SMSes of the Day : Thursday

SMSes of the Day : Thursday

* IT is unfair to charge interest on outstanding income tax for underpaid employees because they are not responsible for the calculation of the amount payable on income tax. – Public servant

* PARLIAMENT should pass a law that gives investigators of NamPol the right to collect DNA samples from each prisoner or any person arrested for any offence to form a DNA database. This will assist us in solving – in the shortest possible time – cases such as that of the B1 Butcher and others. NamPol should also look for foreign donors to create a computerised database for fingerprints and DNA. Food for thought* BEE must empower the poor black person to become economically self-sustainable. What we see currently is that only the already wealthy black people are benefiting from the BEE policy. Thus the poor black person will NEVER benefit! Change BEE to WBEE! (W=WEALTHY!)* AS a resident of Keetmanshoop, I am fed up with our local council. Management Committee member Brown is concerned about irregularities regarding tenders, but why did nobody say anything when the tarring of this piece of road in Mimosa Street ended in a judgement against the council and the road was not even finished? For the past months gravel roads have not been graded, but this does not bother our councillors: they are more interested in keeping their municipal camps for which they did not even tender! Fellow Keetmanshoopers let us stand up and demand the services that we are paying for! Why are we so complacent? – Fed Up, Keetmanshoop* WHY are the Namibian Police buying a N$27-million Eurocopter when they could buy 10 R44 helicopters for the same price or less or from Russia? The ACC should investigate this waste of taxpayers’ money on a poorly equipped aircraft!* ON page 3 of the September 18 newspaper: the 18-year-old who crudely initiated an abortion needs counselling and education, not punishment. The Government and society at large need to reconsider legalising abortion.To the PM* DEAR Honourable Prime Minister: ‘Safeguarding the Nation’s wealth’ Says the Namfisa slogan. Please tell the nation, on what grounds did this so called guardian of the Nation’s wealth sacrifice N$6 million in public funds? I refer to the well publicised High Court order against Namfisa in favour of Mr Christians and the recent IMF REPORT ON NAMFISA. Honourable Prime Minister, is the Namfisa Board competent to discharge its statutory duties? Is your Finance Minister in charge of her responsibilities towards Namfisa as required by law? Please for once do us proud and see who is in actual command of our Nation’s wealth. How was the CEO of Namfisa appointed by the Finance PS to the position? Please study the IMF REPORT. Namfisa is voiceless when it comes to the wrongs of committed by established financial giants.* I WANT to know from the Prime Minister how many Permanent Secretaries and their deputies or Under Secretaries have been charged with misconduct since independence? Could it be that they are holy cows.Baby dumping* LEGALISE abortion in Namibia. I know of doctors who perform abortion secretly, because it’s illegal. Yes, not everyone can have a baby or can afford it and contraceptives don’t work with everyone either. Condoms can also burst, so legalise it.* TO all the women! Ladies, mothers and sisters, I condemn violence against women! My privilege, to become a father with my first child ever to be born, failed at my age of 38 due to the fact that the womb that carried that precious child was brutally attacked in the fifth month by the very woman who carried it, and it lost its battle to the attacks. I will leave the path of justice, as I do not seek prosecution. The Giver and Taker of life is above us. we all have a conscience that is alive in us. I greet you all who carry wombs.* AS a single mother of six, I truly don’t think dumping or burying babies is a solution. Women use precautions. You are killing and throwing kids away while there is woman you know who can’t get babies? Why not give it to that woman? What has become of the world?* I AM a young lady of 19 years, but I feel pity for those dumping their newborn babies. Oh, women of this country, what is that?* LADIES, I know its really difficult for some people to be alone without a man. But make use of free contraceptives available from State clinics to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies and unwanted babies. Girls, Please condomise and stop throwing away your own babies. – Ombwayanetuntu Environment* NAMIBIAN towns have a reputation for their cleanliness, except for Katima Mulilo and Rundu, but how long can we maintain this status. I even wonder how we achieved this because most of us are litter bugs. Entering Windhoek from Okahandja on 16.09.07 around 17h00 I saw a driver of a very neat VW sedan with a Tsumeb registration number littering the middle of a very neat road, despite rubbish bins at the frequent laybys. I wish I had a camera, I would not have hesitated exposing the ugly bug.