* WANAHEDA SUGA MUMMIES!!!: Parents please be alert when it comes to your boys. There are women in Wanaheda preying on young boys aged 16-19. They drive very expensive cars and offer them cash in return for sex. On Saturday afternoons you will see them at luxurious hotels in the city behaving like married couples. It used to be the girls who were victimised but now it’s our boys. Let’s take care of our boys. – Worried Dad
* THE advert on page 14 certainly bears out the belief that sharks don’t eat lawyers out of professional courtesy. Food for thought * HOW do you reconcile without knowing the truth about why people disappeared? Tell the truth then we will know what to reconcile for this is how it is supposed to be with the ICC story. * CAN the leaders of CoD – both factions release us, if you can’t lead us. There were no courts before, please. – KES* I’M wondering. Why do newborn children have to be registered in southern industrial area? It’s always full and the people working there are so unprofessional. Why don’t we do it at the hospitals as soon as the children are born? – Selma* ROAMING on a foreign network in your own country? We Oranjemund residents who live and travel between the Swartkop gate, living at Namdeb Daberas hostel in Namibia, travel from Swartkop gate via Auchas, Daberas mines to Sederlingsdrift gate to Rosh Pinah. We are tired of roaming on RSA networks in our own land of the brave. We also need local TV and radio channels in these areas. Please Namdeb, MTC, Cell One, One Africa and NBA wake up and kick this daylight robbery.School discipline* CONGRATS Headmaster Steenkamp! I cannot believe parents feel the timing of suspension to be inappropriate. What will influence the school’s result more: a suspension or drinking alcohol? I hope other schools follow this direction. Namibia is facing serious problems. The youth are the future. How scary?* THANKS to Headmaster Samange Steenkamp at Aranos Rooi Duin school. It’s time to take this issue of drinking and going to night clubs seriously.* TO the Aranos school board. It seems like you were not aware of the problem? Aranos is a small town, it’s not something new. Think about your kids’ education. That’s why they end up leaving school at such young ages.* WHEN learners fail, the principals and their staff are always blamed but not school board members. Parents have failed to discipline their children at home so let the principals do their job. Mr Steenkamp has just done it.* MR Steenkamp, you wilfully did the right thing. I hope and trust that this issue brings the matter of drug abuse by schoolchildren to the point of being regarded urgent by both the public and on a lesser note, the Government. – Samuel Gowaseb* STEENKAMP acted irresponsible by suspending over 40 pupils for drinking. Their demise lies in the hand of the adults in Aranos, who allow their youth to drink openly and merrily. So it’s the adults in this case, who need to be dismissed, while they sit quietly in their wake and the youth lingers on. – Snakangani* IF Mr Steenkamp has such strong feelings about drinking why didn’t he suspend those who drink and sleep together in the school hostel last term? Is it because the teachers who now claim that the parents are incompetent were the very same ones responsible for supervision of the wrongdoers as well?* THESE pupils knew the rules of the school before the school started and knew what to expect from what they did. We must stop blaming school principals when they do their job. If you know that exams are close then act as such and prepare for it. Is this how they handle closeness of exams? – JIH* NO matter what good intentions Mr. Steenkamp had, he had no right to suspend the learners, especially those without a record of prior misbehaviour.Congratulations* THANKS Brave Warriors for the road to Ghana. Meryl you are so good – I hoped you would be the last one in the house, but you make us proud, and the Namibian Biltong Boere make us proud to start watching rugby. We must finish the host country. A big please, boys. – Stober* CONGRATULATIONS to our Soccer and Rugby teams. You make us proud. Keep up the good work. The victory belongs to Namibia!!* CONGRATS to the Welwitschias and the Brave Warriors. But I have a problem with the officials at both the NFA and NRU, it seems they only need donations but they’re not extending their hands. Things like selling national jerseys of the teams. I’m in Ondangwa looking for a replica shirts of our teams but nothing. What you see is only foreign team replicas. Please wake up and offer these at a profit.* CONGRATS Brave Warriors, you did us proud. The nation is very happy and we will support you with everything we’ve got. But I’m disappointed that we could not watch the Warriors fighting the battle with bravery. Maybe if we see how tough and hard you fought the battle the more doors there will be that will open for you.* THANKS to the Brave Warriors supporters for showing up in big numbers at the airport to welcome our team back home. Please let’s continue supporting them even when they have lost as this will boost their moral to try their best next. God bless yo all and best wishes for the future matches.