SMSes of the Day : Thursday

SMSes of the Day : Thursday

* A WAR veteran is narrow-mindedly defined which could cause socio-economic disharmony among veterans in the country. The liberation struggle was not confined to Swapo or only in Angola. It was politically, diplomatically and militarily waged. Does Tjiriange know that he heads the Ministry of Veterans’ Affairs and not the ‘Ministry of Plan fighters’ Affairs’? Ex-combatants’ compensation is a delayed, isolated incident.

* WHEN South Africa availed N$36 million to pay out ex-SWATF members at Independence, Swapo demanded that the money be shared with Plan fighters. Now the ex-SWATF are excluded from the Veterans Act. We must NOT turn the struggle into a business venture. Food for thought* A CLEANER who was caught stealing cash justified his actions by saying that Government officials are also guilty of theft, but they are never prosecuted so why should he be prosecuted? Wake up Namibia. Stealing, cheating and lying is nothing to be proud of! We have become a nation of lazy criminals – is there a future for our youth?* IS it really fair for volunteers to contribute money for a Government vehicle even when they are not using it? Volunteers in the Erongo Region are required to contribute financially for the use of these vehicles. Please, the Erongo Region Health Director tell us if that’s fair? We want to know the truth.* NAMWATER is bent on milking the poor and always justifies upward price adjustments as cost recovery. Government must provide water to all Namibians wherever they are situated. A good Government will never privatise water. – NtelmoWell done!* “ENGELA builds a home for pregnant women”. I’m proud of that, because if your whole body itches, you scratch where it itches the most. And the Governor of Ohangwena did just that. He knows his priorities and it’s a lesson to others in leadership positions. Keep it up Governor. – Kico, Oshigambo* I WOULD like to thank the people of Iceland Republic for their generous donation of N$270 000 towards the Tuyakula community shelter project for pregnant women at Engela State hospital in the Ohangwena Region, since these women had been suffering for quiet a long time. – T Nambuli* ONDANGWA education finance office, I would like to thank your clerks for the job they are trying to do despite complaints steaming up from teachers concerning their salaries. We need to understand that these people are understaffed and the Government should increase its staff. Keep it up guys.Politics in general* PRESIDENT Eduardo dos Santos must also sign a network agreement with President Pohamba, i.e. between MTC and Unitel so that we can communicate with our beloved ones in Angola, please. – Taimi* APPARENTLY Namibia is so rich in natural resources and a small population but we still have Namibians eating from dustbins and come elections, they are expected to vote. Can something be done? – Maria* SWAPO emerged from OPO and the UDF from the Damara Council. And we the Damaras are very proud about this. All political parties worldwide have got roots, so does our UDF. So if you are not pleased with the UDF colours, regard yourself as someone without roots. We in the UDF are proud with everything which is related to the original Damara culture like the Gaob festival. How long will you run behind others while criticising your own roots. – #Ukhoeb.Education* OUR children who attend the Katora Primary School at Spitzkoppe are starving to death. They don’t have food to eat, while we are paying hostel fees. How is this possible? How do you expect a seven-year-old to perform with thick porridge or a slice of bread in her stomach for two days? Sometimes there is no water even to cook. It hurts when your child calls you crying of hunger. Can the principal please do something about this painful situation.* I WOULD like to know from NQA whether they recognise or approve ACE course offered by Open Learning. – Chimorgy Sinalumbu* IT’S exam time again and the National Library study area upstairs is sitting with a hell of a noise made by the young ones at secondary level and staff are just reluctant to address it. It is now high time that the director responsible for the institution get his or her staff to address the matter. I mean the readers of tomorrow are just wasting valuable studying time for themselves and others with unnecessary conversation.From the regions* OHANGWENA Regional Council should be mindful of who to recommend for the post of Chief Regional Officer. We are aware of the campaign led by the current acting CRO, who desperately wants the post, but his performance leaves much to be desired. The favourite candidate is rumoured to be a former Permanent Secretary who’s past is also questionable. If this rumour is anything to go by, why are you wasting your time with interviews? Or is this just another case of window dressing?* I AM very concerned with way in which the Hai-#om authority is treating the community. They are supposed to serve the community but are in it for own gain. The leadership only looks at empowering their relatives. Most of the people to whom bursaries are provided are the sons, daughters and relatives of those in positions of authority. Why don’t they give a chance to others in the community as well. We are Hai-#om and want to enjoy from the assistance given to the tribe.* THE Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry must investigate NamWater for the Ongha to Endola pipeline, because since we paid water connection eight months ago, nothing has been done yet.General* MANAGER: Marketing and Corporate Communication of NamPower, it is not true the smoke from Van Eck Power Station does pose a health threat to the people. I’m sure you don’t stay near that station. NamPower please speed up the Kudu project and the envisage power plant at Walvis Bay. Come on leaders, there is money for corrupt practices, but not for power generation!!!!