* THERE are small black things that drop on our shirts, on top of the cars and even on the interlocks in front of the house in Katutura’s Donkerhoek area. We believe it’s caused by NamPower’s smoke towers at the Van Eck power station. We want to know whether it is not harmful to our children and the society at large.* WE are dying in Donkerhoek because of Swawek – save us! – Warren Rugby blues* CONRADIE, the tickets were allocated to NAMIBIA and NOT to South Africa! Why did you sell them to South Africa and NOT to your OWN people? * DIRK Conradie, you were caught out and it is so easy to blame it on being a black man. Get real, you’re a disgrace to all Namibians!* NAMIBIA qualified three times in a row for the Rugby World Cup under Conradie’s presidency hence it is my considered opinion that he is the best sports administrator this country has produced.* WHEN will the powers that be realise that Dirk Conradie uses the race card as a smoke screen for his mistakes? He has brought the whole country into disrepute at the the highest possible level in sport, and yet he sings the same old song: “the whites are out to get me!” Shame.* TYPICAL jerk reaction from the IRB and clueless as usual – screw the natives!General* I WANT TO know why Nafau paid their president a salary upon his retrenchment at Windhoek Schlachterei? We were all Nafau members, who were retrenched. And why is the General Secretary getting a car allowance while driving a union car. ACC please investigate, it’s members’ money.* LEAVE Mr Paulus Iilonga Kapia alone. He is on his second honeymoon. Thanks to his monthly Swapo Party fat cheque.* I WANT to find out whether Ronnie Kanalelo has a work permit, as we all know that he changed his citizenship at a time when the nation needed him the most. Can Beau Kauta, NFA spokesperson, answer the nation because they are the employers.* WE need trained qualified nurses, who can work with HIV infected people. Some nurses disclose the HIV status of their patients to different people. And this discourages some to go for voluntary testing. There’s no one to be blamed for this virus as we all don’t know its origin. I’ll mention these nurses soon, because complainants are ready to give evidences to the Court of law – Katima Rural Clinics! – Dudu* HAVE you ever heard of Directors and Deputy Directors without relevant qualifications? Come to the Namibian Police force. Some commissioners and deputy commissioners can ot produce Grade 12 certificates. Now tell me is NamPol part of Vision 2030?* NBC National Service’s Open Line presenter for this week is not fit to run the programme as well as slow in reading the news and even unable to pronounce peoples’ names correctly. Please Mr Director do something. We need accuracy, especially at national level. Where is your skills development programme?* WHY does the Employers Federation waste the President’s time with nonsensical letters rather than putting effort into improving conditions of labour in Namibia?* MINISTER of Education, please send out your inspectors to inspect all the so-called private schools at Ondangwa, Oshakati and Ongwediva. Unqualified teachers, improper classrooms and hostels are the order of the day. Please do something. This is just a moneymaking business.From the regions* I AM a student nurse at Onandjokwe health training centre. My concern is about the loans we receive from the Ministry. What is the loan for? We are in September but we haven’t received anything so far. Where are we going to get books from, we’re even starving. Just imagine working three days a week just like an enrolled nurse, who gets paid every month. Imagine working from January till now without the damn so-called loan. The Ministry of Health should do something. Our parents are not millionaires. Those two ministries must act now – the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health. They are just sucking our blood.* TO the Councillor of Olukonda Village. When are we getting our electricity? We have paid for it five to six years ago. Please we want electricity. – Kandy-Lee Shikongo* I WANT to know from the Government what it has done to improve the lives of people of Impalila Island. We use MASCOM of BOTSWANA instead of MTC for communication.* WE have been independent for 17 years now but we still have institutions that have draconian colonial names. I would like to know why Erundu Combined School is still clinging to this name. Yes, that school is named after Erundu Army Base that was in Eenhana, Ohangwena Region. – Lukas* MARIENTAL Municipality – almost all water points are out of order in TAKARANIA. Please do something. We pay for services. We need action.