* WHEN the Brave Warriors lost the game against Botswana peoples were insulting and humiliating Ben Bamfuchile. Now that the team has qualified everybody is appreciating the coach. Please let’s change our manners. Ben please don’t give up!! Big ups!* CONGRATULATIONS Meryl! You are such a wonderful child, brilliant, unique, full of life and you’ve got a bright future ahead of you. Thanks for the entertainment and good luck.* NAMIBIA’S BBA 2 housemate is a star in the making: Intelligent, hot, sharp and eloquent. Good for TV career!* WHAT’S this FUZZ about Meryl and Owambo, Damara? I’m a mother of three handsome guys, who knows? HEY! fellow men, I miss that NAMIBIAN girl in the house! Meryl. Your mom loves you and I love you, keep it up girl!* FANTASTIC!!! Here we (Brave Warriors) come, GHANA! And guess who will be with us in the stand, bro-in-law KWAKU!* MERYL, you’re the best! Welcome home.* WOW! I thought this Big Brother thing was to entertain, but the emotion … Jean? [Yes, it is to entertain! But, among others, double standards, ignorant trash talking and people who judge on appearances fire me up – on any issue 🙂 Unashamedly! I did hear that the column on Meryl leaving the house, which is what I presume you’re referring to, left some people with a lump in their throat! – News Editor] Hands off* I’M a teenager and just want to tell those politicians wanting to silence The Namibian that we the youth will REBEL against the GRN. It would be a big and regrettable mistake to touch this paper. Hope the politicians can deal with the consequences. And this is an open warning to anyone trying (to facilitate) the demise of The Namibian.* RIGHT to information, freedom of expression – this is how Namibia is perceived by other countries as a successful democracy, yet its people are making a fuss today because of those exercising their freedom of expression. Regulating freedom of expression and free flow of information will pose a threat to our democracy. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe no one wants our democracy to fail. Let the citizens participate. Cheers to The Namibian for the SMS ‘thing’. – Uvaa Mombongora From the regions* WHEN you enter the town of Tsumeb you are greeted by “Welcome to Tsumeb the capital city of Oshikoto region”. Please erase the capital city because the capital of that region is now Omuthiya. – Lahya* WHAT’S wrong with Tsumeb being the capital of Oshikoto compared to Omuthiya, which has now been declared the regional capital.* WHEN does the Usakos Town Council intend to service the possible business and residential erven and put them up for sale? I made several request in this regard but was just promised next month and next month. How many next months does the municipality of Usakos have? Please don’t say that I run to the media without approaching you first because that is an option that has been exhausted. I can come out in open and prove it. How to you want to bring investment to the people if you can’t do the basics needed to bring the necessary investment.* I WANT to know from the Planning Commission whether the donor money given to Namibia is not meant for the great Kunene? Are we in Kunene not paying taxes that we can’t get an equal share of the NATIONAL CAKE. We are given step child treatment. People in Kunene don’t lose hope we have a great region and God is with us.General* THE Government must do something about housing in Namibia. We are not even two million and still housing is a problem! The houses are too expensive and only the rich can afford and to pay a house for 20 years. The is ridiculous. For example if a person is over 40 years the bank will not approve his/her loan application simply because in 20 years he/she will be past retirement age! So shacks are the only option.* PLEASE! NBC why is there no RUKAVANGO radio service in Otjozondjupa, particularly Otjiwarongo. What is the delay? Remember the majority of farmworkers in this region are Kavango-speaking so we want to listen to our radio service here like every one else. – Alex* I AM a concerned road user of the Oshakati-Omungwelume road. Many accidents and lives have been lost on this road. So dear minister of road we want the road tarred. – Else Oshikuyu* THE veterans got enough, at least those who joined Plan in the early sixties got ten cattle, N$500 pension, houses, ranks, medals etc but what about those who joined in early seventies? Frankly speaking they are the ones who changed the face of the struggle believe me or not. Comrade Nujoma is the one to answer this question.* I AM really tired of hearing people complain about NBC! I’m well travelled and our national broadcaster ain’t bad, neither is One Africa. Namibians just love complaining. Visit the rest of the continent and start counting your blessings, Damnit!* IN Monday’s paper two babies were reported dumped! When are women going to march and demand stiffer punishment or demand for forced sterilisation of such women. They always want a rapist to be castrated! Politics in general* IS it tribalism, dirty politics or what? Why is everything being taken away from the Ondonga areas? First the governor and other top Government officials were hiding behind decentralisation to move all offices to Oshakati and Ongwediva and now they’re stopping the health services at Onandjokwe hospital that is serving the Ndonga area. Please King Kauluma and tate Prime Minister, save us from the Omusati and Ohangwena domination.