* LET’S invest in solar energy. The smoke from those chimneys is definitely toxic.* WINDHOEK Municipality when are you going to put a taxi rank at Suiderhof, Olympia and Kleine Kuppe. Until when must we pay $13 to $30 to reach our destination? Please help us.* I FULLY support the idea of Government taking over rural water supply. Access to clean water is a struggle for rural people. People can’t afford monthly bills at all. In Ondonga and Oukwanyama there was but only one water point for those living along the main road. In our quest to demand what is rightly entitled to us we must not make use of false claims of non-existed benefits from the apartheid government. Northerners only saw development after Independence believe it or not. Never the less, our leaders must hear us please and free us from the ever increasing bills of NamWater.Condolences* REGGAE is strong for peace. Lucky is gone but Dube’s legend remains. His music and his prominent unmistakable voice still rings in our ears.Trinity forever.* OH, when I hear his music playing I just cry and I don’t know why they did this! Rest in eternal peace my hero Lucky Dube. – Moesha, Outapi* LUCKY Dube’s death has sent shock waves around the world. This reggae superstar was exceptional and he was the best reggae musician to have emerged from Africa. His beautiful voice, his sorrowful melodies with meaningful lyrics can’t be matched to any rasta. He was a very humble and respectful human being who was very responsible without controversies. I am very devastated as he was not only my favourite but my brother from another mother. His death will affect me.* LUCKY Dube was there when Walvis Bay was officially handed back to Namibia, and performed majestically in the coastal mist of a united Namibia. What a loss. Hamba Kahle to Zion, Lucky and remember time is longer than a rope.* HIS unforgettable charisma is legendary. I call upon all the dreads to arm themselves because I, as a reggae lover, am missing a lot from Tosh, Barrett, Braithwaite and all of a sudden Lucky. Ras Sheehama was gunpointed and who’s next? Bob Marley died with a bullet in his right arm from a hustler’s gun. Santa Davis of Peter Tosh band still has a bullet lodged between his lung and heart. So, fight back dreads. – Jeffrey M.* A GIANT has fallen! I can vividly remember in the 90s when Lucky came to Namibia and I had an opportunity to shake his hand. May the Lord be with his family, especially his two children who were with him at that fateful time. The entire world is mourning the untimely death of a great son. May his soul rest in peace.On the ball* IT’S about time that the NFA initiates a fundraising campaign and provide the public with an account number of the Brave Warriors where we can make our financial contributions for the Warriors’ preparation to the Africa Cup of Nations in Ghana. We can’t all go to Ghana. – Mwambanenwa, Ongwediva.* A MESSAGE to the All Black supporter: we were not excited, just sad for them for choking again. I predicted a final between NZ and SA, but it didn’t turn out to be. Don’t be a sore loser, rather congratulate the Boks, they deserve it!* IF the All Blacks are number one why haven’t they won the World Cup since 1987. Champions don’t need to be No 1. Leave the Springboks alone.Food for thought * A CLEANER who was caught stealing cash justified his actions by saying that Government officials are also guilty of theft, but they are never prosecuted so why should he be prosecuted? Wake up Namibia. Stealing, cheating and lying is nothing to be proud of! We have become a nation of lazy criminals – is there a future for our youth? * IS it really fair for volunteers to contribute money for a Government vehicle even when they are not using it? Volunteers in the Erongo Region are required to contribute financially for the use of these vehicles. Please, the Erongo Region Health Director tell us if that’s fair? We want to know the truth.* NAMWATER is bent on milking the poor and always justifies upward price adjustments as cost recovery. Government must provide water to all Namibians wherever they are situated. A good Government will never privatise water. – Ntelmo Well done! * “ENGELA builds a home for pregnant women”. I’m proud of that, because if your whole body itches, you scratch where it itches the most. And the Governor of Ohangwena did just that. He knows his priorities and it’s a lesson to others in leadership positions. Keep it up Governor. – Kico, Oshigambo * I WOULD like to thank the people of Iceland Republic for their generous donation of N$270 000 towards the Tuyakula community shelter project for pregnant women at Engela State hospital in the Ohangwena Region, since these women had been suffering for quiet a long time. – T Nambuli * ONDANGWA education finance office, I would like to thank your clerks for the job they are trying to do despite complaints steaming up from teachers concerning their salaries. We need to understand that these people are understaffed and the Government should increase its staff. Keep it up guys.Politics in general * PRESIDENT Eduardo dos Santos must also sign a network agreement with President Pohamba, i.e. between MTC and Unitel so that we can communicate with our beloved ones in Angola, please. – Taimi * APPARENTLY Namibia is so rich in natural resources and a small population but we still have Namibians eating from dustbins and come elections, they are expected to vote. Can something be done? – Maria * SWAPO emerged from OPO and the UDF from the Damara Council. And we the Damaras are very proud about this. All political parties worldwide have got roots, so does our UDF. So if you are not pleased with the UDF colours, regard yourself as someone without roots. We in the UDF are proud with everything which is related to the original Damara culture like the Gaob festival. How long will you run behind others while criticising your own roots. – #Ukhoeb.Education * OUR children who attend the Katora Primary School at Spitzkoppe are starving to death. They don’t have food to eat, while we are paying hostel fees. How is this possible? How do you expect a seven-year-old to perform with thick porridge or a slice of bread in her stomach for two days? Sometimes there is no water even to cook. It hurts when your child calls you crying of hunger. Can the principal please do something about this painful situation.