* I WANT to direct this question to Karas Police regional commander. Can you please tell us what criteria you used to promote your members? City debt* ABOUT City debt. What can one expect after Ramatex? This gutless city is quite happy to switch off an honest ratepaying citizen after 30 days, but chickens out when the debtor is a political turkey.* IF they had kept their income rates normal, a couple of million would have been left to help settle the debt. Go on, do the right thing City Fathers! Stop exploiting us for your own corrupt comfort and get the indebted house in order.* LIKE Swakop and Telecom – if you don’t pay, they discontinue the service and you have to pay to reconnect. Who will pay the N$209m debt? Just another rate hike.ACC issues* ACC please stop faxing letters to your informants. We do not want to know who reported which case. Have you ever heard of the term CONFIDENTIALITY?* WHEN I see corruption of the highest order, where can I report it. Please ACC, provide us with an SMS line where we can report crimes. I have more to report. Thank you.B1 Butcher, murder and crime* DEAR Editor, your constant reporting on the B1 Butcher feeds and inspires the killer to continue, because you are making him or her a celebrity!* B1 BUTCHER: I think this person killing women may be a witch doctor of one African country. He needs the body parts of women. He will later start going for the private parts of men. Killing women, cutting them into pieces for doing what? He must be selling some of the parts for business. Namibia, we are in the jaws of a lion.* I THINK that our forensic experts need some assistance perhaps from Scotland Yard? Not doubting their competence, but perhaps a different point of view.* THE criminals found that detectives in Namibia can’t arrest the Butcher so easily, so women must be careful, as the Police can’t help them no more. Government must provide free guns to all women. – NB Education* I AM a jobless BSc electrical engineer. Government tells students to study engineering, but there are no jobs after finishing. Be careful students, this field is saturated!!* OSHANA education support services must get serious with their work. Panel inspection must also comment on positive things and not drag teachers’ names through the mud for promotional purposes. – A.Shilongo A wee matter* ONE wonders at the persistent outcry is against so-called public indecency as if there weren’t enough problems to reflect on. Why all the fuss over when nature beckons? Isn’t the only indecency occurring right there in the mind of the beholder when the so-called transgressor is oblivious to all the fuss? Think about it. -Edwin BFood for thought * BEE must empower the poor black person to become economically self-sustainable. What we see currently is that only the already wealthy black people are benefiting from the BEE policy. Thus the poor black person will NEVER benefit! Change BEE to WBEE! (W=WEALTHY!) * AS a resident of Keetmanshoop, I am fed up with our local council. Management Committee member Brown is concerned about irregularities regarding tenders, but why did nobody say anything when the tarring of this piece of road in Mimosa Street ended in a judgement against the council and the road was not even finished? For the past months gravel roads have not been graded, but this does not bother our councillors: they are more interested in keeping their municipal camps for which they did not even tender! Fellow Keetmanshoopers let us stand up and demand the services that we are paying for! Why are we so complacent? – Fed Up, Keetmanshoop * WHY are the Namibian Police buying a N$27-million Eurocopter when they could buy 10 R44 helicopters for the same price or less or from Russia? The ACC should investigate this waste of taxpayers’ money on a poorly equipped aircraft! * ON page 3 of the September 18 newspaper: the 18-year-old who crudely initiated an abortion needs counselling and education, not punishment. The Government and society at large need to reconsider legalising abortion.To the PM * DEAR Honourable Prime Minister: ‘Safeguarding the Nation’s wealth’ Says the Namfisa slogan. Please tell the nation, on what grounds did this so called guardian of the Nation’s wealth sacrifice N$6 million in public funds? I refer to the well publicised High Court order against Namfisa in favour of Mr Christians and the recent IMF REPORT ON NAMFISA. Honourable Prime Minister, is the Namfisa Board competent to discharge its statutory duties? Is your Finance Minister in charge of her responsibilities towards Namfisa as required by law? Please for once do us proud and see who is in actual command of our Nation’s wealth. How was the CEO of Namfisa appointed by the Finance PS to the position? Please study the IMF REPORT. Namfisa is voiceless when it comes to the wrongs of committed by established financial giants.