* DR Sam Nujoma, for how long will you allow the Swapo Regional leadership of the Hardap region to sabotage our party. Will you be happy if another party wins the coming elections. The leadership is only busy enriching themselves.* CAN the leaders of CoD – both factions release us, if you can’t lead us. There were no courts before, please. – KES * I’M wondering. Why do newborn children have to be registered in southern industrial area? It’s always full and the people working there are so unprofessional. Why don’t we do it at the hospitals as soon as the children are born? – Selma * ROAMING on a foreign network in your own country? We Oranjemund residents who live and travel between the Swartkop gate, living at Namdeb Daberas hostel in Namibia, travel from Swartkop gate via Auchas, Daberas mines to Sederlingsdrift gate to Rosh Pinah. We are tired of roaming on RSA networks in our own land of the brave. We also need local TV and radio channels in these areas. Please Namdeb, MTC, Cell One, One Africa and NBA wake up and kick this daylight robbery.School discipline * CONGRATS Headmaster Steenkamp! I cannot believe parents feel the timing of suspension to be inappropriate. What will influence the school’s result more: a suspension or drinking alcohol? I hope other schools follow this direction. Namibia is facing serious problems. The youth are the future. How scary? * THANKS to Headmaster Samange Steenkamp at Aranos Rooi Duin school. It’s time to take this issue of drinking and going to night clubs seriously.* TO the Aranos school board. It seems like you were not aware of the problem? Aranos is a small town, it’s not something new. Think about your kids’ education. That’s why they end up leaving school at such young ages.* WHEN learners fail, the principals and their staff are always blamed but not school board members. Parents have failed to discipline their children at home so let the principals do their job. Mr Steenkamp has just done it.* MR Steenkamp, you wilfully did the right thing. I hope and trust that this issue brings the matter of drug abuse by schoolchildren to the point of being regarded urgent by both the public and on a lesser note, the Government. – Samuel Gowaseb * STEENKAMP acted irresponsible by suspending over 40 pupils for drinking. Their demise lies in the hand of the adults in Aranos, who allow their youth to drink openly and merrily. So it’s the adults in this case, who need to be dismissed, while they sit quietly in their wake and the youth lingers on. – Snakangani * IF Mr Steenkamp has such strong feelings about drinking why didn’t he suspend those who drink and sleep together in the school hostel last term? Is it because the teachers who now claim that the parents are incompetent were the very same ones responsible for supervision of the wrongdoers as well? * THESE pupils knew the rules of the school before the school started and knew what to expect from what they did. We must stop blaming school principals when they do their job. If you know that exams are close then act as such and prepare for it. Is this how they handle closeness of exams? – JIH * NO matter what good intentions Mr. Steenkamp had, he had no right to suspend the learners, especially those without a record of prior misbehaviour.Congratulations * THANKS Brave Warriors for the road to Ghana. Meryl you are so good – I hoped you would be the last one in the house, but you make us proud, and the Namibian Biltong Boere make us proud to start watching rugby. We must finish the host country. A big please, boys. – Stober * CONGRATULATIONS to our Soccer and Rugby teams. You make us proud. Keep up the good work. The victory belongs to Namibia!! * CONGRATS to the Welwitschias and the Brave Warriors. But I have a problem with the officials at both the NFA and NRU, it seems they only need donations but they’re not extending their hands. Things like selling national jerseys of the teams. I’m in Ondangwa looking for a replica shirts of our teams but nothing. What you see is only foreign team replicas. Please wake up and offer these at a profit.* CONGRATS Brave Warriors, you did us proud. The nation is very happy and we will support you with everything we’ve got. But I’m disappointed that we could not watch the Warriors fighting the battle with bravery. Maybe if we see how tough and hard you fought the battle the more doors there will be that will open for you.* THANKS to the Brave Warriors supporters for showing up in big numbers at the airport to welcome our team back home. Please let’s continue supporting them even when they have lost as this will boost their moral to try their best next. God bless yo all and best wishes for the future matches.* WHEN the Brave Warriors lost the game against Botswana peoples were insulting and humiliating Ben Bamfuchile. Now that the team has qualified everybody is appreciating the coach. Please let’s change our manners. Ben please don’t give up!! Big ups! * CONGRATULATIONS Meryl! You are such a wonderful child, brilliant, unique, full of life and you’ve got a bright future ahead of you. Thanks for the entertainment and good luck.