* I WOULD like to know from NQA whether they recognise or approve ACE course offered by Open Learning. – Chimorgy Sinalumbu * IT’S exam time again and the National Library study area upstairs is sitting with a hell of a noise made by the young ones at secondary level and staff are just reluctant to address it. It is now high time that the director responsible for the institution get his or her staff to address the matter. I mean the readers of tomorrow are just wasting valuable studying time for themselves and others with unnecessary conversation.From the regions * OHANGWENA Regional Council should be mindful of who to recommend for the post of Chief Regional Officer. We are aware of the campaign led by the current acting CRO, who desperately wants the post, but his performance leaves much to be desired. The favourite candidate is rumoured to be a former Permanent Secretary who’s past is also questionable. If this rumour is anything to go by, why are you wasting your time with interviews? Or is this just another case of window dressing? * I AM very concerned with way in which the Hai-#om authority is treating the community. They are supposed to serve the community but are in it for own gain. The leadership only looks at empowering their relatives. Most of the people to whom bursaries are provided are the sons, daughters and relatives of those in positions of authority. Why don’t they give a chance to others in the community as well. We are Hai-#om and want to enjoy from the assistance given to the tribe.* THE Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry must investigate NamWater for the Ongha to Endola pipeline, because since we paid water connection eight months ago, nothing has been done yet.General * MANAGER: Marketing and Corporate Communication of NamPower, it is not true the smoke from Van Eck Power Station does pose a health threat to the people. I’m sure you don’t stay near that station. NamPower please speed up the Kudu project and the envisage power plant at Walvis Bay. Come on leaders, there is money for corrupt practices, but not for power generation!!!! * LET’S invest in solar energy. The smoke from those chimneys is definitely toxic.* WINDHOEK Municipality when are you going to put a taxi rank at Suiderhof, Olympia and Kleine Kuppe. Until when must we pay $13 to $30 to reach our destination? Please help us.* I FULLY support the idea of Government taking over rural water supply. Access to clean water is a struggle for rural people. People can’t afford monthly bills at all. In Ondonga and Oukwanyama there was but only one water point for those living along the main road. In our quest to demand what is rightly entitled to us we must not make use of false claims of non-existed benefits from the apartheid government. Northerners only saw development after Independence believe it or not. Never the less, our leaders must hear us please and free us from the ever increasing bills of NamWater.Condolences * REGGAE is strong for peace. Lucky is gone but Dube’s legend remains. His music and his prominent unmistakable voice still rings in our ears.Trinity forever.* OH, when I hear his music playing I just cry and I don’t know why they did this! Rest in eternal peace my hero Lucky Dube. – Moesha, Outapi * LUCKY Dube’s death has sent shock waves around the world. This reggae superstar was exceptional and he was the best reggae musician to have emerged from Africa. His beautiful voice, his sorrowful melodies with meaningful lyrics can’t be matched to any rasta. He was a very humble and respectful human being who was very responsible without controversies. I am very devastated as he was not only my favourite but my brother from another mother. His death will affect me.* LUCKY Dube was there when Walvis Bay was officially handed back to Namibia, and performed majestically in the coastal mist of a united Namibia. What a loss. Hamba Kahle to Zion, Lucky and remember time is longer than a rope.* HIS unforgettable charisma is legendary. I call upon all the dreads to arm themselves because I, as a reggae lover, am missing a lot from Tosh, Barrett, Braithwaite and all of a sudden Lucky. Ras Sheehama was gunpointed and who’s next? Bob Marley died with a bullet in his right arm from a hustler’s gun. Santa Davis of Peter Tosh band still has a bullet lodged between his lung and heart. So, fight back dreads. – Jeffrey M.* A GIANT has fallen! I can vividly remember in the 90s when Lucky came to Namibia and I had an opportunity to shake his hand. May the Lord be with his family, especially his two children who were with him at that fateful time. The entire world is mourning the untimely death of a great son. May his soul rest in peace.On the ball * IT’S about time that the NFA initiates a fundraising campaign and provide the public with an account number of the Brave Warriors where we can make our financial contributions for the Warriors’ preparation to the Africa Cup of Nations in Ghana. We can’t all go to Ghana. – Mwambanenwa, Ongwediva.* A MESSAGE to the All Black supporter: we were not excited, just sad for them for choking again. I predicted a final between NZ and SA, but it didn’t turn out to be. Don’t be a sore loser, rather congratulate the Boks, they deserve it! * IF the All Blacks are number one why haven’t they won the World Cup since 1987. Champions don’t need to be No 1. Leave the Springboks alone.

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