* I WANT to know from the Prime Minister how many Permanent Secretaries and their deputies or Under Secretaries have been charged with misconduct since independence? Could it be that they are holy cows.Baby dumping * LEGALISE abortion in Namibia. I know of doctors who perform abortion secretly, because it’s illegal. Yes, not everyone can have a baby or can afford it and contraceptives don’t work with everyone either. Condoms can also burst, so legalise it.* TO all the women! Ladies, mothers and sisters, I condemn violence against women! My privilege, to become a father with my first child ever to be born, failed at my age of 38 due to the fact that the womb that carried that precious child was brutally attacked in the fifth month by the very woman who carried it, and it lost its battle to the attacks. I will leave the path of justice, as I do not seek prosecution. The Giver and Taker of life is above us. we all have a conscience that is alive in us. I greet you all who carry wombs.* AS a single mother of six, I truly don’t think dumping or burying babies is a solution. Women use precautions. You are killing and throwing kids away while there is woman you know who can’t get babies? Why not give it to that woman? What has become of the world? * I AM a young lady of 19 years, but I feel pity for those dumping their newborn babies. Oh, women of this country, what is that? * LADIES, I know its really difficult for some people to be alone without a man. But make use of free contraceptives available from State clinics to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies and unwanted babies. Girls, Please condomise and stop throwing away your own babies. – Ombwayanetuntu Environment * NAMIBIAN towns have a reputation for their cleanliness, except for Katima Mulilo and Rundu, but how long can we maintain this status. I even wonder how we achieved this because most of us are litter bugs. Entering Windhoek from Okahandja on 16.09.07 around 17h00 I saw a driver of a very neat VW sedan with a Tsumeb registration number littering the middle of a very neat road, despite rubbish bins at the frequent laybys. I wish I had a camera, I would not have hesitated exposing the ugly bug.* THERE are small black things that drop on our shirts, on top of the cars and even on the interlocks in front of the house in Katutura’s Donkerhoek area. We believe it’s caused by NamPower’s smoke towers at the Van Eck power station. We want to know whether it is not harmful to our children and the society at large.* WE are dying in Donkerhoek because of Swawek – save us! – Warren Rugby blues * CONRADIE, the tickets were allocated to NAMIBIA and NOT to South Africa! Why did you sell them to South Africa and NOT to your OWN people? * DIRK Conradie, you were caught out and it is so easy to blame it on being a black man. Get real, you’re a disgrace to all Namibians! * NAMIBIA qualified three times in a row for the Rugby World Cup under Conradie’s presidency hence it is my considered opinion that he is the best sports administrator this country has produced.* WHEN will the powers that be realise that Dirk Conradie uses the race card as a smoke screen for his mistakes? He has brought the whole country into disrepute at the the highest possible level in sport, and yet he sings the same old song: “the whites are out to get me!” Shame.* TYPICAL jerk reaction from the IRB and clueless as usual – screw the natives! General * I WANT TO know why Nafau paid their president a salary upon his retrenchment at Windhoek Schlachterei? We were all Nafau members, who were retrenched. And why is the General Secretary getting a car allowance while driving a union car. ACC please investigate, it’s members’ money.* LEAVE Mr Paulus Iilonga Kapia alone. He is on his second honeymoon. Thanks to his monthly Swapo Party fat cheque.* I WANT to find out whether Ronnie Kanalelo has a work permit, as we all know that he changed his citizenship at a time when the nation needed him the most. Can Beau Kauta, NFA spokesperson, answer the nation because they are the employers.