* NAMIBIA’S BBA 2 housemate is a star in the making: Intelligent, hot, sharp and eloquent. Good for TV career! * WHAT’S this FUZZ about Meryl and Owambo, Damara? I’m a mother of three handsome guys, who knows? HEY! fellow men, I miss that NAMIBIAN girl in the house! Meryl. Your mom loves you and I love you, keep it up girl! * FANTASTIC!!! Here we (Brave Warriors) come, GHANA! And guess who will be with us in the stand, bro-in-law KWAKU! * MERYL, you’re the best! Welcome home.* WOW! I thought this Big Brother thing was to entertain, but the emotion … Jean? [Yes, it is to entertain! But, among others, double standards, ignorant trash talking and people who judge on appearances fire me up – on any issue 🙂 Unashamedly! I did hear that the column on Meryl leaving the house, which is what I presume you’re referring to, left some people with a lump in their throat! – News Editor] Hands off * I’M a teenager and just want to tell those politicians wanting to silence The Namibian that we the youth will REBEL against the GRN. It would be a big and regrettable mistake to touch this paper. Hope the politicians can deal with the consequences. And this is an open warning to anyone trying (to facilitate) the demise of The Namibian.* RIGHT to information, freedom of expression – this is how Namibia is perceived by other countries as a successful democracy, yet its people are making a fuss today because of those exercising their freedom of expression. Regulating freedom of expression and free flow of information will pose a threat to our democracy. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe no one wants our democracy to fail. Let the citizens participate. Cheers to The Namibian for the SMS ‘thing’. – Uvaa Mombongora From the regions * WHEN you enter the town of Tsumeb you are greeted by “Welcome to Tsumeb the capital city of Oshikoto region”. Please erase the capital city because the capital of that region is now Omuthiya. – Lahya * WHAT’S wrong with Tsumeb being the capital of Oshikoto compared to Omuthiya, which has now been declared the regional capital.* WHEN does the Usakos Town Council intend to service the possible business and residential erven and put them up for sale? I made several request in this regard but was just promised next month and next month. How many next months does the municipality of Usakos have? Please don’t say that I run to the media without approaching you first because that is an option that has been exhausted. I can come out in open and prove it. How to you want to bring investment to the people if you can’t do the basics needed to bring the necessary investment.* I WANT to know from the Planning Commission whether the donor money given to Namibia is not meant for the great Kunene? Are we in Kunene not paying taxes that we can’t get an equal share of the NATIONAL CAKE. We are given step child treatment. People in Kunene don’t lose hope we have a great region and God is with us.General * THE Government must do something about housing in Namibia. We are not even two million and still housing is a problem! The houses are too expensive and only the rich can afford and to pay a house for 20 years. The is ridiculous. For example if a person is over 40 years the bank will not approve his/her loan application simply because in 20 years he/she will be past retirement age! So shacks are the only option.* PLEASE! NBC why is there no RUKAVANGO radio service in Otjozondjupa, particularly Otjiwarongo. What is the delay? Remember the majority of farmworkers in this region are Kavango-speaking so we want to listen to our radio service here like every one else. – Alex * I AM a concerned road user of the Oshakati-Omungwelume road. Many accidents and lives have been lost on this road. So dear minister of road we want the road tarred. – Else Oshikuyu * THE veterans got enough, at least those who joined Plan in the early sixties got ten cattle, N$500 pension, houses, ranks, medals etc but what about those who joined in early seventies? Frankly speaking they are the ones who changed the face of the struggle believe me or not. Comrade Nujoma is the one to answer this question.* I AM really tired of hearing people complain about NBC! I’m well travelled and our national broadcaster ain’t bad, neither is One Africa. Namibians just love complaining. Visit the rest of the continent and start counting your blessings, Damnit! * IN Monday’s paper two babies were reported dumped! When are women going to march and demand stiffer punishment or demand for forced sterilisation of such women. They always want a rapist to be castrated! Politics in general * IS it tribalism, dirty politics or what? Why is everything being taken away from the Ondonga areas? First the governor and other top Government officials were hiding behind decentralisation to move all offices to Oshakati and Ongwediva and now they’re stopping the health services at Onandjokwe hospital that is serving the Ndonga area. Please King Kauluma and tate Prime Minister, save us from the Omusati and Ohangwena domination.* DR Sam Nujoma, for how long will you allow the Swapo Regional leadership of the Hardap region to sabotage our party. Will you be happy if another party wins the coming elections. The leadership is only busy enriching themselves.
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