry of Education to release our results early. It’s really not good that we finish writing earlier and we get our results very late. Can you please consider my suggestion. – Luka AK * IT’S that time of the year again: marking external exams. A period of suffering for teachers with no cars. Marking venues are usually not within reach of public transport. We incur expenses as a result. We are exposed to tsotsis on our way to the nearest deserted taxi rank when we knock off from our 12-hour shift Monday to Sunday. No overtime payment. It is your own fault if you don’t have a car yet we buy cars for directors and help to maintain them for them. A teacher’s transport allowance is N$198 per month.General * COMRADE Secretary General of Swapo Party, I did not get my human rights from Swapo. I have human rights by virtue of being human.* PAYING a speeding fine at the Karibib Police station is quite an experience. The officer on duty had no change, no pen to write with and to top it all the receipt book was full. We ended up not paying the fine, frustrated and vowing to drive within the speed limit just to avoid the irritation of having to deal with incompetence.* A GROUP of shoplifters stealing in town on a daily basis should be photographed when they are caught and their pictures displayed at the entrance of every shop. They must not be allowed into shops.* I APPEAL to MTC to make free SMSes transferable. I know that it is for promotion but many MTC subscribers don’t use them. It will not be a loss to MTC.* THE article on Gazza in Friday’s Weekender was calculated and cunning. Who is fooling who? The fact is, you are afraid Gazza, very afraid. Record sales and the topping of charts you are talking about are a useless way of marketing and promoting yourself. Your strategies will not win you supporters, but rather keep them away. Someone at Universal Sound is always playing cards in your favour with so-called record sales. Let music convince us who is good.* STOP Abusing artists! Don’t use artists without signing contracts with them. This is total corruption and it is a waste of sponsorships like Bank Windhoek Arts Festival. – RSM * I REALLY appreciate the system of allowing the public to speak out. But the bad thing is, it shows disrespect toward leaders. We need to remember that we are the ones who vote them into power. It’s not a good thing to shout at them in public. Now what kind of example are you giving to the young nation? When are you going to respect them? Leaders are also human beings like me and you and being a leader does not mean that you are perfect. So we should accept their mistakes and correct them where they go wrong.Congratulations * I WANT to congratulate the Ehenye Primary School teachers and parents for unifying our leaders by naming school blocks after them. I also want to give my thanks to our school Patron Moses Amweelo, Dr Frans Aupa Indongo, Fillemon Moongo, Kashuupulwa, Nedbank, Auala family and all the people who made their contributions to the development of the school. May God Bless them all! From the regions * I’M a concerned resident at Oshivelo. We have stayed on this side of the checkpoint for more than 90 years without even a public toilet and street lights.* PETER Kalangula is just a citizen like anyone. He is not above the law because he is a bishop. What is wrong with searching his farm legally? Police did their work and found nothing wrong. Why should they have to ignore the informer? That so-called Campaign against Kwanyamas, dear bishop, does not hold water. You were searched just because the Police wanted to confirm what the informer told them.* PLEASE GA Boting, General Manager of Skorpion Zinc, we as operators want housing allowance and transport to Windhoek, as it is the central town and where many of us reside. We want to have our houses like you have yours, we also have families like you. Dumping people at Aus and Keetmanshoop at midnight leads to us being targeted by criminals. It is high time that you answer our demand, time is gone now we can’t stand it anymore.* MUNICIPALITY of Grootfontein, you are killing us with your high charges. Provide us with dustbins then maybe we would understand your charges.* WHY do people serving on the so-called Traditional Authority of Hoachanas get monthly salaries? Are these old age pensions or what, because they do nothing? * WHERE did this person got the idea that Kwanyamas want to take everything in this country? People, don’t play tribalism games, they are deadly to the peace and stability of this country and the tribal tragedy that happened in Rwanda is still very fresh in humanity’s memory. Leave the Kwanyamas alone.

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