* WE need trained qualified nurses, who can work with HIV infected people. Some nurses disclose the HIV status of their patients to different people. And this discourages some to go for voluntary testing. There’s no one to be blamed for this virus as we all don’t know its origin. I’ll mention these nurses soon, because complainants are ready to give evidences to the Court of law – Katima Rural Clinics! – Dudu * HAVE you ever heard of Directors and Deputy Directors without relevant qualifications? Come to the Namibian Police force. Some commissioners and deputy commissioners can ot produce Grade 12 certificates. Now tell me is NamPol part of Vision 2030? * NBC National Service’s Open Line presenter for this week is not fit to run the programme as well as slow in reading the news and even unable to pronounce peoples’ names correctly. Please Mr Director do something. We need accuracy, especially at national level. Where is your skills development programme? * WHY does the Employers Federation waste the President’s time with nonsensical letters rather than putting effort into improving conditions of labour in Namibia? * MINISTER of Education, please send out your inspectors to inspect all the so-called private schools at Ondangwa, Oshakati and Ongwediva. Unqualified teachers, improper classrooms and hostels are the order of the day. Please do something. This is just a moneymaking business.From the regions * I AM a student nurse at Onandjokwe health training centre. My concern is about the loans we receive from the Ministry. What is the loan for? We are in September but we haven’t received anything so far. Where are we going to get books from, we’re even starving. Just imagine working three days a week just like an enrolled nurse, who gets paid every month. Imagine working from January till now without the damn so-called loan. The Ministry of Health should do something. Our parents are not millionaires. Those two ministries must act now – the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health. They are just sucking our blood.* TO the Councillor of Olukonda Village. When are we getting our electricity? We have paid for it five to six years ago. Please we want electricity. – Kandy-Lee Shikongo * I WANT to know from the Government what it has done to improve the lives of people of Impalila Island. We use MASCOM of BOTSWANA instead of MTC for communication.* WE have been independent for 17 years now but we still have institutions that have draconian colonial names. I would like to know why Erundu Combined School is still clinging to this name. Yes, that school is named after Erundu Army Base that was in Eenhana, Ohangwena Region. – Lukas * MARIENTAL Municipality – almost all water points are out of order in TAKARANIA. Please do something. We pay for services. We need action.* I WANT to direct this question to Karas Police regional commander. Can you please tell us what criteria you used to promote your members? City debt * ABOUT City debt. What can one expect after Ramatex? This gutless city is quite happy to switch off an honest ratepaying citizen after 30 days, but chickens out when the debtor is a political turkey.* IF they had kept their income rates normal, a couple of million would have been left to help settle the debt. Go on, do the right thing City Fathers! Stop exploiting us for your own corrupt comfort and get the indebted house in order.* LIKE Swakop and Telecom – if you don’t pay, they discontinue the service and you have to pay to reconnect. Who will pay the N$209m debt? Just another rate hike.ACC issues * ACC please stop faxing letters to your informants. We do not want to know who reported which case. Have you ever heard of the term CONFIDENTIALITY? * WHEN I see corruption of the highest order, where can I report it. Please ACC, provide us with an SMS line where we can report crimes. I have more to report. Thank you.B1 Butcher, murder and crime * DEAR Editor, your constant reporting on the B1 Butcher feeds and inspires the killer to continue, because you are making him or her a celebrity! * B1 BUTCHER: I think this person killing women may be a witch doctor of one African country. He needs the body parts of women. He will later start going for the private parts of men. Killing women, cutting them into pieces for doing what? He must be selling some of the parts for business. Namibia, we are in the jaws of a lion.* I THINK that our forensic experts need some assistance perhaps from Scotland Yard? Not doubting their competence, but perhaps a different point of view.* THE criminals found that detectives in Namibia can’t arrest the Butcher so easily, so women must be careful, as the Police can’t help them no more. Government must provide free guns to all women. – NB Education * I AM a jobless BSc electrical engineer. Government tells students to study engineering, but there are no jobs after finishing. Be careful students, this field is saturated!! * OSHANA education support services must get serious with their work. Panel inspection must also comment on positive things and not drag teachers’ names through the mud for promotional purposes. – A.Shilongo A wee matter * ONE wonders at the persistent outcry is against so-called public indecency as if there weren’t enough problems to reflect on. Why all the fuss over when nature beckons? Isn’t the only indecency occurring right there in the mind of the beholder when the so-called transgressor is oblivious to all the fuss? Think about it. -Edwin B

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